Hi Everyone,
Today, when i were on my way to office, i kept vomiting. So, I decided to go to see gynae. Coz recently keep vomit at morning and night.
I asked dr. Paul to give me some medicine for my nausea, coz it cause me trouble unable to go to work, must control it. Or I will sure die, pile of works at office. He gave me some, feel much better now. I took mc again today for rest, my nausea is really bad this time.
Good news was I can see the sac already, and it is 6 weeks (exactly as my calculation based on my ovulation date

My next appointment will be end of march. Dr. Paul was laughing when he told me the appointment will be in one month time. He said you weren't that hurry to see your baby right? My hubby said NO immediately. Coz he knew I will be so anxious and must be wanna to see him in 2 weeks time instead.
Kayliz: don't be stress... Keep positive thinking.. You'll be alright. What I know of so long no fresh red blood it should be okay. My friend was having this brownish spot during her first trimester and baby born very healthy

no worries ya!
Do update us ok?
Winkle: I had experienced similar pain, if no bleeding it is fine. Uterus is expanding ;-) keep positive thinking.
Hope my nausea will be gone soon, can't keep skipping work. I have tons of work... Haiz, luckily my boss is very understanding .. But not my client