(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Sade- Vit c- dr loh prescribed that when I asked him if he has any 'spare' med in case I get cough or sore throat. He said go natural better, so gave me Vit c.

Calcium - I kena diarrhea and had to avoid dairy pdts, that's when he then started me on calcium pills.
Oh no luv, is it better now? Ur is due to empty sac right?

White Clover oic. No wonder he gave u so much pills.

Did u sign up the package with him?
Sade - Haven yet. Did u sign with him? I heard package is for week 16 and beyond. My next appt with him is in week 20. So haven decided.
Miracle - mango is heaty and mangosteen is super liang. My tcm dr said mango can eat in moderation if body not heaty. Mangosteen - no no.
White clover next week seeing him will ask him abt it.

Can only sign aft week 16.

White clover do u think if I drink pure chicken essence and then cordyceps and birdnest once a week is it too bu?
Luv ve ur spotting stop? R u still taking aspirin?

White Clover I din noe that mangosteen is Liang all the while I thgt is heaty fruit coz it's queen of fruits n always available at the same time with durian. Wah b4 ER n ET I been eating it lucky u say i was still thking abt eating it. There goes my mangosteen
Hehe, thanks for sharing whiteclover. The thing about western meds is that they basically tell you everything can be eaten, even pineapple, so gotta be kiasu and ask if not sure.
bbshower, U r right abt mangosteen being queen of fruits- Durian provides the yang, the Mangosteen`s cooling property acts as the yin counteracting the warming Durian so that the two perfectly match and enhance each other.

Sade - am not too sure if too bu. Does pure chicken essence mean u cook yr own chicken essence? I think everything in moderation.
bbshower, thks. Spotting stopped after my jab last Thu. Hope it doesn't come back. Stopped my aspirin for now.
Hahah.. whiteclover is right abt the mangosteen and durian.
Luv glad ur spotting has stop after jab. Remember dun carry heavy objects or do strenuous stuff.

I agreed the western style wil also eat pineapple. I think for us we just wanna be more cautious with what we eat n also we more pantang.
My mother say cannot eat papaya as well.. Maybe just an indian belief that it will cause m/c. And I've not eaten papaya since may.. Not my fav fruit anyway.
Think the papaya has some medical reasons to it. Moderation is key. Read that it's a diuretic.

Eating fruits that have a diuretic effect can help increase healthful urination. Excessive urination is not the goal, as many vitamins, minerals and sodium are lost when this happens.
Generally, consuming fruits daily will provide many vitamins and minerals that have a benefit as great--if not greater--than the diuretic effect that is a byproduct.
Whiteclover thks. Me also wondering cos I hv been feeling v tired lately. Thou should feel more energetic but no. So thinking if I din bu enough. Normally how u bu? Do u feel tired now?
Ya home made pure chicken essence. Don't like the bottle taste.

Luv oic. So starting work next week?

Act my doc did mention nt to eat papaya, banana n pineapple. He said it's old wives tales. I rem some said papaya due to e colour and also unripe papaya can cause contradictions.
Yes, unripe & semi-ripe papayas might cause contractions. Hence, stay away lor
ripe ones I believe it's ok but everything in moderation lah.....
I wanted to eat the pineapple core after ET for 5 days. But was stopped by Samsiah. She told me can't eat as in older days, those women took pineapple for abortion. I was like huh those ang moh took pineapple core and then also bfp. So can eat. But in the end, i din eat.
babygalore, hope u dont mind i ask if u r an indian? So how does your confinement like? Just curious. Cos i am wondering if can bath or not during confinement.
Sade, used to need to nap every afternoon. But moving to second trimester, energy seems to go up. Not need to nap in afternoon already.

For "bu-ing", I take
- red dates drink alternate day (in morning)
- cordyceps with chicken soup (once a week)
- birds nest (starting in trimester 2 (take on different days from cordyceps) alternate week
- every night, my mil will brew soup with dinner and it contains example a)peanut and black bean soup with pork; b)chicken soup with nan zhao and red dates c) fish maw soup with red dates, d)hearty chicken soup with potato and carrots
Can also add wai san and dang shen

Banana I still take , but must be the small banana, not the del monte banana.
wow thks whiteclover for the details. I just started to drink red dates drink last night.

I cant nap in the afternoon. But this week feel so tired and low energy, cant wake up on time for work.

You are not working? You have a nice mil, you stay with her?

Oh ya you r right only the del monte banana.
Yes im indian. Well this is bb no. 1 for me. And usually it's custom that the mother would take care at her house. So I would be moving to my parents place for the 1st mth. Confinement food.. Hmmm I also not too sure. Haven't spoken to my mum abt it yet. But I know that no cold stuff and no cold water to bath. Can bath everyday but only in very hot water.

I've arranged for a massage lady to do for my confinement massage.
babygalore thks for enlightening me with your custom. Btw, do you take any tonics? because we chinese took some tonics during these few months.
Actually I was taking tcm for a yr before starting IVF and stopped aft bfp. Now drinking lrd and ginger water every other day. Mum wants me to start taking chicken essence and birds nest.. I've never taken it before. How does it taste ah?
I don't know if the b6 helps or not cos i still vomit after taking it kekeke... If you think it helps good at least can help ease your nausea

If you can take the bu why not... not only can bu you but also baby
if not you can do alternate weeks... This week chicken essence with cordyceps n next week bird nest.

