(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Psp: if feel uncomfortable then don't take. Most important is you must be happy. Ur baobei can feel u. Didn't u take any anti ms pill? Or u can try to ask ur Tcm to reduce ur dosage.

Me is with TSB. Hers need to brew I take every 2 days n rest for 2days.
Koric, my edd was calculated to be 20/3/13 but last scan show edd to be 25/3/13.Oh, have you managed to know the gender of your baby yet? Mine crossed-leg and block the view, still unknown...

My doctor prescribed me with Obmin, organic milk calcium, and the Belvea DHA (made from fish oil) supplements.

I think you may be able to get free anmum samples from the fair. I got mine from the previous fair. Only anmum samples are not available in my doctor's clinic.

PSP, my TCM doctor said don't have to see him after week 8, and I stopped the TCM medication then.
Koric,do you have other symptons in 2nd trimester?
I keep having ear blockage. Sometimes my tummy feel so tight/bloated and have occasional cramps at lower abdomen. Doctor asked me to rest as much as possible and gave me long MC, as my placenta is low-lying. Hopefully, it'll moved up soon.
Babysmurf: No i didnt contact my TCM. I just stopped yesterday. Im not taking any anti ms pills too. Very strange, last 2 weeks, i was still hving ms but now no more. Even my acid reflux has been stopped.

Apparently i heard from doctor and Dr Zou, that if ms and symptoms mean baby is growing. Only feeling stomach cramp.

Im currently at my 7ww. Dont know what to do.
Psp, my doc also told me not to take TCM leh.

Znatasha, my scan is next Wed so I guess I will know then. My doc also gave me Obimin and calcium tablet. But no DHA leh...

My only symptom is stuffy nose lor. I also feel tightness in the tummy and occasional cramps too. Now I have leg cramps at night.

My placenta was also low during the last scan but doctor didn't give me MC leh. Let's see how it goes next week.
I haven't felt much movements today. Don't know if it's because I'm busy.

Btw, my boobs still hurt. When will it stop hurting?
PSP, I didn't take TCM after BFP cos like u, I threw up the medicine anyway. Since couldn't continue, might as well stop. So long as you take ur folic acid in 1st tri and rest well, shld be fine. Dun worry too much abt the presence or lack of MS...
Ladies, have you all heard that we're not supposed to eat too much yellow-based stuff like potatoes, papayas, mangoes cos that will lead to jaundice in new born? Is it true?
Koirc, i was told not to take much carrot, papaya, curry to avoid jaundice. Never heard of mango and potato.
Anyway my boobs still hurting... and as for movement... looks like i need be more observant. Seems like most of u are feeling it.....
Hmm... never heard of that leh... I know carrots is more of a certain vitamin (is it Vitamin A?) that's not good in high doses.
Papaya can only eat ripe ones cos unripe papayas have a certain content that will cause contractions.
If curry causes jaundice than every indian baby would have it la.. So I think that's not true.

I eat mango at least twice a week too..
Reikibaby, how many weeks are you now? Sorry if I've asked before... :S

Luv, ya, I also heard of carrot cos of vitamin A so I try to avoid but sometimes no choice. I think I bit won't do any harm... eh... right?

BabyGalore, hahaha... Ya, it does sound funny. I also eat mangoes very often. Was told mangoes are rich in vitamin C. But someone just told me today to avoid! I think 3rd tri starts on week 28 right?
Babygalore, T3 starts from W28.

What tcm told me was to avoid banana and papaya. Most bananas are liang and papaya may cause uterus to shrink which can harm baby. I suppose eating in moderation is fine but to play safe maybe avoid during T1.
Can't help but be puzzled by some of ur comments. If u look carefully at the multi vit that u take in tri 2 onwards it contains vit A too. If u r diligent in taking ur vit, wouldn't it be better that u get ur nutrients from natural sources instead?

Papaya n carrots can take, just not the unripe papayas used in Thai salads or preserved ones. Bananas also can take but not the del monte type. Mangoes n grapes taken occasionally is good too. I believe in eating in moderation of everything rather than be restrictive.
Psp: don't worry u will be having ur dr review soon right. Whether to take Tcm or not is up to your own comfortable. I also brew my Tcm when I have mood like 2 -3days then once. Jia you I also so tired n sleepy in the day. Counting down to my next dr review. Then will be into my 2nd tri. Heehee
Ya I agree with eskimobaby. Everything eat in moderation shd be ok. My fren who can't take milk due to lactose intolerance have birth to a 4.2 kg baby . Just eat healthy and be happy . My doc always said dun worry when I complaint to her abt the symptons.
Ladies: everything take moderately. Like one of my nephew, no jaundice but mum think pumpkin is gd so every few days let him eat pumpkin or even papaya. End up he look like jaundice baby even at 1yrs. Actually it become his pigment in his skin become yellow. He has to stop eat for a few mths to let the yellow pigment go off.
Thats is why i say not to take too much. Even for adults, when i take too much carrot juice, my beautician will comment that my skin seems yellow. Perhaps it is like what babysmurf mentioned. May not be jaundice but yellow pigment.

