(2013/05) May 2013

Milk oversupply also have problem. Engorgements and u feel like removing milk all the time. Which leads to more milk supply and the story continues. Undersupply also stressed, over supply also stressed.

tsm: wahahahha!! I think I in need of neh neh supply lo. My hubby irritating de la. Said I buy PISA later waste $$ only. bai swee...I wanna prove him wrong!! wow!!! u sure many milk milk!! I tmr ask my mil cook red bean soup!!! LOL!!!

Chiro: wah! I rather oversupply loh! The I will take the neh neh throw my hubby!! Say I small small, no production. I explain until wanna vomit BLOOD! he still say:" really meh~ those mummies an wei you only la!" (-_-!!)

SweetPea: That's why!! Oversupply stress cos we suffer, undersupply hubby laugh at me later =( That's the poor life of woman!! I told him I scare liao...my tummy like wanna explode anytime!! Time bomb!!
Thanks for the update Bbkk.. E list is getting longer n longer. Heehee

2Ks: u mentioned tt you took raw fenugreek.. pills or tea form is better?

Min: take a rest, breath in n out deeply.

SweetPea & XuaN: haiz either over or under supply, mummies r stress. But oversupply is a happy stress cos bb will have enough milk milk. Haha.
next time you oversupply, make hubby drink the excess bm.. must give him those frozen near to expiry one... (those super fishy) (as a punishment for looking down on your supply) lols...
Dreambig: you are right, i must remember that my body is not like last time. i tried to clear my table just now, cos too much rubbish already. wanted to clear before i go on maternity leave then end up my back ache. Immediately stop and rest. tell myself later then pack. i having stomach upset these few days too. arghh. think i am getting stress up as the days come nearer. got to start working on my handover list when i haven started.
Min: I understand what you mean.. I was trying to finish more work before I go on leave n ended up with high blood pressure. Gynae told me to be selfish for once cos we are pregnant only a few times in our life.... So must think selfish sometimes for us n our babies... I m also still trying to finish up some more things now before I stop.... Try not to stress n do too much...
I just did my handover list but still fear things will go wrong as my counter part also going on ml a month after me..
Still thinking whether should work from home.. not sure if it's healthy.

Tried the pills and nursing tea from BP the last time. I think nursing tea is more effective. Maybe when you drink more warm stuff milk flow and supply better..
Thanks for sharing. I will be going on maternity leave next Mon. C-sec schedule on Mon. First time mum, quite anxious. Happy to see all mummies sharing here.
ml, me too. I feel tummy hardening very frequent now. Bb already full term and very active. His playtime seems more than sleeping time now in my tummy. Very playful little baby boy.
Dreambig & Min: I was also trying to do more works before I go for leave.. However my body think otherwise.. It start to have false contractions and my doc is worried and give me 1 wk hospitalization leave. My husband ask me to take extra care of myself and put bb as the 1st priority. I think work is important but bb n healthy is more impt at this moment.

Meiliew: oh finally can c your bb boy next Mon, must b v excited.. *hooray* Jia you!!
Good morning ladies!

Meiliew, all the best to your delivery!

Azel: You are right, i think my body thinks otherwise too. Have been feeling so tired but somehow my to-do list just keep getting longer. I think i just try as much as i can. I keep telling myself, set priority, work is also not number 1
Good Morn!

Meiliew jia you!

Min, Azel & Dreambig: gotta learn to "fang kai".. BB will be with you forever but not the company so priority must set right ya..

Hai Ying: maybe u need to go to other EDD month for CL lobang..

Vivid Dream: Yday I got a bad dream.. dream hubby got mistress.. now i feel so tired after the long battle dream..
Good morning!

Min & miracle: my to-do list also gets longer n longer. It seems unable to clear at all. Last week, there is still nobody to cover my duties. Ever since doc give me HL, my boss started to panic n get my colleague to learn n cover me. If you are tired, take a day off to rest your body, dun push too hard. For me, it is difficult to "fang kai", but after last week n I dun wan my bb to come out pre-mature. I've start to learn how to "fang Kai" n my family is more important!

