(2013/06) June 2013

Yayy!! Then i can snack on pineapple tarts liao!! Guess will have to put the abalone slices into boiling water. Ermm, how abt the liquid in the can? Dunno whether got preservatives.

I oso had flu last wkend. Was quite bad n no choice had to take some medicine.

I was also told not to take mutton and since i'm not a big fan of mutton, itz okay with me.
Chevelle: i guess u have to discuss this with your hubby and see how. Is the amnio test not available after the detailed scan at 20 wks? if not i think u can hold off until the detailed scan and by then everything may be well?

girl^girl: do take care! is the weather hot? i think my office is too cold for me to realise..i am always in thick jackets coz my office aircon makes us feel like we're in north pole or something..haha

so gd u can feel your bb's movement! i don't know if my bb can hear, but i just assume my bb can

Windy & tangbai: i guess what's most impt is to eat what you are comfy with...if someone tells u and u dont feel gd abt it then dont eat, else u might have this nagging feeling of worry...i think CNY is going to be a big temptation with lots of good food! hehee
PL> i tink the liquid have to throw away coz a lot of salt and other stuff. Scared >_<.

So sian lor.... the weather is so so hot, no rain and construction next to my house.... now sometimes i go downstairs i bring brolly to shield myself. Sun too strong. I still can sleep last night though woke up for wee wee but managed to zzzz till 8plus this morning...and rest for today....zzzzzz

ya...talking about mutton...i am never a fan of mutton, so also no issue. I stick to safe cooked meats and veggies. Though i see sashimi i want to eat, but doctor advised no...so i guess i have to tahan till after confinement...
PL> try not to use the gravy store in the can, high in preservatives and reaction. my cousin is abalone lover, my aunt always cook with new broth, never use the gravy in the can.
you are right, mental stress can be harmful too.

>gal gal
i'm fan of raw and shell foods. even beef n mutton i prefer not well done. for bb sake, i 'REN' !!!
Thanks! Yeah, guess have to forgo the gravy in the can.

Ohh!! Another thing i observe is that i became very sensitive to my shampoo and soap. All gotta change to baby shampoo n wash. Anybody else experiencing that?
Chevelle- how come NT can still be checked after 14 weeks? Thot if the Oscar scan has shown low risk we dun have to bother abt the Down syndrome thingy?
tangbai> ya man...have to tahan/endure... so now i stick to cooked prawns/tempura or fish, meat, cooked eggs and veggies. BB seems to like the chinese spinach which is good for iron...hehe...but BB does not like garlic >_<

PL> i become very sensitive to lavender scented things ever since i got preggy. I passed by Body shop the other day, and i almost puked ....i quickly make a quick beeline to toilet and slowly the nausea lightened....

so u changed to baby shampoo and shower gel from Johnson's??

anyone feeling some kind of nerve pain towards left side of the thigh? sometimes i got this nerve pain when i sit down...

Don't know if you read my reply to you above.

Whether or not to do amnio depends on how you and your hubby will face the pregnancy if the news is good/bad. Ie will you want to continue knowing that your child may have a higher risk of Down's.

If you plan to have the baby no matter what, amnio or cvs isn't necessary. Also not that advisable due to the possible risk of miscarriage. however if you're the type who prefer to onow so that you can read up and prepare yourself on how best to help your child, then do the test.

If you have other plans, it's best to find out before 20 weeks as that's the legal limit for medical abortion. I have a friend who's baby didn't grow well (deformed, no chance of surviving after birth), so she was induced at 20 weeks after the detailed scan
I know it's a very difficult topic, my second child had a genetic condition that is much rarer than Down's, although she wasn't diagnosed until after birth.. But she brings so much joy to us although we do worry about her medical expenses and what her life will be like further down the road. So we just try to save as much as we can for her, and face things as they come.

Do bear in mind that as of now congenital defects and genetic conditions such as Down's or even autism isn't covered by medishield or any local private insurers
PL >> I developed oily scalp but only at the top of the head. So I use different shampoo for top and rest of the hair

girl^girl>> I love la la lo. Now I don't dare to eat it. Same for salmon sushi and sashimis... sigh...

I say morning and good night to my bb everyday. =)

It is believed to cause fit in ur bb..so must avoid..

Everything just cook n eat in moderation will b ok..

I talk a lot to #1.. Now busy with #1..realise I nvr talk to Didi much..
Hiyooo mummies

I'm gog to cry
my boy just started the new cc so many problems lor . 1st tell me exp Cher end up fresh grad then next when I'm able to just give it a shot, I realised there's a special need kid in my boy's class &amp; she seems to be disruptive in class, the Cher always have to stop to handle her.
Any of u have gd cc in west to recommend ?

