(2013/11) November 2013

febie, lol. so both of us in the same predication. my #1 in pats. i feel sorry for #1, that because of #2, we have to withdraw him sometime next year

Febie: that's good! But the weather there is quite unpredictable.. The report says short thunderstorm but it rained from 2pm to like 8pm.. I didn't know that is consider short.. I didn't get to enjoy much this time.. Cos hubby restricted me with my shopping., and he seems more keen to stay in hotel with the free wifi to check the haze and stuff... So I have to stay in hotel until he sense I not happy Dan go out.. But normally we wun travel far cos too late le.. Even eat also can't eat a lot.. Cos of the poison bubble n weight gain so he also limit wat I eat.. Can eat but cannot eat a lot.. Make sure you drink lots of water when you r there.. Cos the weather if sunny very warm..
anybody experiencing nipple discharge? sorry i very sua ku.. i have discharge on both nipples when i squeeze it.. clear sticky liquid..taste saltish.. lolz! i know colostrum should be golden in col..but mine is not..so i donno wats that...
Winkle: I also have.. But mine only one side and not like discharge. It's like pimple head kind.. White white one when I squeeze it wil come out milky color.. I suppose it's fine cos it only happened recently.. N I dunno how to explain to gynae plus he old man.. Haha so I see if it will get better..
SN, ya lor... so expensive leh... Suppose to pull out #1 next yr but my hubby say stay put one more year since nursery at PCF din group them according to their birth dates. so far 1 of the classmates pull out cos of the fees. and one is coming back in Aug. Seeing him playing with his friends etc, feel sad to pull lor.
but no choice. his sch fees after subsidy can pay for a lot of months in pcf lor...
ya Weather unpredictable lor. Taiwan is my yearly destination but this april when we were there, most of us were underdressed. so worried that my boy caught a cold etc. gotta make him wear a few pieces of clothes. and oh july will be extremely hot. prepared to get burnt by the hot sun. hope still have wind blowing else i sure melt...
Woohoo mummies, raining from west to middle of Singapore, seems to be still going eastward!

SN, please don't carry heavy items.
i heard the west raining hailstones! any scientific mommies can explain why? Fuzzybear? mummychua?

Febie, yah, my son is very attached to his teacher leh. we always observe him from the window before we fetch him and can see how close he is to his teacher lor. my hb says it doesnt make sense that his cc fees per year is more expensive than university education.
ankh, yea, trying not to think so much about it since worrying will not help too. the heaviest item that i will carry, is my son lor. lol.
Hello! Just finished Monsters University with my #1. Stepped out then realized for hailstorm in the west. Sorry not too much of a climatologist here. I just know it means water vapor becomes super cooled really fast and fails on earth before it can melt.

Febie, erm I just say what is on my mind ESP if it pertains to my children. When my #1 was at the naughty age of smacking people he used to hit my inlaws and they will allow him to do it. My maid told me abt it so what I did was to beat my son's palm in front of them. They said it was nothing, that my son don't know what's right or wrong. I told them its precisely he don't know what's right or wrong that they must teach him the correct way and correct his wrongs instead of brushing it away. When they pass on it will be me having to bring up brats if they are not taught correctly!!

Xuan, may be sound out ur neighbour quickly lor. If she isn't interested then don't have to consider Liao. Go straight to IFC.

Xiaober, still haven't see ur OB?

Haha Winkle, may be we shd take photos of our tummies and post here! I did it in my #1 thread 5 yrs ago!!

Winkle, Xiaober, ur discharges from ur nipples are normal. Don't go and squeeze it out. Nipple stimulation can cause contractions (read up! I'm not faking it). Clean ur nipples once a wk. it's ur boobs getting ready to produce milk. Now mostly just oil, like sebum.
Fuzzy- I can feel yr pain.
Maybe u will wan to check to the nurse whether they using 21G size needle? This needle though is better than usual one, is easier to push in the med, coz Proluton is oil base.
Also tell the Missy to push in the med super slowly.
After jab, U must really press hard & rub the area so that the med will spread. If not u will suffer for few days. Put warm compress, tahan the pain & gan gan the rub on site.
Hope this help
Hugz hugz
Fuzzy- sorry 21G needle is bigger than usual normal jab needle.
So when poke mayb abit more pain but I feel more pain when Proluton goes in
linxiaober: u talking about the tiny bumps around the areola? sometimes i try to squeeze it like pimple, can see the "whitehead" thing you mentioned. but i think it is some oil glands which is normal..

