(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Sade, Dian Tang: I am also snake too. Hubby is also snake and my baby will be snake too
heyall, the flu bug + throat infection finally caught up wif me and was down since sat.... luckily am feeling so much beta today

hope u all MTBs are well & happy!
Lil Ponyo: mine was opp of urs . My face become oily and got pimples now . Hair also become oily easily . I have already changed my moisturer to less oily based type . I usu wake up at three am and I just drink 3 in 1 cereal and another 3 times to pee .

Kitty :
Dian tang, so u are giving birth to a snake baby!
How exciting!

Anyone used lucky baby car seat before? Any reviews?
Kittykatty, you n your hubby are snake too! N giving birth to snake baby! Even more exciting! Snake family!

Chevy, eat more fruits and drink more water. Seems like lots of infection around.
sade, most of us here wld have Snake babies bah since the window period for Dragon baby next year is so small.

PSP, if chips are the only thing that will stay down, then no harm taking some.

MofMM, I had very dry and itchy skin on my lower legs earlier on. Now somewhat better liao but still gets dry quite easily. Think it's caused by hormonal changes.
Luv yup I know. Mostly snakes babies, but dian tang n kitty katty are snake too. So That's y I mention it. :)

PSP can eat chips moderately..me also ate chips n fries during first trimester.. n also.lot of junk food. Haha. But balance it with fruits n veggies.
Hi all, just saw dr loh. Managed scan my bb sac. Now 5w3d. However, dr loh said there is a blood clot near the sac... Which is not safe...he gave me some medicine to support.. So worrying
hope4baby, dun worry yourself out... All we can do now is to rest well and take care of ourselves. I also had some blood near my sac in my previous pregnancy. I had some brown spotting in my Week 5+, went to check and saw that the blood near the sac had gone. Believe in your case the clot will resolve itself too.
So nice to see many of you around my age group. I don't feel so alone anymore :D

Just wanted to know though. Do any of you wake up every 2 to 3 hours during the night?

I seem to be waking up every 2 - 3 hours during the night until it's wake up time and that makes me really lethargic through out the day. Anyone else experiencing this as well?

How about cramps? Anyone experiencing regular cramps on right side? Not severe though, just some pulling feel. Doc said it was normal due to the "re sizing" of my uterus. Well, I am happy to say I do not have any cravings or MS, unless it's too early? Is it?

How fast did u ladies get released to a regular clinic? For those attached to KK. At my 6th week, I was seen by KKIVF. Doc said all good, then released me to Clinic C for all my future appointments and made an appt for me a month later from my 6th week. Were you ladies looked after by KKIVF for a while longer?
I'm so confused... My detailed scan says I'm having a boy. But today scan by dr, he thinks it's a girl. It's not my usual dr as he is away on conference. Can it happen? Hmmmm
Psp: maybe u can eat healthy tibit like baked chips or nuts . I try to keep my tibit intake low as junk foods will put weight to our hips instead of baby . But once a while I still crave for burgers

My DH was a rat ,so my house is 一窝
BabyG, just ask ur usual doc to check again next scan? Perhaps the doc today cldn't see anything cos of position so just say it's a girl based on that. Detailed scan shld be more accurate I'd think?
Ohi76: u so fast release to clinic c. Now after IVF there is 1 review with the dr. Then they release u to Gynea. I sticking back to dr tan HH as my Gynea. So will be under private. Under u choose subsisted rate, they release u to clinic c.
Ohi76, during first trimester I was like that too, woke up n can't get back to sleep... or woke up to pee every 2-3hrs. Ever sin bfp, I always wake up to pee till now. Guess its preparing us for our bb future night feeds. I nv sleep thru sin bfp. Its really make me tired during working.
N also I always feel pain on either left or right side. Its due to stretching pain. As long no cramping or bleeding then its most probably due to uterus stretching.
Dian_tang, oh wow! Let's jiayou together!

I am feeling very tired these two days. Work is becoming more stressful for me. And I have no energy when I get home.
I had sudden bleeding this afternoon. Was so scared. Rush to my doctor. he said BB ok just that my placenta is a bit low so if i walk a lot may cause abrasion and rupture the blood vessel. Ordered me to bedrest.
Znatasha, do have more bed rest now. Don't over walk or carry heavy stuffs. It's scary to see red. Take care, maybe u shouldn't work part time sin u have slightly low placenta.

