(2013/11) November 2013

mush - i dont rem seeing single sized mattress.. or maybe i wasnt looking for it and it skipped my eye.
the robinsons at centrepoint outlet is better than the raffles city one!

mummies, any idea how many new born diapers should i get? i haven done any diapers shopping!!
and how many S should I get after the new born diapers can tbe worn anymore?

mush - i dont rem seeing single sized mattress.. or maybe i wasnt looking for it and it skipped my eye.
the robinsons at centrepoint outlet is better than the raffles city one!

mummies, any idea how many new born diapers should i get? i haven done any diapers shopping!!
and how many S should I get after the new born diapers can tbe worn anymore?

twinnie87, depends on how big is ur baby? my 2nd one was a minion. she can wear NB for 2-3 months, and S size for a long time. at 18 months currently, she is still on merries M size. LOL, save money in a way. also depending on cutting of the diapers.

Oh ya today is the last day for merries diapers. $2 discount per pack, spend abv $75, get $10 ntuc voucher. i had grab 3 packs of NB, and 3 packs of S. on average newborns use 8-10 diapers daily. and my cl is quite wasteful on diapers, based on previous experience. :(
xuan, thanks for the info on babysafe. will check them out at expo. been wanting to buy a single sized mattress for #1. let the CL take her current old mattress, after CL leaves i will thrown the old mattress out. Dr phua very generous with 3d scans. since his machine can do it, he will try to take pictures for u when bb position is good. i had a number of 3d photos for my #1. but till now i havent got any for #2. going to see him this sat 30/31wk appt. hope that he will take some 3d photos for me, we got quite bored with the 2d photos liao. during the last visit he actually give me a print out of my #1 penis. lol... im going to show it to him when he grow up. u still on 3wkly appt?
Morning mummies..

Had a long night last night.. After hub apply the bio oil for me suddenly tummy harden.. And it harden for quite a while.. After that relax Dan harden again.. So worried that it is contraction.. Kept talking to baby after that Dan okay.. Really getting Gan jiong..

I also waiting for the oct baby fair.. To get diapers and those necessities.. But worried abt the crowd also.. Hahaha really must go early morning to queue...
Hi valenjo, welcome to the thread!

Who is your private gynae? Did he recommend you to see SGH because they can manage your case better or because it will be cheaper in case of pre-term labour? So you transfered to SGH gynae completely?

my first one is natural birth. Hence, perhaps, i don't have your risk of the placenta penetrating the old c-sect scar. Is your placenta previa major or just partial?

I didn't have to go through more detailed scans, everything as per normal. My gynae did tell me all the risks of a placenta previa C-sect and had prescribed ventolin for standby in case i bleed. I think my gynae is known for handling high risk cases and surgery, hence, there isnt a need for him to refer me to another clinic.

Hi totorodino, mine is complete central placental previa, totally covering the entire cervix...My gynae recommended me to go SGH cos she said it's cheaper and the national blood bank is there...cos she say my condition might have huge blood loss during the c-sect...my SGH gynae did not give me any ventolin...if bleed he says go directly to A&E...

btw do u experience Braxton's hicks, more freq at night?
lol mummychua y dr phua so cute 1! i din know can get more than 1 3d scan, thot only will have 1 of such scan for the package, so yest was pleasantly surprised n din "inform" baby beforehand to cooperate. lol.. i got my 1st 3d scan during my wk30 appt also.. he wanted to take 1 at wk28 but baby's position was not good. my appt is now once in 2 wks. did u manage to get a 3d scan of ur #1's face from the front last time? i'm hoping next appt can get 3d scan showing baby's face from the front instead. since we already saw the left n right face now.. haha...
thanks nini! haha so funny, the way you describe your no 2 as a minion!
from the looks of it, i dont think my baby would be a big baby when birth..not sure when he is born.
im at 32 weeks, and he's only 1.5-1.6kg
ok, shall do some estimations of diapers before i start buying!
hopefully can get some deals at the oct baby fair

mush - your gyane so nice! i feel you, i feel quite bored with the 2d photos, its always the same type of pictures, maybe different side of the face. haha, i wonder what your #1 reaction would be when he grows up.

how's everyone's appt now?
im at 32 weeks and only starting a 3wkly appt on my next appt..
Hi totorodino, mine is complete central placental previa, totally covering the entire cervix...My gynae recommended me to go SGH cos she said it's cheaper and the national blood bank is there...cos she say my condition might have huge blood loss during the c-sect...my SGH gynae did not give me any ventolin...if bleed he says go directly to A&E...

btw do u experience Braxton's hicks, more freq at night?

