(2013/11) November 2013

Mummies, I don't know if I ate something wrong or what. Kept feeling stomach got wind (will fart) and passed motion few times a day (normal, not watery but little each time). Once in a while when those stomach-got-wind-so-pain comes, I just feel like lying down to rest. Since Sat till today, the pain comes and goes. Do you think I should see my gynae? Like not serious enough but when the pain comes, I can't do anything. :-(

littleprince, i do get the wind in tummy, passing motion few time a day symptom occasionally. sometime its painful but most of the time its just uncomfortable. probably just observe awhile more, since the stool is not those watery diarrhoea type.
mummychua, yes, the Dr did say there's a high possibility for the placenta to move up. My 1st didnt have this problem and was delivered naturally.

fuzzybear, haha i read before that infectious viruses have very short life outside the host body, and so it is unlikely to be spread from toilet seats. but sometimes the more you google, the more paranoid you become.
just now my hb asked what not do a time-share between his aunty and my mom i.e. let his aunt look after #2 for 2-3days and my mom the other days. totally spoil my mood early in the morning. i really don't want to involve my in-laws in the childcare. there will definitely be alot of conflicts. sometimes going to their house for just 2hrs a week can cause me to have a black face liao. how to let them take care 2-3 days a week man. grrrrrr. then he said it's so unfair for both kids to be taken care of by my side. i think in childcare, there's no such thing as fair or unfair. alot of people's children are taken care of by the maternal's side.
Angie, I have a very comprehensive list to share for list of bb items to buy. tried to upload but cannot open if i upload here. maybe u can give me your email add so i can send the file to you.
SN, i agree with you. moreover the child will have to travel every 2-3 days just to different homes. I thought your #1 is in CC? And your mum only needs to help with #2 right?

My child is also looked after by my mum, of coz compared to letting in laws look after i am much more comfortable with my mum. Yet, at times i cant wait to send #1 to CC.. Coz she learns a lot of hokkien terms from them which they find it funny when my gal repeats and i seriously hate it.
SN, unless ur mum and his aunt r willing to come over ur Hse take care? I have a colleague w this arrangement. 3 days taken care by paternal side grandparents. 2 days by maternal side grandparents.
Hi mummies, I m back in action... Just came back for my baby moon n officially no more holidays for me until next year..
but yesterday return flight was such a horrible experience for me n my hubby... N until now I still dun like hk airport nor their service.. Purposely plan a 2hr stop over at hk airport to go shopping but because of the delay flight (twice!) they push us up another connecting flight that is 10 mins boarding time away from us touching down hk.. And we had to rush all the way to that flight at the other end of the airport.. So angry! Told my hubby we should have insisted not to board that flight but everything happened in a rush so we didnt managed to "bang table and be unreasonable"... N when we touch down SG, we are then told that our luggage didnt make it to our flight.. Really spoilt my trip back man...

Xuan congrates again! Time to buy girl girl clothes! I m trying to buy boy boy clothes for my baby but my hubby got restriction for clothes one.. Say cannot buy those say I love mummy/daddy... Must get I love both kind.. Cannot so young set preference liao.. Then no cartoon like Ben 10 or those boys cartoon.. Hahaha really -.-"""

SN: maybe your hubby meant well by it? He dun want your mum to overwork with the kids n at least she gets some time rest from it? I think maybe talk to him abt your concern? You know his aunts well? I believe he prefer his relative/parents to look after n you prefer your parents to look after cos own parents mah.. I also same case as my hubby but there are certain factors that we need to work out so that both side parents feelings are taken care off.. with our rules of cos.. Talk to him again ba and work things out.. I believe he will understand..

