(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Reiki, I pump or latch 3-4 hourly in the day and 4 hourly at night so that I can zzzz longer. For be pump easier than latch that's why I pump at night. CL will just feed bb EBM and FM. Yup I'm taking both ginger and alcohol but I try not to eat too much ginger. I only go to the living room for meals haha. Rest of the time will either be hiding in my room or bb's room where there's Aircon!!!

Luvnhope: polyclinic, use cervarix.

Girl girl: ur is boy right. My girl not that active. Depend on. Her mood one lol
Dian Tang, thanks for the spreadsheet. Your edd is soon!!

New Mummies, from the spreadsheet, I see that most of you delivery before your edd. Is that correct? I'm just getting anxious and trying to gauge how many more weeks to go! Ha ha! I think the edd is calculated based on 40 week.
Congrats znatasha! Finally you can hold bb in your arms
Ladies, I just realized have to register baby's birth by this week! I haven't thought of baby's Chinese name yet!!! :S

Reikibaby, I just bought swaddle cloth from Taka Baby Fair at 35% discount ($39). Alamak, I can't remember if the brand was A&A. Threw away the packaging.
Lil Ponyo, I delivered 10 days before EDD. My confinement lady actually told me so! She said usually 1st born if it's a boy, usually early by about 10 days or so. Quite accurate for me.
Koirc, thanks, mine is also boy and my first. 10 days early sounds good to me! Ha ha! I'm getting so big now and can't imagine that I have more than 2 months to go!!
hi PSP Ya I rem u. cos mine is c section so she can't massage my tummy. she's v friendly. n her massage is not bad.
did u book her?
babysmurf> no lar mine is also girl. Adoi lor..pattern like boy...jialat :p...

i tink nowadays i start to experience BH contractions...not painful but just a bit uncomfortable... but i tend to get confused with BB kicking...
Congratulations Znatasha on the arrival of your little one! 20 hours of labor pain followed by a C-sec...woah that sounds not too fun, but what matters is that the baby is here safe and sound and you are now a mummy!

Hi Babysmurf, next review at ADC early April for 30wk detailed scan then meet with Dr Tan. When I look down I also can only see my bellybutton, not my toes anymore. I didn't do the 3D scan in the end too either. C u this Sat!

Hi GirlGirl, hehe, our Sat classes coming to an end soon. So fast the weeks just fly by! Maybe your big teddy bear can put at one of the relative's house first...I find that a lot of things I donate to Salvation Army if too good condition to be thrown away and if no one I know needs or wants leh.

Hi Lil Ponyo, I would recommend you one but she has stopped taking on jobs unfortunately. For ourging hardly worn clothes, salvation army as well as ompression garment bags come in very useful. I packed all my suits (since I won't be wearing them in the next 6 months) in 1 such bag and with the air out, the bag occupies much less space (it's flat) and can be stored easily. Can feel you on this one cos I'm in a 2 BR place too.

The EDD is indeed calculated based on 40 wks but lots of pp said that for boys and twins, usually come early, hence the preparation now.
In fact, yesterday my doctor told me that he was looking at mid-end May for my due date when previously the EDD was always mid June! That's a whole month difference!

Hi Reikibaby, sorry don't have extra discounted AA swaddle cloths to sell. Promised Babysmurf the other packet I bought at 50% discount. Taka baby fair selling AA swaddle cloths but it's only 30% discount. There is a baby fair at expo this Friday...will help you look out as the fair (as well as at the Robinsons expo sale). Hmmm, I have only 8 AA cloths (2 packets each) for each baby, now you are making me wonder if it is enough. I didn't buy/keep more cos my friends use cloth diapers to swaddle or put underneath their babies instead of the AA swaddle cloths so I bought a pack of cloth diapers to stand by for such use...much cheaper at S$16 for 10 pieces.
I used as swaddle and pillow tats y not enuf. Hahah then if go out, i used one as nursing cover and as changing mat.
Taka fair till when? Haiz....now oso cant go out buy and doubt dh will go buy for me...lolx. will see hw.
Hope, i dare not latch/pump too close timing cos scared milk flow increase too fast and breast v fast heavy.... thinking if spread longer hrs then no need pump so closely. Just now i managed to pump one side 90ml!!! My dh say he can start use bm wash face n bathe liao...lolx
Mofmm: the A&A swaddle. Mothercare fair got discount? Or this coming bb fair have? Maybe we delivery the same date heehee.
Girl Girl, your girl really active. What does BH contractions feel like? I know I don't have it for now because I don't seem to feel that much except in the evening.

