(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

babysmurf, oic, i only guessing. Do take care n bed rest well. As long your baobei n cervix are ok then it's fine.
went to the philips sale and bought the 4-in 1 sterilizer bundle set at $162, seems like a good deal as it comes with lunch set, bottle, straw drinking bottle and a pacifier
Babysmurf, good to hear u're fine. Rest well and stay positive!

znatasha, you got bitten by the shopping bug too eh?
Luv, thanks. Aiyo, so many different new terms to learn!

Babysmurf, glad to know all is well. Continue to rest well and don't exert too much.
Morning ladies: today is my 4th day in hospital. This morning dr change to proluton jab but still have staining when I wipe. Still in red. Arrgh when going away.

Dr tan jab is more for prevent pre delivery. N I will be taking weekly. There go my butt.
Hi Babysmurf, hang in there. Be strong. And don't get up of bed unnecessarily, try to lie down most of time and not sit up on bed too.
Hi Luv, haha. My hb think it's a good buy lor... That's the 1st item we purchased for bb. The next item will be the stroller/pram. Will be "inheriting" quite a number of items from friends and relative...
But my friend said not necessary to buy the sterilizer...hmm don't know it'll be an white elephant or not...
Ladies, do you feel tired and sleepy in 2nd trimester? Not too sure if it's not enough bu? I stopped bu for abt 10days and find that I'm always so tired.
Znatasha, maybe u din bu enough. Cos I also felt that when I m in 2nd trimester. Act for 2nd trimester, should be more energetic. Now I m always v tired in my 3rd trimester. So I still continue to bu a bit. R u still working part time?

Baby smurf, hang in there, guess it takes some time to stop the bleeding. Jia You!
Hi ladies, I just lost my little one at 7w last night. Any advice on what I should do to 'tiao' my body and when to try again? Was on the verge of resorting to ivf but strike naturally. In the end, still didn't get to keep it. Sighs...
Babysmurf, jiayou and rest well.

Znatasha, the steriliser will be used to sterilise the bottles and your pump parts. Unless you decided to use hot water to sterilise else wont be white elephant.

Miloqueen, hugz. Do a miniconfinement for 2 weeks. Take this 2 weeks to bu your health back and tiao body well as old pple believe a confinement can do the changes. So do a good one. Keep your body warm too. Then once your next af reports, you can start try naturally. If plan ivf then wait for 2 af cycles. Most imptly rest well. Time will heal.
Miloqueen, sorry to hear that.
Do a miniconfinement as mentioned by reikibaby.
Eat warming food with ginger and sesame oil and black fungus, and also with rice wine, chicken to bu back your health. N also herbs like dang gui and longan red dates tea for the whole 2 weeks.
Many thanks ladies for the advice and encouragement. Just followed up w my own gynae and thank God that the uterus is clean after the loss and there is no need to do d&c for now. Got to move on to break the news to parents and in-laws now. Will brace myself and recover from this touch patch quickly.
the steriliser is the most used item for me, even until now i'm still sterilising for my girl even tho not needed cos it's just so convenient to use.

sorry about what happened... do rest well and tiao your body.
Am sorry about wat happened. I really hope you dun take things too lightly and take care of your health because I didnt and eventually a few months till about a year later I still feel the effect of not taking good care of myself then...

Rest well, happy thots and stay healthy!
i'm starting the tmc pre-natal lesson this wk. i remembered some ladies mentioned it's good to sit at the back of room where we can rest our back. is it for this or some other lessons?
znatasha, i bought 1 set of the sterilser too! and also 2 extra bottles & a warmer although i have no faintest idea y i did lor! hahahaaaa....
Chevy, first 3 lessons better go earlier to get back seat.

Sade - your next appt is it 3 weeks later or 2 weeks? I thot third trimester supposed to be 2 weeks apart but I was given 3 weeks.
Miloqueen, mini confinement means all same as confinement but oni 2weeks. If u realli need bathe then get the herbal sachet. Drink oni red dates tea. Eat all the confinement food. Cos this is the best time to bu n warm your body as your body is now weak.

Chevy, how much is the warmer.?
Whiteclover I m going for my appt week. Will update u aft that. Think he will also suggest 3weeks later. Guess we have package n he don't want us to jam his schedule. ;-) maybe cansuggest to Dr loh if u wan closer appt.
Went chk my receipt. I got frm robinson sale. So abt $57. Is it very pack at the sale? Are the bottles also on sale? Nxt time ca stock up. Was told must change bottles every 6months....
MiloQueen, sorry to hear abt what's happened. Rest well and take care! Do a mini confinement like the other ladies say.

znatasha, why no need to buy steriliser? How did ur fren sterilise her baby's bottles etc then? I used my steriliser over a year or maybe two (can't remember) previously.

eskimo, I couldn't resist. Ended up getting the Avent steamer blender too, heheh... but it's a preloved one in good condition still at a cheaper price.

Reiki, I din really change my bottles previously leh. Used for a long time, but of course if can change, better.
Reikibaby, yepz I bought it from philips carnival. it's so crowded n warm lor! I can c quite a number of preggies buying bb stuffs

Yes, bottles are also on sales. Bought twin pack 260ml for $18(i thk).
Miloqueen, sorry to hear about your lost. Do take care of your health. It's a good idea to go back to the TCM doctor to tiao your body back.
Luv that's good news!

Whiteclover my last visit to Dr loh is 4weeks back even longer. Let me calculate my balance n see if I should request for 3weeks or 2weeks visit.
Sade I didn't coz when I can sign the package it's already like week 20. Oh week 31, that's fast! Are you going for the strep B test?

Chevy when are you going for the class? I'm going this week also Hee.
Hello ladies, long time didn't long in. Hope all are doing well..

Babysmurf, how r u now? Has the spotting stopped?

I had my growth scan yday. All went well. But sonographer said I have a low lying placenta, which is 3cm to cervix. When I asked dr, he didn't seem too worried abt it. But when I read online, it seems not too good. Anyone with a similar situation?