How many weeks are you now? I am at 33 weeks this Friday. My gynae said if it is just spotting, there's no need to go to the hospital, just take ventolin as the spotting will normally stop. But if there's a gush of blood, will need to go hospital immediately.

Yes, there's a risk of heavy blood loss for placenta previa C-sec, hence two bags of blood from HSA have been ordered for my C-sect date as stand-by. I understand that i only have to pay for the transportation fee of the blood if i have a transfusion, otherwise, there's no cost. So don't really need to be at a hospital near the blood bank.

Braxton hicks, I experience them from time to time but not really more frequently at night. I seldom pay much attention to them actually.
My colleagues are really lazy to walk to this market that's maybe 500m from our office building. Im like the only one who's hardworking enough to walk there as I prefer to eat good food rather than just eat anything out of convenience. I really hate it when they dare to "hint" to me to buy for them. They will ask "what are you eating?" obviously hoping that i will be eating something they want to eat and i can shun bian buy for them. But, who is the one pregnant here huh? they should buy for me instead loh!
ZhuZhu & Fleefly, jia you jia you!! you both can make it!;);)

nursing bra, I bought 2 from mothercare. Not sure if it's enough. I'm now looking at sleeveless nursing top to wear at home. Got to scout around ..

fuzzybear, thanks for your advise. Yes. I intend to do it but only after I got my last pay check. I don't want things to screw up at this moment. Honestly, I'm not happy with the way MOM replied me too. Quite frustrating talking to them. So, I've decided to move-on now but will put up the case at the later. In a way also good la for me to rest at home during Oct in order to prepare the 2 elder one for their SA2 exam. :D muzt think positive :D

With regards to your frd, really sad to hear that. I personally had 2 m/c. I think we'll never understand the feeling that she's going thru'. Is great you're there to provide her with a pair of listening ears. I hope she has the courage to talk about it, give sometime to herself to grief about it and ready to move on. *Pray for her*

diapers, I bought 2 packs pampers NB. As I plan to use cloth nappy during day time. I think it should be sufficient to get another 2 packs. :)

Braxton hicks, I got that pretty frequent during week 30 but it kinds of gone or not frequent at this stage though. Only feel very breathless these days.

toto, we're just 1 day apart? I'm at week 33 coming Sat :D but gynea visit is still 3 weeks apart. I guess my next visit probably will be the second last appt b4 I go into labour unless overdue?? haha, take it easy la. some ppl especially working collegues r quite insensible at time. treat it as good exercise for u to walk around lor :D cheer up!
SN: ur colleagues really buay paiseh leh. if once or twice still nvm but everyday?

RE: diapers
i only bought 2 packs of nb size n 2 packs of s size during the taka fair, for the sake of medela bottles. haha.. i have some cloth diapers on standby, when bb's born n diapers not enuff then ask hub go out to buy. initial stage i won't mind so much abt the savings/ cost of diapers, cos still not familiar with which brand n size more suitable. when bb's older n more stable with the size n brand then i will chiong baby fairs to buy in bulk. haha...
SN, just reply and tell them dunno yet....
if they dare ask you pack, tell them that wah you tink I'm still in my early stage of pregnancy???

lxb, the way your hub rub your tummy might trigger contraction. rem to go in one direction like bottom to up.

fuzzybear, guess your friend needs a listening ear now. will be sad but definitely stronger than we can imagine...
just the courage to start over again need to build up... hoping she recovers well and fast.

when is the fair in Oct huh? I haven really prepare the diapers etc...
SN: ur colleagues really buay paiseh leh. if once or twice still nvm but everyday?