I still dun feel much of the wavy movement under my belly.. Though i m 21 weeks now.. But I do know the kicks feeling cos the night before my flight he was kicking so often and for the whole night that I didn't even sleep well.. -.-" but when he kick n I want to feel it there is nothing.. I really think my fats too thick.. T.T
mummychua / ankh: 2nd preg will show very fast i heard.. i have friends showing as early as week 10 for their no 2 and 3... guess tummy very flexible liao haha... so will be bigger...
Morning mommies! Took a day off to bring #1 out. Hardly spend anytime with him this holiday.

Ankh, Mummychua, I know abt air purifiers and how it works but it has always seem pointless to me. I'm allergic to a lot of diff types of pollen and mold. Having an air purifier to work means I gotta turn it on 24/7, and always keep that room closed. Else the allergens will always be there. That's why it seems pointless cos I'm fighting a losing battle against them. My prof in sch told me to get it cos he has nv seen someone reacting to so many things like I did. Now I give my blood as positive control for their experiments.

SN, my hb gave me the same reason when we were debating who to take care of our kids. He feels that both sets of grandparents shd be involved lor. I told him it is only possible if he does all the driving. Else don't make me do it because it isn't possible for me to rush from one place to another after work!

Xiaober, are u still leaking?

My Prudential First Gift got approved!! So happy! I thought they will reject me but they didn't! Hahaha
kayliz, yes, my #1 is in cc and my mom will only tc of #2. similar to you, when my mom was taking care of #1 for 12 months, i already had a good amount of conflicts. but because it's my own mom, conflicts can be straighten out immediately. for in-laws, it is not the same, alot of things, cannot be said directly.

bunnymummy, xiaober - my mom will be coming over to my house. even if my hb's aunty intends to come over to my house, i am still not comfortable because i know i am the yin jim type, not the accomodating dil. so to avoid potential conflicts, it is better not for them to be full time care givers.
Fuzzybear: now that I m back, there isn't much leaking now.. But I m considering going to see my gynae later just to double confirm.. Cos I want to be assured instead of waiting for another 2 more weeks to see him.. But asking hubby opinion.. Thank you for asking!
i think most of us prefer our own mums to help look after our kids, but from our hubs' perspective, they will also feel that their parents can look after the kids well. so it's inevitable that there will be this conflict when it comes to caregiving to the kids...

whenever i discuss abt caregiving plans for our baby after i return to work, hub always feel that there's nothing to worry abt, cos if all alternatives fail, we can just bring his mum over to take care of baby. yes, i know his mum is experienced in taking care of babies n as the grandmother she will do her best to take care of my baby. but then each of us have our own preferences n "style" which is difficult to accomodate at times. for my mil's case, there is also this issue of a totally different culture. guys won't take all these factors into consideration 1.. their thinking is very straight forward. as long as baby is well taken care of, can already. when i tell him abt my other concerns, hub feels that i think too much. sometimes it frustrates me also that guys always dun think wide enuff.. lol..
fuzzybear, so your hb had the same suggestion. but your reply to your hb wont work for me cos im sure his aunty will be willing to travel to my house daily cos they are just 5km away. but i dont like the idea of two siblings being brought up by two different sets of grandparents.
So busy recently at work until today then can finished reading the past posts! Hehe...thks fuzzybear for sharing so many infos on breadtfeed and it's really helps alot for a first time mummy like me.

So many of you already went for detailed scan and knew the gender. I can't wait to go for my detailed scan on my 21 wks 4 days. Hope everything is fine for my bb.

For those who have know the gender, can start shopping already! Am waiting to join in the shopping with you all soon

I started to look see for bb cot around. Saw different sizes. Got big got small. Big one can convert to infant bed after bb is bigger. Really don't know which cot size to buy.
xuan, so what's the arrangement now for you? still no conclusion? I am wondering if i should go into a debate with my hb or just act blur and stand my ground. after all, even if he insists on time-share, i don't think his aunty will be so thick skin since it is obvious that i don't want her to take care.
Good morning mummies!

