(2013/10) October 2013

kayliz: No i did not managed to cos when i visited Dr Paul, baby was only 5 weeks and 5 days... so just did the scan and saw that little little dot.

Babychole: Im good with Dr Paul... hes seems great, expereinced and friendly so ok... he seeing me only in a month's time... how often do we have to see the gyane?

Ladies, i dont have any signs except sore breats... is that normal?? Must we book the massage lady so early? Hiek Hiek

Congrats, may 25.. welcome to the thread ya... are you 1st timer mummy???

Mich, Try not to carry your child or other heavy loads while standing until after your two week recovery period from d&c. Take care.
May25: I went today as well.. 4 weeks too! She refused to do scan for me Lolz.. She said can't see anything.. Do already also waste $$... So asked me to schedule with her next week den she'll scan...
Hope: nothing lor.. She juz share some dos and donts lor.. Den say week 5 plus scan will be more visible..
Mich, do a mini confinement and hope u have good news soon.

Akira, same here.. i only have sore breasts and no other symptoms. it's comes to a point that i feel my breast everyday for the soreness, coz i dun feel preggie. 10 more days before my next gynea visit.. hope bb is growing well inside.

it's still way too early to book hospital now. i remember booking the hospital package only when i was 34 weeks. tink once u hit 3rd trimester, ur gynea prob will advice u on booking the hospital package ba..
Mich, do a mini confinement and hope u have good news soon.

Akira, same here.. i only have sore breasts and no other symptoms. it's comes to a point that i feel my breast everyday for the soreness, coz i dun feel preggie. 10 more days before my next gynea visit.. hope bb is growing well inside.

it's still way too early to book hospital now. i remember booking the hospital package only when i was 34 weeks. tink once u hit 3rd trimester, ur gynea prob will advice u on booking the hospital package ba..
Hi akira - yea first time thus very nervous.

Wrinkle: mine ask me go bk next week. Gave me some "an tai" med & folic acid.
Hi, how's everyone today? I'm extremely tired and napped 2-3 times already but not really quality naps coz my gal is very sticky to me..

I was on a diet 2 months ago & lost 4kg. But recently ate soo much I dun dare to weigh myself already.
I m also tired but can't zzzz cos boys v noisy... N I need to prepare their meals n feed them etc n even went out... So jus now lie on bed from 9 plus till now but still can't zzz...

Tongue still feel tasteless... N occasionally heartburn n nausea... Recently feel my boobs got d poking feeling...

Hopefully my check up next week goes well...
I feel tired but cant sleep oso...

Actually I dun hv much symptoms, a bit unsettling. So I retested hpt... thx goodness dark positive. Am I over anxious?
Reikohopes, nope u r not... In fact I actually wanted to get a hpt kit to test again but enduring cos next check up coming soon... Dun wanna waste $...
Bluberi, wow huiling seems v popular...I jus drop her a message.... Hopefully still got slots... By d way is 7 days massage enuff?
ReikoHopes... I also scared. Every 2 days test with Hpt! I buy cheap strips from bulk purchase. About $10 for 22 strips. Because last preg, the line nv got darker. So I scared la... Going for my 1st appt next week, also keep being very paranoid abt getting bad news.

These few days, my cramps seem to occur more often and I have a pulling feeling at my private part..
Bluberi: same same sore breasts and occasionally my hubby brushes them accidentally, it hurts man.

May25: yes yes I'm first timer mummy too.. All excited over it.. Feel not much symptoms and was asking hubby if I should go back to do another scan next week ( I will b week 7, so can hear baby's heartbeat as dr Paul will only see me when I'm week 10.. Anxious me man.

Hey ladies, I started on formula milk today.. Bought the Anmum chocolate ones, thinking of starting cos I know myself.. My diet not very balanced, so hopefully the milk can supplement the nutrients for baby. And yes, go download this app- what you expect.. It states the week by week changes of the baby and daily advise on certain topics, rather useful ya.

I'm feeling ok, just that every evening after dinner.. Around 8ish, I tend to doze off and wake up ard 11ish... Jia lat man.. This has been ongoing for a week...
Hi All,
Would like to join all of you, my edd should be around end of oct. Haven't confirmed yet. Was tested (+)be on 18 Feb, 1 day late to my AF. This is my #2, my #1 is about 28 months, and she is oct baby too. :)

AS most of you, this pregnancy differs from the first ones, having cramps on my lower abdomen, insomnia (couldn't sleep) feeling fatigue all the times, sleepy during noon, nausea on morning and evenings, backache (horrible backache) , headache and dizzy. Tot I am must be very weak to have all of this symptoms, glad to meet you all to share the same symptoms.