RE: diapers
i only bought 2 packs of nb size n 2 packs of s size during the taka fair, for the sake of medela bottles. haha.. i have some cloth diapers on standby, when bb's born n diapers not enuff then ask hub go out to buy. initial stage i won't mind so much abt the savings/ cost of diapers, cos still not familiar with which brand n size more suitable. when bb's older n more stable with the size n brand then i will chiong baby fairs to buy in bulk. haha...

yea, my boss especially. I "rejected" her at least 5 times subtlely. She always wants to eat from this particular stall and will asked if im buying from there. I will just say "im not eating that or i dunno what i want to eat, must see the stalls for inspiration." She still didnt get the hint and will say, "if you happen to buy from that stall, can help me buy." grrrrr. so i will normally eat something else not from that stall. Today, they sent this sick colleague to buy for them. She bought like 3 or 4 different types of food from different stalls and even pack drinks for them. wah lao. I didnt ask her to buy, i just went there separately.

totoro : tell them , dont walk, dont eat.

hahahaha. good one.

ZhuZhu & Fleefly, jia you jia you!! you both can make it!;);)

nursing bra, I bought 2 from mothercare. Not sure if it's enough. I'm now looking at sleeveless nursing top to wear at home. Got to scout around ..

fuzzybear, thanks for your advise. Yes. I intend to do it but only after I got my last pay check. I don't want things to screw up at this moment. Honestly, I'm not happy with the way MOM replied me too. Quite frustrating talking to them. So, I've decided to move-on now but will put up the case at the later. In a way also good la for me to rest at home during Oct in order to prepare the 2 elder one for their SA2 exam. :D muzt think positive :D

With regards to your frd, really sad to hear that. I personally had 2 m/c. I think we'll never understand the feeling that she's going thru'. Is great you're there to provide her with a pair of listening ears. I hope she has the courage to talk about it, give sometime to herself to grief about it and ready to move on. *Pray for her*

diapers, I bought 2 packs pampers NB. As I plan to use cloth nappy during day time. I think it should be sufficient to get another 2 packs. :)

Braxton hicks, I got that pretty frequent during week 30 but it kinds of gone or not frequent at this stage though. Only feel very breathless these days.

toto, we're just 1 day apart? I'm at week 33 coming Sat :D but gynea visit is still 3 weeks apart. I guess my next visit probably will be the second last appt b4 I go into labour unless overdue?? haha, take it easy la. some ppl especially working collegues r quite insensible at time. treat it as good exercise for u to walk around lor :D cheer up!

actually, according to my gynae's "edd wheel" (he has this small "wheel" that he uses to calculate the EDD), my EDD is 2 Nov. But according to babycentre and my own calculation, it should be 1 Nov leh. My last visit was at 32 weeks and next visit is also 3 weeks later at 35 weeks. I think after that will be 37 weeks and time to C sect at 38 weeks liao.
SN, just reply and tell them dunno yet....
if they dare ask you pack, tell them that wah you tink I'm still in my early stage of pregnancy???

lxb, the way your hub rub your tummy might trigger contraction. rem to go in one direction like bottom to up.

fuzzybear, guess your friend needs a listening ear now. will be sad but definitely stronger than we can imagine...
just the courage to start over again need to build up... hoping she recovers well and fast.

when is the fair in Oct huh? I haven really prepare the diapers etc...

haha yes, I always tell them i dunno what im gg to eat yet. Which is the truth cos i usually walk up and down and see which stalls interest me, although i have some vague idea of what to eat already. haha.
SN, just reply and tell them dunno yet....
if they dare ask you pack, tell them that wah you tink I'm still in my early stage of pregnancy???

lxb, the way your hub rub your tummy might trigger contraction. rem to go in one direction like bottom to up.

fuzzybear, guess your friend needs a listening ear now. will be sad but definitely stronger than we can imagine...
just the courage to start over again need to build up... hoping she recovers well and fast.

when is the fair in Oct huh? I haven really prepare the diapers etc...

