(2013/09) September 2013

Gene - Hang on there! I also experience MS and I'm coming to 7 weeks. I feel this is the toughest part of the pregnancy and it's also nightmarish for me. I am telling myself I just have to pull through the first trimester, no matter how tough it is going to be.

I had my scan today n saw the little white dot n the heard the fast n loud heart beat from my little bean, it's so amazing! Seeing gynae in another 3 weeks time again.

Wishing all of us a smooth one!

My appetite is tremendously increasing! Eat n eat I think it's exaggerated cos the bean is only 4mm but I seem to be eating for 2
Hi all,

Just tested positive over the weekend..week5 now. .still waiting for reality to sink in...lol

it will be baby #3 for me. And I'm just starting to enjoy my freedom with my #2 off to nursery. Haiz...so not looking forward to the MS, the disrupted sleep. Lol

Will only be visiting gynae on my week 9 after CNY...
hi Emmie! Congrats!
hi gals, was on leave ytd so didnt come online... spent a good 20mins reading all the posts...

i will be gg for my 2nd appt tmr. feeling so excited. this time round, my hubby will be gg with me (he was not around when i tested positive and also 1st appt).

my gynae gave me his price for package during the 1st appt. when do we have to decide whether to sign the package anot? anybody has the package price to compare?
woa your gynae so fast give package price le ah? i still choosing my gynae..haha. tho i went for my first appt with a gynae.
Hi all, 1st time mum here. 6 weeks now. Just finished reading the whole thread! Lots of good advise. Thanks to all for sharing

EDD is 15 Sept. I'm currently living and working in Australia.... So will have my baby here. Realize that most of mummies here have seen or going to see their Gynaes very soon. Things are slightly different here... Most private Gynae only
see us after 10 weeks... So made appt with my Gynae in mid Feb.
magc, ya the nurse gave me this piece of paper with the breakdown of their pricings. i think its for me to consider bah. not sure when we need to commit. i guess it should be ard week 12 bah since the package is from week 12 onwards.

not sure if i wana change gynae. i think most of the gynae should be good bah, if not we also wont use them. so i'm not sure if i should still go research and compare gynae.
I have food cravings too but mainly unhealthy food like fast food and deep fried stuff. Is it normal at all? And there are things that I used to like last time but I shun it now…

Also, anyone is a coffee addict? I was prior to being pregnant and now i really have coffee cravings still... will decaf coffee do?

Tangerinez: thanks. I will take note though I have always been sleeping on my right side almost my whole life… not quite used to changing sides…. Does it make a lot of diff?

Tracy / thum : glad im not alone. I have gotten a little semi-flat pillow for support and also sleep bras for night
confused: i had cravings for junk food last time too. think its quite normal cos our tastebuds become very bland now and want to eat heavy tasting food. and yes my diet changed a lot. i used to cant take spicy but when pregnant love spicy food. and ate a lot of things that my husband loved. i always complain baby loves daddy more.

the guideline for coffee when pregnant is 1 cup a day. can drink. just not too much. no need to drink decaf.

right vs left: i'm not sure but i tried to sleep on my left. kiasu ma.
check out this article (disclaimer: read things on internet with pinch of salt) http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2011/jun/14/pregnant-women-sleep-left-stillbirth
fer, is up to you lar. i yet to decide which hospital to deliver and some gynae only specifically deliver at a particular hospital. most packages start from 4 month - 5th month onwards, that's when you stabilise and wan continue with the gynae.

confused: yea craving for fast food and deep fried stuff is normal. i particularly like french fries....yum yum....i try not to drink coffee or tea at all....if i hv the urge, i'll just get a cup of tea. where do u get sleep bras? (first time hear of it)
confused, the left side is for blood flow if i'm not wrong. I read it somewhere. I still sleeping on my back (with cushion) but i guess I need to change my way of sleeping in a few months time.
My gynae says can drink coffee or tea except no coke or pepsi. Cos not sure how much caffeine it contains. So I drink juices only.
i'm still able to sleep on my back... but i have become a light sleeper recently.. tends to wake up in the middle of the night more frequently.

tracy, i have not started using stretch marks cream. my tummy is still the same as pre-pregnancy. anyway i read from the handbook that stretch marks happen when the skin is too dry. so as long as u keep it moisturized, i think it should be ok. maybe u can start by putting some lotion first?
tracy, stretch marks creams to be applied as early as possible? i m using palmer's brand.
Ferendipity, i'm also a light sleeper and will tend to wake up in the middle of the night recently. And i only slept about 6 hours a day, without feeling tired throughout the day. I wonder where does the energy comes from. I seldom put body lotion or hand lotion, always forgetting and lazy. Maybe i should be more hardworking.

Madeleine, palmer's brand good? My boss told me that his wife uses Clarins, so wondering if it's good too. My friend is using Loccitane Shea butter.
i havent started applying anything yet cos i'm also a lazy and forgetful person. moreover i also dont like the sticky feeling.

its good that you sleep only 6 hours a day and not feeing tired. i feel sleepy halfway through the day and wishing that it will be 6pm soon so that i can go home. but once i reach home, i feel energetic again.. haahhaa...
not superwoman: I am hoping to deliver at Mt Alvernia. Because it will be nearer me.

Madeleine (magc): A female gynae taught my mum that stretch mark cream should be applied at the early stage. Hence starting now you can start applying.