Will wake up at around 4am and can't sleep till 6am every day ... So tiring ... Some more can only sleep at 11pm, but will be sleepy and need sleep from 10am till 4pm

I am keeping taking leave to take rest as I am really super duper tired and sleepy during the noon where I can fall sleep
In ofis, can't concentrate at work too ... Hope I will not lose my job
so scare till I felt so stress..

My gynae is dr Paul. I went to see him on 20th Feb as having really bad cramps and giddiness till you felt like the whole world spinning around you. And I encountered lots of discharge till wet my panties....scary coz never like this with my first ones. But too bad can't see anything yet. May be because I ovulated around 3rd Feb. still to early to check, he asked me to come back on 6th march. Hopefully by then can see something and bb Hb too. Wish me luck ya!

Same with babychloe, I crave for spicy and sour things, can eat chillies padi. Can have noodles everyday, but my hubby won't let me eat it coz not good for baby, keep complaining to me that I do not control and manage my food, unlike my first ones very strict to my food.

I also can't drink milk on my second ones, the white color and smell make me wanna to vomit, once drink then "lao sai" , my first ones, I drink like no body business. Tis time, I felt no want to eat, always think of food but see only , not even want to touch. I eat very little .... But constantly feel hungry, keep wanting bowls of noodles
oo and I don't feel wanna to drink water too... It is not good to me as I am still latching my gal (now gradually wean her off)

Hope I can have smooth pregnancy.... Really eagerly wanna to see my baby, bit worry coz couldn't see my sac at the first appointment
Congrats n welcome monmon, for my last pregnancy I m also v strict on food but this time I m a bit relaxed maybe cos its my 2nd time... Ytd even drink chilled Ribena cos too thirsty...

Too much chili no good for bb ma? I got no choice cos I really can't eat without chili.. Haha....

When I visited dr Paul I'm already close to 5 weeks so can see sac... So for u might be a little too early...my next appt is on 7th mar... Also praying hard bb growing well... Next hurdle is Oscar test n also detailed scan to pass...

Pray hard all goes well for all d mummies here!
Hi Monmom, congrats and welcome to our thread !

Babychole: old folks were saying too much chilli is not good for the baby's temper... But oh we'll, guess those are myth.. Haha

Are all doing the Oscar test? An gg ahead cos its the first time and feel much safer la.
Dear Mummies,

Anyone can share Dr Paul Tseng's charges?

As I am entering my 6-weeks soon, i thgt of arranging an appt with the gynae. My adominal pain was more intense last evening but seems to be better now. To put our mind at ease, I want to go to the gynae for the check.

Btw, is the waiting time at Dr Paul's clinic long?

Sky sim: hey babe, Dr Paul Tseng doesn't have any package.. He charges per consultation.. It's 150 per visit and scan will be 60... Also the Oscar scan is about 400ish.. No idea on his delivery charges yet..

I waited about 20 mins only.. Quite ok, unless he has a delivery... Think not too bad.
Akira, then I think it's a myth la... Same as the crab thingy... Lol...I m going for Oscar ESP I m already 36 this year...

Kayliz, my last CL charged me 2.3k... Heard that its d norm price now for d good ones... No more 1.9k to 2.1k price range...my last confinement I m being charged 3.2k for twins n must hv maid... That was in 2011...

Skysim, not everytime d charges will be $150 unless we collecting vitamins etc.. Else scanning alone will be $60 ... There is no package for dr Paul... If pregnancy no complication he will only see us a month apart...

Waiting time is short n most impt I find dr Paul got good bedside manners n nurses are v caring... Most impt find a gynae u r comfy with..
Thanks bluberi... Think another mummy asked for d contact not me...

Ankh, I m only taking folic acid now... Think vitamins only start in tri 2. Other than that try to eat healthily n drink more water.. Can also start taking milk.
kayliz,my cl is charging $2k on me last year.
she's a patience lady who loves kids.But you need to check with her if she's available.
sms her at +6581610813
Thanks Akira and Babychloe!

Think i will call tmr to arrange appt with him.

So $150 include medication and consultation? Scan is charged separately?

Shd we start checking on CL now? Thgt it is quite early now and wanted to wait till 3mths later but my mum was saying shd start once i confirm the pregnancy.
Skysim, first consultation is more ex.. Do take note...