Like what the rest mentioned , y ur scan is on wk15? Usually wk11-14 right, since the nos of wks differ Do still use back the usual NT measurement chart? Coz 1 wk bb grows quite a bit too leh

Pl/ girl girl:
So far I been using baby johnson bath foam todate still ok . I just can't stand dettol smell

Same here din really talk to #2 .

I still avoid but maybe cny will eat abit hehe. Unless u r sure it's farmed abolone then definitely safe for pregnancy.
hi absentmama,

do u mind sharing what's the congenital condition ur #2 has?

my #1 also has a congenital condition that wasn't detected during pregnancy. in my case, her condition is such that she requires additional care right after birth. looking back, i think if i had known, i would hv switched gynaes n hospitals to give her the care from birth, rather than flail around for weeks just to figure out what kind of care she needs. after my experience, i dun think it's possible to label all decisions for testing as one of keep/abort, especially when there r so many conditions around.

hi mabelths,
amnio can be done any time. the 20 wk limit is bcos in sg, u can only legally terminate a pregnancy before 24wks.
thanks och!

so far i dont have any allergies/sensitivity to pdts. guess i'm very blessed as my skin and all still as per pre-preg. i am getting my constipation back off and on again...though i eat alot of veggies + fruits...my sis say can be because of the iron/calcium supplements that are causing the constipation.
mabelths> good to hear that. For me my skin is quite sensitive. So even before preggy i only use Vichy/La Roche Posay/ROC products that can buy from guardian/watsons. Plus they are not that expensive and sometimes got offer lar. Hehe.

i guess we just have to up our water and fibre intake. Now i switch to softmeal bread liao. No more white bread....
Ladies, I'm selling these books written by Wong Boh Boi of Thomson Medical Centre.

1) Guide to Childbirth
2) Guide to Breastfeeding
3) Guide to Childcare

My husband bought e same from TMC so I've two copies each. New and good condition. Selling at $30 for 3 books. Pm me if you are interested. I can send you e photos of e books.
any mommy on dumex mamil mama RG?
i notice after consume i become heaty having swollen gum and keep farting. any mommy having similiar problems?
reading the posts here on genetic conditions etc.. i am contemplating whether i should go for my detailed scan at Camden.. it costs between 380-480.. i thought it was expensive and wanted to skip the scan totally..

but on the other hand, i am worried too...
Dear Mummies,

Thanks for all your valuable advices. I have decided to wait for the 20th week scan before making further decision for amino or not.

I don't want the baby to go through any risk or stress.

Hopefully I have made the right decision and meanwhile I will pray that this little baby is healthy &amp; fine.


mummy_relle: Did you go for any Oscar test?
Mummy relle,
detailed scan is non-invasive so just go for it bah. Although the price is on the high side still good to know that everything is ok.

Maybe I didn't express myself clearly earlier. What I meant is that amnio or cvs procedures are invasive and carries a risk of miscarriage. I have known of ppl who did amnio due to high risk pregnancy and subsequently miscarried; the baby however did not have Down's. So if the parents can live with knowing that the baby may have Down's syndrome based on earlier test results, there is no real need for further testing. Yes, the risk of miscarriage is low, but it is still there. And it does happen

My daughter's geneticist at kkh gave us the same advice when we asked if any future babies we have will also be affected. She told us: if we are not going to do anything and continue with the pregnancy, then there is no point in going for amnio due to the risk of miscarriage. The geneticist clearly had the mother and baby's welfare at heart, and I agree with her logic

The gynae, and maternal fetal specialist at kk, however, have a different view. They want us to do the tests so that they can tell us they have done whatever they can to diagnose any problems. (And so that we won't blame them if we don't get a healthy perfect child at the end of the pregnancy)
Being doctors, they are also interested in the medical and scientific aspects of the case and I refuse to be a guinea pig, so that they can collect statistics and publish papers. My hubby is a scienctist and I know very well how ppl doing research thinks.. In this case the specialists have an interest because it is something new, and worth documenting. So of course they will push for further testing.

I am in fact pro-choice. But I just think that amnio is an unnecessary risk, unless one will be taking decisive action thereafter.
Chevelle, I'm also going to Dr Ananda for 20th week for final peace of mind. He already said all is 95% fine from the 14th week scan. I support your decision because of the slight risks involved in amnio.