winkle: i do experience discharge from nipples since 3 mths+ preggie.. same clear sticky liquid and i also curious tasted it, saltish. hahahaha! but as pregnancy progresses it gets more, every morn i wake up with my shirt wet from the liquid.
SN, best to be seated too when u carry your #1. Don't let his weight put a strain on your uterus.

Alamak, I only got miserable few drops of rain. My friend at jurong west had downpour until tree's branches outside her home snapped. But she can still smell the haze.
Bluenosebear, I dunno what needle it is. Shd be the normal ones for this jab becos my doc is an IVF doc so handles a lot of proluton jabs. I wish i can post how badly bruised I am today. Really not the nurse's fault. I was trying not to cry (already jabbed so many times) cos it was so painful. I showed it to my dad who was a medic and he said likely the nurse hit a blood vessel and my nerve. Showed it to my frens who also did these jabs before. They all stunned at the size of the bruising. Ya I'm rubbing it cos it hurts a lot. Lucky this is the last jab, well until I bleed again. Each time i bleed it will be 4 jabs over 2 wks. How much does NUH charge per jab?

Winkle post it without ur face lah. Then I can pretend to superimpose a supermodel's face on!! Woohoo. Hahaha

SN, have u seen ur gynae after ur detailed scan? Ask him what's the chance of ur placenta moving completely up. Hope urs will move though I did hear placenta previa major don't usually move enough for natural birth. U were asking abt the insurance? For Pru First Gift it is 5K for the mom. NICU only can claim a max of 2.5K right? Nonetheless having some insurance is better than none.

Somebody else was asking abt the premium of Pru First Gift. It's $320 one time payment to cover the mom and a separate $100-300 a mth payment (depends on the coverage u choose) from the start of ur coverage all the way until u terminate the plan at 36 mths. U can always continue the plan as it will convert to baby's life insurance (investment linked though) once u give birth.
Ankh, I typed a reply on my edited post. Didn't come out. Annoying!!

My #1 said he likes the movie after it was done. In middle he wanted to leave cos he said it was scary. My #1 is a scaredy cat. He can be scared watching Penguins of Madascagar!!! May be its my fault cos he hardly watches cartoons. When he gets to watch tv he always asks for documentaries.
fuzzybear, I did my detailed scan with a gynae not a sonographer, so he said there's a good chance for it to move up and that my gynae will monitor for me and that it's too early to worry at this point in time. I also read online that for placenta previa cat IV, it's unlikely to move completely up for a natural delivery. actually, im more worried about bleeding and pre-term labour. C-section is the least of my concern so long the baby is healthy. the thought of staying in a government hospital for weeks and having to change to a gynae in that hospital cos insurance doesnt cover this condition, scares me. if anything, i would want my gynae to follow through my case but he is only at Glen E. My next appointment with my gynae is wk 24 (two weeks from now), all of a sudden, just like you, i am also counting down to week 24.

ankh - your gynae's clinic so massive leh. got so many gynaes in the same clinic. i was rather lost and dunno where i should sit. in the end, the nurse just walk around the whole place to call the patient's name. haha. Dr TC Chang very nice leh, very detailed and explained everything.
Winkle, hahah I will be waiting for it. Haha wolf whistle!

