(2013/05) May 2013

my doc that time didnt give me spray but he give me the cream to put everytime.. and the problem is i DARE not even dare to touch lol i think about it my hair stand hahaha.. okai wil get the spray thanks!! so in pharmacy or agapebabies which one selling cheaper?

i didn't want to get CL also but i scare my hubby fly me aeroplane leh.

at first he say he do night shift and i do day shift but i think it will be too taxing on him. I don't want him to be so tired and cannot concentrate on the road and work. Later he will find the baby experience not good.
pinktulip (ipanbaby) - yeah no worries u sure can do it... this is my first baby and my MIL is doing for me.... so i cross my fingers that all goes well! :D Cos my Parents IL not used to have strangers roaming in their house for long period too. LOL No choice! Dont have a place of my own yet.. :D
I just checked... kkh mom's essential sells... I'll get tomorrow when I'm there...

CL - my first time hiring CL too... #1 everything I do myself... mil just cook nia... I already booked mine before 2nd tri... lol... herbs hor... dun take their package... go and buy urself... I bought mine from fu lu shou building.. less than $300 and I didn't even manage to finish all...
JC - at first I also dun want to get CL cos not used to having stranger at home, but later decided that we need help especially as first time parents + recovery time from childbirth.

So the confinement herbs about $300 in medical halls ar? Some people told me about 1k+... if 300 still manageable.
any medical hall can get mah?
fu lu shou a bit far..thinking if can, i get it from JP Fu Hua or EYS.

They will pack separately 1 right? like Packet A for XXX, than cook with what?
Xuan - i nv hear from the seller since my email to her last wkend! i think i have been spamming her mailbox so nw i just stop and wait for her to reply. haha. will update you if i hear from her!
jiayou for your assignment!

Re: CL
I actually have a sofa bed in the baby room nw...but coz when it opens up, its almost the size of a queen sized bed (but smaller) so i am not keen to let CL use the sofa bed as it takes up space. is it v.bad to get a single sized mattress for the CL to sleep on instead?
Bbkk: ok.. I will check with dh first. But that time they were saying shipping in will cost a bomb right? I am looking at the redcolour one.. Haha..
can reuse for #2 if its a boy. Saw the pink online! Nice!!!!
Shirley, usd online selling $649. Shipping about sgd$200. So still cheaper to bring in.
If u wan to buy in sg, buy at motherworks, it is $100 cheaper than mothercare.
Mothercare no disc even you are member.
Thanks! Good luck to you too

I also didn't have my own place for my #1. Just stayed with my mom.

It's like menstrual cramps....that comes and goes... it gets more intense later on. No pain no gain....hehehe..without the contractions pain you can't give birth. So I just try to view as the pain as helping us to get closer to delivering the baby.

coz my first birth was like a mess, supposed to natural then last minute c-sec. i did experience the very sharp and aching pain, simply cant describe kind of pain rite? not sure whether that is contraction? 2nd one will the contraction come much much earlier? i m confirmed going for c-sec liao. edd is 18 may, so gynae say likely schedule 1-2 weeks b4 due date. so was worried wat if contractions come earlier than the date?
pinktulip, did you stay Parkway East hospital for your #1? Did you choose single bedder or double bedder?

Xuan, you're looking for a PD ah? If you're delivering at Mount A, you can ask Dr Poon to book Dr Simon Ng for your child's PD. My PD for #1 was Simon Ng. He's quite good. And his clinic at Mount A. Whenever i go to see him, the queue is reasonable and he is professional also. I know of famous PDs like Terence Tan, long queue like anything.
hi mummies, hv been long time didnt log in coz busy to finalize my last year end financial accounts and prepare audit schedules. Tis time i am very jialat coz the auditing period will meet with edd & maternity leave.No one can help if i on leave...
I sit besides of my boss oso made me cant anyhow log in, only when he is oversea trip so i can eat snake a bit.

Wash baby clothes:
Jz done my third time washing yesterday, super tired. Mummies, u all hand washing or by machine? I hand wash everytime, hubby buay tahan said jz use machine will do...

Wong Poh Poh class:
Hv to attend class at SCGS tonite, but thinking the journey wil make me lazy to go..I didnt attend the third class (last Sat) coz accompanied my dad to a wedding dinner, missed the chance to watch the birth video.