xuan, congrats on confirming the gender! Now can start serious shopping haha... for my #1, we didn't know the gender until about 30wks cos she refused to open her legs, end up first 3 months she was wearing neutral colours like white, green and yellow and some blue hand-me-downs from her older cousins so still can wear some of the clothes u bought from carters

On childcare options, my hb also felt we should share the workload between both sides grandparents. For #1, after I sent my maid back, my mum would come to my place on mon/wed/fri to take care of #1, and tue/thu I would send her to my in laws place. This arrangement worked out well as the grandparents also needed some "days off" to rest and settle their own stuff... and advantage was that #1 was close to both sides, so when we needed to leave her somewhere to settle admin matters (or go on date with hb haha), we had more options. If there's any conflict, the agreement is that I will talk to my mum and hb will talk to his parents. And it's always useful to tell the grandparents that it's based on pd's advice if there's something you don't like about how they handle your child... haha...
gd morning everyone...

dun worry so much about the baby size. So far my gynae nv take the weight of my bb for both my pregnancy.
Winkle, dun worry abt the small tummy. Maybe you will get a huge surprise at the time of delivery.

I still rem all of us including the gynae has a big shock on the day of delivery for my #1. I have a small tummy and I can still run to chase bus etc. end up at birth my boy has a good weight and length. looks unbelievable in a small tummy lor.

xiaober, better see a gynae for mind peace. hope you have a great time in Taiwan.

SN, tell your hubby that you are so used to your family brought up and comfortable with how your mum brought up your #1. And even though there's conflicts between u and mum but it dies down as you understand each other. told him you do not wish to jeopardise the current relationship with mil etc. hope he understand. weekly can still bring the kids to visit.
SN, yes in my case my reason works. But u forgot my #1 was taken care by my inlaws for his first 3 yrs. had a lot of conflicts which I had to swallow since I didn't wanna put him in cc. Now that he is with my parents I can see how my MIL brainwashed him. He used to be ok with my dog but now is terrified of it cos my mil hates my dog and told him it will bite him. #1 is super scared of things cos my MIL for some stupid reason taught him how to fear!!!

Xiaober, better to call ur gynae and get checked ASAP. Don't play play.

Xuan, I'm curious, ur hb is from where? I agree we all have our expectations when it comes to bringing up our kids. Even my own parents I already have conflicts. I have to say I don't really care if I hurt my inlaws. Neither would I apologize ESP if I know I'm in the right. But with my own parents, it's harder to let things fester.
SN: i'm deciding between nanny (my neighbour who kinda watched me grow up) n ifc, mil will be my last resort. as in if i need to go back work next wk but still no caregiver then i will bring my mil over, BUT if i were to need my mil's help it will only be temporary.

i explained to my hub that we will have our preferences in how we want to raise our baby so it's difficult if we get his mum to look after long term esp since i can't really communicate well with my mil (language barrier). i asked hub, if i get frustrated over the caregiving of baby, will u be ok that i scold ur mum? u won't rite? then the r/s btw me n his mum will not be good anymore, is that wat he want? my mil is actually a nice person, so my hub probably feels that the chance of me falling out with my mil is not big. so he just kept quiet, but i can tell he's not 100% convinced, he's probably just keeping quiet cos it's too early to decide now. haha.. i expect this "debate" will come up again soon. also if we fetch his mum over long term, my hse has no spare room for her.

but SN, i think my situation is easier to argue cos i'm also not letting my parents take care of the baby, so hub cannot say that i'm biase.
Xuan: same as my hubby. He feels that if all else fails, his mum can help. But at least ur MIL is experienced. Mine is not.. She even stays in a 3-room flat with 1 room rented out and her own room is like a storeroom which has a musty smell. Even if she is very gd with babies, i will need to think twice.
Still she went on telling my mum, how she hoped i asked for her help, she will willingly quit her job to help me look after my baby. =.=
febie: ya la.. as long bb healthy and well developed can already.. i'm ok with the birth weight becoz we can always pump up the bb when they are out.. but i have a coll.. really mind on birth weight..i also donno y..

