(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Sade, I did experience pulling pain now and then. I guess it's normal bah due to bb moving ard and womb expanding. As for hunger, I normally will feel hungry in middle of the night cos I eat quite little during dinner. But it's common to feel hungry from my other gf experience.

hi, have started the google docs to start the ball rolling. pls feel free to update and add any sheets that is relevant. i think it will only be useful if we all add little nibbets of what we know in

here's the link:

sade - do u have the excel sheet for the edd? tried to paste from the thread, but cannot. can u paste inside the edd tab?
whiteclover, i don't know how to upload the link. i had alrdy make changes to the edd.

can you taught me?

Thanks for your great input.
Kiki_gal, was relieved to hear that from you. Thanks.

I think it's normal but just want some reassurance from you.
Ewea, pls get more days of mc or hl. They will give. U def need more than 2 days of rest.

Kiki & Joanne, I also went for healing and stopped a month ago. R u still continuing ? I plan to go but feel tired traveling.
Kiki - when Lao shi told me there's a lady whose edd is 13/1/13. I was think it could be u :p. I still go to her once every 3-4 weeks now. The last visit she said my heart is very weak and need to take good care of myself. I guess I must have lost a lot of energy during my 1st tri as I had very bad ms and lost 10kg

Babyg - U can just go anytime u feel better. I think going there and knowing our bbs are good make us feel relieved.....
Chevy, Ewea, Luv and Sade, thanks for your concern.

No good news to share as the gynae could not detect hb. The size of fetus is about 7 wks, which means baby has stopped growing about 2 wks ago.

Most prob I will wait for the fetus to come out on its own.

You girls jiayou, and may everyone has a smooth pregnancy ahead.

Sade, can I trouble u to delete my name from the list. Thanks!
Joyfully, *hugz* I am so sorry to hear that..... Take a well deserved break and come back stronger! 你行的!
Joyfully, big bear hugs!!! Take time to grieve and recuperate... With your determination and faith, I'm sure you'll BFP again and have a healthy bundle of joy (or maybe two!) in your arms soon. Take care!!
Ladies with laoshi, did you gals also buy 10 packs candles for laoshi? Me too goes to her for reassurance.
Joanne , Kiki_gal, can you gals feel the baby moving every session?
ladies, i wish i can join in the discussion. but my current pregnancy is not from ivf, so am not sure if im welcome here.
why not!!?? WELCOME!

u've been through it before too. tutu also conceived naturally after going thru ivf
Reikibaby - Lao shi also asked me to buy the candles in my last visit. I can't feel the bbs movement during the session yet. You can? Lao shi said can see my boy's face look exactly like my dh.... Haha
Thanks Eskimo
how r u? ur MS still as bad? my MS is driving me nuts..

Ya i read Tutu conceived naturally while waiting.

yes, i failed my 2nd fresh, also striked naturally while waiting for next fresh.
more manageable but still rollercoaster sometimes... one day can feel it's better already and the next day it's back in full force.
eskimo, same.. especially when it last all the way till evening, super bloated and dinner will end up in the toilet bowl.

im on par with eskimo, 11+weeks
how bout u? i saw from the excel, urs is feb baby.
Sugary, I remember ur nick! But details like 1st or 2nd baby elude me liao.. sorry! Blame it on my preggy brain! ;p

Hee.. you're half correct. I have a 5yo gal!
Your #1 is a prince or princess?
Joyfully so sorry and sad to hear the bad news. Loss of words. Do have a mini confinement. Take care...

U have a loving hubby. Do go for a trip to relax.

Ok will delete your details later.
Is anyone still having weird dreams? I find that I keep having all sorts of funny dreams, esp recently. Hard to feel rested with such an active brain...
Joyfully, not good with words. Take care.

Luvnhope - I dreamed abt movies that I watched in the day. Watched fright night yesterday and whole night, I was slaying vampires.
Hahahah... whiteclover, not bad, become vampire slayer! ;) I dream abt all sorts of weird scenarios involving the pple i know from home and work. So weird... Yeah, sometimes influenced by the shows i watched that day too.
Joanne, Chevy, eskimobaby, sugary, Luv, Hope, babygalore, Sade, whiteclover and snoopy, thanks all for comforting words n encouragement.

You girls have been very sweet. I felt much better now, and am just praying for the best and least painful experience for me to end this pregnancy.

As the saying goes, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!" Hope to join this thread very soon again.

You girls take care too! Jiayou!
Joyfully, i heard women are fertile for the next few months after a mc, so try naturally n who knows you might be as lucky as sugary n me. God is watching n will bless u with wonderful children one day ... Have faith ..

Sugary, im very envious you are already in week 11th. Im still in my week 4 or 5. So crossing everything i could cross. Im glad to know you are in the same boat ad me, so pls stay here. You are a gd encouragement for me n everyone
congrats n welcome!
I stay in this thread over the 2013 mum cos i see more familiar names here n i think it takes an ivf patienf to understand an ivf mum to be
Joyfully, hugs. Stay strong and take care.

Joanne, babyglore and reikibaby, you gals can get the candles from Ikea. They sell abt $5.50 per pack. But it's very heavy, so ask DH to help carry.

Luv and whiteclover, dreams are quite common occurence during pregnancy. Sometimes you may dream 胎夢 which you dream of your future child.
Luv, I understand. So now I try not to watch too much tv. My parents and hubby ban me from watch journey to the west
Kiki, maybe i also a bit pantang. I also try not to watch Journey to the West. But other shows that have some violence, horror or fantasy i still can't resist watching, hahah...
Tutu, I was telling my DH maybe we should try naturally after this instead of jumping into fet straightaway. Hope I can be as lucky as you both.

Kikigal, thanks! I also didn't watch journey to the west.
Joyfully were u or are u on tcm? I strongly advise you to rest for 3 cycles before fet. Frozen Embryos are too precious. Meanwhile Use tcm to Tiao your body n dont be too focus on trying naturally instead tell yourself this is a break for the months n years of trying. That is the only way to totally relax your body n miracle might happen quietly
you will get there
give yourself a pat on move on .... Smile
Laoshi now then ask you buy ah. She ask me gv to her once scanned heartbeat. She lights the candles for us twice daily in church to pray for us and baby. So for our baby we shld go get for her to light up and also to thank God and angels for protecting and blessing us and baby.

Yah can get from Ikea. Dh went buy them last week, now $4.9 per pack. Get 10 packs. Yah heavy so dun carry yourself.

Me still in 1st trim so can't feel movement yet but she say later stage can feel.
Reikibaby - I did not visit her during my 1st tri due to bad ms. Only went back to her 2 weeks ago when felt better.... Yeah will go get the candles before my next appt with her ....
Why can't watch journey to the west ah?

My dinner always ends up in the toilet bowl every night :/

Ladies in 2nd tri.. R u all still taking folic acid? I have another mth supply. I remember dr saying can stop folic but I still taking since got so much. Any harm?