Luv, maybe do some stretching exercise so that u won't feel so bad.
znatasha, good to hear that BB is okay. What a scare. Yes, please rest more.

This afternoon, I'm going for my 2nd scan (we just need our 1st scan last week). Hope everything is okay. Finding it hard to focus at work. Looking at spreadsheets and little numbers is making me queasy. Don't know how leh...
Lil, possible to ask for hl from your gynae so that u can rest at home, or u can take 2-4weeks leave n stay at home so that u can rest more.
Sade, I am kicking myself for not getting the ameda pump during the robinsons sale.

Now heard that the medela pump in advanced going to be discontinued. So servicing and spare parts will be a prob after warranty period.
Znatasha, glad you're well.

Psp, I think can eat nasi lemak lah. I had nasi lemak too. Just eat everything in moderation.

Btw ladies, my scan is in 3 weeks. This wait is killing me!!!
hope4baby, dun worry. Everything will be fine

Znatasha, perhaps you should just rest at home. Too precious to risk gg to work.

Lil, as what sade mention, mayb you request for HL to rest at home. Esp when MS is crawling in...it will be difficult to work. Hugz

Whiteclover, you bought the pump, thimk there should be another robinson sale again. Cos my friend was telling me they come every 3 mths. I'm looking at xmas shopping sale!!! Heee
Psp, them you must see if your tummy can take coconut anot. Cos the rice has coconut right? Personally i dun take cos i dun want get a tummy upset from the coconut rice.
Whiteclover, guess u have to wait for next sales or buy the spare parts in adv for medela. Still have 3 months right?
I went for Mrs. Wong class yesterday and she was having sore throat hence Mrs. Chong took over.
She is more attentive than Mrs. Wong as she walked around to check if we did the exercise correctly.
Thanks, Sade & Reiki
I'm going to take the rest of the week off now and see how I go. Later when I see the doctor I'm going to ask him about my support medicine and if they are causing some of my discomfort. Right now, I'm taking Progynova, Duphaston & inserting Utrogestan.

Psp, now that you mentioned nasi lemak, I feel like eating! Ha ha!
Hi Dian Tang, for me, my scan will be every 2 weeks from today until the 2nd trimester. I've made my appts with doctor all the way till Dec already.
Dian_tang, it should be every month after week 12.

Ladies, I have kinda resolved my CL issue. Now I have 3 I don't know which one to choose. Can you all advise:

1. Very experienced Singaporean. She will go shopping with you to buy the herbs you need for confinement. Cooks pretty well. But she's already 70 years old.

2. Also experienced. Malaysian. But she can only do for two weeks and then she will get a replacement.

3. Malaysian. She has laid the ground rules with me. And said I have to apply temp permit for her if she can't get the 30-day social pass. Was told her cooking is not fantastic.
Reikibaby, I hope so too that there will be another private sale.

Sade- r the exercises the same as lesson 1?

Koirc - i will go for 1 or 3. For 1, age is the big issue. Have u met her before? Got to see if she is agile to look after baby for long period? And if she needs to do housework for u and baby.
Whiteclover, abt the same as taught by different person, as mrs chong din know what kind of exercise mrs Wong had taught. And also for 4th lesson, its to be held at singapore girls school instead and abt 300plus ppl attending.
Hmmm, felt slightly overrated for mrs Wong class.
With that money, I can buy more books and read it.
Koirc: I prefer no 1 but age is a prob .. Too old .

My last scan was 4 weeks ago . Going one soon . A bit long ...
Thanks koirc and lil Ponyo . How was ur scan , Lil?
It had been a long time since I last log in to this chat forum. A lot of unfamiliar names here which is good coz it means more n more mummies are realizing their dreams

Anyway, would like to chk if there any mummies here who ivf / FT for both # 1 & 2 ? N under which Dr ?

Thanks in advance for any valuable info shared.
Dian tang don't worry as long u don't feel sick then no pro. Just that some gynae are more ks than other bah.
That's y more frequent scanning.
But normally is 4weeks. Just that we wen thru ivf hence once fortnightly.