Ya i think so too.. maybe i will apply the cream myself already.. the fair is from 4-6 oct..
haha yes, I always tell them i dunno what im gg to eat yet. Which is the truth cos i usually walk up and down and see which stalls interest me, although i have some vague idea of what to eat already. haha.

They are really inconsiderate. If want to eat why dun want to go out n buy.. Tell them sit too long on chair will have big butt loh... Somemore it doesn't seems to be far also.. I support u in not buying for them.. Unless like your that sick colleague I dun mind buy back.. Cos sick already in out aircon really not good.. But why healthy people want to ask ppl do such favors.. I detest such ppl...
mush - i dont rem seeing single sized mattress.. or maybe i wasnt looking for it and it skipped my eye.
the robinsons at centrepoint outlet is better than the raffles city one!

mummies, any idea how many new born diapers should i get? i haven done any diapers shopping!!
and how many S should I get after the new born diapers can tbe worn anymore?
My #1 was at birth 3.18kg n we straightaway used Huggies S cos that was what that was provided at Gleaneagles, so we just stick to it. During my my first preg, I didn't buy any diapers till discharge cos inexperienced and dunno what to expect. But this time round, I already stocked up 8 packets of Huggies small! Haha.. Cos the last Taka fair gave medela bottles for every four packets purchased...
I rem diaper change for newborn was about 6-8 everyday cos bf babies poo a lot. But my fren's bf baby only poo once every few days and her PD said that's becos her baby absorbed most intake? Dunno leh.. But anyways, I think Huggies S lasted my girl for quite many months, can't recall exactly how many but I think at least 3 mths shouldn't be a prob. But all in all it all depends on your bb, some balloon real fast with the non-stop mooing!
SN, yr colleagues so bu zi dong! i won't bother to help them buy too, i never ask them to help me buy already very good lo!

diapers, I hv stocked up 2 packs of nb and 2 packs of small fm Taka fair (for medela bottles too!) and will stay put with these till baby is delivered then buy again. anyway, no where to put so many things at home for spares!
Oh ya just a note, Pampers has bigger cutting than Huggies. So if u buy Pampers newborn, it should last a baby's growth longer than Huggies Newborn.
But I personally think that given the fact that we need to change newborn so often, it is more economical to use a cheaper diaper. Until BB gets bigger, then I will switch to more premium ones which stays dry longer.
They are really inconsiderate. If want to eat why dun want to go out n buy.. Tell them sit too long on chair will have big butt loh... Somemore it doesn't seems to be far also.. I support u in not buying for them.. Unless like your that sick colleague I dun mind buy back.. Cos sick already in out aircon really not good.. But why healthy people want to ask ppl do such favors.. I detest such ppl...

LOL! yea sit too long big butt loh! hahaha.

SN, yr colleagues so bu zi dong! i won't bother to help them buy too, i never ask them to help me buy already very good lo!

diapers, I hv stocked up 2 packs of nb and 2 packs of small fm Taka fair (for medela bottles too!) and will stay put with these till baby is delivered then buy again. anyway, no where to put so many things at home for spares!

actually come to think of it, only my boss dares to ask me to buy for her. the other colleagues will arrow the colleague who is sick today. There was one time i came back from the market while they were on their way there and they said casually that I should have asked them to buy so i don't have to walk so far. but since then, they havent offered to buy for me. so it's like say say only loh. I don't need pple to buy for me lar, so long you don't ask me to buy can already. maybe my boss thinks she's the boss so got privilege? but then sorry loh, maybe i pregnancy hormones also lar, i don't really care if you are the boss or what, I still think you shouldn't ask 3rd trim pregnant woman to buy for you!!!! :mad::mad:

re: diapers. We went to Bukit Indah Jusco at JB on sunday. the diapers are so cheap cos of our strong currency. I think mamy poko is only SGD 18 for the jumbo pack! so we bought like 7 packs of huggies and mamy poko, for #1 and #2. but of course, cannot buy FM from malaysia lar, cos the FM there is made in Malaysia, while the FM in Singapore is made in Netherlands or Ireland etc depending on the brand.
Blessmom, ya waiting for u to get ur paycheck first then bring them to MOM. But don't wait too long. U read abt the FCBC case on the maternity benefit dispute that Tan Chuan Jin had to step in at the end? Took them almost 2 yrs to settle the issue.

