(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Hi sade and ladies whom undergo c sect, do you use maternity binder after op, Does it help? I have problem getting up fr bed. It hurts and now all bruised under the scar.
My feet is swollen and full of allergy rashes which i don't know what cause it. Some appeared on fingers too. My right hand been suan suan for past 2 days not sure if because i wash hands and face with tap water.
Sigh so much problem..
Still no breast milk baby on fm now

Znatasha I wore the binder aft discharge at home. it's better to wear it asap as its help. I felt pain when I first started to walk. I also washed my hands. I also felt pain when getting up n down from bed. wearing the binder helps to reduce the discomfort.
do get out of bed by lying on yr side n use ur hands to lift u up. just like how u get up during last trimester. do it slowly. sure discomfort for few days.
fo inform doc abt ur bruises n allergy rashes. r u still in hospital?
as for milk, did u tried to latch on every 3-4hrs?
Znatasha, like what Sade says, the binder helps to support and adds less pressure to the wound. You will feel better after a few days.
Don't stress and try pumping or latching every 3-4hours, milk will kick in slowly. When did you deliver?
Znatasha, i wore binder the next day in hospital... initially it is painful to walk ard and get out of bed. If cough n sneeze even worse. But i got out of bed w help of my dh. Walking ard w baby steps. Got better on 3rd day.
I feel if you can try move ard while in hospital, it will be easier when u go hm.
The binder helps to support ur abdominal to prevent it from 'moving' and vibrating so the pressure it gives to ur tum helps to reduce the pain. But dun too tight else will open the stitch.
HI Sade and Hope,

I have discharged from hospital. Still trying to get used to having a baby and trying to get the feeding schdule right.

Was thinking of getting the binder, did you get it from guardian?

I suspect my allergy is from the painkiller or epidural cos after injecting epi, I was itching all over. But doc said should have cleared after delivery?? Anyway on anti-histamine just to clear the rash.

I wished to take a shower but my aunts and MIL said no, huh so hot and sticky.

My confinement food sucks! everyday pork/kidney and rice. NO vege or fruits cos they said I can't take those...NO fish or chicken yet as I have surgery. Sad...
Znatasha, my milk kicks in only around D5. So hang on there ok! Just supplement with FM first.... Don't be too stress.

I got the binder from my Fren but I believe should be able to get from guardian? Do you have a CL? If yes let CL do the night feed. I just wake up to pump at night.

Yah I stay in the Aircon room the whole day but thankfully able to start bathing Liao. Hmm no chicken for first 2 weeks coz of the wound but I ate fish anyway.... My CL didn't say no. I think you can eat fruits just not those Liang ones and don't put in refrigerator. I have been eating apples and pear lei... And a dish of vege for every meal. Agree that confinement food is a bore but endure ok? Very soon will be over... I am counting down to bb full month also.
Znatasha, i also have fish and veg. I took threadfin. Some fish cant take cos they say will cause the wound to heal ugly. I also have apples. I din bathe for a week but was in aircon rm. U try sponge yourself. Buy the herbal satchet to boil n wipe urself. I wash hair on d7. Haha else super sticky. Was telling my mum i need go review Nt gynae n pd so wait too stink...haha
Hope, i use herbal water to wash hair twice liao. But not bathe. I oni use herbal water n towel to clean body. Din bathe cos of the csect wound. Haha still scared . Somehw when hair is clean, just feel much fresher. Think i will bathe nxt week....
Btw you remove the dressing liao? Your dh did it for you?
Znatasha according To my confinement nanny if you wan to breastfeed then cannot eat liver because it will reduce milk. Should eat more half ripe papaya, can just eat it as fruits or cook it with fish will increase milk flow.
Reiki, I also scared! Bit I bathe today with herbal
water and the dressing is still on. Suppose to take out today but will ask DH to take out for me tml. Another day of protection haha. Hopefully everything is ok since it's been 2 weeks.
Hope, i also scared to let dh remove. Are you still on the binder? Think once remved, im gg be very careful with actions...hahha.....

