(2013/12) December 2013

Do u have a fb account?

Positivecalm, congrats!!!

Bubbub, check w u, when u had your uti, what antibiotics did the doc prescribe u? I'm now seriously second guessing myself if I should take antibiotics so early in the pregnancy, esp at this critical time when all the major organs r forming, but then I read the infection can lead to a 3x risk of miscarriage up to 20 wks, so I'm really sad now.
Thanks Hana.
Damn Dr Google, my DH is going to throw my phone n iPad out the window any minute now. I tell myself I will not read up on this anymore, I have decided I will stop my antibiotics till Fri when I see my doc, then decide from there bah. Meanwhile I guess I will try to load up on yogurt, see if it can help restore the natural ph balance in my lady bits.
Hahaha my dh always says same. He says the more I read stuff online the more anxieties and fears are created.
Sigh. its been a very trying journey thus far and we just got to relax and trust that all things will work out well.
Many things are really not within our control but we don't have to be pessimistic.
So jiayous hazelnut!!
Thanks Hana
I'm usually a very 看得开 person, in my 2ww this round, I went back to work the next day, I played mahjong till 3am, I did gelish on the supposed implantation day, I even went Bali before the 2ww is up. But since I got preggy, it's like I obsess over every s.i.n.g.l.e l.i.t.t.l.e thing. Haiz. Oh well, I blame the hormones, as usual. Hehe.
Hi all I am 5plus weeks pregnant and am due 9th dec
have 2 kids 8 and 7 and this time round its really unexpected but still am looking forward.
Mng mummies!

There are some realy useful apps available to follow thru the pregnancy. I am using the babycentre one. Its pretty useful so far.
Morning Mummies!

Elaine, pls add me into your grp too. [email protected]

I read stuff online too for delivery and it really make me fears of the delivery again.

Btw, it is advisable to do nail gelish during our pregnancy?
AR: Im also using the apps too and it is really useful.

There is another apps PregBuzz many information on pregnancy as well.
Yes I'm using the baby centre app, it's good! They also have another version for when your baby is born. I'm using that also for my toddler. Quite accurate the way they describe the child's behaviour at certain age.

I did nail gelish before during pregnancy. Once only. It's ok however when you go nail salon, you will be breathing in the nail polish fumes...which in the long run is not advisable.

Some mummies I know went to do hair rebonding before delivery. Xiaxue the blogger also went to colour her hair. However, when I asked my gynae for permission to perm my hair...perming won't touch my scalp...she said no. She prefers me to play safe by waiting after delivery, after breastfeeding too. So last pregnancy, I had half black, half brown hair. Ugly! And this pregnancy, I will have messy hair. Ugly too!

Btw mummies, you can all still go facials, just don't do anything with machines. Plain massage type of facials only. Can't do IPL also.
I have messy hair too, tot of doing rebonding but was told that it is better not. To play safe, we better wait till our delivery then few mths later do hair rebond.

So facial we still can go ahead.. haha I just postponed my facial appt cos afraid that it will affect me as now im still in my first trimester.
Adamummy - true haha. i guess its for babies who are already born.

ya i just signed up for this nail package before finding out i was pregnant and now my gel nails are looking gross. have to make appointment soon!

my face is breaking out..im blaming on hormones! ahhh i need my facial soon but im feeling queasy and giddy these days. >.<
Hazelnut - hi 5!! I also was very lax during my 2ww!! I went cycling n gyming with hubby and initially wanted go batam also cuz bored at home haha. Then when really preggy le I also became very obsessed and paranoid! But I think today was much better. I finally managed to lay aside this fear and truly enjoyed my day at work. Haha hope things stay this way. Chill.
Sorry mummies, i will add u girls later or tomorrow cos need to use ipad to log in but was unwell today.

Hey, i triple confirm u all must go buy 4D cos i strike today after i missed my 1st n 3rd prize. Lol
Morning all! Feel like sleeping rather than working.... And the weather is definitely not helping too. How have your appetite been? I eat quite a bit and already developed a tummy even at 5plus weeks
Dear Elaine,

Take care yoi. Me too, same with you feel like want to eat something but tummy not behaving good and feeling tired &amp; sleepy.