Re: diaper
I will prob stock up abt 6-8 bags of pampers NB. Their cutting is very big. Huggies is small compared to Pampers. I will be stocking up diapers for my #2. He is at the age where he changes only 3-4 pcs a day so can get those longer lasting type.

Re: baby poo
As ur baby past the first 6 wks, they don't poo as often anymore. If u bf ur bb, they can go up to a wk without pooing cos they absorb everything from ur BM. Don't panic if it happens. :)

I m eating a lot at my conference man!! Very full. They are feeding us every 2 hrs!!
Yes, am at 32w when i went for the gynae visit. Did my pre-admission also. Just need to bring ic and head to delivery suite when my time is up. Lol.
U ah, think u dun eat any more durians else ur gal gonna be big at birth. Urs is well fed from durians =p

Re: bh
I get them when i m walking fast or when i carry my #2. I get bh when i am scolding my kids too. Lol. My gynae advise me to slow dwn on my walking and nt to carry #2 too much.

My #2 highest record 20days no poo alth she was purely bfed. =D
SN, my colleagues and staffs here offer to do everything for me but i feel bad lor, i don't think i want to abuse my privilege just because i am pregnant so where possible, i will not go for special treatment. like if there is a eating session together, i will queue up with the rest of my staffs rather than expect to have priority queue.

diapers in JB, a staff of mine told me there is a limit of how much you can buy in JB if its just a day trip else may need to pay GST or fine. i can't remember how much but best to check if you are intending to go there to shop just in case.

felval, gynae didnt advise you to scold your kids lesser ah? hehe ... i get bh when i carry too heavy groceries from carpark to home!
Another baby carnival for you to shop before the Oct bb fair. Can check out more at their Facebook.


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SN, my colleagues and staffs here offer to do everything for me but i feel bad lor, i don't think i want to abuse my privilege just because i am pregnant so where possible, i will not go for special treatment. like if there is a eating session together, i will queue up with the rest of my staffs rather than expect to have priority queue.

diapers in JB, a staff of mine told me there is a limit of how much you can buy in JB if its just a day trip else may need to pay GST or fine. i can't remember how much but best to check if you are intending to go there to shop just in case.

felval, gynae didnt advise you to scold your kids lesser ah? hehe ... i get bh when i carry too heavy groceries from carpark to home!

your colleagues very nice leh. but just like you, i also dun want to be given special attention or privilege. That's y i prefer to walk to the market on my own even if i know some of them are also going there. I won't ask them to buy for me. So long as they don't ask me to buy, im very happy already!

We put some diapers in the car itself and some in the boot so that it doesnt appear that we bought too many when the customs check the boot. anyway, not possible to buy more than 10 packs (i think), unless really dun buy any other groceries and solely buy diapers. else car no space and no hands to carry home too.

like some advise .. how to differentiate bleeding from piles vs 'dangerous' bleeding that could endanger bb? TIA!!!
SN, my colleagues and staffs here offer to do everything for me but i feel bad lor, i don't think i want to abuse my privilege just because i am pregnant so where possible, i will not go for special treatment. like if there is a eating session together, i will queue up with the rest of my staffs rather than expect to have priority queue.

diapers in JB, a staff of mine told me there is a limit of how much you can buy in JB if its just a day trip else may need to pay GST or fine. i can't remember how much but best to check if you are intending to go there to shop just in case.

