(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

I din drink longan and red dates tea. Just started this week.
Din know that red dates can be du. Maybe just don't put too much.

Hi tutu welcome onboard
I'm in my first trimester too.
Agreed the 2ww to see baby heartbeat is a long wait but it's worth it when you see it, it's like so magical hehe

Bbshower, so you will have 2 appt(scan n see doc at clinic C) each time? Cos they only give me appt at clinic C on my week 11 n Oscar scan at AMC 1 week later.
Ewea initially I was with Dr Matthew lau so he actually arrange for me to cm bk 3weeks later after 1st appt. So upcoming 2nd appt the nurse sechedule my appt at clinic C n scan first at AMC then proceed to c gynae.
Tutu, I got mine from zheng zhong ping. Those from more establish medical hall shld have better grade. I got those normal red dates without seed so that can eaten more easily.
Sorry, havent log on for quite some time.

Joyfully, pls be strong and stay positive. Have u made another appt to see a dr? Do it asap.

Tutu, congrats on ur bfp. Pls put away your neg thoughts.. Stay zen.. 2wks would go past soon and u would hear your bb's hb.

Have a gd sunday everybody..
i still bled while on duphaston earlier in the pregnancy. there's no hard n fast rules when it comes to pregnancy, works differently for different people, even for the same person, the 2 pregnancies she had may be entirely different from each other. In pregnancy, we can plan n worry so much but truly at the endof the day things are not in our control, that's the power of nature. So instead of worrying of things not within your control, enjoy your pregnancy n look on the positive side of things. Your baby can feel it too

First time mummies, if you are keen in reading, can try this book, what to expect when you are expecting. it gives you a month by month analysis of what to expect for your pregnancy. Quite an easy read n don't have to read the whole book at one go. it has helped me explain some of the body changes i went thru during my first pregnancy which i was unsure of.
Hi all!!

I am new here! Just did blood test on Friday beta hcg 298. Nurse say confirmed !
But I have OHSS and my bloatedness and water retention still haven go away! Also have been running to toilet quite often to poo poo, especially late nights and early morning. Any one having the same???
Thanks white lover, the skin are link was awesome! Thanks for the words of encouragement n reminder to stay positive, I was negative in my 2ww during IVF so I have to do it differently this time!

Thanks joyfully - hope we hear gd updates from u soon..

Thanks eskimobb, kkigal,bbgalore, ewae and anyone i might have missed for the advice n support !

Welcome fat chicken, when was your ET? Think we are the only 2 waiting for heartbeat
Tutu, some ladies continued with an tai yao after BFP. You can try too if u want. Acu may not be so suitable. Can check with ur TCM doc.
Hi tutu, which tcm dr r u seeing? I am still taking antaiyao from dr tan siew boey. Don't think tcm dr will dare to do acupuncture on preggies.
Whiteclover, I'm seeing Zhong Di Ming from EYS. I heard Chinese herbs are not advisable during 1st trimester but I really think Tcm helped me bfp so not feeling comfy I'm stopping it now...
Tutu, can just continue with the 5mg folic acid if u have. Or if not, actually 400mcg a day is sufficient if u or family have no history of spinal defects.
Luv, my prenatal fits contain 800mcg but dr Loh prescribed me 5mg tablet. I'm not sure if I should take both or just the prenatal vit? No family history....
Tutu, my ET was done on 28 July! After mt ET I have not seen my gynae...all bloood test and progesterone shot all done by the nurse. So feeling very unreal... Dunno any problem or not.
I put on 3kg during my 2ww... I dunno if my water retention will be better... Going back to work tml... Sigh so fat now!
I seen Tcm before I went for my ivf session... So dunno should I go back Tcm to an tai?
Tutu, do you need to go back and take progesterone jab twice a week??
Fat chicken, I think we are only days apart! I had a failed fresh IVF in may but bfp naturally while preparing myself for fet planned for sep
I'm on 2x duphaston a day. Not sure abt my progesterone level...
Tutu, same here. But I'm still continuing to take both separately. Will ask my doc during my next visit. From what i hear, the excess will be flushed out in our urine anyway. So shld be okay.
Tutu, what is fet??

After reading the previous thread saw some of you experience spotting... Feel quite worried...
Any sign before spotting? What is there to look out for?
Babygalore, thanks! Will call to make an appt with another gynae tomorrow.