Could you please add me into the fb group. My email address is [email protected]. Thank you
hello good morning mommies and mommies-to-be

audrey, me too me too. definitely have a tummy already! are u 3rd time mommy too? my frens say 3rd time thats y tummy show earlier. and i am not skinny to begin with. I am 7 weeks plus, gained 1 kg already.

elaine, i also feeling bloated all day long. no appetite for dinner last night, ended up with cup noodles. unhealthy, but if i can keep it within my stomach, why not. haha
Elaine, take care and also congrates of stiking 4d

I shld buy abit of 4D liao.. i wang heng heng strike too leh. kekeke

Audrey, me too... my tummy not behaving as well, still feeling cramps and bloated.
Love Everyday... talking about IPL I have to stop my underarm treatment
still got 7 more times but lucky they told me can hold till I give birth and after 2 menese cycle than can continue... sian 1/2
just wanna ask all mummies for advice.. is it ok to use the photocopying machine during our pregnancy.. maybe for an hr long?
Hi all! this is my 1st post and I am in my 5th week today.

This is my 1st pregnancy and couldn't help feeling anxious. Everyday have insomnia and couldn't stop checking my underwear ><

yesterday night I thought I almost died because I broke out in cold sweat and whole body went cold. I was very paranoid because my BBT was very low and I always thought when you're pregnant, temperate should always stay slightly higher. Luckily I felt better now after forcing myself to sleep after the scary episode.

anyone have cold sweat problem during sleep at night?
MissAH, welcome n congrats! Don't worry I had the exact same experience, I woke up in the middle of the night once n felt so super freezing cold that I was literally paralyzed for a few mins. Then after a few mins I felt better n went back to sleep n then next thing i know, I was up again n covered in sweat this time. Brought this up to my gynae n she said a lot of mummies told her abt having this kind of experience, she don't really have an explanation for it, but she suspect it could be due to fluctuating blood pressure. She says its not serious to mummy or baby though, so not to worry!
hi hazelnut! thank you so much for your reply! I guess I am really scaring myself and my hubby. Can't help feeling paranoid until the next scan which is more than 2 weeks away. ><
Ms starts kicking in real badly !!!! I was still happy telling everyone this time round no ms for mi. .. Who knows! ! Puke out every single meal! !!!
I'm hungry n yet I don't dare to eat
Just heard a really heart wrenching story..

A friend lost her baby when she went into labour. I dont want to give out too many details.. but mummies, pls be careful.
Cannot fall sick. If you have fever or cough, please stay home and rest. If you lose your job, you can overcome it and find a another one. What if you lose your child because of your neglience? - How to overcome that?- You will be tramatisized for life.
Especially those mummies conceive thru IVF... please please be extra careful.
I am not saying all these to scare you but you might not know what might happen. Best is prevention.
Try to avoid exotic food,. Take vits until day of delivery. Hydrate yourselves. Dont eat out often- bec sometimes if food not clean, can cause stomach upset and etc.
Most importantly (I am a strong advocate of this)- Do not post too many details of your baby development on social media. Evil eye do exists. Imagine, another friend cant get pregnant at all and you keep posting all the baby bumps and scans. They get jealous. And sometimes, jealousy can led to extreme measures...

Ok mummies, if I offended anyone, I am sorry. That is never my intention. I just want the best for our group.
My previous group also one girl lost her baby to genetic deformaty at week 29 and another lost her baby when the child was a few months old due to lung failure.-- All this is just too heart wrenchng for anyone to take. So do listen to elders when they ask to take precautions.
For all those God fearing- just pray everyday for your safety and baby's safety.
AdaMummy - try porridge..macaroni..dong xing fen..all the light food. thats what im doing now..same as you thought no ms but starting haa...
AR- Oh dear. .. That's v v sad to hear. .. Yes I agree sometimes cannot be stubborn n "modern" n refused to heed elderly advice..

Already- porridge oso vomit. Tonight hv to try fish soup. Yesterday I ate spaghetti (I cook myself) n I puke all out n go to bed with empty stomach. Hungry till morning ate beehoon oso puke. Now I'm munching biscuit. Cannot even take my fav HL milk! !!!
Hi all
I dont dare to weigh myself...:p I am 3rd time mummy thats y I get the tummy I guess. But I am still trying to enjoy my food else I am scared I have no energy to work and take care of house work and kids :{
In fact I think I am quite paranoid.
I have been doing preg tests again and again cos I haven gone for any scans and I am seeing my gynae only next Tues..and I get worried when the test lines are not prominent enough. Funny right me:p
I have problems taking Mum's milk powder so I looked for another alternative- Nutrisoy reduced sugar and it worked! I would slightly warm it in a small container over fire and drink one glass in the morning and one at night. It helps me to feel better;)
I'm not taking mum milk powder. Already v fat... I oso dont dare to weight myself. .. taking low fat milk
Hello all
This is my first pregnancy, and the way I discovered my pregnancy wasn't really that good, cos I was spotting for more than 10 days.