I still haven't start on any tonics yet, still waiting for my ms to stop first.
Do u gals drink milk daily n one day how many times? I seldom drink. Dun really like to drink milk. Guess I have to work hard on it.
Babygalore oic. So do u mean chicken essence as in bottle type or homemade type? I don't like the bottle type cos don't taste good to me. Some ppl like it so it's depends on individual.
As for the birdnest, just feel like drinking jelly. Hehe.

Eskimobaby thks. I m worried that over bu so checking how u all bu. Ya better wait till ms over or else wasted.

Bb shower I don't like milk too. But been trying to drink at least 1 glass daily. Maybe u wanna try the anmum chocolate milk. I just finish a box. Taste like Milo.
Sade okay I wil go n buy later. My sis in law also recommend anmum. Just hoping I dun get diarrhea from drinking it. Coz not all milk my tummy can take it. So far ensure is okay for me.
Luv, I'm not sure how much is the prenaforte cos I think I have misplace the invoice liao. Will chk with the clinic on my next appt

Bb shower, actually normal fresh milk also can. So far i'm drinking 1 glass of fresh milk everyday. Might change to mummy milk in third tri.
Kiki gal ya I also got take fresh milk but I took it cold so was thking not so good ba. I try to microwave the fresh milk but not so nice. Do u drink it cold too?
bbshower, i drank fresh milk cold in my prev preg and this time round too. I din really warm it up, at most leave it for a while so that it's not so cold. I can't really stand the taste of those powdered milk.
Very sian, just checked out of kkh with a jab in butt again. I really wonder why the bleeding is so frequent and yet even bed rest is not able to help much. I can't help but feel frustrated and helpless.
Ya miracle wat did the gynae say? Btw u r in how many weeks le? U have to be very careful coz u r having twins. Hope ur spotting stop after the jab. U will be alright ya stay strong. Hugz!
Sade- yes my fav milk is also anmum chocolate. Bot the frisco maternal milk before, only drank once but cannot tahan the taste.

Miracle- take care and rest well. U want to see tcm for antaiyao? I used to spot in early stage, then saw tan siew boey for antaiyao. Still taking it.
Hi sisters, thanks for your concern. Fell aslp last night cause was too tired.

Hope: doc said she saw a small polyp which most likely is the cause of the bleeding. But she checked the waterbag and all that and said it's clean, no clots so high possible it's not coming from babies. Need to see if still bleed again today, if yes, gotta go back kkh and celebrate national day there. Hope I can tahan till tmr, coz it's my doc's appt and oscar scan. Gotta jia you jia you!!

Bbshower: i iam in my 12 weeks now. Each time bleed and scan, doc will tell me the babies are fine. Hard to believe they are not, because when scanning, they hardly stay still enough for the doc to detect the heartbeat properly. So am holding onto that for assurance that they are fine.

Whiteclover: i wanted to get clearance first from my doc tomorrow before embarking on tcm. Looks like I shouldn't wait so long liao.

Happy National Day! Hope you guys enjoy ur holiday!
Miracle u ve a good rest today ya hope ur bleeding has stopped. All the best to your Oscar scanning n BT. You ve to stay positive u r moving into 2nd trimester very soon! Jiayou jiayou!
Miracle, did ur doc say where the polyp is? If there's a polyp, high chance the bleeding is coming from there. That shld also reassure u that your babies are fine.
Can discuss with ur doc if it's possible to remove the polyp without harming babies.
Bb shower, still have some bleeding, but since today got doc's appt i will just let him know.

Luv, later doing more detailed scan to find out abt the polyp. The last few times i went in for the bleeding, it wasn't picked up b the doctors dunno why. I read about it that it might be risky to remove it, so i might just leave it there till i pop. At least i know blood doesn't come from the babies so i feel alot better. Now gg for my oscar, update u guys later!

Joanne, take care and drink more water.
miracle, sorry to hear abt your bleeding. Hope that your gynae can give u assurance. Sin u r having twins, you have to be more careful during the whole term.

Joanne, drink more water and rest well. Hope you recover soon.

Don't know what happened to Ewea, i think she's going for her scan today. Never see her ar.

whiteclover, yummy...

I drank Gong Cha on Tue night. shiok shiok too. But l left it at room temperature for 2 hours not so nice.
Hihi gals! I'm back fm scan, see heartbeat so happy

But fm scan is 6.4wks but I count fm ET is 7.2wks leh..anyone will same experience?

I still have some spotting and having ms for the past week that's why never post hehe
hihi Ewea, was thinking abt u for these few days. Glad to hear that. Rest well. So have you start working?

Thks Sade for missing me hehe
Going back to work tomorrow lor..mountains to clear..

Which week did you all go for Oscar scan?
Is next appt 5 weeks later at week 11 normal cos I thought have to wait so long then see baby again haha