felval, gynae didnt advise you to scold your kids lesser ah? hehe ... i get bh when i carry too heavy groceries from carpark to home!
Each adult is only allowed to spend sgd50 in Malaysia, not sure if its per day though. Got caught once, cause we grabbed a lot of furnishing stuffs which were on 50-70% off, so looks like a lot of things in the car, got stopped, paid gst of about $40+, and were told allowed to spend only sgd50 in Malaysia.
Just went to gynae yesterday for growth scan at 32weeks 2 days, based on baby's measurements, gynae estimated her weight from 1.9 - 2.2kg, and told us the average weight of the baby is 1.9kg at 32weeks 2 days, I gained another 800g in 1 & 1/2 weeks, total weight gained from pre-pregnancy is now 9.4kg, and baby still need to gain 1 over kg, weight just piled up lately, even though I do not overeat, just eating the same as before
Dun give up. Keep on getting him to try chewing on leafy vege. Mayb can start with the softer leafy vege first.

Sorry to hear abt wat ur friend went thro. I have a friend same case as ur friend. She lost her babies a few times before she successfully delivered her gal at 25weeks and she is nw a big gal.

Sorry to hear abt the difficulties u faced at wk. Gd tat ur hb has been supportive and tats wat u really need nw. Right nw just concentrate on urself and the baby. Better things will come along =)

Hahaha, me too! I like sunny days where i can suntan my clothes =p i like my clothes sun dried and crispy =p

I didnt chart the movements. Roughly count till 10x per day then i stop le.

Re: gynae visit
I have a better weight control this mth. Baby abt 1.7/1.8kg. Gynae dun wan to tell me big baby or small baby coz he says if he lets me know i wld be able to guess baby's gender. Haha. Baby has turned down and sld be engaged by 36/37w. Praying hard baby's head engage soon. And finally signed delivery package! Too bad kkh do nt have EPS package anymore.

What is EPS Package?

like some advise .. how to differentiate bleeding from piles vs 'dangerous' bleeding that could endanger bb? TIA!!!

I think you will feel some pain when you poo if you have piles? and you should be able to tell where the bleeding is coming from when you wipe yourself with toilet paper?

Each adult is only allowed to spend sgd50 in Malaysia, not sure if its per day though. Got caught once, cause we grabbed a lot of furnishing stuffs which were on 50-70% off, so looks like a lot of things in the car, got stopped, paid gst of about $40+, and were told allowed to spend only sgd50 in Malaysia.

really?! SGD50 is very little leh. so if there are two of us in the car, means we can spend SGD100? aiyoh. didnt know that.

Just went to gynae yesterday for growth scan at 32weeks 2 days, based on baby's measurements, gynae estimated her weight from 1.9 - 2.2kg, and told us the average weight of the baby is 1.9kg at 32weeks 2 days, I gained another 800g in 1 & 1/2 weeks, total weight gained from pre-pregnancy is now 9.4kg, and baby still need to gain 1 over kg, weight just piled up lately, even though I do not overeat, just eating the same as before

at my last visit, 31 weeks 6 days, my baby was at 1.7kg, she's around 1 week behind schedule. I went to check my #1's scan and he was also around 1 week behind schedule. At week 38 when i delivered him, he was 2.865kg. My gynae said the baby follows my small built i.e. small babies for small mommies! haha. I'm 33 weeks today and have gained around 8kg from pre-preg weight but about 800g since last week. I havent really eaten alot this week, so really don't understand how i could gain 800g in a week.......
morning! back to office already!

Yunzzz, to differentiate, u have to wipe only your v**ina or only your anus. see where the source of bleeding is.

800g in 1 wk is pretty decent. I think i m doing abt that too. :)
Just went to gynae yesterday for growth scan at 32weeks 2 days, based on baby's measurements, gynae estimated her weight from 1.9 - 2.2kg, and told us the average weight of the baby is 1.9kg at 32weeks 2 days, I gained another 800g in 1 & 1/2 weeks, total weight gained from pre-pregnancy is now 9.4kg, and baby still need to gain 1 over kg, weight just piled up lately, even though I do not overeat, just eating the same as before

3xmum, ur weight gain is not that bad!! within control.
i eat the same as before, but the weight just piled up lateley too!
morning! TGIF plus Friday 13th...