Tested at KKH 24 hr clinic, but they were not able to tell how many weeks I am. I am probably into my 5th week now.

Start to feel tiredness and a little of headache this week. Still feeling paranoid over the previous spotting, since it's my first pregnancy haha. Hopefully everything will be stable and ok for scan next Mon
Hi mummies to be

I have the following Philips Avent items to sell. Please pm me or contact me at [email protected] if you are interested.

Philips Avent (Brand New)
1 X 6 piece Breast Shell Set

1 X Moisturising Nipple Cream

10 X Breast Milk Containers 180ml/6oz

The following I am letting go for free. You just need to pay for postage.

Pigeon (Brand New)
2 X Peristaltic Nipple for Wide-neck Bottle Size S
Which brand is good for mum milk powder? I have yet to drink any milk, will try to buy one tin and drink soon..it will be is gd for us to drink more milk for now.

Audrey, obviously that our weight has increase.. im waiting to see my gynae and will know how much i put on

Cherie, congrates to your first pregnancy. Dun worry much, just look fwd to your scan next mon.
Hi bubub,

Found u here. When is ur scan w dr r?

I just scan on monday, one sac only.i m happy enough n next thing i know i had brown discharge n stopped at nite. Then came back next afternoon. Better b safe than sorry i called clinic again n they asked me see dr r.
N this time he did vaginal probe for the h/b. he said 104 at week5++, n he expect next mon see me shd reach 120 at least. Then he starts the nagging about he dun hold high hopes on me n now i got it, how he wish can make me stay at home as much as possible. In the end he issued me 1week mc.
Hi mummies! EDD mid Dec.

#2 mum here, #1 son is 9mths old.. just started morning sickness today and epidural spot on back is aching!!

Is the FB group secret one yet?
Good morning mommies

Its my 6th week today. Hope the bb is growing healthily inside. Looking forward to the scan in 6 days time! ;)

I've been perspiring a lot even just by going for lunch under the sun. Aiyo. =\

Jeslyn: I thinking of buying anmum. It seems to have quite good review. Any1 can verify?
Hi HanaHuiyi, I drank Anmum &amp; Frisomum for my #1 and i put on significant weight til my gynae asked me to stop. So, I'll recc it for mums who are losing weight or dun put on weight easily

Gd Morning to all Mummies

HanaHuyi, i will be buying the Anmum too but not sure if the taste will be nice not.. I prefer drinking cold meiji milk as it wont make me puke.

Btw, is it we hv to drink it throughout our pregnancy.
Hi mommies!:D I am having a bad headache after a nonstop morning... Cherie congrats on your pregnancy
I understand how it feels cos my first pregnancy was like tt too. I discovered it very very early and the gynae told me its undetectable through scan and asked me to go to Mount Alvernia for a blood test. He said it could be ectopic pregnancy. And it was already 8pm at night!
I was crying all the way till I got my results at 10pm in Alvernia. I was only 2 weeks into my pregnancy. And after that I had constant cramps and I was so scared I din sleep well.Now thinking back I was really inexperienced and too worried.
Cherie you have to rest well and try to think positive thoughts k.
Hi Jeslynster my fren told me similac mum does not increase fats as much as the other brands do..too bad I cant drink milk powder so soy milk works just fine
If you are eating well milk is just a supplement
Hi Audrey, do take care. I will see the contents of the ingredients before getting the milk powder.. must buy with less fats de hahaha
Thanks Jeslynster and Audrey!

I seem to have a very light yellowish-brown discharge yesterday, got quite worried and called the clinic. They asked me to go down immediately, which really scared me. Haha.

But all is well, got an injection and managed to scan and saw the sac
Now am on MC for a week, but still a bit worried about work because we are quite short-handed.
hi mummies,

i just missed my menses yday and tested positive. went to get the clearblue digital and it says 3 weeks plus. i hv yet to check w the gynae, will do so next week. btw this is my 2nd, my first is turning 3 next week.

anyone seeing DR HK HO from Mount A?

I had 3 breakfasts today, all before 12pm. It's horrid...I got to keep eating if not my stomach will feel queasy. My colleagues looked at me in surprised when I was eating a Subway at 11am. I felt quite embarrased, so I lied that I didn't have breakfast and the Subway was my breakfast! Not true...I had 2 sets of breakfast before reaching the office! LOL!

I really hope I won't put up too much weight. Now my hair looks crappy -- and can't do rebonding or any chemical treatments. My only hope is that I can look like a slim mummy!!!!
