(2013/09) September 2013

Hihi, dear mummies to be, i had just given birth last year sep and wish to give away some maternity clothings to interested mummies at a small token of wet wipes or cereals.

Kindly refer to the following thread for link to pictures...

Congrats to sep mummies and enjoy ur pregnancy journey in welcoming your little bundle of joy..


Hi Gals,
Yes im package is cheap too... But Dr Adrian is a chop chop guy. He doesnt talk much but he takes care of the pregnancy and baby well. He is good. My first delievery was done by him and it was smooth and he was cool.
Hi Priscilla,

I was told earlier this week that my oscar results were poor too. Even tho' I was prepared for it(as I'm alrdy in my 40s), I was emotionally affected when my Gynae broke the news to me. Like u, I was uncertain what to do next (so many what-ifs), to go for CVS, amnio or just wait for the detailed scan. Initially, I didn't want to take any invasive tests for fear of the risk involved & me & my hb were not ready to terminate my preg. But after a good talk with my Gynae, we have decided to do an amnio in mid Mar. She advised us that it would be good to get a definite ans..if its +ve for DS, we would have time to prepare & read up on the condition & hence provide better care for the bb in future. If-ve, then we have that peace of mind for the rest of the pregnancy.

I'm praying hard that the results would be -ve and hope the same goes for u & all who is going through the same dilemma. In the meantime, stay positive.
Hi colorhairgal,

No, pregnant woman above age of 36 may not have bad Oscar. But the probability of having bad Oscar will increase. If this happens, one can opt for genetic scanning, amnino or CVS to verify test results.
Of coz not colourhairgal, I had my #1 when I was 36 & my Oscar then was fine. As what Charmayne wrote, the probability increases w age. Just gotta note that mentality & stay +ve
My package is 680 without GST. I think it's consider cheap. Going for Oscar on 18 next month at NUH. It cost 250 dollars. Think it's the cheapest as compared.
Hi mummies, going for my oscar test today. Feeling so scared and nervous now. Praying that all will be well.
My oscars is on 18-Mar too! But at TMC though. Do we know the results on same day? Had forgotten what happened during 1st pregnancy.

BTW for the mothercare bb fair @ HFC, I heard the q was crazy yesterday...some even dabao lunch, eat and q at the same time...So be prepared if u intend to go.
my gynae told me that results will be known within a week...
wow !! so 3 of us doing oscar on the same day...
got to give each other morale support then...
tracy and winter79, what is your nick in our fb group?
Hi Priscilla

My NT is 3.57mm! But my gynae did several scans for me and all measured about 2mm. That's quite big a difference and getting me very worried.

As Tangerinez said, we should get a 3rd opinion before deciding if we should go ahead with more invasive tests like CVS or amnio.

I totally understand how you're feeling coz I'm feeling like shit now.
Hi all,
Im expecting my 3rd bb, due on 25th Sept. Will be taking the Oscar and blood test in Mar. Anybody here with Dr Lawrence Ang too?
Hi MTBs, just wondering when is a good time to start buying the bigger items for baby eg. cot, stroller etc? Saw some deals at Mothercare fair but I also heard the superstition of not having an empty stroller in the house? Pardon me for sounding silly but just wanna play safe.

I dropped by Mothercare sale at 5+PM yesterday, queue was manageable, less than 30 mins to get in. Got a Babybjorn carrier, some bottles from Nuk and Tommie Tippee plus some maternity mini briefs on sale =)

Also saw breast pumps bundle sets but didn't get cos it's my first time and I'm clueless about the different brands/types. Any recommendations?
Hi mummies to be,

I'm being a silent reader with forum for months and months. i have been trying to conceive for more than 2 years. Me and hubby decided to seek for fertility program last nov. I got pregnant thru my very first so-iui. that was my greatest present of the year 2012. i feel that im so blissful.

