(2013/05) May 2013

Dreambig: I am in my 36 weeks.. Prepared almost everything.. Just that have not set up baby cot and baby rocker. Will start doing so soon when I am in hos..

wah!! The thread lately flow so fast!!! Cannot keep up with it liao!! where is all those familiar names?! LOL. All nua at FB instead liao...LOL!
wah so many new mummies. hihi *waves*

i know itchy tummy at this point of time is very common, but anyone experience itchy scalp? don't know why since few days ago my scalp gets itchy frequently but i didn't change my shampoo or diet or habit or anything..

i have the habit of washing hair every morning, wah if can't wash hair during confinement, i think i'll be super irritated as i can't stand it. lol. guess i'll still continue to wash..
Karen: I have drop u an email too..

Hello to all old and new mummies too.. Cant wait to join FB and chat as I have limitation coming in here and by the time i come in.. lost track of discussion liao.. HaHa..

Itchy Scalp: Dun have this problem yet..

Look like alot is in 36-37 weeks le.. I am still at 33 weeks.. From 33 to 36 weeks, will tummy still grow bigger? What kind of changes will we expect?
1. Less or More Obvious Movement?
2. More aching?
miracle: I'm week 34 tomorrow. Yes. more back aching will come to u. I can't even sleep well at night!!! Cannot find a good sleeping position. Now I'm stacking a lot of pillows behind my back for support. cannot lie flat cos baby is pressing on my ribs and if I lie side way...my boy hates it!! He will push, punch n kick me (-_-!!) Most of the mommies in FB also facing the same problem now...

Jill & tsm: yah!! FB more happening! Cos we keep post photos of our loots!! LOL!!
Yeah Miracle: Im 35 weeks plus. From 30 plus weeks onrwards, my tummy grew quite fast... erm even my hubby thinks so. Luckily we are doing photoshoot tmr so hopefully wont be too tired.
I also cant sleep flat anymore.. feel breathless.. Sleeping side make me feel numb after few hours.. haiz.. seriously thinking wanna sleep at sofa a not.. haha..

Photoshoot: i intend to do it in week 36
hope it get a little bigger will be nicer??

Cant wait to join FB.. Envy all of u in FB.. HAHA
I look forward to coconut drink every sat! haha cos its soooo cooling and nice...

yes ..waiting to join FB group.MAy I know how to?
Super tired~ Need to go back to go even thou I am on Hospitalization Leave.

Mommies, do you have problem sleeping? These few nights, i always have trouble sleeping. Lying on the left or right, it is always uncomfortable.
Shirley, yours coming very soon too! Must be excited?

I m back to hospital today to do ctg scan again to monitor baby movement... Hope baby can than until due date... 2 more weeks...
Sha23: I have not drink coconut yet, cos I am scare of bb may come out before week 35. So thinking to drink after week 35.

Karen Peh: I wanted to donate my bb cord blood, but they mentioned that I cant donate because I am having twin. Wasted~

MofMM: Oh so the advice r standard for hospitals. At week 32, my bb boy is 1.7 and bb girl is 1.9. I dare not eat toooooo much or durian now, cos they are really heavy and i cant sleep well. I hope that they heard our "concern" and listen to us.. hahaha
yaya: I aso having frequent BH

charliebrown: Love to hear your birth story.. Hahaha.. take care!

jill: I guess it is really up to individual. My confinement lady asked me whether I want to bath during confinement period. I told her yes, she mentioned that she will buy the herbs for me to bath or wipe myself. I cant stand not bathing for a month especially during May period and it is more hygenice.. :p I agree with i love babies, mommies shld feel good and comfortable and to reduce the chance of having postnatal blue.
Azel: mil ask me drink next week. As I'm gg CSec next sat. Scare too Liang for me. So before one week of CSec then I drink 1-2day once can Liao.
Sha23: Some of my colleagues told me to drink when I reached 3rd trimester. They mentioned tt itis v cooling but I dare not cos scare too liang too. Plus now I've have frequent BH, abit scare scare. So will drink after week 35. Wow next Sat will b v fast, have a smooth delivery!!

miracle_bing: my doc told me not to lie totally flat on my back cos I'll b pressing on e blood supply to bb. So have been Zzzz on my left n right.

Dreambig: Haiz, I want to have slightly more rest b4 bb come out. :p
Hi miracle bing, 2more days I will b in 37 wks.... So fast. Got to start packing the stuff to bring to hospital ...

Hope I can hold till 2may for c-sec...

Little bb smurf, my mum buys different kind of coconut for me.. The big old type, the young Thai coconut. Guess it is fine as long as its coconut.. Started drinking 2 weeks ago....
Hi morning everyone,

Just to share.

Today I went to see my doctor. He ask whether do I need to do an additional surgey on removing the excess fats and skin ard the tummy area.When he do the csec for me.So that the tummy will not look so loose, and look nicer plus tighter. Which cost $1500 additional. I'm might do as easy to slim down. Hehe...
Hi Mummies

I hope to join in your fb group too,had been a silent reader. Will start posting =)

Hope all the mummies dun disappear during confinement period from this thread/fb . I guess we need the support from each other. Confinement is tough!!