Mofmm, ya, it's amazing how much stuff 2 people can accumulate! I was telling DH if we didn't buy 20% of these stuff, we would save so much money! I'm also packing clothes away for salvation army. We've bought 2 China bags and filling them up fast with our stuff. I even donate clothes that I've never worn before! Besides clothes, we have lots of books, dvds, cds, etc. Argh!

Really hope my boy comes our before edd. My tummy can't take that much stretching anymore!! Ha ha! Today, it feels super duper tight. Maybe there was a growth spurt last night or something. Really scared of stretch marks (though I know it's inevitable for 90% of women) but I can't see below my tummy to check! Can only look at the mirror but can't scrutinise closely.
Hi Reikibaby, Taka fair till 24th. My friends use cloth nappies as pillows as taught by her antenatal class - maybe that's one solution to reduce use of the AA swaddles? Will let u know if this expo baby fair got good deals
Hi Babysmurf, hehe yeah never know! Maybe same date but I'm just praying they stay at least 37 weeks which is full term for twins. Don't know what this coming bb fair will have but read on other threads it is a small scale fair, mainly clothes. Nothing like the Feb one but my place is so near expo so I will go down to see anyway. Also Robinsons fair going on then. Mothercare fair over Liao but the swaddleplus were 15% off (managed to snag 2 sets at 50% like Lil Ponyo)

Hi LilPonyo, jia you with the packing n purging! If u never wore the clothes, it must be with good reason and I'm sure they will find a good home with Salvation Army! We still have April at the least, so that's a good month left to get things in order. As your DH said, chill and don't over exert yourself, esp with your growing tummy. My tummy isn't growing that much but I suppose it's cos I have a large and long torso and the girls ate lying traverse on top of each other. Hear that the last month growth spurt will be horrific though so yes, we must use the stretch mark cream!

By the way ladies, there is a eu Yan Seng roadshow at 112 Katong this week and over the weekend - time to stock up on chicken essence (for confinement). It's 12.50 for a box of 6 ( plain kind).
MofMM> ya lor...this weekend can play with babies again...heehee...wonder why the "fake" dolls are not that real +_+|||

dunnoe leh my teddy probably goes to the study room lor... hahaha..

ya i ask DH to pack and purge out the clothes sometime last month. Quite happy lar...if not my baobei no wardrobe...

i tink can use the cloth diapers (Anakku or some other brand)...cheaper
and easier to dry...

my baobei recently like to show me her elbow or fist at the belly button area...
Mofmm, am too using cloth diapers as swaddle n pillow
but bb will outgrow very soon cos diaper isn't as big as swaddle cloth. With frequent stretching, bb unwrap themselves very fast.
Hi mummies,

Congrats to all the new mummies!
Wow seems like most of you have popped or are popping soon.. Feels like i'm late.. Haha..Hope you guys don't mind me coming in to ask abt early pregnancy stuff.. Hehe..

Had a little scare early this morning.. Woken up at 4 am by cramps.. I was worried and held my tummy and prayed.. It went off in abt 10-15 min.. No spotting/bleeding.. Didn't contact the clinic cos i know nothing to be done, too early for scan at 4wk6d, and i already have so much support, doubt they can up the dosage.. Anyway, dropped by my tcm and felt more assured when he told me foetus is stable.. Do cramps from expanding uterus start so early? I was expecting it to come later..
MofMM, where to get the cloth diapers? My CL said A&A swaddle is rectangular. Very difficult to use.
Chevy, so traditional cloth diaper smaller than swaddles one? Personally i like a&a swaddles cos pretty and big. So easier to swaddle baby. Also i used it to cover the stroller when sun too hot...so a shade for baby.