Bbshower, oh din knw liver reduces milk supply. Must tell my mum.
Reiki, I'm still wearing binder. My Gf said to wear for 2 months... Will help to slim down! Hee. But u lost all your weight so no more tummy? Are you planning to go massage?
Znatasha can understand what u r going thru now. can buy the binder from guardian. do try to wipe ur body if u can't bath.
the weather is hot now. for me I bath n washed hair on day 6. I used warm water to wash hair n herbal water to bath.
do whatever u can to make yourself happy.
we all need times to adjust to our new status.
Hope, im also still wearing the binder. Heee just removed the dressing!!!! I practically held my breathe while dh doing it...phew! I still hv a small tummy. Think i will continue o put binder on. Im starting massgae this coming mon. Will let the malay lady to assess hiw much i can msssage on tummi.
Did you go weigh??
Reiki, wow u so fast remove! Are you suppose to remove today? Hee I will remove the dressing tml. Yah I weigh and have another 3-4kg more to shed... Though I'm quite please haha. Oh let me know how is your massage. I will call my massage lady tml. I'm thinking of wearing the binder on full month and hide under a loose dress haha.... Coz binder helps to make tummy smaller.... So vain of me!
Hope, dr marianne told me to remve after 5days. Somehw after removing, im very careful w my movement. Hahah like what u said...no protection...no barrier. Lolz
I also not sure hw much ive lost this week. 1st week i lost 10kg(7kg is comes frm preg weight) today removed binder and walked ard hse...(felt better w binder cos tummy less vibrate) my mum n sis commented tummy small... but will still wear the binder n hopefully get the flat tummy ive been dreaming for yearsss...
Im always hungry esp after pumping.... so my mum was surprised i still can lose wt. Haha.... breastfeed realli best way to lose weight... well at least keep me motivated to pump/latch.
Hi ladies, I seen dr tan yesterday and show him my OGTT. His assistance mention abit high. I know is borderline. When I check with him, he said is okie. No worry abt that. only ask me montior my baby movement. Anything to look out. Seeing him in 4wks time. So long....
Reiki, think I will be very careful after removing the dressing too! It's good that your tummy is small.... So envious! Oh do you gain only 7kg during preg! So little! I gained a total of 11kg. Yah I felt hungry after every pump ESP at wee hours. After that must eat biscuits before I can get back to zzz. Though I haven't lost all the weight but I'm quite happy to have only another 3-4kg more to go Hee. Hopefully will lose more soon! I think Breastfeeding really helps in kissing weight haha. How much are you feeding your bb now?
Babysmurf, just monitor cos maybe ur bb big so they wan make sure glucose under ctrl.

Hope, im giving bb fm 90ml but thinking to increase to 100ml. As for ebm, im giving 100ml cos he gets hungry faster on bm. Usuali fm can last him every 2.5-3h, whereas bm can last him 2-2.5h.... hw abt u?
Hi ladies,

I've had headache for two days. Don't know if it's dehydration cos I was perspiring excessively the night before after drinking the potent soup. :S I didn't even wake up to express milk at night.

I tried to latch baby on today. First time he wasn't satisfied so had to feed him the expressed bm to top up. Second time was a short feed and he fell asleep. And I think he bit on my nipple again. When I try to put my last finger into his mouth to unlatch, he bit everything hard!

Hope and Reikibaby, my bb also drinks a lot leh. Now about 80-90ml. My production cannot catch up lah. Sigh!
Btw, anyone went to Baby Fair this weekend?

Babysmurf, you were asking about clothes right? You know I bought quite a few going out clothes which I wanted bb to wear. The last trip to the pd, bb was wearing the $2 top from the wholesale shop and diapers with swaddle! I am not even sure if bb will get to wear the nice clothes at this point. It's just to difficult to change him. And I bought quite a few sleepers (zip-up and snap buttons). Till now, i don't get to use them. I brought one to the hospital for bb to wear when coming home but oh, lord! It's so difficult to wear! When we got home, we had a hard time stripping him to change diapers!
Nope. Bb is next on list. I hope my bb comes out nearer to edd as my photographer is away to uk from 28 mar to 11 apr for nb training programme. Haha.

Today went taka to walk walk but nothing to buy. Bought 2 pigeon wipes for nb (2 for $15), pins and one toy. That fisher price promo toy long sold out.

Now very tired, woke up 8am Chong to red star to eat breakfast dim sum, went taka, noon, paste wall decal for nursery. Tired beyond words. My hubby went to zz again. Later then I wake him to bring me dinner and buy my milk!
Mummies, for baby shower,
Did u all buy banner? Saw taka selling at $15.9 I think. But if I do a customized one is are $43, heart pain but itchy to do one.
Reikibaby, agree with you. All we want is for bb to be healthy, safe and sound!

Koirc, if latching is stressful for you and bb, then why don't you pump out? Stress will affect supply. Try to relax and work out a routine that fits you and bb the best? Now is the time you need to recuperate and rest well so that you have energy to take care of bb after confinement! Jia you ok!

Usagi, I just ordered a customised banner for my bb full month. Yah pricy but you know we tried so hard to have a bb that I want this full month party to be memorable and nice. Hee.
Koirc, when bb latches painfully, you can try to use you other hand to support the breast and try adjusting to a mre comfy position while baby latching...sometimes it works for me.

Today i tried to lie dwn and feed bb lying dwn beside me. Quite comfy and baby latches well. Maybe u can this. Looks like we have good drinker...
Turns out I am having high fever... 38.8 degrees! I wonder if it's due to engorgement. Is it masititis?
Went to see doctor and confirmed mastitis. On antibiotics now. Can't even feed bb expressed milk. Sigh!