This my second bb girl, my first one is 3.5 year old now.

I nearing week 37 . Very exciting journey .

My edd is 6 May 13
Sha23: Wow! That is additional service. So you are going for full GA? Ur doc r going to deliver ur bb n follow by e additional surgery immediately.

rc: will try not to disappear during confinement period. However tis is my first time, I duno wat will happen n have to manage my time well. :p
Hi Sha23, wow idea, never thought of asking for that service. My friends tell me confinement plus taking care of baby v stressful will definitely naturally slim down leh.

Hi Azel, me too try to avoid sleeping on back but when sleep on right side, twin B will kick and squirm and push v hard till it hurts n I have no choice but to flip on back. Sleep on right side, twin A will squirm but less furiously. From all the sleeping on back, my entire back is achy. Do you have throw up v frequently in this third trimester carrying twins? I'm back to 6-8 times daily! Your babies are of good weight, near the 2kg mark! My next appt is at week 34 so will only know their weight then. Me too avoiding coconut water for same reason. Hehe.
MofMM: same here, whenever I sleep on the left or right, one of them definitely squirm n kick me. It seems that they r showing their unhappiness that I am "pressing" on them. :D i didnt sleep on my back aso, cos the position is not comfortable.. I do not have throw up, but heartburn. Oh no 6-8 times daily, u've to take care! Yap mine r close to the 2kg mark, ganbatte bb, but it is still a rough estimation weight. I guess when u go for ur next appt, ur bb will b v close to e mark too.. or reach the mark because bb grows v v fast at tis stage. Twin A & B must ganbatte too. Heehee
Sha23: wow...! I might do it too if my doc propose it haha... But I m trying for natural...

Mummies FYI, I just went for my apptmt today n baby's head is already engaged... Baby is ard 2.9kg now... Feet n ankle suddenly blew up since last night.. Wondering if it could be due to the hot weather too. Even my fingers are fat n swollen now.. I guess the day is drawing near! Still trying to withhold from drinking coconut water cos trying to hold on till due date. ;)
The fb group that karen created is different from our earlier group.
We hv an existing group created but we hv a look see approach. Trying to avoid spammers and silent readers so will only add mummies that we c more posting here...

We r not restricting just monitor for awhile.
Pls free feel to join any others that u are all comfy with.
Thank u.
mine is 3 jun. sometimes is 30 may...lol..30 may is more accurate coz I got that date if I use my lmp..

hoping to give birth earlier. coz my hub birthday is 21 may... birthday present for him
We have the same gynae.
My fren went to dr lim too. And she also did csec and do the so called tummy tuck. Now her bb is 8 mths old, and her tummy is totally flat. All thanks to the removal fats lor. Too bad I am going natural so I can't do this service. A lot of ppl went to dr lim cos of his csec skill and this removal loose skin.
I think u should do it.
Anyone's swollen feet and hand hurts? I have difficulty walking.. my soles are painful.

The massage lady says to prevent nua nua stomach, we can use the binder 3 days after natural birth :p
Hi dreambig,
Looks like your bb is ready to come out soon as mentioned by your doctor, the head is engaged. So excited for u. So just konitor for any contraction pain ok.

I'm also praying hard not to come out yet as my edd is end may but since both my children r out b4 38 n39 weeks so this child might ve earlier too. But have to be after may bb

Cocnut drink dobt dare to drink yet. Waiting for mon evening checkup then see doctor advices.
Hi littlebabsmurf, swollen feet is sign of delivery too but on the other hand it could mean that u might have stand too long on feet. Probably u would like to rest your feet n sit on a seat as u might be putting a lot of strength on your feet.
Bbkk: my sil using him, as she mention doctor lim stitching skill very good. That why I take him. Wah your friend try and result so good then I must take up that service. If not hard to slim down that area. If go slimming centre dun think the result that good.
Hi all

Been a silent reader all these while but hardly come in coz I am busy with my no. 1 and 2.

If u are still updating the list, u can add mine: Baby gender is gal, edd is 19 May. I stay in the north.

Dreambig, if this is your first baby, 80% chance baby will come out within 2 weeks of engagement. That's what Dr told me last time when I was with no. 1. and sure enough, no. 1 was engaged at week 35 and came out week 37. I also had very swollen feet and hands and the next thing I knew, it was time for baby to come out.
Thanks KaTie! I know... Anytime soon... Excited n worried at the same time. Don't really know what to expect cos it's my first one.

Azel, yes bag packed since long time. Lol....

I am having frequent BH contractions now... But don't really know how to differentiate real contractions. I m worried I will not be able to recognize a real contraction....

Sha: I m jealous... You can have flat tummy after birth... Now I can only wish the post natal massages n the binders n tummy creams I bought work hopefully!

Btw question: is it ok to let the confinement lady sleep on mattress on the floor?
Thanks Sweetpea for the info.
I m 37 weeks now so in 2 weeks I will be 39 weeks.
N my feet n hands are swollen now..!
Can't believe it's coming so soon!!!
