(2013/06) June 2013

Just to add - this time round we will be moving to Frsnce for possibly 3-6 mths but definitely flying ard August/Sep so yes, this baby #3 will be abt 2-3mths old by then.. Should be fine though. The older the kid the harder to keep them entertained. Young babies mostly sleep and feed so quite easy compared to toddlers

For us. .we brought my boy to phuket for a holiday ard 6m..n he roped in laws along n they stayed in the vill nxt door haha not really much help except fil accompanied hubby while mil n I went for massage :p then we brought him for cruise when he was 13m...we also went for staycations a couple of times..earliest is 1m coz of a wedding..maybe u all wanna considered staycation if u want to do it v early on and u r not confident. .but generally quite easy to travel w young baby except the cryin on planes. .at 6m my kid was crawling so it was harder to find ways to confine. .that being said we intend to go to Bali in nov/dec..2 kids + maid
Sorry to interupt.
My CN juz cancelled her holiday trip.
Thus, she is available May till July 2013.
PM if you have yet to find a CN.
She is not calculative, clean and cook very well.
*Juz want to share her service with all MTBs as she is very good*
hi mummies, anyone experience constant cramps/pain ard our lower abdomen? i have it quite often now and its on off like that.. quite unbearable esp at night.. )= btw, im leaking quite badly i think.. even with pantyliner also no use.. )=
hi hapieger, for me i've been having aches at my hips..to the point sleeping and flipping from left-to-right can be quite painful. getting up in the morning is a chore...but wierdly, when i walk around during the day, the ache seems to be ok.

cramps are occasional for me but not constant. U may want to check with gynae if they are too constant?

i'm leaking too...have to use panty-liner everyday.
For me is my back is very painful especially after siting and walking. I will leak when i sneeze. I have pain ard lower abdomen and back last few weeks. Now only back pain.
Yeah, leaking too... sigh... I have pains in my lower abdomen sometimes, but it is just for a while, a sharp jab and that's it... if it gets unbearable I think you should tell the gynae about it leh.
Hi babyelly! Welcome

Last week I experienced some nerve pain on the left above hip but it seems to be gone now. Lower abdomen sometimes ache but not consistent. Guess the pressure of the weight is affecting us now. Hence the 'leak' too.. Happens when I cough too much.

I do stretches and warm-up exercises every now and then to ease any discomfort, also to help breathe better.

Hapieger, do check with your doc if there's persistent pain!
thanks mummies.. the pain this morning is quite bad until i broke out in cold sweat.. but it seems better now after lunch.. but keep having this pain on and off.. i told the gynae before and he said its normal.. any method to ease the pain?

is it normal to leak? my panties is always wet even with panty-liner and i dint even feel that im leaking.. weird! i forgot to ask gynae about this thou.. think shld go back to him again..
hapieger: i think it is normal to leak, esp like what birdbird mentioned, the weight of our baby is pressing on us...but if it is too severe do check with gynae. for me a pantyliner works

Evelyn Qua: welcome! u have the same EDD as me!
babyelly, welcome welcome! Mine hovers around 18 and 17 Jun.... who knows, may end up giving birth on the same day.

hapieger, there are good and bad days for the leaks. On bad days, I have to change twice or thrice during work hours. Got to buy those that are for long hours, probably will be more absorbent
Thanks for the warm welcome.. I think kegel exercise does help in a way or 2.. That's what we advise patients in the hospital..
Hapieger, you might want to go in to the delivery suite to check in case its your waterbag leaking, and the cramps are contractions. They will rather you check and everything is ok.

At the very least call your gynae and say you've been having cramps with leaking. They will want you to go in and check that its not anything serious.

Normally pregnancy incontinence will leak when you're doing something like sneeze / cough / laugh etc. so if you don't feel yourself leaking but underwear still wet then pls get it checked out
Thanks absentmama.. gg to see gynae today cos its wet again in an hr this morning.. just hope I can carry the lil one till full term..
Is it normal to have heavy discharge? Or is it something of concern? Today i had stomachache..or cramps...i dunno, but the whole area was painful...
Is it normal to have heavy discharge? Or is it something of concern? Today i had stomachache..or cramps...i dunno, but the whole area was painful...
babybp, what color is ur discharge? if is heavy blood stained, i suggest u go in hospital to check.. but if is yellowish with itch, it may be fungal infection. then can wait and watch...
Mummies, can I ask for ur opinion?
How much clothes/hanky/mittiens/socks/booties have u prepared for your unborn child?
Hi babyelly, so far I only bought 5 in a pack Carter's bodysuit, 4 pairs of mittens and booties, 8 in a pack hankerchief, 2 swaddles, 3 hooded towels. What about other mummies?
Hi, I think generally u just about 5 sets of clothes if you are doing washing everyday. Don't need too much as newborn outgrow really very fast.
Morning mummies.. am given 3 days mc to rest at home cos of the cramps...