SN, what insurance are u talking abt? Yes the normal hospitalization ones don't cover. In fact most insurances do not cover pregnancy related issues except for ectopic preg and miscarriages before 21 wks. If u bleed u have to stay in public hospital. No choice. I know u did ur detailed scan with a gynae. Was wondering if u saw ur gynae for 2nd opinion. I agree it is too early to worry too. It might just move up with no big issue though my gynae told me to expect bleeding when the placenta moves.
fuzzybear, im talking about Prushield and Pru First Gift. None of these two plans cover bleeding due to placenta previa. I haven't seen my gynae for 2nd opinion, seeing him only in 2 weeks time. ok lar. i can wait. haha.
Just went to see gynae.. He scold me when I say I think I got leakage.. He say if leakage should come early and not now... But he checked everything okay.. My baby is now close to 500 grams.. Haha half a kg.. Phew now my heart is normal liao...
Fuzzybear, your #1 not scaredy cat la. Think his reaction normal if he seldom watches movies at the cinemas. I brought my girl to watch Kung Fu panda 2 when she was nearly four. She screamed and was practically crawling out of her seat. Of course we had to exit the cinema. Brought her to a few more movies after that, and she realized cinemas are not such scary places. Still a little bit scary though lol. Hm, maybe she and I will watch Monsters Uni after all.

SN, haha, my gynae's clinic is called economies of scale at work. I bet the sq foot ratio to each gynae is way smaller than other clinics. I know between 2007 and now they managed to carve out space to squeeze in one more gynae's room. Agree TC Chang quite nice. Now the detailed scan setup is better, with the ceiling hung monitor for the mummy to see clearly. But when he was pointing out all the various organs and blood vessels, my hubby and I totally confused. Until he said bb ok, then we went orh, ok hahaha!

Linxiaober, great news! And a very good weight for the bb too
Winkle: ya.. But after I cleaed it out Dan there is nothing until like 1 week later...

Kayliz: ya my hub googled and say its normal.. Just that every time I see I will clear it cos it looks like clogged.. Hahaha

Fuzzybear: seen le..
everything is good

Ankh: ya think my baby is growing fast... From all my food in Taipei... Hahaha

RE: rain
Ya it was very heavy rain.. I just went out with hubby n we see those tree branches along the roadside.. During the rain, I heard loud tock sound on the window.. Dan my hubby say its ice cubes.. Very small ice cubes.. When we open door we also saw ice cubes on the passage way...

RE: prenatal yoga
I remember this topic was discussed before.. Any one remember the recommended places? My hubby is telling me to go and try it out.. So now I need to start researching le..
Hello mummies! Interesting so see all that chat on childcare. Honestly, think hubby and i are still in an escapist mode - we really hv no clue who will be taking care of bb. Sighs.

Winkle, hv u bought your stroller? I went baby's hyperstore at kaki bukit on sat and bought a peg perego pliko p3. Quite a popular model. Hubby liked it a lot, although my pref was to get a capella - cheaper and more functions.

Bought my manduca baby carrier too online. So fun to buy stuff for bb :)
Hello all mummies! ! Go back to work after 5 day course... busy busy! Great tt haze has went down...

Linxiaober- you r back!! Glad tt u r fine! At least u hav a good baby moon w ur hubby. . Cos when bb is out.. dunno when will b e next trip.

Fuzzybear - I tink e kids r scare of watching movie in e cinema. My coll told me she bot a her nephew watch movie. He jump up of his own seat n cling on my coll thru out e movie saying v scary! ! Is just a cartoon show btw..

Everyone discussing abt who taking care of e bb...

Sei - I wan to b sahm le... I wish my hubby can proposed to me tt... in my dreams! We need to keep working to pay e hse support family etc.. So no sahm for me! =(

I dun hav mil but staying w fil. Fil, man.. dunno how to take care. My own mum volunteer to resign n take care of my bb. But I dun wan to burden my mum cos she still healthy n if can work den work.. I still feel better for her to work in her shoes.

Winkle- I oso enrol IFC - First Skool at Hougang & Telok Blangah. Same as xuan oso. Registered 2 place cos one near my mum place oso.

Kayliz - can oso send me e list of things to buy for bb? I pm my email to u ya. Thanks!
pinky: yeah!! erm.. i was complaining to my friend that my hub was more interested to stay in the room to use the free wifi to see the haze status dan to spend more time with me outside.. everytime go back hotel sure have to stay in for at least 1-2 hrs.. cos he will be on his hp checking alot of things.. made me kinda pissed off.. but overall still a good trip cos he didnt restrict me as much as he did now.. now its back to "healthy" lifestyle.. bleah~ he say maybe after 6 months we can go for a short trip.. to rest after giving birth and to rest from the newborn as well.. but i just listen first.. cos who knows after giving birth..

one of the mummies posted that there is sale at ASOS.. i saw some clothes that i m interested to buy.. but i duno wat size should i get.. pre-pregnancy or? can anyone advise? thanks!!
linxiaober- Not bad ma.. at least he got proposed to go for short trip. Mine never. Not even a babymoon for me. My hubby focus on saving money for bb so he said we can only go holiday after 3 yrs. Super sad. I kept tellin him tt im craving to sit on airplane... lol... but he no response. >.<
Morning mommies..