xuan: im planning to put my bb at IFC.. but clueless on which IFC are good around hougang / sengkang..haizz..
fuzzybear: my hub is from philippines. =) to be fair, i think my mil will be able to take good care of my baby, but i know she will spoil baby also. cos i see my hub's youngest bro is very pampered 1.. until my hub also cannot stand it. good thing is not spoilt lah. but still, it's hard to tell mil "dun do this" or "dun do that" without hurting any feelings. last time i will say to hub "u want ur mum to pamper our baby, later over pampered like ur brother?" but now this won't work le, cos baby is a girl, can be pampered n be princess also nvm. lol.. unlike boys must be more tough. hahaha...

i agree that with our own parents, even if there's arguements or any unpleasant conflicts, it will eventually blow over. sounds quite bad lah.. like it's ok to scold my parents.. haha... that's y now i know le, being parents not easy, from all perspectives.
winkle: i only registered with my first skool so far. for ifc, i look at location more of how good the sch is, cos infants also dun learn much at sch 1.. like wat some of the mummies say previously, at least govt ifc they have some standards n protocols.
fuzzybear, wow, you hit the nail on the spot. I don't really care if i hurt my in laws with my words either. in the initial months when my #1 was born, we will stay over at in-laws on the weekends. every weekend there will be something i will be fuming about and every friday i will have Friday blues cos i really dread staying over. during those days, i will tell my hb to convey the message to them whatever i was not happy with. but my hb told me it's hard to tell them post event and that he will say it the next time they do it again. The point is i don't want them to do it again! so now, i don't care liao, whatever im not pleased with, i will say it myself, in their faces. So can you imagine if they take care of my #2 for 2-3 days a week, the situation will be ugly, i will likely point things out in their faces and the relationship will definitely not be good. So i also agree with Febie's suggestion.

Kayliz, high 5^. my mil will call my mom quite often and said how free she is and that she is already retired and can take care of my kids. with mil, im not so concerned cos my hb knows his mom is not experienced and will not insist. but his aunt is what im concerned about cos he is very keen on letting his aunt take care cos his aunt is experienced.

xuan, why don't you want your own parents to tc? own parents are the best.
Febie: ya I will be going after lunch cos now they are going to close for lunch soon.. Ya it was fun but because now pregnant so much shopping can't buy!! Feel so sad.. Dan my hubby keep saying ya ah why get pregnant now,. Idiot.. So I not buy stuff that I can wear at least during bf time..

Fuzzybear: ya going cos waiting for the airline to send out luggage over.. Still pissed off with them for rushing us up the flight... Hahaha
xuan: i scared the teacher / caregiver there bo sim.. anyhow lei.. lolz.. like taking care of bb for the sake of earning salary nia.. =p.. or i think too much?
SN: my mum is working. she used to be a stay home mum looking after us, until 1 day my family changed. i rem she told me long ago, that when she returned to the work society, she realised how disconnected she is with the world, i think she really enjoyed her life now, even tho she feels very tired from work sometimes. so i din want to ask her to change her lifestyle now over my baby. plus she din volunteer to help take care also, in fact she was the 1 who told me i can ask my neighbour to help be nanny when i need to return to work. haha.. but my mum did volunteer to help take care on some wkends if she doesn't need to work n we want some couple time to go out or just to sleep in etc..