As for food, I believe everything in moderation is fine. My gynae said as long as I'm not eating the whole tuna, swordfish, shark etc, it is fine

I was having chicken in chicken essence for some time (it's very yummy and easy to cook) and MIL cooks chicken essence, beef stew, fish soup for me now and then. Wonder if there are yummy and easy recipes to share?

Am glad to read about the pineapple tart and cooked abalone... making me hungry... just ordered my CNY goodies from SMH bulk purchase - lapis cake, pineapple tarts, peanut puff and cookies etc.

Time passing so slowly... want to go home and play with #1 :p

I am more kiasu.. as I have already paid for the detailed scan together with Oscar at TMC. So I will be going for the scan at TMC and another one at Dr Ananda.

Dr Ananda's scan is very detailed and he is a very patient man that explain to me patiently with all details.
Just wondering if any mommy will be doing confinement without a CL? My first confinement is done by my MIL but now she is bz with my #1, I was thinking of doing without a CL as hubby hates to gave a stranger in the house.
I havent look for a CL yet as I am still comtemplating whether should I get one. I foresee even with the CL I still need to take care of #1 as I dont think she will let her bath.... so I guess I still will have to touch water.

Even so this time I want to be more hardworking in BF so it still means I will still be waking up at night to do feeds.

I am thiking of just getting confinement catering. Wah looking at the price of the confinement catering is also a big sum of $ for me.

I hope your little one will be fine .....Hugs

Initially I was using the johnson milk bath but I cant stand it so use my #1's kodomo.... more mild in the smell, I also cannot take the ru yi oil smell too and certain types of perfumes.
I am also looking at confinement catering this time round. Dun think MIL have the time to cook for me as #1 is really a monster at 19 mths! Which caterer are you looking at?
My #1 with no confinement lady and maid. I find it is very tired as no one help up when bb is crying. This time I am looking for part time maid to help up.
Hi Mummies,
When do you start booking for your prenatal classes? I'm thinking of going sometime in early 3rd trimester. Will that be too late?

Shan991: I go to his Mt E clinic. Do you go there too? I've been getting scan pictures for all my visits so far. He almost forgot to give me the pict during my last minute walk-in visit at 14 weeks. My next appt is 26 Jan and time seems to tick so slowly! =( I always need to be reassured that baby is doing well... Btw, I'm supposed to discuss package with Shirley during next appt. Wonder what's there to discuss? I thought all packages are standard?

Chevelle:Stay positive. =) I believe things will work out well if you are positive. I'll pray with you for your baby's health.

I'm planning to go prenatal at Mt A in march.. so yes i tink early 3rd trimester is okay ba... too early will forget what we learn also right. I also go to his mt E clinic. Okay next visit i must rem to get the scan picture!!! I guess they want to explain what is in the package, ya it's a pretty standard package but they include a free 4d scan. So looking forward to that!

Fudgecake, thomson medical also provides confinement catering.. but not cheap. Comes up to about 2k. Very close to confinement nanny price, might as well pay $300 more and get extra pair of helping hands IMO...
jassie> i am starting my prenatal class on 19 Jan...hehehe...ya time seems to tick slowly...but everyday feeling BB kicks seems to reassure me that he/she is doing fine inside. Not sure if BB is doing some sort of dancing or not...lolx
Vivi &amp; jassie: Thanks a lot. Will try to stay positive for baby. Hopefully he can feel that mummy is staying positive and happy for him.
Morning mummies!

Chevelle: i'll pray that your bb is safe and well! and yes...staying positive is one very impt aspect as things usually turn out more positive that way! *hugs*

Girl^Girl: oh...starting prenatal classes so soon? hm...usually when is it recommended to start?

Shan991: ya..i'm afraid if i go too early i'll forget everything too..haha..and i know Mt A ladies card actually provide 1 session FOC and we can decide to sign-on if we find useful.

Anyone gone for your hospital tours yet?
jassie: I've called up TMC parentcraft to enquire about the prenatal classes and they recommended early 3rd trimester. Class should end 1 month before your EDD so it's still fresh in your mind and you are not too tired for the classes too!

I am starting mine in end March (will be about 7 months preg by then).