SN, yeah most insurances do not cover placenta previa because this is quite a common condition. nonetheless if baby comes early, it does provide u with some coverage plus the insurance can be transferred to ur baby with no loadings or exclusions (premmies tend to have more problems).

Bluenosebear, OMG! i m paying $50 more per jab!!! $80.25! wah sey! i have done more than 20 jabs so I paid almost 2K!

Ankh, haha it not just normal cinema shows lah.. if he watches it on tv he will have the same reaction. we can be sitting next to him and he can be whining to change channels. Strangely he has no problems watching animals hunt for food.

Xiaober, i told u that leaking amniotic fluid needs to be checked asap. really admire u for being able to tahan lor. glad that everything is ok for u. The place for yoga is Inspire Mum &amp; Baby.

Manawab, better start thinking who will take care of ur bb when u go back to work!
ankh, how many gynaes are there in total in the clinic? Got other gynaes in TMC right? cos the clinic looks like it's the main clinic in TMC liao. haha.

fuzzybear, you report so early today? usually is afternoon then appear. hahaha.
Had to come in to work cos boss is away.. need to cover her lor. haizzz..

Come here to enjoy free aircon also gd. but not looking forward to taking the bus home later.
linxiaober: sorry.. wat do yu meant by after you cleaned it all out then there is nothing after 1 week later? paiseh.. i forgot wat did i reply... hahaha..

the pre-natal yoga is Inspire Mums and babes...

Pinky: thanx for the advice.. maybe i should start looking for one!
morning ladies, how's everyone?

childcare arrangement, ya better to start planning now. if you need grandparents to look after, got to tell them early too. they need to get themselves prepared. nanny and ifc got to be booked early.

Mil, over the haze period, i got my mil to move temp to my place for a few days in order for us not to bring #1 to and fro such a long distance. so now the haze is gone, hub asked her if she wanna to go hm but she seem unwilling. #1 love having someone to sleep so she keep asking her grandma to stay at our place. haiz... how huh? what if my mil insist on staying? im in trouble...

fuzzybear, my #1 is like ur boy. not just cinema, she will be scare of some stuff on tv too. i guess that is the effect of watching tv late. i only start letting her watch cartoons and kids stuff around 2.5yr old.

possible to change where u take ur jab? $50 more per jab is alot. how many more jabs u need.
hallo mummies, i was in bad stomach pain (like stomach flu kind of pain, no other symptoms) and decided to see my gynae under emergency consultation. nothing wrong detected by gynae, baby was ok. hence, gynae prescribed some med and gave me 3 days medical leave. now got to monitor if the pain comes back again today.

caring for baby - someone here intended to get a helper right? i just started looking for helper, hopefully can get a good one. My MIL stays far away from us and she is too old to take care of young babies now, I don't have parents at my end to help so its only helper or IFC. Prefer helper since I still need to coach my boy in studies when I come home after work.

SN - my gynae also mentioned my placenta is on the low side when he did a scan below yesterday. is this caused by carrying heavy things or what? don't frighten me leh, i still buy groceries and carry them home on my own at times when its a little heavy.

fuzzybear - you are so brave to endure all the jabs. don't know how if its me ... zhen wei da!
fuzzy-maybe yrs is 2 bottles of the medicine, thus is double the price.
So is still almost the same price in NUH.
The charges for mine is only 1 bottle.
pinky: sent!

going for my detailed scan later.. so excited. although i know the gender already but still after this i am going to start my shopping!
linxiaober: i am buying based on pre-preg size. coz the size chart there states "Tip: Most often the maternity size which is correct for you will be the same size as you normally wear."
SN, offhand can mentally remember seven gynaes in the clinic. i wouldn't say it's the main clinic in TMC, just the one they squeeze in the most gynaes in one place lol. However, the TMC boss has his practice here, so maybe 'main' in a way. Aiya, if not for my gynae, I think I may have tried out other hospitals. I'm convinced TMC is a huge money making machine. Good biz model though.