My first trimester of pregnancy went so smoothly.No MS. Until last monday, i recieved my oscar results. It was really really bad when my gynae broke the news to me... my ratio is 1:2 due to bad nt scan and poor blood test. i totally feel crushed my the results, i broke down in front of gynae. i was advised to go for amnio. i have to wait till week 16. The torturing waiting game has started for me and hubby.

Me and hubby are trying to be positive and more faith towards our bb. we believe our bb is not the "ONE". We read up and reserch alot on oscar test which have given high number of false positive and results are not conclusive. As the test is calculated by formulae esp im 35 this year. Prone to be a high risk side.

Hubby suspected the high NT of 4.15mm is due to poor position of our bb. We took 2 hours to get bb in position as before that bb was always in sitting position. Through the radiologist shoke my tummy vigorously until bb lied down. Besides, the monitor of the scope is not clear and blur, we suspected there were some mistakes in the dimension of nutral fold.

Sorry for the lengthy story of mine. me and hubby have decided to opt for 2nd opinion for genetic scan at prof ananda to ease our worries. Pray for us. We really hope Oscar tests give us the false positive.
Amy, I feel for you. My world came crashing down too when i cleared amnio but found out my son's heart has a major defect during 20 week scan. Glad you chose to go to prof ananda. Praying for good news for you. Stay positive in the meantime. Thinking of you.
Sorry to hear the bad Oscar scans, hope bb will be cleared of DS upon 2nd or 3rd opinion.

Let all just pray and wish all our babies are healthy.

Viiv, I don't know if empty stroller is considered no gd. But I guess you can keep the stroller in the store rm instead of leaving it out.
I'm considering to go mother are fair to have a look later. Don't know wat to get as this is my first bb. My sis says just go have a look maybe buy some stuff for myself will do.
Hi Gene,
My Oscar results r 1:14 for Trisomy 21, the Down syndrome chromosome. My NT n blood test results are both very poor, so the ratio is worse!! I am already mentally prepared for the worst. I have opted for CVS next week. The results for CVS will be abt 3 days for the DS chromosome. The rest of the results for the other chromosomes will be out in 2-3 weeks. Praying that all will go smoothly.

Im seeking a 3rd opinion from Prof Ananda and made appointment on 12th. Although I wanted to believe that Oscar's result is not conclusive, I cant help but worry every single day.


No words can make you feel better. I understand your worries. We'll all pray for you. Now, let's keep our fingers crossed and hope bb is healthy.
Hui, where u doing ur Oscar scan?
Winter79, my gynae was from TMC but he said NUH is nearer for me. And I think it's cheaper too. Lolz. The result is three days later. I'm getting the results on 21 mar

Thanks for your encouraging words. For my bb sake, i really have to be positive. Fortunately, i still manage to eat well and sleep well. But there are alot of "what if" what if what if" in my minds at times. After that i will keep reminding myself not to be negative as i dont want my bb to get emotionally affected. Be happy... Be positive. Have faith in bb.


My appt with Prof Ananda is this coming thursday. i hope the scanning would give me a shine of light. Pray hard.
Hi everyone

I've disappeared for a good one month. Haven posted anything since few days before CNY....

Was down with the most severe form of MS... Lost 4kg in 3 weeks. Whereas first pregnancy only lost 4kg in 10 weeks of MS.....

Got hospitalized and went on to lose a further of another 2kg... In total lost 6kg due my very severe MS. Oral maxalon and ondansetron (use for mainly nausea and vomiting for chemo patient) all doesn't help....

Vomit non stop till I cannot tahan n admit for severe dehydration....

Doc say no choice but can only start steroid to counter the vomiting... I was at my wits end to agree to it... Didn't work any better for first two days but there after really got some improvement... At first only on liquid diet but finally Thursday I managed to down some rice.... Ahhhh....

