(2013/10) October 2013

Hi yunzz and rian
Me too had bad experience and also paranoid nw plus bleeding and gynae say bb small so really worry....
Lets be positive else its not going to be good for us and our bb ;) like other mummies alays ask me not to worry and rest well.
Jia you!!

I took 4-bedded at KKH for #1.. paid around $300 in cash for my stay after CPF medisave. The ward is renovated and nice. But this time round i told my hubby i die die want to stay 1 bedded from the bed experience i had. my hubby initially tried to persuade me to go for 4-bedded again (i dunno y KKH dun have 2 bedded for maternity package), but i told him either he pay for 1 bedded or it's engaging a CL. He so scared of the high cost of CL he rather give in to my request.

For #1, i had check-in the delivery ward at 12am after waterbag broke, delivered by 8am and was send up to the ward around 9am. There was only a patient in the 4-bedded room but because it's a Malay mummy (sorry, I'm not discriminating), there was the extended lot of family members visiting. It was quite noisy and imagine after 8hrs of labour and hoping to rest, instead there are disturbance (it's actually from the kids who came along as they were running around). Back them there was only 2 visiting hours session so it's like enduring twice the disturbance from the kids in that day. She had the baby roomed-in too (so expect some crying from the baby, this was ok la) but she was discharged the next day.

Day 2, there was also a preggie mum who checked in, not to give birth but i tink she was pending an operation from her gynea for a cyst. She was so inconsiderate when she visited the toilet in the room, instead of holding on the toilet door and closing it softly, she simply let the door slam shut each time (it's ok in the day but in the middle of the night it's the same). she even on the tv so loud that i can hear it really clearly. She's foreigner, tink from Myanmar. really nitemare!
Hi mummies..
Jus went for my 1st visit to gynae..
Feel so excited though is my 3rd bb le. Everything still the same even those nurses still remember mi leh.. according to the bb size, im oly 5weeks + ..though my LMP is 1 jan cos my prolonged menses.. actuali agar is as i oly BD 2 times.. a bit dusappointed cos cannot hear bb hb gt to wait for next visit. But can see the yolk sac in the correct position. Gynae prescribed some medi to stabilise my pregnancy cos i tell him i got some adomen discomfort.

Any mummies know if i can use Poy-Sian Inhaler when im pregnant? I realised using the inhaler can make me feel better & wont vomit..

Congrats to all mummies!
I just tested positive last wednesday and my LMP was 11jan.

This is my very first time.
I feel discomfort on my abdomen n cramp ....
Is it normal?

Any good female Gynae to recommend? I feel more comfort with female
tried to make appointment with dr goh Shen li but earliest available date is 4april...

And I m a coffee, teh-c lover. Now I hav to stop all.

Is it ok to drink chilled/ cold drinks now? Like chilled milk? M drinking Dutch lady now which does not need to b chilled... Hmm...
ReikoHopes: to save $, u can wait for ur appt.. for my case, because i have history of MC which i informed the nurse, she told me to go early so if needed i can have med to stabilize the preg..
was biting happily on a Flor earl grey chocolate cake when i tasted banana.. true enough i found some banana cream paste plus 1/3 length of a banana which seems the del monte type. puked out the banana cream paste though some already swallowed. a little bite of banana should be ok right?
Hi Shin Shin: Congrats to you!!! May we all have a stickie beanie for next 9 mths!

Mine is a lady Gynae.. Dr Lisa Chin.. highly recommended by my frens... but she only do delivering at Gleneagles..
hi reiko,
i have just made an appt with gynae next wk.
should be in my 5wks by then.
i tink juz go see a gynae if you are worried.
i am worried too.. i cannot wait until 6 or 7 wks..

why cannot eat banana?

i am drinking chilled milk now. should be fine.
anyone got cravings? i am always craving for spicy food especially curry!!! when i had #1 also same case and i could eat chilli padi in all my food. usually it is too spicy for me. i suddenly craved for that 2 weeks ago which i felt strange, that's why for fun i go test and saw my BFP!
Bluberi : yup you are right. Those bananas very "liang". The reason as if eat too much bb next time come out might have fits. This is wat is heard fr the older generation.