Mummychua, I think you're right about kids exposed to tv late not liking tv cartoons much. My gal started on tv at aged two watching short cartoons. At about three plus she watched a cartoon with trains she got scared. Also used to get bored with cartoons running for 20min or longer. Sigh, now a cartoon addict.

Can let your mil know her household may fall to pieces w/o her at home to watch over, even if got maid? ;p that's why my mil prefer to look after my gal at her home. Then she can still carry on with her chores, feed the family members still staying there etc.

Little prince, two gynaes already told me my placenta on the low side, but still can move up as pregnancy progresses. My own gynae's advice is don't carry more than 10kg, no strenuous exercise, gentle sex. Basically don't agitate the uterus too much. Placenta position is caused by where the fertilized egg landed in the uterus, so no need to blame yourself about low placenta. Just tell your future kids to kindly land someplace higher up in the uterus!
ankh, actually my gal is very timid. she's scare of everything, even road-sweeper, rubbish truck. luckily she's a gal, still got excuse. if my boy turn out the same i will faint. lol....

mil place is empty now. i go over to check that things are ok, water her plants, every one or two days. maybe i shouldnt do that hor... rmb i was complaining that her windows couldnt be completely close? i even managed to close it for her now.

littleprince, take care...
Mummychua, OMG! ur MIL managed to move in with u without u knowing.. hahahaha.. i hope ur hb will be able to get through to her! But now u don't have to wake up earlier to rush to ur MIL's place? Plus when bb comes, things will be easier for u cos it will be a mad rush every morning for u too. Does ur MIL stay nearby?

Ankh, Mummychua, either we expose our kids too late to tv (which is a gd thing) or the cartoons are getting more and more violent!! i seriously don't think its just my boy's behaviour. i think cartoons are getting a bit too dark and also some cartoons (like Spongebob) are really really stupid!!

Bluenosebear, LittlePrince, Mummychua: ah yes, mine is 2 bottles of meds per jab.. so if i double the price it would be abt $20 extra to jab at my clinic.. I showed SN the bruise.. she also say so big..

LittlePrince, carrying heavy stuff won't cause low placenta but might cause ppl with low placenta to bleed or spot. so no sex, no carrying of heavy stuff and try not to squat. Thanks for empathizing with my pain! anything for this baby lor.. As for ur tummy pains, gg to a GP helps too.. don't have to see gynae.. in fact sometimes gynae don't stock the meds and u have to get it from pharmacy. go to a GP that u trust. I have pains here and there but i know it is due to gas and slower digestion.

Xiaober, clothes on ASOS is pre-preg size. they adjust accordingly.

Winkle, wow! really slim!! i can see ur bump leh.. not big lah but i think it is because u hide it well.. how tall are u?
Pinky: ya cos we can only go for holiday twice a year. So if we dun go this time probably not much chance already.. Plus in future if we want to go overseas with my baby, my mil will probably have to tag along as well to help look after.. So it's going to be different. That's why he is okay to go this time round though the money should have been saved for the baby instead.

Fuzzybear: ya I know but because I monitor my situation that its not very heavy leakage and it only happens when I take plane. I remember you say because of air pressure will have some so I prefer to monitor first. But maybe to my gynae he feel that small or big problem I should go to him direct and not wait. But at least now I feel assured.
you tried the yoga place before? Any review on it?

Winkle: I mean if I see there are white white spots on my nipp** I will clean it. After that there wouldn't be any white spots till like 1 week later.. Hahaha but like some mummy replied I think is our bust getting ready for the bf..

Kayliz: okie! Thanks! I shall try to place order cos I never order before so I duno Wat size to choose also. Hahaha :p

linxiaober: ok..finally recalled our cnversation..hahaha.. i gotta squeeze it den the liquid will come out la.. lolz.. if i dont do anything there wouldnt be any discharge.. juz itchy hands..