Miracle: are you stress aso? Dun worry, it is jus a dream. I've been having funny n weird dreams aso but I can't remember. Rest early tonight.
Morning ladies

All the best, hope your op goes well

are you doubly heavy since you're expecting twins? I can't imagine! I'm in my 33rd-34th week & i already feel I'm so heavy.

I agree with you. We need to rest and we will feel better. I rested a whole day yesterday at home. I didn't even need to lie down, but just not cooking/ chasing after my kids, really made me feel less lethargic.
xuan.. i also got small neh but milk supply very very good. so i think it doesnt matter big or small de ba. hehehe
Good morning!

Meiliew, all the best ya...I will be the next.

Made my last visit b4 delivery yesterday, my gynae seems to be worried that i will deliver earlier than planned op. It makes me a bit panic...so i have decided to lie down as much as possible, juz hope i can hold until next Thurs.

Mummies who still working: Please please don't push your own limit, baby is the first priority ok? Ppl tend to take it for granted when you perform well..but what if anything happens to you or your precious one? ppl will juz say sorry...

Let's all jia you and rest well!
Agree with i love babies

Let's jia you together!!

CL sleep: I bought the seahorse mattress for her.. she will sleep in another room and yes on the floor since mattress is low.. I do not have an extra bed..
Azel, totally agree. Nothing more important than baby now. Especially after all the time we have gone through to reach this stage. Jia you! It is so typical that pple just panic when they realized you will be gone soon.... Same thing here for me...! Don't worry don't worry... Be zen.........
Ok, I bought seahorse mattress too! Ok worried she might complain if I let her sleep w mattress on floor cos I don't have an extra bed too... N I m thinking in d same room as baby....
Juz share with you all the recipes for promoting milk supply (in Chinese):


(1) 坐月子期間,如有傷口,請避免麻油與酒類食物
(2) 豆漿及豆類製品較冷,如果多吃會讓新生兒易拉肚子

黑糖酒釀蛋 (黑糖水煮蛋花及酒釀)
Miracle: regarding bad dreams, I have a lot of that too since I got preggy... I think it's just stress n hormones.... I also had dreams that my hubby left me for other women! But I think it's all part of the stress of coping with our pregnancy.... Don't think too much..
Dreambing: Yah loh.. I have many bad dreams in first trimester and now they are coming back in third trimster..

As for mattress slping, i doubt they will complaint. I remember visiting my firend at her house, her CL also sleep on mattress.. so I think is a norm bah..

Thanks I love babies.. so sweet of you for sharing
pinktulip: yes, i felt that the bb r rather heavy. I've to carry my tummy at times. Last week (@ week 32), their total weigh r 3.6kg. How heavy is ur bb now? They will continue to grow exponentially e next few wks. Most impt is they r growing healthy.
Now we r in e final stage, we have to rest as much as possible (if we hav any chance) esp we cannot rest well at night too.
I love babies: thanks for the receipts. Why ur doc is worry that you'll give birth earlier? Must tell bb to wait, I've been telling my bb tt aso. Heehee. Yes my priority is bb n family comes 1st now..

Dreambig: angry with the way our bosses treated us. But v Bo chap now. Hahaha.
Hi mummies, sorry have just been quietly reading and laughing at all your posts and comments. You guys are funny and hope to be able to meet up with you guys.

This is my 35th week and I'm feeling like a hippo and waddling around like a duck. Everyday I dread to go to work cos so hard to get around. My face and hands and legs and tummy so swollen I can't wait to pop but I've been told this is not even the start of my nightmare. But in the midst of these 'sufferings' I can't wait to see my girl and hold her in my arms and look at a mini version of me haha...