Tutu, thanks! Hope to be able to post gd news after my next gynae visit. U must stay positive too ya!
Luv, I have stopped taking utro n crinone inserts since fri. Have been feeling very nauseous and experiencing slight cramps for these 2 days. Really hope it is misjudgement on Dr P's part. Am thinking of calling Dr Adrian Tan clinic tomorrow. Thanks dear!
Joyfully, do try to ask for an urgent appt with Dr Tan. Hope you receive good news from him! I'm going down to the clinic tmw too to see my doc. Maybe I'll bump into you.

Btw, sometimes the clinic staff are busy and don't pick up the phone in time. Just gotta keep dialing. Good luck!
Fat chicken, fet is frozen embryo transfer.

Joyfully, thanks for your encouragement. Pls stay strong too.

Luv, maybe I will take both too.

I'm in week 5,
Can I take fish oil? If so which brand?
Can I take black chic soup with red dates n goji?
Can I take cordyceps?
Hey buddies, I read that walnuts are gd for us n i had "he Tao hu" for the 1st time. It was yummy! A gd warm dessert for us ;)
Hi tutu normally for first trimester, gynae only suggests to take folic acid. Even for prenatal vitamins n fish oil, gynae will only advise to start from week 12. Reason due to ms. For me nt much ms gynae also advise to start from week 12.

As for black chicken soup n cordyceps, normally start in 2nd trimester too. Now can drink moderately. Maybe once every 2 weeks or so. Guess pure homemade chicken essence is better for first trimester.
Tutu, few herbs that must be avoided-
1) Ginseng
2) Dan gui
3) Bazhen

When eating outside, when in doubt, ask the cook if got put herbs as they may add some into gravy fro flavor.

Eg, I was taking this duck porridge regularly in first trimester and I only found out recently that they add dangui inside the sauce.
Even some bak ku teh soup has dan gui in it.

Tutu I m also with Dr loh. Can see thAt u r v excited and anxious. Do have a balance diet, fruits n veggies n meats. Sleep early n rest well. Those are equally important. Not necessary to take so much tonics n vitamins now. Cos bb is forming now.

As for tcm, depends on individual. If u took it before bfp, then should be ok.
Thanks whiteclover n sade! yes, doing my best to keep the preg going strong. This is my 1st so am pretty clueless, i just realised i have my follow up tcm appt booked for tomorrow 3 weeks ago, so i might as well go n see wat she has to suggest. Thanks again! 10 more days to hearing bb hb, finger crossed..
Just came back fm kkh 24hr clinic..woke up n having red bleeding

Fat chicken, congrats n welcome here

Joyfully, have u seen doc? Hope everything is well
ewea, did u do any scans? Hope u got a jab and bleeding has stopped. How many weeks are u now btw? Rest well!

Joyfully, keep us posted when u can? All the best!
Thks chevy n luv, got a jab n heard baby heartbeat. Fm scan is still 6w4d same as last fri..really hope bleeding stop soon n baby grow well.
Hi Ewea did u finish Dr zou tcm? Hope the bleeding stops soon. Bed rest. Did doc mention why u bled?
Sade, actually stop Tcm since I warded then I took once on thur n yesterday. The doc treat bleeding like nothing lor, she said since got heartbeat 90% safe. So just give me a jab n 2day mc. So worried when I feel something flow out when I woke up to toilet, thought last week spotting very light brown should be stopping soon but..haiz
Ewea, don't worry too much. at least she gave u a jab. ya luv is right, should have be given at least 1 week of HL/MC. Cos now u r bleeding.
Be extra careful now.
Congrats and welcome fat chicken & tutu.

I'm also on an tai med now. Took tcm before bfp so decided to continue. Someone ask about accu after bfp? I'm with Dr Zhao from raffles so sometimes when she feels my pulse no good or face color no good she will accu me. However she say no accu better but if no good then hv to help the qi and blood to circulate and accu will be necessary.
Joyfully, all the best to you. Jia you.

Ewea, you can actually request for longer MC/HL. They will normally give, no reasons to reject you. Take care and rest well.

Kiki gal, do u feel any pulling pain during week 16-17? Do you feel hungry easily?

I have some pulling pain on and off and feel very hungry easily. Pls let me know if i m normal. Haha.