my feet is awfully swollen now so bad that i cant even see my ankle. kana 2 bad cramps in the middle of the nite. i was there ouch ouch ouch asking my hub to help but he slept thru without bothering. :( haiz... cant wait for the 3rd trimester to end.

just went thru the baby checklist posted on the secret fb page. realised that i still have alot of things un-bought un-prepared. time for me to chiong bb fair, im too relax liao...

cord blood banking, who's doing it? what is the cost huh? i didnt do it for my #1. since we done amino for this boy, maybe we should just do cord blood banking for him too.
morning mush!
oh dear, how come so swollen, did you allevate ur legs at night?

dont worry, i'm just as unprepared as you!
so you are not alone! :)
what other stuff have you not gotten anyways?
during my scan at 31w5d, my baby is 2.2kg!
i got a shock. i think i am 1.5-2 weeks ahead of schedule.
so far i have gained about 10kg.. trying to control my intake but i have been snacking alot recently!
fuzzybear, you read my post regarding my conversation with your agent or not? haiz, if my maid still no news by next wk, i think i will switch to your agent to try. keep me updated if your maid comes on time on 21 Sep ok? thks.

mush, i took cordbanking pkg with Cordlife. think they will be at Baby Market sale, can enquire there? i can't rem cost offhand, need to go home and check but all can be paid using baby bonus so i think its quite ok lor. btw, better sign up soon if you intend to coz you need to let yr gynae know in advance too. btw, i am thinking what clothes to wear for the maternity ps leh. you prepared the type of clothes to wear already?

anyone who has taken the maternity ps or going to take soon has plans on what to wear for the ps? the tube is normal tube right?
twinnie, i did put up my feet but didnt help much. i think i have to start walking to get my circulation going.
anyone using compression sock for water retention? does it help?

littleprince, baby market is the one at Suntec or expo?
during my previous ps, i have some normal tube, bikini swimwear, denim shorts. any other suggestion?
fuzzybear n totorodino :

thankzz for explaining the diff, was worried yesterday :)

totorodino :

may I know how much is the diaper per piece for the different brands you bought in msia huh? Was tinking to buy in baby market or msia .. ;D
Little Prince, i read it but forgot to reply you cos i was replying from my tiny phone. As far as i know the maid's air tix has been booked. And hor, nowadays u have to pay the loan, or at least some part of the loan. very rarely do u find maids who will foot 100% of the loan. My agent is gd though, he doesn't believe the maid shdn't pay a single cent. in my case i pay 70% of the loan and she pays 30%. actually it is safer for u to pay some portion because if not, if ur maid wants, she can report u to the embassy. :) also u don't want them to go and compare with other maids and find out they are at the losing end. end up she will be unhappy and this will cause more problems at the later stage.

Mummychua, are u drinking enough water? not enough water also cause water retention. but i know what u mean abt the sitting.. i was sitting so much during the conference that my legs were quite swollen too. u can try lifting ur legs up when seated or keep flexing ur ankles.

For PS, the standard shots are bikini, tube, naked shots.. that's abt it..
fuzzybear, you read my post regarding my conversation with your agent or not? haiz, if my maid still no news by next wk, i think i will switch to your agent to try. keep me updated if your maid comes on time on 21 Sep ok? thks.

mush, i took cordbanking pkg with Cordlife. think they will be at Baby Market sale, can enquire there? i can't rem cost offhand, need to go home and check but all can be paid using baby bonus so i think its quite ok lor. btw, better sign up soon if you intend to coz you need to let yr gynae know in advance too. btw, i am thinking what clothes to wear for the maternity ps leh. you prepared the type of clothes to wear already?

anyone who has taken the maternity ps or going to take soon has plans on what to wear for the ps? the tube is normal tube right?

i am also toying with the idea of going for maternity shoot anot. but have taken for #2. scared hubby say i waste money hahaha
Hi Ladies~!

TGIF~! Just want to check, anyone getting the lemongrass confinement shower gel instead of the usual herbal Da Feng Ai? Coz i remember someone said it feels sticky after bathing with the Da Feng Ai & the review for the shower gel seems good.. Anyone tried before?
Mush, baby market at suntec.

