(2013/06) June 2013

hi all,

hv any of u engaged a cl? i'm trying to engage one but i'm not sure of the market rate n the market rate for red packets.

hi absentmama,

hm... actually my gynae gave me the risks for trisomy in at least two other chromosome pairs other than down's during the ntscan. wikipedia also points to ntscan being used to test for more than down's.

i absolutely agree with u abt the healthcare system here. i was shocked when i had my #1 to find out that the system here does not provide any option to cover babies n children with congenital conditions.

Morning everyone! It's friday again!!

Och> Yes i've engaged a CL already. it's around 2.3k to 2.4k for a full shift CL for a month.. Red packet wise, seems like no fixed rate... can range from 38 to 208 that kind... Am thinking of giving $68 for both the day she come and she left. What you all think? any suggestion?
Yah, the health system here is terrible. Those of us whose kids are not covered under medishield can only depend on our medisave and savings for their treatments.

like my child's neurological condition, a gene which is the tumour suppressor is affected, so it is a certainty that in time, she will have tumours growing on the nervous system, they can also appear in the brain, eyes, spine etc. these tend to be benign tumours but depending on where they grow it would most prob need to be removed. And if they turn malignant, the cancers tend to be very lethal compared to someone else without her condition. With all these in mind I do not see how we can give her a life in Sg without proper medical coverage.

Actually in Switzerland the 12th week scan is called the triple scan cos like you say, it also scans for trisomy mutations, but over here everyone calls it the down scan leh. Even the gynaes and genetic counsellors. Maybe because over here Down's is more well-known bah.

Anyway my nt test results for my second child was 1:600 and nothing was picked up at all during the detailed scan and subsequent blood tests *shrugs*
Which is why clearing the ntscan and detailed scan now doesn't mean anything much to me..
TGIF.. i didnt have CL for the first 2 pregnancy..and dont plan to hire one for this time as well..coz i take care of the baby myself at night..so no point getting a CL and she can sleep thru the nite..only in the morning if i need a break or a nap, my mum wil take over..

my mum will help wiht the washing n laundry in the day...

prob i will get a confinement meal catering so thqat can eat better..normally my mum cooks..the first 2 weeks still ok..after tt i really hate eating the food coz its not my kind of diet...
not spicy no curry...zzzz...any one have any recommendation?

yes in sg n msia insurance does not cover congenital disease..my cousin baby had to do 2 major surgery to correct the urethra n kidney blockages ..and both pay ownself..not cheap n insurance dont cover becuase its pre birth condition...
Good morning all mummies.. It's TGIF

och & absentmama: Thanks a lot for all the advices given which really helps. I see the point & view where both are coming from. I am also upset with the healthcare system in Singapore thus in a dilemma when I know the scan results.

Let's all be happy n as positive as possible for our pregnancy and to have a healthy baby. Will keep you all in my prayers too.
yup TGIF and stay optimistic, after nothing is a certainty; no test results are 100% guaranteed so your chances of having a healthy baby is quite high still.

My previous gynae told me he had a patient whose risk reading was 1:10. Super high risk. But being a statistician, she was happy with the odds of 90% chance her kid will not have Down's, so she didn't do amnio. And her baby is perfectly normal!

For my second child, her doctors in Switzerland didn't believe in doing genetic testing because there is a 5% room for error.. Ie the test has only an accuracy of 95% which they didn't think was good enough. over here the geneticist says they can only test up to 60-70% which is why we decided not to go for amnio or cvs.

What's worst is that medishield, which is supposed to cover all Singaporeans, rich or poor, excludes congenital conditions and pre-existing illnesses. You won't find this in the truly developed countries because they believe that it is basic human right and dignity not to be denied medical treatment even if you cannot pay. Sigh.
sweety_mudpie-this is my 1st time getting a Cl. She charge mi 2.4k doing only 28 full days but I requested her to help mi with a bit of hse chores. For my 1st, my mom n mom in law helped out but I still need to do chores myself cos i paiseh to ask them. Ended up v tiring n not well rested.