Anyone had same exp to share?
koirc me n luv kana mastitis last week. I din see doc. use cold cabbage and keep on pumping out and latching to relieve it. I had high fever along with a lump. I din took antibiotics. I still latch on my bb even thou I kana mastitis. did the doc told u that u can feed ur bb with ebm?
koirc do try to rest well during this period and keep on pumping or latching so that the lump will disappear.
Koirc, I just took Panadol n kept latching bb n massaging to clear the duct. According to a mum in my Feb grp, her doc told her that we can latch or offer fresh EBM, but not store cos the milk may breed bacteria fast. Take care n rest well!

Can't remember who asked abt bb regurgitation problem... I try to burp bb more often during a feed rather than wait till after the whole feed. Also feed smaller amt frequently if possible. Let bb stay upright or inclined for a while after a feed n refrain from letting bb lie flar right after a feed. Change diapers b4 feed n try not to lift bb's bum too high up. Turn to side preferably. I let bb wear a bib now so he won't dirty his clothes so easily.

If regurgitation is very bad or there's frequent projectile vomiting, then better see the PD to seek advice. May need medicine or switch to thickened feed. Otherwise most bb shld outgrow this prob by 1 yo.
Koirc, take care!

Hope, u holding buffet at Home? Me too coz hubby ask me dun spend so much money. I am thinking to add on red eggs and Ang Ee. Can order from Singapore Mochi. Never tried before dunno nice or not. U gals tried before?

So I thought to add on banner like a photo booth. Haha. Think I won't add on balloons. Later can't break even. I saw my friend add on bb shower theme from caterer cost 200+ but frankly I felt a bit over rip. just some wordings on skirting and some bears.
Usagi, I'm holding full month at my bro's place. As for the red eggs I think my mil making it and ordering the Ang Ee from market. Hmm do what you want to coz bb has only a full month once! Are you excited? Due anytime right?
Hope, saw my gynae today. NO signs yet. Haha. So go back again next week to monitor. Per gynae, still got time. Still got room for bb to grow, he not 3kg yet. But hor, bb's head is 9cm in diameter. Is it big? He says can natural birth.
Hi Whiteclover, I remember u were suffering from indigestion during pregnancy, has it gone away n when did it go away? Did u hv prob taking confinement food?
Thanks Reikibaby and Hope. I trust my Gynae but I am scare of pain. Hahaha. I scare need to cut vagina, I was hoping no epidural. I like my gynae, he said no then np. Today, my urine test strip is greenish, he says never mind since I am now week 37, haha. I thought is coz I ate too much sweet stuff lately. Today just ate a durian cake. I must watch diet already. Tml still got cake. Faintz.

Hi Tutu, so long never see u. U also ard week 37 right?
Usagi: your gynea n my dr tan said the same thing. Urine dipstick greenish no problem. My baby got sweet tooth la. Ate choco banana crepe today n still got mango cake waiting for me. We try so hard to have our baby. This little greenish no issue now.

I kena food posioning yesterday. Went to a&e with constant pain for 2hrs n vomiting lol. Thought I going to delivery Liao. Haven't even pack my bag. N my baby clothes no wash yet. This morning just discharged after the drip n 2jabs to ease my pain. N I back eating all the junk food. Faint.
Usagi, you are brave to try without epidural! My baby is estimated between 3.2-3.4kg at wk 38, no signs of coming out either. Gynae ok to let me try natural without cutting, his deadline for me is EDD, if not out will induce. So you should be fine as well
But do try to cut down on sugar intake, may help to slow down bb growing too big.
babysmurf do take care now. be careful of what u eat cos food poisoning is no joke during pregnancy. rest well.

usagi so u r on ml alrdy? feeling excited abt ur delivery? all stuffs prepared?

Do take good care. I had stomach flu during pregnancy for two days and it felt like hell. Maybe you should eat more fluid stuff like porridge to aid digestion. And more fruits. I felt apologetic to bb during those two days as I couldn't eat well.

Bb, I hope no epidural but I also dunno leh. I scare pain but I also am fearful of the side effects. If no epidural, bf might come earlier I think. My Gynae never ask me cut diet, from the way my bb not 3 kg..ha. He always say eat in moderation. Today got Cake n bubble tea from the wins that I share with colleagues in cny toto. Paid ten dollars capital but win back 4+, still lugi 5+.

Sade, no, not on ml yet. Today got to rush the final print my listed co annual report. Tml noon seminar. Haven do up q1 stuff for handover. See week 38 visit how. But my things all washed, infants toy bought. Outstanding is I haven open pump and my pigeon bundle of steriliser etc.