Fuzzybear, so you mean you secured the maid before 1 sep but still paid for part of her loan? I don't mind paying some part of the loan for her actually, so long as she work hard for me and take gd care of my kids lor. Maybe I call up the maid I picked later to ask her abt the situation.
Fuzzybear, so you mean you secured the maid before 1 sep but still paid for part of her loan? I don't mind paying some part of the loan for her actually, so long as she work hard for me and take gd care of my kids lor. Maybe I call up the maid I picked later to ask her abt the situation.
Yup i already secured her in late Jul. Actually this loan thing is not something new. Has been in forced since Jan 2011 if i m not wrong. abt 2 yrs already except nobody did any surveillance. now they are stepping up lor..

tell ur agent u willing to bear part of the loan and see what he says, else u can talk to mine.. u are running a bit late cos it will take abt 6-8 wks before they can come to SG.
fuzzybear n totorodino :

thankzz for explaining the diff, was worried yesterday :)

totorodino :

may I know how much is the diaper per piece for the different brands you bought in msia huh? Was tinking to buy in baby market or msia .. ;D

hahah..... seems that all mommies become aunties already to compare diaper per piece. LOL! I'm not talking about you, i do the same thing too!
If I rem correctly, it was 30 singapore cents per piece for Huggies Ultra. Mamy Poko Jumbo for XL pack has how many pieces? I never calculate per piece cos I recall normal NTUC price is $23 non-sale period and Malaysia was only $18!!!!!

my next visit is also 3weeks later... should gynae see us every 2 weeks after 31 weeks?

wah seh! yunz your baby is big!!!!!
I think different gynaes have different practices. For mine, after 32 weeks, will see gynae at 35 weeks then 37 weeks then 38 weeks and so forth.
I am going thinking of Cordlife Banking too. Thinking of going to Baby Market Fair at Singapore Expo, but wondering how much is it...
fuzzybear, you read my post regarding my conversation with your agent or not? haiz, if my maid still no news by next wk, i think i will switch to your agent to try. keep me updated if your maid comes on time on 21 Sep ok? thks.

mush, i took cordbanking pkg with Cordlife. think they will be at Baby Market sale, can enquire there? i can't rem cost offhand, need to go home and check but all can be paid using baby bonus so i think its quite ok lor. btw, better sign up soon if you intend to coz you need to let yr gynae know in advance too. btw, i am thinking what clothes to wear for the maternity ps leh. you prepared the type of clothes to wear already?

anyone who has taken the maternity ps or going to take soon has plans on what to wear for the ps? the tube is normal tube right?

Hi littleprince, Any idea how much is the cordlife banking after deducting from baby bonus? btw if i'm not wrong, Baby Market is at Singapore Expo right?
mush, sorry! i meant baby market at expo! replied wrongly earlier! just noticed at the banner on top of SM page. :p

fuzzybear, i googled to find out more then realized too that it was actually implemented since 2011. haiz. yr agent told me if i decide on a maid with him by 1st week of Oct, he can get the maid in for me around 1st or 2nd wk of Nov. i am waiting for my agent to come back to me first about the maid i hv chosen.

ps100, there is an initial payment and then you can choose to pay yearly or monthly after that. depends on which option you chose, let me go home and check and let you know? btw, if you are intending to sign up and quote my details, both of us get a $100 shopping voucher each, i think.

fuzzybear, i googled to find out more then realized too that it was actually implemented since 2011. haiz. yr agent told me if i decide on a maid with him by 1st week of Oct, he can get the maid in for me around 1st or 2nd wk of Nov. i am waiting for my agent to come back to me first about the maid i hv chosen.
Little Prince, ur agent says the maid u chose is paying the loan by herself?

I would caution u about what my agent say. even though he is really fast, there's always a very high possibility that things will drag because Philippines are not as efficient as us. in fact i can assure u that ur maid u select from my agent would prob come later than the date he gave. :)