Joanne - din know must give 2 Angbaos thot just 1 after her service. Hiring Cl is really depend on luck. Hope mine dun gimme headache.
Hi mummies, Can add me in the list.
Nickname: Cactusly
EDD: 1 June 2013
Gynae: Dr Paul Tseng
Baby: #1
Hospital: TMC
Location: NorthWest
Gender of baby: Boy

hi all! it's 3/4 gone for FRIDAY!!! yay! so happy :D

welcome all new June mummies!!

btw...i know it sounds insane..but i am SO HAPPY because I CAN SEE MY BABY BUMP!! hahaa
my colleagues finally said it is now more obvious..hahaa
hi ariel! when r u due? heehe..
i've already shopped for CNY clothes..haaha

but i didnt look into maternity wear yet...bought baby-doll dresses

so far have been wearing baby-doll dresses. Some LJ have really nice ones too!

yup, the blogshop pictures look good
and price is reasonable too! have u bought from them before?
hello....busy with my work and to settle my elder son to P1. Tiring...

I have not confirm my CL yet. Waiting for an auntie to help me check if that lady is available or not. Hope to know my bb gender soon so that i can start looking ard for things to buy soon. :D
This week, my tummy/bump suddenly seems bigger.. One colleague from another dept actually ask me if I'm
Pregnant.. Omg haha..
jasmine: yea! me too! suddenly seems to grow this week..haha...

windy: still nt many pple in my office know yet, maybe coz i'm always at my desk...and i always wear babydoll dresses nowadays...but for those who already know say they can now see my bump more clearly
hapieger and Jasmine: My gynae says most likely mine is a girl but have to wait for the 20week scan in early Feb.

My mil was with me at the clinic, and she looked very sad whereas my husband was v happy.

PSP: cheer up! i heard of cases whereby when your child is born, whether girl or boy, MIL/FIL will change their opinions and love them!
all grandparents will love their grandkids
PSP: my mil sure very sad de coz my hus only son n both his sis got girls also.. But well this type of thing we cannot blame us also.. the man made the decision de haha. look forward to happier things like buying baby clothes and stuff..
Thanks Joanne & Ling!

I have done my detailed Scan ystdy! it's my 19th week 5th day ystdy. I had to do the scan before i flew overseas for work & extended babymoon with hubby.
Detailed scan was amazing! Baby has beautiful formed spinal cords and bone structure. The TMC radiologist told us that its impt to detect whether the baby has nose bridge cos it can be indicator of down syndrome. (BB w/o nose bridge has certain tendency to be having down syndrome). Thank God that overall the scanning was smooth and baby is very cooperative to allow us scan every details! Baby is healthy! 321grams.
Hmm... I will feel weird if my MIL goes with me to the gynae... sorry ar - just me, maybe.

But, yea - regardless boy or girl, once they are born, the PIL will always be happy and will love them v much
Have you ladies signed up Pre-natal / child birth class? Ms Wong Boh Boi's class is really hot. I can only manage to sign up 26th March-30 April class. My EDD is 1st June. Very close to giving birth.Gd is that probably I wont forget what I've learnt but not sure will it be good cos little time to get prepared. =)
My mil is those dote on sons more than daughter. Hubby is the only son and he has 2 sisters so my mil super dote him.

I remember once when we prayed during Qing Ming I heard her asking them to bless us with a son... damn irritating but too bad leh it seems like the more you want the more you dont have...

My #1 is girl and #2 most likely girl too
haha not weird at all. I only want my hubby with me for the scans lor. If he cannot make it I'm fine going alone.

Le-N congrats! Glad to hear bb is well, enjoy your holiday.

Jasmine and PSP, girls are really very close to the parents de. I was very disappointed when no.1 turned out to be a girl, but after having 2 girls I now wanted no.3 to be a girl still! Ppl thought we trying for a boy and are always surprised to hear I actually wanted 3 girls. So when my 16 wk scam showed mostly likely gg to be boy, i was a lil bit sad.

Anyway boy or ger doesn't matter as long as they are healthy
Vivi: same as my mil. She super like my hus coz her only son. She always say next time depend on him zzz. That time we secretly bought out own hse she sooooo upset he is leaving her zzz..

My hub likes gir morel coz he say more filial.
Went for my gynae appt today. Gynae said the pain at the belly button there is normal, coz the uterus is expanding. As long as nO bleeding, its fine.

