(2013/12) December 2013

Thanks Elaine
I will check it soon

Btw mommies
U mean from now onwards when we fall sick need go see Gynae cannot go see normal doctor isit?
I hvg flu but can't find women's clinic near my house so went normal GP but hesitating to eat the med.

Aiyo hear so many of u talk about ur scan and hearing bb heartbeat. Really m looking forward to it too!
Can see normal doc but must tell doc you are preggy so that doc avoid giving unsafe medicine. Can take small yellow pill for flu.
Hi, I m inviting my CL for my son's first birthday this Saturday. PM me if you want to meet up for an interview.
Not getting any commission jus want to share her good service to everyone
Hello momma3kids,

Went to visit dr Ho yday and yes I am preggie.bb edd on Xmas day. Haha. Can't see the heartbeat yet. Will visit him on 7thmay. When is ur visit? Heard his package increase to 1.2k now.

Hello to all mtbs..
morning ladies...

wenz: hmm I don't actually feel cold on normal days. in fact I am feeling more hot than ever and I constantly need a bathe. lol

but these days I often woke up in cold sweat and felt like I am dying. not exaggerating leh but it felt like I am losing all my senses and like gonna faint my body went cold drench in sweat. luckily most of the time my husband will be awake by my movement and quickly rub my hands and give me some warm water to drink. I googled and they say its normal during pregnancy due to hormones changes. scary...
I got tummy already too when I am just barely 6 weeks. most likely is filled with shit bcoz I have serious constipation issue. ><
good morning and welcome new mommies!

Mrs Lee, i m seeing Dr Ho on Fri 26 Apr. Hope u can quickly detect heartbeat! i went at 6 weeks plus. was able to detect heartbeat thru vaginal scan.

posiedon, i know it man! it is indeed tough to handle a active tod. my #2 jus turn 1 yr old. still cant walk. so i still need to carry lo, despite being preggy. this #3 is a fighter! haha
MissAh, I got constipation too! I don't usually have that in normal days.. sob sob..

So sian.. I am losing my strength and energy everyday.. I think all mummies here feel me.. Yesterday, just by crossing a overhead bridge make me pant and heart beat very fast and instantly felt giddy.. sob sob..
@wenz, I feel you man. I wish I can take a week leave to juz lie on bed and rest. but I guess at least it's a good sign that we have strong pregnancy symptoms. haha
good afternoon everyone!

i went to see dr henry cheng yesterday and ive decided to use him as my gynae instead of dr kenneth lee. well i think he made logical sense on many aspects and im comfortable with the environment and him so ya..just sharing some things he told me or rather what i interpret it as..

he told me our brain is swelling with water retention thats why our brain a bit slow..giddy..eyes feel painful or tired..some people cannot wear contacts cos ur eye change in shape or something like that..dont look at the monitor too long a period as u will tend to have headache easily..the pressure pressed onto something in our brain so we suddenly feel cold sometimes under hot sun or hot in v cold aircon room.

he advised me to treat myself like a gastric patient in terms of food intake. avoid milk as it will make u throw up etc..dont worry about the baby as it is now having its intake of nutrients from the yolk at least for 4 mths. as long as mother feel better, mother will be happier and baby will be good too.

kathryn - i asked dr henry if it is ok to eat "actal" for indigestion, he said is ok to eat it. also for headache, pandadol is ok too as long as within the advised dosage. and the yellow flu med is ok too. i confirmed with gynae that i can eat that should i have a panic attack at night and could not sleep. it is safe for pregnant women. however, please check with your gynae again before you eat just in case.

oh im 8 weeks..but based on the size of baby its at 7 weeks 5 days. we heard the heartbeat and it was extremely fast!

forgot to mention, im not sure if it is normal practice but the receptionist took my blood pressure when i was registering. then the doc listened to my heartbeat and checked my boobs for pain. asked me for any medical history etc.

i didnt experience such medical checkup or questions during my first gynae experience at the other clinic. i had to offer the information myself. so i was pleasantly surprised that at least he check on my health la.

i've gained like 2kg over 3 weeks cos of water retention (i hope) and food intake. i now eat smaller meals just cos i cant finish them but maybe cos im at home most of the time without working out i gained weight! omg!!!!

hmm ok time to munch again.
i had kfc yesterday even after doc told me to avoid oily food. lol

1 original and 1 crispy. removed the skin to eat them. didnt eat coleslaw. wah i think original is better for us. the crispy even after removing skin is still a little bit spicy.

went to poop after eating. and LS today. whahahaa..like finally~~~
Already- kfc v oily leh. I prefer texas chicken cos to mi its not that dipping oily compared to kfc.
Ya some gynae check boobs on 1st visit to see lumps.
Mommies to be~

Do u ladies observe change in appetite? Since last fri I realise I dun like my tingkat food. I used to think the portion is little now I eat only 2mouthfuls of it and don't feel like eating already. So sad gotta cancel the catering.