I wanna ask.. does it matter if natural birth or c sect? I feel bad cos it seems like my doc insist me to go for csect and my #1 is also csect.. I just feel bad when I know other mummies can endure the pain of natural birth but I cant... im stupid for the first time cos I choose to believe my aunt that never take the epidural jab and ended up ga csect for no reason... if I took epidural, things might be different now.. sigh... I reallly wanna try natural but gynae says there's risk and keep asking me to choose a date to csect... )=
I over buy already ahaha... I have 8 sets of newborn clothes.. Thank God I have the sense to buy the rest in bigger sizes upon advices of all my friends
I brought 3 newborn rompers and about 8 to 10 sets of mittens and booties. Alot of old clothes for first few months, but I still brought quite some new clothes which are bigger size to last till 12 mths. :p think I am really kiasu.
Hapieger, please don't feel bad about not enduring pain during childbirth. I don't think suffering through labour makes a woman a better mother - being a great mom is so much more than that. I've not had any kids before but am definitely pro-pain relief (why not, embracing science and technology!) of course there are people giving me various opinions but really, everyone has a preference, or wanting to experience it differently. There is nothing wrong with whichever choice one makes.

I'd say trust yourself yet do consider the doctor's advice. If another c-sect is the way to go, there's nothing to feel bad about.

Have a good rest!
Hi hapierger, I think csec or natural doesn't matter. In the end, its a healthy n safe baby we want to bring to this world. Dun take upon urself so hard. The pregnant journey and giving birth and being a parenthood are not easy. There are too many things to get worried for like pil upset if we got Bb girl, Bb size too small, weight not enough, etc so dun stress ourselves too much.. let's embrace ourselves and enjoy the last 2mths of the journey ya!
Hapieger, going thru pain is no big deal and doesn't make one a better mother.. I'm very pro pain relief so I ask for epidural the minute I'm admitted.

And after 2 natural deliveries with epi I'm now hoping to have a c-section this time. Mainly cos I have no relatives or maid to look after my kids should I go into labour suddenly. With a planned c-sec at least I can choose to have it done during a weekday when the kids are in childcare
Thanks mummies for all the reply... maybe im thinking too much cos from what I know, most mummies will not choose csect unless medical issue but im not...

Will try to convince myself to go for.csect again but this time rd definitely will go for epidural...
Thanks for the opinions, mummies!

Hapieger, risk of natural birth this time is there (since ur no 1 is c sect).. I read somewhere that risk of old wound bursting is there.. Maybe that's why ur gynae advised.. I do agree with other mummies, whichever way u deliver ur baby doesn't make u less of a good mummy, as long as u and baby is safe after delivery right?
Thanks evey.. u guys really make me feel much better.. (=

Is there a closed group in fb? Can add me? Here seems so quiet nowadays...

Ytd went for my check up. The nurse commented how come my weight never increase alot. But gynae told me that bb's is in correct size and weight and my placenta has increase. So happy to hear that. My next appointment will be in 3 weeks time.

The nurse check for me and mentioned that my #2 also just increase by 4.1kg from my pre-pregnancy weight, this time round slightly more by little bit only. But I got another 2 months to go so its hard to say last min my weight will not increase tremendously.
I think one of us can just create one for June babies/mummies...

Kome, I think most importantly is u eat moderately and exercise at the same time.. Coz what you eat will go to baby.. 4.1kg is ok i think.. is that ur weight gained overall?
Ya.....overall till now about 4.1 kg.

Got 1 worry......blood pressure starts to shoot up. Gynea told me that my blood pressure is slightly high, told me to reduce my salt intake.
Kome, U gotta listen and try ur best to cut down ur salt intake 7 drink plenty of water.. High blood pressure can cause nasty complications to the pregnancy, u and baby (pre-eclampsia).
Hello everyone !

I just finished washing the last batch of the mei mei clothes. Hubby has been nagging why do I need to do so early... Since I handwashed so I rather do it now than later. I can feel backache when washing clothes ....

I bought another 3 rompers at Toa Payoh central since I saw it is selling at $2 each and the rest are inherited from #1... I dont buy new born rompers de I bought those 0-6 months or 3-6 months so it last longer.

I wonder if I have enough mittens though.... About less than 10 pairs ....

Dont feel bad I went for epidural as I cant stand the pain and it was causing me stress. The moment I took pain relief I was able to dilate faster that my gynae told me I should have opt for it earlier .... This time once I cant tahan the pain I will go for it epidural again. In fact my gynae though pro natural she will still advise pain relief if cant endure no point suffering.

Its not only child birth that makes us great by taking care good care of them weighs more so dont feel bad.

In fact this time I was hoping to be induced so that I can plan my stuff however if this is not possible we will just leave it to god.
Hi mummies, I am new to this forum. My edd will be on 20-06 and it's the same day as my wedding anniversary =) Hope to be able to exchange more information with all of you in the future!
Hi zoovee, Your settings are not set to allow PM. Pls text me at 92300681 as I'm interested in your Combi Stroller. Thanks.
I got mine from Young Hearts. The material is very soft but only got 1 design. I got 3 diff colours from there.

I am thinking of packing the hospital bag after finish washing my last batch of baby clothes. Should be around end of April or early May.