Reikohopes : if you are reli worried go n book an appt with gynae first at least see the sac first.. gynae will prescribe an tai medi for u if u said u feel discomfort. My 1st appt today aso cannot hear hb got to wait next appt. But gynae gave mi medi to stabilise my pregnancy. I feel more assured lah..
Was told no mutton too. But too bad just a day before I tested bfp, I took quite alot of mutton rendang at a Indian wedding held at holiday inn. First time had such good mutton rendang.. Meat was so tender it simply melts in your mouth, irresistible!!!Lol.
Kayliz, I booked my last CL back... Almost missed her cos luckily another mummy yet to confirm with her so she take me in first... She is already fully booked till August...I told her I need her anytime from end sep to early oct...
For fresh milk, I dun drink chilled... I warm it before drink...

As for bananas, cannot eat d del monte types cos v liang... If wanna eat papayas also must eat those ripe ones...

For my last preg, older generation often told me cannot eat crabs else later baby come out be ones v mischievous... I guai guai endure for 9 months n see my hb eat infront of me!!!! Well... So d verdict is untrue!!!! I m not gonna avoid crabs for this pregnancy man!
Congrats shinshin!

Think I will arrange 4 earlier appt jus for comfort..thx 4 advice.

So far, no craving leh.

Babychloe, I avoided sotong last time but same like u, verdict untrue...haha!

So fast book CL? Think I will wait till pass 3 mths...still feel this whole thing so unreal...
I eat crab claws thrice when i was carrying #1.. My mum said dats y my #1 very itchy handed. Bullshit de la.

This time i already eaten crab claws on 4 occasions le.. lolx.
Thanks winkle n ReikoHopes!
My cousin also recommended me Lisa Chin! But her cost quite high according to her.... Still considering kk as cheaper.
But bcos I tried to make appointment under some female gynae lik Dr goh, Dr watt win fong, etc, all of them r fully booked until April, so I book Lisa Chin for my first check nxt week! Quite worry bcos I feel quite pain everyday...

Hmm.. Me too no cravings I think, but when eat beef noodles, n pork, feel lik to puke...

N seems lik alot of things are no -no to preggies har?

What shd we eat now to ensure be can grow well ya? As is my first time, so quite worry I ll harm my bb....
Hi mummies


I tested postive a week ago. Around 5 weeks and had an ultrascan. I could only see an empty sac. Didnt think much of it until I started to read and surf the forum. I realised should at least see a yolk sac but mine is just a black hole in the scan. I am vry worried but the next scan is 2 weeks later. I can hardly wait.

At the start, I was feeling vry nausea but not now. But so far, no bleeding (touch wood).

Should I go and see my gynae earlier? I will be 6 weeks tom. TIA
Hi Shinshin: I heard many good reviews abt Lisa Chin, if ure comfy n have trust in her.. I think the $$ spent will be worth it la.. I agree she's a lil bit pricey but not really v huge diff compared to other Pte clinics I think??

Silly gal, I will make an apptment earlier with gynae juZ to have peace of mind lor..
Hi winkle

You think its too early? I am just scared that its too early and I cant see anything and a waste of $ but on the other hand, super worried
Hi Kayliz n Littlefren,

So u gals gonna postpone ur trip?

It's early April so dun think third trim is over yet. Now still considering if I shd cancel the trip. Really wanted to go on this trip thou since it is a family trip.

Yet to book my CL, think I will ask arn after 3mths too. When everything is more stable.

Sorry to disturb.
I would like to recommend my CL aunty yen ying , she is a very friendly , clean ,patient n helpful lady, she can cook n she love baby. Interested can SMS me Vic 93368616. I'm helping her to post because she is my best CL .Cheers
Shin shin, think moderation is d key word... We are just being more cautious n each individuals differs... Some preggers no matter eat how liang stuff n whatever food, they are v smooth during pregnancy while some can't tk it... This is based on each individual's health constitution... No hard n fast rule

But I believe in take things easy, eat n rest well...

Meanwhile just be a queen for d next 9 months cos after that we will be demoted to be a maid... Wahaahaha... Jus a joke! Doesn't apply to everyone though..
Silly gal, your gynae told u it's an empty sac ? Sometimes d gynae wun bother to tell us there is yolk sac etc till we ask... So u might hv d yolk sac but jus that gynae din mention...