Anyway any working mommies struggling at work? I've been on mc and leave often this year. And even if go work also feel very sian sleepy tired. Feel kinda bad cuz am a senior so gets higher pay but work wise really not performing. I used to work ot willingly without reward but now can't wait for time to be up to go back home slack and nua in bed. Worse is recently change boss now expectation higher. Sigh. >.< so troubling to think of all these.
My ms seems to hit me at night when i had my dinner. I can finished my dinner but after that all vomit out n feel much better.i can eat biscuits without feeling nausea.so weird.
Bfast n lunch as normal, dun feel anything...
Hello ladies, new here. Can i ask anyone here has insomnia problem in early pregnancy? my case is like so serious, i need to wait until i am so tired, and i still can not fall asleep, morning need to wake up to send my son to his playgroup lol. I feel like crap every morning, and really want to cry cause lack of sleep. I also have bad constipation even though i have not start on iron and calcium supplement.

Also next scan for heartbeat is on 4 may, maybe that also one of the reason for my insomnia (dry laugh) cause my first pregnancy the baby no hb.

I really need a lot of sticky vibes from you ladies!
I had been fighting the temptation of fast food until I saw Already's post, and then went to eat KFC. LOL.

HanaHuiyi: My appetite had increased in the earlier weeks. I have been eating a lot more, but lately feel nausea no matter hungry or full.

cleodux: I am also sort of having insomnia. I would wake up a few times through the night, which is quite unusual. I am also scanning for heartbeat on 2 May. A little nervous but praying for everything to be okay. Don't be nervous too!
dawn - welcome! and congrats! im not sure but i saw mine at 5 weeks. you can start counting from the first day of your last menses to see how far along you are.

Hanahuiyi - me..i dont like certain food already. normal portion only eat half of it..and few hungry every 2-3hrs.. snack on biscuits and bread..im not working so i cant comment but i can guess how terrible it will be at work. take care

dollygal - maybe biscuit not so oily..but some people have night sickness not necessarily morning..

cleodux - are you working? maybe can try napping in afternoon? u can also talk to you gynae about ur insomnia and see how he/she can help you. there are some things out of our control so since we cant control it then there is no use worrying about it..try doing relaxation breathing to relax and clear ur mind..listen to some soothing spa music..or a bit of stretching to relax ur muscles..i know its kinda stressful to try and fall asleep cos you know u got to wake up early the next day..but if you can make arrangements to get someone else to send your son there it can help you too. delegate your work!~ well i have a rabbit at home so when i had insomnia last time i think to myself its not that bad at least my rabbit is accompanying me (cos it is a nocturnal animal) play with it a bit and try to go back to sleep again.. take care
cherie - shiok right? hahaha..:X had fishburger n chickenburger today..fishburger for dinner and chickenburger for supper.. im going to be so fat. but anything that can sit in my tummy now im glad!

i wake up through the night to go toilet...last night i woke up at 5+am..and couldnt sleep. but cos i dont have the stress of having to wake up early the next day so it was ok i could always take nap in afternoon.

take care everyone!
Hi, may i know pregnant women can attend housewarming? I only hear before cannot attend wake or wedding. How abt hsewarming?
Hello Dec Mummies!
First time in posting in this thread. 2nd time mummy, previously from Mar 09 mummy thread. Last wk, I tested positive with clearblue and at gynae's place (via urine test), haha but still early days, can't see much yet thru scan. Doc ask me go back next wk again for scan.

I find that for this 2nd one, my tummy is showing up very obviously, feels like 3 mth preggy though its not even 2. Boobs also bigger. Also have craving for "tasty" food - think its becos my tongue having the metallic taste now

Anyone seeing Dr Adrian as gynae?

Anyone doing yoga? Am currently doing, but not the pre-natal type. Wonder if i shld stop and continue after 1st trim when its more stable?
Hello to all new joiners! and congrats to u too. very happy to have more mummies joining this thread.

MadamYip, thanks! will check out Dr Adrian. Is he your gynae now?

Got quite a bit of morning sickness now, mostly feeling of nausea and will feel like theres alot of saliva if i dont quickly eat something when the nausea + salive feeling comes.

@faithe - i think house warming ok ba...? depends on individual also, see whether pan tang or not?
all mummies here, we have a secret FB group for Dec Mummies! if wanna join please provide your email addresses ok.
went for my 1st gynae check up earlier. baby is 6weeks 6days old and we finally saw the blinking heartbeat on the scan screen! edd: 15 dec

anyway i decided to c kkh gynae at subsidised rate. so am transferring to clinic c for my 10th week scan. dont know lei, i dont have many questions/ queries usually. find it too ex to have private consultation. :p

Is that ur real name? If so it's same as mine. Haha!