Tracy (tracy90): I think there are some cheaper brands of the stretch mark cream out there. Because Palmer's quite ex as well. And we will need to "butter" quite an amount each time. Do not be stingy on the amount of cream applied.
tracy, i oso lazy de lehz. Palmer is passed down from a friend who just gave birth. Can get from Guardian. i'm on budget so i wldnt think of Clarins and Loccitane. :p Body Shop Shea Body Butter oso not bad.
ferendipity, ya, i also don't like the sticky and oily feeling. I feel a bit restless at work and counting down to go home. hahaha. My normal sleeptime is 12plus though I know i need to sleep early.

Thum and madeleine, thanks for the advice, maybe i should try out different brands. hahaha. I going down to town later, shall go and check out the different brands of creme/oil/butter. Clarins is expensive and it's such a small bottle. I told my boss, unless i got a good increment then i will invest. hahaha. trying to hint him.
woa tracy! good one to hint boss! lol....hv fun trying different brands of creme/oil/butter later!
hey gals, talking about clarins, i used that during my first pregnancy... had stretch marks after delivery. Continued to use for a month. My skin improved and now no stretch marks. I think as long as any creams or oil should be good...You can try Bio Oil from guardain... its about $15 i think.
Madeleine, since he brought up the topic of stretch marks, then i told him i'm too poor to buy that. And he also suggests me to install water filter. It's a heavy investment before baby arrives.
woa water filter so expensive lehz!!!!!! he sponsoring? lol! chey we all grow up without drinking filtered water ma also healthy now have babies.....just retail gigs. :p
i also used clarins for first pregnancy and had tons of stretchmarks. then again, my tummy grew really really huge for my small frame, so perhaps no cream/oil will help.

there are many on-going debates on using bio-oil. apparently it contains one ingredient (Retinyl Palmitate) deemed to be harmful for pregnancy. but the company claims bio-oil should be used during pregnancy
tracy, most water filter means that you dun need to boil the water. but boiled water is essential for making milk for baby. so even if you choose to use filtered water, make sure you boil it ok.
madeleine, if need filtered water, i would buy Hyflux jug with the filter pitcher in it. Cheap but dunno how good. I don't feel any difference after drinking. we grew up drinking the same kind of water, so no point getting water filter unless i'm rich enough to buy that.

Tangerinez, so doesn't mean ex creme are good too.. My boss wife is small frame and i guess her tummy not that big, so he says there are no stretch marks. or maybe try pure olive oil. cos that oil can use on tummy, hairs, scars etc, more uses than others.
No pineapple tarts? Why??? I have been secretly snacking on some... Too much sugar?

My fave food now must be chilli tuna, but heard must limit myself to 2 cans per week *cry*

And now have to eat only healthy food... Due to suspected high blood pressure... Sighz... I feel like old folk
Madeleine, I saw from a website selling pure olive virgin oil, $82 for 100ml. Dunno good anot. Cos the normal off the shelf ones are quite oily. Pure olive oil are less oily.

Candy, why no pineapple tarts? I've been eating them today.
tracy, i was talking to my hub about this and he reminded me i hv lotsa cream/lotion at home so i no need buy. last yr received lots of these as Christmas gifts.
and no pineapple tarts because its "liang" no good no good.

tuna oso limit because you cannot have too high mecury intake.

bak gwa oso limit. oh man how ot enjoy CNY like that? LOL
Candy, but pineapple tarts cooked right? :p I remembered that Wong Boh Boi the lactation and parentcraft consultant from TMC mentioned pineapple was ok but might worsen cramps. Maybe too cooling.

Maybe should limit myself to 2 a day too...

Congrats kiwi and blessed mmmy. How old are ur other kids?
madeleine, i bought loccitane shea butter yesterday. i didn't enjoy putting them on, feels a bit oily on surface. beside tummy, any other parts of body that we also need to put?

Candy, no pineapple tarts
I just cooked some pineapple last two weeks. was thinking of making tarts this sunday, so I can't do food tasting for my tarts.

My fav is pineapple tarts and prawn crackers during cny. So I guess I'm left with not much choice of cny goodies. Can we take seafood? Eg: prawns, clam etc...
Morning ladies!

Tracy, put on your boobs as well as they will grow too.

But actually stretchmarks are hereditary. If your mum has them, higher chance of you having it.

Kiwi, I'm expecting #3 too. How old are your other 2?
emmie, boobs as well... how about arms and thighs? like that, then one small bottle is not enough to use in a month. heavy investment. But my mum don't have it. My symptoms are different from my mum, she has MS all the way while I don't (until now).

Madeleine, i tried the sample. The lady told me it's for mama and baby, prevent stretch marks, $37. Think i should be finishing it in 2 weeks time, given that i need to apply on tummy, boobs and bums... and probably other areas. Loccitane also have almond oil that cost $77.
Hi ladies,

Can I check what's your Average body temperature nowadays?

I having flu now and having slight fever. Yesterday highest temp was 37.8, now it's between 37.2 to 37.5. I'm quite worried about the effect of fever during 1st trimester on the baby - read up some stuff on the Internet which kinda freaked me out, even though my temp didn't go that high.

anastasia, the fever isnt that high so dun worry. also it is safe to take panadol so if you are worried abt the high temperature maybe pop some panadol to bring down the temp (normal panadol, not those extra strong ones ok)

tracy, as a minimum apply on tummy, butt, thighs. for boobs i bought something else specially for boobs.

not superwoman, i love tuna too. for #1 i also ate tuna but in moderation.

pineapple -- my gynae said can eat. the chinese old folks will say not to eat, so for peace at home (my gynae said), just listen to old folks and not eat it. but actually it's safe she said.