On some days really totally no strength to do a single thing. Just complete rest in bed whole day.... Not to mention I was tortured by frequent shortness of breath and chest tightness... God knows what causes it as well... Just hope it's nth serious

i will be doing oscar in my gynae's clinic.
very very scared..
i just done a search and i think you are not added to the fb group. I just sent an invite to your account and i think you can accept the invite and enter the group
Just wanna share

I can feel baby's movement also since two days ago... Probably too early for some but I've indeed felt baby's movement few times already...

Very light and gentle flutters. Probably kicks that are not so strong yet... Only can feel when lying flat on bed, put hand over uterus there.. If baby is moving I can feel it.. Feel like light finger poking on my hands....

Oh I am sure it's not gas/flatus... Haha

My first pregnancy I also felt first movement at 12 weeks gestation... When lying down the abdominal fats all spread out evenly and "thinner"... Thus easier to feel movement...

This is what I feel... Just sharing only
Joining you ladies for sept. ;) had the first scan recently. Hope all is well. Was prescribed progesterone to stabilize pregnancy.
Anyone still experiencing nausea? Mine still goes on and off.
Gd morning mummies. Went for my Oscar scan on Friday and so happy that all was ok. Was so relieved after the scan after being unable to sleep the night before thinking about the scan! Any mummies here going or intending to go for pregnancy physio?
Fel, u can feel baby's movement already? That's fast! Envy envy. For the past few days, I can feel something pulsating at my tummy when i place my hand over it. Hubby can feel it too but when he listened to my belly, he said he can only hear rumbling noises... So not sure if it's baby or it's my imagination. Haha...

Natalie, I did my Oscar on Friday too. Everything was done within 5mins. So sad coz couldn't see my beanie longer. I'm still waiting for my blood test results.
Morning ladies!

Hope you are feeling better now. Me too cant eat much esp rice. So just got helper to prepare mee sua soup for dinner, then i will eat small portion at a time.

I will gg for my Oscar scan on 13 Mar. Hope everything will be fine too. How long will it take to receive the results? Is it on the same day?
Charmayne- yes can feel baby little kicks... I supposed it's kicks la... Very soft n gentle kicks... Only when I'm lying down and put my hand over uterus area then can feel....

Its like finger poking. Very gentle kind..

The pulsating that u mention is likely to be from your abdominal aorta. Aka your own heartbeat...
Fel,Hi there....yes i must agree, i do feel some movement when i lie down flat or on my side. At first i thought it was imagination. But i was quite certain that the movement was indeed real. For my 1st pregnancy, I felt my first movement at 14 weeks.

So exciting. Today I feel so much better after weeks. But I have diaherroa though since Sat. Hope it passes. Today i choose to dress up and apply makeup. Hahah
Hi mummies.. my EDD is 3 Sept.. =)

btw just checking for those who have MS, does puking always starts off with a headache? for me, i will wake up with a headache, and i know i am going to puke already.. haha after that feel so much better..

for those who feel bb movement, how nicee!!
not sure what i felt is bb movement or not... feel like sth wobbling inside.. haha but whenever i put my hands on tummy, cant feel it le..
Mine dun start off with a headache. Mine juz feel uncomfy in the stomach, then will feel like vomiting. Just cannot eat alot for all 3 meals loh, if nt i will feel very very uncomfy.
duno when then the feeling will be gone.

Me too will feel slight movement in my tummy, but nt sure if its bb moving. My younger gal at times will put her head on my tummy, then she will ask me am i hungry? Coz' she heard noises inside. Haha..
Been and back from my scan already...

NT is 1.2mm... Baby is about 5cm long now.... Also did blood test... No news for the next few days means its good news ba...
12+4 weeks today... Not very long...

10-15 mins... I don't mind longer also... Haha...

Get to see beanie on the screen...

Oh ok...i will be taking my scan & blood test on 12th Mar when i will be into my 12th weeks. Hope everything will turn out fine. ;)

At TMC now waiting for my turn for the OSCAR test! I am keeping my fingers crossed for all of us to have healthy babies! Jia You everyone!