Yes would love to join the group. Who to pm pls?


Do u all feel so Sian to work? Feel giddy and feeling to puke at times..
Hi Dec mummies!
1st time posting in this thread, but 2nd time mummy, previously from Mar 09 MTB thread. Tested positive using clearblue last wk and also via Urine test at gynae cos too early to see much on scan.

Been feeling my tummy very big as well, like a 3 mth preggy, though its less than 2 mths. Boobs also upsize. And have craving for "tasty" food, becos of the metallic taste in tongue. Any of u like that too?

Anyone has Dr Adrian woodworth as gynae?

Anyone doing yoga now? Am currently taking yoga, but not the pre-natal type, so wondering if I should stop now &amp; continue after 1st trim when things are more stabilize?
Hi mummies, pls leave ur email here so that other mummies in the fb group can help me to add u ladies in cos my house dont have a PC and nowadays im feeling very weak due to pregnancy
Mrs Lee - yes, me! i feel sian to work and then nausous all the time (today slightly better) and the puke feeling comes on and off.

everyday just cant wait to go off. and time seems to pass very super duper slowly in the office. arghhh.
Already: haha shiok, but stomach feels a little queasy. Maybe because of the oil.

Mrs Lee: I use the name to make reservations! hahaha because a bit hassle to use chinese names :p

Feeling a bit sian to work because I just want to sleep the whole day. Doc gave me a week MC last week but still got to work because we are seriously under-staffed.

Can't wait for the next ultrasound!
dollsy - he use to be my gynae but I switch to dr tham as dr tham is closer to my house and has better timings.

Absolutely. Can't concentrate on my work. Wish that I can take mc or leave and sleep at home throughout. I m feeling cold in the office and my Coll even commented that I looked so pale. I just smile. The feeling of giddy and puking off and on sucks.

I hv been crazing for spicy stuffs recently. Chilli padi is my best friend. Gosh.

Ok my email is [email protected]
Sorry i don't know why I can't receive any notifications to join the fb group. Can someone in the group add me as fb friend first and then after I am your fb friends, you can add me to the group? my fb profile email: [email protected]

Sorry for the trouble!!
I had been puking and puking at night. Food has to be eaten very slowly and am only attracted to liquid food like porridge. Sad... Check up later, hope BB is ok..
i din receive any invites in fb too...also don't know wat's wrong w my fb..hehee

since i puke out my dinner last nite, it happened again this morning after i had my bfast. So i dare not eat anything until almost 5 plus then start feel hungry and no choice got to find food to eat for the sake of bb.
i very scared tonight i can't sleep again. tmr got early meeting in ofc, i need to wake up early to prepare.
Yup seem like cannot find some email on the fb, how come?

Adamummy: i also wanna puke but cannot puke out that feeling, then tummy will feel terrible sob
Feel like eating fillet o fish now....heheee

Ya adamummy, i hate that feeling, want to puke but cannot..like something stuck in the throat..
hi. I'm new. I have very terrible MS. right now having cough. scared to eat medicine, even though I got my medicine from gynae
@Already: i a sahm, morning take my boy to playgroup and after that must entertain him the whole day lol. Sometime i ignore him, and let him watch tv. When he naps in the afternoon, i can't nap also, don't know why. At night must wait him sleep before i sleep. Don't know why this time i feel more tired and no energy at all, compare when i pregnant with my boy. Maybe because half of my energy spend on him lol.

About the secret fb group, if we join, our friends can not see we joining on their news feed right? cause i still want to keep this pregnancy a secret at least until i can see the baby heartbeat.
Terrible! !! Kinda Hving gastric cos can't eat well n sick in the throat.... hungry until im scared to touch food. .. jus hug the toilet bowl

N the next horrible thing is the pee at night. Oh my goodness! !!! Dunno where the pee came frm whole night just waking n pee n lead to slpless night..
morning ladies... hope everyone feeling better today, at least it's friday for those working mums/mums to be!

@cleodux, it's a secret FB group, so friends wont be able to see, unless they are also from the same group. hee.

Yes it's a fri! I took half day leave today somemore..hahaha. Planning to run errands but I am very tempted to just nap.

@teddybaby, about yoga, the best way is to check with your instructor. She will tell you which posture to avoid doing. I am doing ballet now (but I keep skipping class these days because I super tired and lazy!!) and as long as it's just stretching, I find it ok!

Any mummies start to feel bigger sized already? I haven't weigh myself but I feel bloated and heavier.