Yes your mum is right... If u intend to get one better source now. I booked my 2 weeks ago n nearly missed her.. Luckily another mummy yet to confirm with her so she take my booking first..
Babychole, yeah me also taking 1g folic acid daily. Thought I'd better start on prenatal vits cos I just can't eat enough healthy foods right now due to slow digestion. Thought calcium intake only ramp up from 2nd trimester? Wah, I really cannot fully remember what I did for my last full pregnancy. Too many years liao!

Bluberi, that means you're taking more than 1g of folic acid daily? Obimin has 1g folic acid.

I'm trying to avoid Obimin cos I understand it has beef extract, n I want to avoid beef.
Hello mummies, Im using the clearblue digital that shows 2-3 weeks. Guess. I got to wait 2 more weeks before I booked an appointment with my gynae. This is my second pregnancy le. My daughter is turning 4 this year. I hope all turns out well
heya all! new here ! just tested positive a few weeks back, waiting for my first gynae visit tml =) hope all goes well. =X Hope to make some friends here!

so far alot of weird symptoms..... one day good one day bad.. feeling quite messed up and sleepy

haha abit nervous coz its the first and feels like so much to do!

anyone signing up for prenatal yoga /pilates? and must we book the massage lady so early? =X
heya reiko.. im not an expert. but dpds on ur own/ couples patang-ness. I have seen and invited pregnant ladies to weddings before and they all turn out ok =)

But if ur afraid of chong xi then dun go.
Ya reiko, it all depends on u... N whether u got elderly at home will nag.

I think massage lady no need book so early unless u wanna specific v popular person. Otherwise, by then can still find ba. My number one time, I book only during tri 3
Reiko: shouldnt be any prob attending weddings.. i attend 2-3 weddings during my 1st preg too.

Confinement lady: for my #1, my mum did confinement for me.. i think this time round i will engage CL coz i need my mum to help with #1.. actually i am able to look after the baby on my own at nite, like what i did for #1. i dun think CL need to do much at night if i am Bfing. But my hubby ask me to engage la.. 2.4k is ex but i saw that that the CL can cook a lot of nice dishes and is recommended by a friend. She wants me to pay $200 deposit 1st which i think will pay after my 1st appt..
hello mummies, i suggest you mummies try Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO),VCO is a miracle food which is incredibly nourishing, healing, protective and delicious. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, a unique molecular structure of a medium chain fatty acid, which is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. Lauric acid found in coconut oil is also found in human breast milk. That is why babies who are breastfed have better immune systems compared to those who are not. To maintain good health, adults are recommended to consume 2 – 3 tablespoons of VCO daily
to get the
same amount of lauric acid that a breastfed baby would get.The health benefits of coconut oil are many. They include skincare, haircare, maintaining cholesterol levels, increased immunity, improved digestion and metabolism, relief from kidney problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, dental care and bone strength. These benefits are all attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid in coconut oil.
Most importantly for moms-to-be, coconut oil has been used for centuries as a natural remedy to prepare and aid childbirth. Coconut oil is highly recommendeded for perineum massage to keep the perineum area moisturised and supple to dilate fully during childbirth. When taken orally, coconut oil literally acts as a ‘lubricant’ to aid delivery. Coconut oil is just amazing!
VCO is the highest quality as it is Cold Pressed. we highly recommend moms-to-be to start using from early pregnancy.
Benefits of Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil:

Prenatal Use:
• To prevent stretch marks, apply on damp skin.
• To prepare for smoother, easier delivery with minimal or no perineal tearing and need for episiotomy, massage VCO on perineum area and consume few weeks before expected delivery date.
• To prevent constipation, consume daily.

Postnatal Use:
• To fade stretch marks.
• To soothe and prevent cracked nipples, apply on damp skin.
• To prevent constipation, consume daily.
• As a baby massage oil.
Hi, Reiko. of coz is ok to attend weddings. As pregnant mummy tend to hv hormonal changes during pre-postnatal or postnatal. Is best we keep our spirit high n in peace in order to nurture a healthy foetus.Hope all mummies having beautiful memories with having babies.
ladies.. im seeing light brown discharge now.. im so scared i brought forward gynae appt to today. My last preg also same case and i MC.. Now i am so worried feel like crying.

Thx 4 ur replies... not sure if I shud attend a wedding cos scared the other side pantang. But if I attend & later they find out & pantang, they may b angry. But on the other hand, dun feel like telling them abt my pregnancy yet but dunno wat excuse 2 give 4 not going. ..

I am starting 2 get ms... perpetually feeling indigestion & queezy...