Mid-week ladies, hang in there!
Malbeths.. i went for mt A hospital tour already.. cos we sort of already decided this will be the hospital so hubby just wanna see the different room settings. Sad to say the renovation will only be completed end of 2013, so parking will still be a problem. But new wing for maternity wards will be ready by end Jan. yay!
hi all, been away for a while. caught a flu and developed a cough since last Fri, seen a TCM doctor then but my condition worsened over the weekend. Finally buay tahan went to see GP on Mon and was put on 2 days MC. GP said if I can bear with the cough, then he don't prescribe the cough med to me. So far I only popped one pill for flu to stop the runny nose. This is the 2nd time i've had flu during pregnancy. I've not started on any tonics yet, hope bb is ok. angry with my weak immune system.

I've also experienced some redness/itchiness on my tummy, but after applying the stretch mark cream, the itch went off. prob good to keep the skin moisturized.

gonna see gynae this sat, hope bb is cooperative to show us its gender! can't wait!
morning mummies.. went for my checkup yest. doc say cannot see anything inbetween the legs.. so most prob is a gal.

HB was kinda upset thou he dint express himself much.. he has been telling 'didi here, didi there' to my elder gal... who knows... i dont know how to comfort him also..
@cherrry mummy.. how much u pay for the maid? we are considering myanmar maid also but was told that they are kinda slow and will have comm problem. was told to prepare 4k+ - 5k+ for the first payment! >.<||
just wanna share what my gynae say about amnio...
after my detailed scan which the results was good..he did share that there is no necessity to do any more invasive test even though i am older...he say that there is a risk of miscarriage..and if the baby is normal, and there was a m/c, then its really uncalled for..something like that..some like what absentmama is saying...i never thought of it like the way he put it..but this time beign older and my third child i want to be more sure...

to me if the reading is really not good, i am prepare to abort (i am not christian), becuase i have 2 other child who need my care and attention as much as the third child..and if it is a special child, the amount of time n attention will definitely be more and to the extend may neglect the older kids which is not fair to them as well...

there is another round whihc is the 20th week scan..i always take the scan for granted until my #2 has an abnormality reading..we had to do additonal scan into the 30 plus week..but we are thankful after birth she was ok....no additional test or medication or care.
hapieger, your hubby is really keen to have a boy yeah, but this kind of thing is 50-50 chance mah. also the gender is dependent on the daddy, not mummy leh. u tell him usually girls are closer to daddies.
estaefran, ya my hb and in-laws really wants a grandson thou they are not those bias kind. anyway he said sure have disappointment but we cant do anything now also... most importantly bb is healthy...

gg for my detailed scan end of the mth.. he still hoping the gynae see wrongly! >.<
Jaime - yup you got what I was trying to convey. Your gynae sounds nice! I think it's quite rare here that gynaes don't push for further testing.

Also understand your point of view; I already have 1 kid who needs more attention than her elder sister. And both hubby and i have hardly any time for ourselves cos busy with the kids.. My hubby did say that he will choose to abort if the down results are not good because we cannot cope. I told him we will discuss further after the scan. Thankfully my results were ok, but the specialists are treating us as high risk due to my no.2 gal's history.

This baby no.3 is unplanned, I didn't expect to become pregnant naturally cos all my kids are conceived through clomid. So I thought since we're given this baby, there must be a reason for it. I don't have any religious beliefs, but I am not against abortion if there is a medical need for it. This may sound cruel, but sometimes when there is just no way of caring properly for the child, it is better to let the child go earlier.
Hapieger- mine also most pro girl girl.. Mil likes boy. But it's okie.. Bb is God's gift ma.. Hb say got 5% sad but he still likes girl more.. We already start thinking of names already.. I going to buy clothes on weekends!
Shan991> may i know what is the name of the new wing maternity room at Mt A? I stayed at Our Lady's ward for my last birth and i find it not bad.
absentmama...must be tough for u...

when i was making the decision to have #3 i struggle for the longest time because of the time spend to no#1 and #2 esp we dont function with a maid etc....that was my biggest struggle..not so much financially (though i realise we need to change the car due to #3 whcih will cost $$)

thought for the longest time, with no much conclusion..then i just came to realise that i do not have to regret in my old days that i have actually entertain the thought of having 3 and shelved it..so here i am active in a new forum thread haha...the new baby letting me relive my joy of pregnancy and letting the older kids have another play mate..the new addition will be good for the whole family..but its more work for me n my hubby...

Thanks Mummies for all your advices. I shall go for the classes in early 3rd trimester then. Else, I'm certain that I'll forget what I've learnt from the classes.

Girl^Girl: Lucky you! At least your baby's movements can assure you that baby is doing fine. =) I've not felt any movements yet. So I guess that's why I'm always feel unassured.

Shan991: I'll most probably go to Mt A too. They're still renovating? I thought they would have completed the renovations by June this year.