my dad, haha.. totally not within consideration. he totally din play any caregiving roles to me n my siblings when we were kids, his role is more to provide money only. looking at how he treats my 2yr old niece now, no way i'll ask him to help.
winkle: even for those famous pte schs, i'm sure there are some days when the teacher will feel monday blues, or in a bad mood, or just no mood to work, n just want to slack. like how we feel when we are at work. haha! i think it's human nature lah.. nowadays can hardly find pple who LOVES their job, or everyday very excited abt gg to work. lol.. so i feel teachers more or less are the same everywhere.. those schs which are more exp is bcos they have better education syllabus or more activities planned for the kids etc.. which is not really applicable at infant stage. but day to day, the teachers will still have to keep to the daily agendas n the things that they need to do..
Seems like today there are many talks abt mil. Actually for me is different case. I would very much prefer my mil to take care of my baby but she has a toddler to take care of so no time to do so. My mum will be taking care of baby.
Piggie, I also prefer my mil to take care of my kid, mainly because she has a more optimistic nature. My mum tends to see the worst in most situations, which is a bad trait to pass on to any kid.
Hi Mommies,

Cordlife is having promotion for the whole month of June. Do PM me if you are looking for a referral. Each of us will get $150 shopping vouchers.

I think unless we are all prepared to quit our jobs to become a full time SAHMs, we are all at the mercy of whoever we entrust our kiddos to, be it our inlaws, our own parents, nanny or IFC. No choice lor. I do agree that gg for a branded IFC doesn't mean baby will be better taken care after. It really depends on the teachers there. Plus u know the turnover rate is very high in this industry. Gd teachers always leave to find a better sch.

SN, haha I cannot control myself liao. Now I not happy i immed tell my MIL straight in the face. If not i just keep quiet. Haha. I have to say even when I say my inlaws it is nv in a rude manner. Usually my sarcasm is lost on them.

Ah Xuan, I see. Having ur mil will have another set of probs cos u are staying with ur parents. Having too many women under one roof also not gd!!! Hehehe. I think if u trust that nanny then chope her quick. Don't think already.

Bluenosebear, where are u?? I just went for my jab and this is the worst ever. Now I have a patch of bruise as big as my palm on my butt cos the meds refused to go in with abt 0.3ml left. It was really excruciating!! I told the nurse to remove it and rejab in another spot but she said left a bit so I told her to force it in. Wah Lao so painful! She says I am one of those few that react badly to the jab cos I have a lot of hard lumps in my muscles plus skin reactions around the jab sites.
hi all...
alot of views on care takers...
for me, my #1 was looked after by my ils, until my mil got heart attack, then my #1 went into child care...
his child care, got infant care as well, so #2 was registered before she was born and got a place...
now #3 will also go into infant care, fingers cross, that got vacancy when #3 is out...
my own mum still prefers to work...

seriously, how many mtb are going to be sahm mum after your maternity leave?
fuzzybear.. actually i worry my neighbour dun want to help me nanny my baby.. cos her kids all grown up le, n recently whenever i see her, she like honeymoon with her husband, very relaxed liao. haha.. i not sure if she want to be tied down by other pple's baby. but ya lah i think i must show my hub my "pros n cons list of nanny vs ifc" soon le, then decide which to choose n quickly take action liao.
DPW i want to be stay home mum until i get bored. but there's no such good deal in this world.. hahaha.. i also want to work part time n have a career n have time with my baby to grow up with her. but it's like impossible to have this arrangement in sg. i can only dream.. lol..

can say it's impossible for me to be a sahm cos my hub still needs to provide for his family, n we still need to build up on our savings for our future.
xuan, my case is opposite... hb ask me to be sahm but I think I cannot take it... during #1's time, I was quite happy to go back to work after maternity leave even though I missed my girl... helps keep the sanity! This round, I'm considering taking an additional 2 mths since I have balance leave... but we haven't really worked out the childcare arrangements yet. I just registered at the NTUC infantcare near my place to put on waitlist, but no guarantee of place right? First choice would be to have my mum and in laws take turns again but I don't want to put pressure on my mum as her health is not too good now
In laws can't really handle young babies without a maid.
Hi ladies!

For me, i don't have a good r/s with my mil though we are staying there till our flat is ready in another 3 -4 yrs. So long ago, we already discussed this issue of care takers for my bb.

