@ Teddy
Oscar scan is like normal scan, except it may take a while, because she need the baby to be in the correct position (lying on his/her back) and be rather still, and able to see nose bridge.
Mine took about half hour. Need to empty bladder before the scan. Then in between, baby woke up and turn on his/her back, the i had to turn abit then he/she turn back to lying position.
As the scan takes longer than usual and the lady press rather hard on 1 particular position, it is rather painful after so long, but i endured just so she can take a better picture for analysis.
The lady told me some ppl can take up to half a day, or even 1 whole day and still couldn't get a good picture. So must tell baby to cooperate!
After that is blood test, which is fast but my arm was bruised after that.
My Oscar test is on 31st Dec (
) and the clinic told me the results on 4th Jan. So it is fast!