Then went to MS for shopping n there was a wedding show at the central atrium. Was approached soooooo many times to sign wedding packages even though i am already preg?!! my baby bump is quite obvious already and i am not wearing loose clothing either lor. Faintz. I actually replied to one of them that i am a mother of 2 kids already..and he was stunned for a while. Lol. So happen that those who approached us are MEN!!
I think men can't really tell if it's baby bump or not. I wore a loose top today. A female colleague commented that I was showing even though my top was loose. Later on, a male colleague saw me and commented that he can't tell I'm expecting because he couldn't 'see' the bump. ;)
Hi Mummies, have anyone purchased any maternity insurance plan? My agent has been trying to get me to purchase the plan once I reach 20th week since I found out I'm preggy..
Ms E,

I looked at the plans before, don't find it worthwhile as the coverage for the baby is only 5k max in the event of premature birth or any problems.. you may have a different view on it lah.

Janiz, me too, I was looking at some dresses during lunch hour yesterday and the lady kept showing me unsuitable cuttings until I finally told her I'm pregnant with my 3rd kid. She said I don't look pregnant even though I'm wearing a tight fitting tshirt and I thought my bump can be seen now..

Or maybe only fellow pregnant mothers can tell. I've been offered seats twice by a new mum and another mum in her 3rd trimester. (They asked the ppl next to them to let me have the seat). Other passengers still glare at me for sitting down though..
I tot its a 'men's thing' that they dunno how to tell whether a woman is preg or fat. But when i accompanied my hubby to buy a shirt for an upcoming wedding, the lady salesperson asked is it for our wedding?? Lol. Maybe their perception is that preg women muz wear maternity wear? U know, those ugly dresses :x
I am still wearing my normal tops n denim shorts (except cant button now)
Oh n my baby opened her leg big n wide yday during the scan, most likely its a girl. Hubby is happy coz he luv girls. Time to recycle my no.1 clothes!
Joanne, i'm not sure what is the name of the ward, they just told me will be open end of Jan. Maybe just tell them new wing the hospital should know which one u talking about?

Ya so the overall reno will only be done end of 2013 or early 2014. They assure us in the ward is not noisy. Only prob is parking when ppl are visiting.

Haha I tink it's also a men thing they dont comment about our tummy... one colleague say saw my tummy like bigger but dont dare to comment in case it's just fat. Most ppl who ask me are ladies. hehe

Suddenly my bump like balloon between 19 to 20 weeks. A lot of ppl can notice now. On the downside is really have to get new clothes cos cant fit into anything in my wardrobe now.
Ohh btw on insurance i bought one that covers complications (covers about 10K) and 200K life. Its transferable to BB upon birth and will cover genetic defects. Me and hubby a bit KS cos heard of some bb have some issues and insurance will exclude the condition. At least now we cover the BB with 200K no matter what. Mine is from AXA.. maybe you mummies can check it out too.
hi all,

i booked my CL at $2300 and paid $300 deposit already. she also told me about the red packet that we need to give her when she arrives & leaves.

i signed up wong boh boi pre-natal class after i signed the tmc FBI card. lesson will be entitled to 5% and my oscar & detailed scan is 10% off.
Don't know if any feel like her tummy is going to burst especially after dinner? My tummy gets quite big after dinner. I've tried to eat moderately for dinner but still feels very bloated after that. Skin feels very tight and looks like I'm 6 mths already... When I'm actually 17wks :p can feel baby's kicks already
very gentle kicks.... As for the rashes on my tummy, gynae recommended applying physiogel from pharmacy. More to moisturize than to stop the itch. So far quite good. Still itch a little but not as bad as before. Very thankful else she say may have to prescribe steroid cream.
Hi corinage,

You mean e detailed scan in 20 weeks? I was comtemptating whether to sign up e FBI too cos the discount for e single bedded room and 10% paediatric Services. But Im not sure it cover e scans as well

I just did my scan on thurs and it's another boy.. mum was a little disappointed as my symptoms are totally diff from my first and my tummy is round (as usual elder folks like to predict by the shape of tummy). She have already taken out some of our old baby dresses that she kept for like almost 30 years! Lol.. Now she have to pack it back...

I'm hesitant on the insurance, firstly because the agent is pushy and is the wife of a friend of hub, abit pai seh.. secondly, the coverage seems low and i have a history of high blood pressure with my first preg. Although early preg im fine, but seems like my bp has been gradually increasing quite abit recently. It was abit high when gynae chk on thurs. I heard that they will not cover pre-existing condition. So seems abit pointless if I get it?