If u wanna be more assured. Perhaps can go for a check next Friday... By then should be able or not able to detect heartbeat unless u r pretty sure of your ovulation dates... Sometimes our dates can be a little out thus can't see anything during d scan yet...

I read before that dr Lawrence Ang is good n delivers in mt A
Skysim, I already postponed my trip cos it's suppose to happen on 22 feb. better to seek gynae opinion n if your gynae suggested no, rem to get a memo fr him for claims. Cos I had only bought air tickets n Heng it was exchanged thru points so can just change date w no penalty.

Bb Chloe, so funny but so apt!!!!! Queen for 9m n demoted to maid! N cow too!!!!! Lol!
I wanna eat crab too! For number one, I somehow didn't eat though I not pantang, I wanna eat this time!!!! But after first tri!!!! I wanna go melben!
Littlefren, it's true wor n ya I forgotten the cow part... Lol... Pump every 3 hours!!! N also become a panda cos lack of zzzz...

I also craving for Melben n their signature crab bee hoon soup!! Yumzzzz! I love it but hate d queue!!
Yalor, n panda too, no need pay extra at zoo le!

Go during weekday, weekend is v bad, I rem that time I went on sat at 6.30pm n only saw my crab at 9.30pm, already sian 1/2!!!! Lol

Maybe we can organise a pig out there before we pop!!!!
Hi Sillygal, i would think if by going for another early scan can put our mind at ease..the $$ is not important lor.. $$ can earn back de
i know very difficult to ask you not to think or worry..coz i'm also having the same feeling..paranoid, anyhow think and cldn't stop worrying..
ahahahah, bb chloe, they dun open in the afternoon leh. nvm... we can discuss in tri 2 n maybe go jumbo or another crab place for lunch instead!

sillygal, agree w winkle, just go n put your mind at ease! $ can earn back
flower, has your bleeding stop? hope u are feeling better le.

kaylie, i also crave for spicy stuff! mee siam n laksa is my fav now. now i see the pork rib soup that i cook for my gal... so yucky....
Bleeding stopped few days ago but yday night saw pink haiz..
Ha I also crave for mee siam and went out for mee siam during lunch I think maybe walk too much at night see pink
Hi Flower, did you go to the gynae and check again?? i heard that light bleeding might be due to the strectching of the uterus and rubbing against some wall in our body or something..can't really recall.. but nothing to worry about..
Helo winkle appointment with my gynae is tmr hope everything is fine
u know haha I went to the mothercare vip sale jus n9w wow was in the q since 9am I tot I was early who know my q was already at the lift there I waited til 10.30 cannot take it anymore gave up and went home
I scare stand too long no good.. wanted to buy the baby bjorn carrier , so sad!!!
ohhh.. i didnt even know got sale.. you already have kids at home already izit?? or this current preg is ur first??
Do you mummies think it is all right to announce that you are preggy during your 1st trimester? I heard better be safe than sorry. I can tell my parents-in-law can't contain their excitiment and may leak out anytime soon.

My 1st gynae check will be in week 9 going 10. Do you think is too late? I see that some of you here are visitng gynae at week 6 already...

It's my #1...so asking very basic questions
i dint tell alot of ppl except very very very close friends...families and of coz some direct work colleagues.... so that they will be undertsanding if you're feeling uncomfy and on medical leave at some days
Jv, some ppl are pantang but this is my 2nd preg Liao n plus tummy can't hide so when ppl asked I jus smile... Close ones I will announce... If u dun feel easy, jus tell your in laws to keep mum... Tell them u pantang.

I goes to my gynae at 5 weeks due to my complication in my last preg... Bleeding etc.. So I went to get support pills first...

If u dun see red or pain (touch wood) can wait till 7-8 weeks then visit gynae cos by then can see n hear heartbeat. Time to start taking folic acid too... Can get from unity... 5mg type...

Winkle this is my 2nd preg ;) I have a gal turning 2 years old next month how about u?

Jv I inform my mum cos she come over and take care of me during my mc this week. I also told my boss cos I on mc for a week and also I cannot go on site. My job needs to go on site for inspection so nw cannot climb and walk too long...
Will only tel my in laws after 3 months. ..