So hub agree that bb will be taken care by my parents. And for this reason, we bought a flat near my parents. Not sure if hub had already communicated with MIL but I'm sure, we aren't going to change our care taker option whether MIL is happy with the arrangement or not. I'm expecting some negatives response from my MIL when my EDD draws nearer coz she already had a quarrel with hub when we decide and bought our flat!
Wah Fuzzybear, I wish I can be like you.
Cos that's how my hb treat my mum. Super blunt.
I wanted to treat his mum tat way too... to let him have a taste of his own medicine. but now I minimize talks with her, thus only greet her only.

Anhk, I can't let my mil take care cos she's those very pessimistic type and got terrible attitude problem when they talked.

My mum helped me with #1 until he reached 18mths to go childcare. Not too sure if she still have the energy to do so. otherwise I have to send #2 to sparkletots liao. can't afford to send both to the same sch. told #1 I will pull him out when he in k1 to enter PCF instead.

Xiaober, i went in apr and only managed to eat a little... bought nothing much for myself but a lot for #1...heading there in july with my besties this round, hopefully can eat more... and maybe this round can buy clothes for no2 liao. guess only unisex colour cos sex can't determine yet.

#1 wants a meimei but i feel it's a didi... hahaha
winkle, dun bother abt your colleague. if she keeps asking, tell her gynae say all this not accurate lah... dun entertain and they will stop it. I can't be bother too as long as bb is healthy and grows well in the womb. it's god's gift to us. tell her compare the weight when baby is born. hahaha... some babies hides really well. trust me...
Febie: ya i don really bother..
DPW: i wanna be SAHM but cannot..hahaha.. $$ no enough =p.. plus waiting for new house.. so no choice.. muz work and save up until everything and house is settled den decide.. also need CPF for house deduction.. so quite difficult for me to be SAHM..
fuzzybear, hahaha. you still bother to use sarcasm on them ar? I think my sarcasm will also be lost on them lor. even that time when the aunty said she can take of #2 when she retires, i straight away said my mom is taking care liao. but seems like she didnt quite get the hint. how to be more blunt than that.

febie, which school is your #1 in?

I just met my insurance agent and realised that the NICU coverage is only $5k leh. I thought this amount is not enough if really preterm baby?

kris, if you are staying with in-laws, it will be quite difficult to send baby to your parents everyday, cos your in-laws will feel weird that they are at home and staying together with you yet you are sending your baby to your parents. It will be easier if you move in to stay with your parents while you wait for your flat.
sei i dun think i can tahan being a sahm also that's y i say i want to stay home till i get bored. n i get bored very easily 1.. hahaha... but there's no time flexibility in my case cos i must go back work immediately after my ML. that's y i say i wish n i dream only. lol..
winkle: 1 of the mum commented on fb tt my tummy looks very "compact". hahaha.. initially i also worried tt my tummy seems too small but i always see baby having fun inside me so i stop worrying abt it. plus everytime i ask my doc if everything is ok with baby, my doc always say everything good. even yest during detailed scan, the sonographer also told me there's enuff water in my tummy for my baby.. so i guess that's sufficient le. i think cos my tummy more "compact" so i can feel her movements more easily.
winkle, i nv take any pic of my tummy too... only at night i look like pregnant woman i think but my cousins cant even tell my bump so tmr i'm reaching my 18 weeks, shall see if it will become more obvious... it's your first one, sure can hide will.. tummy not loose yet... ;)

SN first one in lil skool house.
i just read up on placenta previa. the more i read, the more worried i get. seems that the bleeding starts week 32 for some people and would need to be hospitalised until the baby is mature enough for C section. I don't think this hospitalisation will be covered by insurance and i don't wanna stay in a hospital that my gynae is not at. sounds scary. Will have to pray for the placenta to move up.

SN, dun worry. Will move up. Will pray hard for you. Still got 4 more mths to Nov. sure got chance lah. keep your fingers crossed.