Work has also been terrible as my replacement just joined and still learning and working flexi hours. On top of that the only other staff in the company doing admin support just dropped a bomb and said she is resigning for health reasons. I'm at a loss but I looked at all your encouraging messages and realise that you guys are right. Nothing is more impt than my bb right now and I have to 'fang kai'... This morning I was just thinking that my post natal blues might have come early but reading your posts gives me encouragement haha... not trying to por u guys but reading them really helped lift my spirits
keep it going and all the best to all mummies delivering soon
Meow meow, I also walk like a penguin. That day I wore a black n white maternity dress to work. My colleague saw I walk so "xin ku". Looks like penguin, just that the tummy area not in white color.
Dreambig, pinktulip, I love babies, thanks.
Agree that our baby is the most precious and is our first priority. We must take care and ensure we have sufficient rest. Don't push ourselves too hard because of work. Our baby is more important.
Whenever u feel tired, must rest well.
Welcome miracle_bing & Azel. It's the purpose to have this thread right

Azel, I m not very sure. Maybe bcoz i have low placenta, and so there are higher chances of premature delivery bah...what's more, my BB is turning to a very low position, his head is at around my 'hair' part already. Also, when my gynae wanted to check whether my cervix has dilated, I immediately had contractions...(quite embarrassing).
Meow Meow: Let's jia you together! There is a limit of what we can do.. We must stay positive and be happy. Please don't stress yourself and don't think of pre / post natal blues.
Cheer up, a happy mummy = happy baby!
i love babies: Hmmmm mayb your baby's head has engaged? that could be the reason that his head is so so low.. You immediately have contractions when your gynae wants to check your cervix, is it false contraction? I guess we have to go thru the embarrassment when our turn comes.. *shy shy*
Left work at 8pm.. Exhausted..... N had big contractions on d way home. Think it was a sign to rest...!

Ilovebabies: when does yr gynae start checking for cervix dilation? Mine did not do that yet n I m now 38 weeks.
Hi meow meow, glad you find some encouragements here.
I m also super bloated everywhere. When I look at my legs n feet, I feel like a hippo...... My legs looks like pig trotters now
Speaking of embarrassments, yes lots of it but soon u will get used to it and realise your docs and nurses are already very experienced in all those embarrassing routines ;)
Just want to share for first time mummies,It's really strange to have so many different people peer into your insides and feeling it around or shaving away the bushes. During labour someone may even have to wipe away accidental poop coz the enema didn't clear up all your waste.
Dreambig: Why you left so late? Must set priority! It is not good for you and bb health.. Go to bed early after your meal and lift your legs when you sleep to reie the swolleness..

SweetPea: Oh no, there are so many embarrassments. I think the worst embarrassment is that we poo / pee when we are pushing the bb out.. *blushed!*
Wah.. the thread is moving very fast! I can't seem to catch up.. hehe.. hope all mummies are doing well.
dreambig: Ya! Try not to work too late.. Maybe have some snacks so bb won't starve!

My feet n hands are swollen.. so painful just walking n squeezing toothpaste >_<"

Anyone Did the fungus test at 36weeks? I was just called up to be treated for it

so much problem...
Hi littlebabysmurf,
I dont have such problem but only vaginal infection. Think probably i didnt change my liner regularly. But if there is fungus infections might not be good for bb so better get treated early if not might have to c-sec.

I took antibiotics for last checkup at 32 weeks.

Hidreambig, u so funny, after long hours of working u have 'big contraction', I only have very tight contraction. So u better rest more ok, agree with the rest, bb is more impt than others. Work so hard for company...n affect bb no good.

i love babies, low placenta is dangerous, make sure u rest more n take care. My colleague has low placenta n on hospital leave n had to deliver early but still 3rd trimester...but afect her ranking lor...but the bb is a joy to her family now as ranking is only yearly performance but having a child is not like every year u get it.

we wont poo/pee when pushing bb. As b4 delivery , they will give us medicine to clear our bowel n cannot eat so...the only uncomfortable moment i felt was when my water bag...wet the delivery bed n after clearing still drip a little on and off so...really uncomfortable lying on the wet sheet.