Anyway every bb is precious, even if i have to avoid particular food for the 9mths cos of what old pple say, i dun see any harm in doing so. If it is not unreasonable, i would probably choose to believe than to risk.
Ya, everything in moderation but our bb is precious so to each her own.

So Reikibaby, you, me and Znatasha are in the same week!

It looks like it's going to rain at my place. I don't know what to eat for dinner. So lazy to go out and buy...
Yes, the nose will also appear yellow if give too much pumpkin, carrots or papaya. Usually it's a sign to reduce intake. But a lack of vit A will also lead to night blindness so moderation is the key bah.

I'm just saying that being restrictive has its danger too cos lack of certain nutrients can also cause defects in baby so can't just rely on vit pills.
Hi, for tml Robinson pte sale, those member w invitation can bring 3 guests in. Then member w/o invitation, can also bring 3guests? Anyone know?
My sudden crazy thought Maybe we can take all these in 1st n 2nd tri. 3rd trimester we eat white color stuff like milk, soya drink n near to delivery coconut water heehee make our baobei fair n white.
Babysmurf, emu as in the bird??
Can try Topicrem (used b4, not too oily), Elancyl (using now), or some ladies say Clarins is good.
Babysmurf I also have this crazy thought. Now I m in week 29, I started to avoid all dark stuffs such as dark soya sauce, n eat more white stuffs. Haha. I also ate mango n carrots in my 2nd trimester. I ate quite a lot of carrots at one serving. Cos I cooked mushroom carrot soup. My favourite! As what whiteclover had said, carrots is ok since it's plant based vit A.
But now I avoid it. But still eating curry. ;-)
I heard that have to eat less ginger now. Don't know how true it is.
Babysmurf, maybe you have a point. Cos baby skin is still transparent at week 18-19 right? So eat more white stuff as the skin color starts to form so that baby will be fairer?

Btw, I use Clarins for stretch marks.

Sade, I hardly eat ginger these days. Not because I deliberately avoid but my taste buds seem to have changed. I take ginger tea only about once a week now.

I eat a lot of curry, laksa, chilli. So my baby will become red? Lol.

Philips sales on 17 to 18 Nov. 9am to 6pm. Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd 620A Lorong 1 Toa Payoh. Happy shopping!
Ladies, just wonder anyone gets headache after drinking powdered milk? I am not sure if it's too heaty for me as I get headache even though I drink on alternate days.
Anyone when for the private sales at Robinson yesterday? Any good deals?
I am so forgetful I thought its today, so I missed it yesterday.
Just wondering is it normal for pregnant lady to be forgetful? I don't only forget about the Robinson Private Sales and also forget to bring my purse to work today. So, I happily take cab to work and realise have no money to pay the taxi uncle when alighting. So, embarrasing, lol....no choice has to lend money from my colleague first.
I am not this forgetful. Just wondering what's wrong with me today.
Reikibaby, pardon my ignorance. If you get the sterilizer, must you get the same brand bottles too?
Kittykatty, i checked the website. The sale is on 8th. Thats today.

Koirc, i read that for pigeon steriliser, need not get same brand. Actually im not sure abt others but frens told me avent also no need. Hmmmm
koirc - i luv my curry and laksa and especially lontong too. yum yum. if anyone going robinsons, can check for me wat's the discount for fit flops and ameda pump
Kittykatty I received mailer for today private sales. But I don't think I m going. Guess its pregnancy hormones that made us forgetful.

Think can still go if no invitation card as long u have Robinson card.

Koirc guess its a baby boy. Cos I ever Heard an aunt saying that if the belly button is out, then its a boy. Don't know How true, cos for me, its in and its bb girl.
Sade, we shall see next week. But a lot of people are guessing I'll have a girl. Cos I look the same except for bigger boobs and tummy!

Btw, can someone tell me where is the warehouse that sell bb clothes in Waterloo St? I'm heading to Bugis for lunch now.
reikibaby, u went to the sales alrdy? Hmmm, is the pump still available? Just kpo only.

whiteclover, is it? Its true for me lor, cos my belly button is in and v flat in front and i am having a round tummy.
I didn't get to go to the wholesale place. It was raining. And I got hit by the MRT gantry! :'( Got a shock. Hope my baby is ok from the shock.