Min81, i recalled thag i also seek assurance from t m when gynae cant scan much at earli stage. Very impt for mummy to be stressfree n happy. Happy mummy happy baby.

I see.. Yup was told not to carry heavy stuff.. Will be a gd gal and follow all the advice.. Thanks!


Trying to stay relaxed everyday and hubby has been a big help by doing all the chores and geting me lunch everyday before rushing back to wk.. Will try not to worry unnecessarily
Koirc, your CL probably tried folding in triangles. I will fold it half into another rectangle and swaddle my bb. So far i find it easy cos its big. Realli can wrap and go.
Min81, I remember getting cramps too but till need to be extra careful and happy and relaxed. So don't worry too much and stay positive
when is your next scan?
Min81: I also rem getting cramps and some pain on either left or right side of uterus due to stretching . Have more rest , sleep early , stay positive and talk to ur baby! It is not easy for us to reach this stage .
Babysmurf, lil ponyo, dian tang,

Thanks ladies
Yup hubby and i tokking to baby everyday.. Praying everything will go well.. The 1st scan is next tue..
Reiki, I see. Yah lor sometimes I pump 3-4 hours in the day also. Haha yah when I pump 180 ml I also super happy! But then doesn't happen that often. But I'm contented enough!
Hi, min81,
Mine is natural but in my early pregnancy, I also experience cramps, sometimes so painful that I stand awhile before I continue my walk. Just avoid heavy things, dun exercise, avoid squats, eat well and rest well and, eat folate!
Hi Chevy, thanks for info! Wanted to ask u when your baby discharge from KKH, what did you dress your baby in? Do nurses help to strap your baby in car seat? Also, what size clothes did u buy for baby - NB or premie size from Mcare?

Hi Koirc, also sold at baby fairs (under Annaku, Tollyjoy, Pureen n if i m not wrong, maybe Pigeon) and some dept stores and the bigger hypermarkets like Giant and NTUC. If possible, try to open up a pkt before buying...diff brands diff texture, some softer some more rough.

Hi Min81, nothing to add to the sisters advice here except to encourage you to keep praying, trusting and keeping positive.
Reikibaby, yes, cloth diaper are a tad smaller than swaddle. I reckon u can use swaddle for a longer period so may be worth to buy. Considering it can be multi-functioned too
MofMM, I just brought along a top n swaddle and off we go
Nope the nurses din accompany us to our car nor for other couples too. Perhaps u can request since u have got twins! I have got lots a hand me downs so in fact I din buy any new clothes for bb. The ones from Mcare are for 0-3 mths and are quite big for her. Was looking at the preemies but was shocked that it cost ~$48 for 3pcs (if I remembered rite)! So I just make do wif wat I have.

Have u got ur babies clothes and stuff ready? U shld be busy preparing for 2 ya
Min81, do take food care but at the same time, dun stress urself n relax
Things will be fine. Have faith and be positive!
Thanks ladies for the well wishes.
Mummies, when do you start bf after c sect? I was on painkiller drip and oral pain killer and antibiotic, my aunt said not to bf 1st as may pass to BB.
Is it true that if no latching or pump out milk, it will stop completely?
I noticed that I'll have sudden jerk of either my limbs or my head when i sleep. I'm not sure if it's due to too much painkiller. I had almost 11 hr of epi then followed by GA for c sect. Wonder if these had damage my system
Hi Babysmurf and koirc
Still remember me..;) so happy to see both of ur name here.. What r the sex of ur bb and when pop? I just passby.. My twins r at 9mths soon..they r so fun n cute to play with now.. Has been enjoying my motherhood daily so u sure will enjoy.. Time flies..;)
Hi Chevy, thanks for info...erh, so u didn't use carseat? So from ward to car, u carried baby in arms and walked or did u use wheelchair with baby in your arms?
Agree with u abt the premmies clothes cost - so expensive n don't know how long can last, even at 50% discount, I didn't buy in the end. I don't have many hand me down clothes cos most of my friends want a no.2/3.
Yup, have bought most of the things thanks for asking!

Znatasha I started abt 8hrs aft c sec. First try when nurse pushed by to ward but bb too sleepy. Those med used should be safe for bf.