CL bed:
My CL requested me to prepare a bed for her, she said she has backache so cant jz sleep on the mattress.

I havent buy herbs yet but thinking to buy within these two weeks from ZTP b4 my hubby go oversea business trip. i plan to buy red dates,black dates & dangshen. Anything else have to buy for our confinement? DangGui?

Rice wine:
Any mummies oso prepare rice wine ? I only have few bottles of D.O.M, dunno whether is it enough?

Mattress cover pad:
Do we need prepare protector pad for our own mattress? coz heard fren said can prevent the mattress kena our blood. Where do buy ?
Babymaine: hope you feeling better now.. do have more rest ok!!

hmm, after week 30, anything can happen right? like early contractions and false alarms? my fil is asking my hubbie acc him for holiday end of this month.. i will be at 33 weeks.. i told him my concerns and i need him around.. but he's like saying: 33 weeks only, nothing will happen wan lah.. -_-"""

agree with most of us here.. 3rd tri is bad man.. my heart is racing so fast after i go up a small flight of stairs.. nausea is back.. and sometimes some pain on tummy.. not sure if its contractions or something.. just don't feel comfortable..

hmm, if we deliver naturally, is it 100% will have sewing down there? i really cannot imagine so pain already still must endure an injection and stitches. i might faint at that point man.. haha..
hi mommies, any PD to recommend at TMC? I have no choice but to deliver at TMC thou first choice is Mt A coz of the carpark. Hv u all heard of this PD name- Ang Poon Liat?

attended Wong Boi Boi class last sat.. Dont worry about the birth video... Was kinda grossed out by it... Hubbs and my face cringed when they showed that part in detail...

SCGS class: Wong Boi Boi said that there will be 700 participants there today and they will be giving out some package or something (comprising towel, etc). If you are driving and heading down, it is advised that you reach there early (at about 7pm?) to secure a parking lot. She mentioned that she will start on the dot and will not wait for anyone.
fool4love: oic, tks for yr info. I will go there by bus from Parkway Parade, hope can reach there early. R u going too? I hope my hubby can go with me but if he doing OT tonite then wil go alone liao.
I think must eat饱饱 coz the class will be ended ard 9.30pm?
I'm going for the breastfeeding lesson at SCGS tonight too. 700 people is a lot... sounds like will have traffic jam.
i'm going to SCGS for class tonight! who's coming too? hehehehe.. wong BB class standard will drag.. but she say she will start and end on dot wor.. don't know how true.. best to grab a bite first if can..
fool4love - my fren told me PD Chan Kit Yee at Mt A not v.good lehs... her #1 pd was Dr Chan and apparently a jab wasnt done properly causing her lil gal to have lymph node and need to go for op. my fren recommended Dr Terence Tan or Dr Lee in Kinder Clinic. i think i will leave it to my gynae to recommend a PD. haha

Rach - i think if your hb can, just stay back in SG with you better...just in case. you will also feel more assured i think.
rach: so far all my friends their gynae will sew for them. but don't need to worry. if you on epi, you won't feel the pain. if you are not, the gynae will also inject some anesthetic before doing the stitching.

tsm: for your own bed, you can get those disposable mattress protector from places like guardian, watson, unity, kiddy palace. it's a blue colour sheet. in hospital they also use the same.

just went maid agency to select the maid. will be coming in about 6 weeks. hopefully we get a good one. pray pray!
Thanks for the heads-up.

My gynae was suggesting Dr Simon. They say Terence Tan is good but long waiting list / not cheap...

Probably will revert back to Dr Simon Ng. I can claim under Dr Chan. That's why i'm asking...

TSM: Ya. going tonight... seems like a lot of mummues are going! think it'll be packed...
oh ya! TSM:

Wong Boi Boi said that there's a make-up class on 18th March for those who cant make it today. But that class would not be taught by her.
Irene: i think i saw the disposable mattress protector b4 at unity but tat time nt sure is for wat purpose, shld go to check check again.

JC: haha good idea! but i dun hv used cloth, and oso thinking if wan use used cloth then the cloth must b big enough to cover the mattress...

fool4love: I better go the class tonite, nowadays lazy to go out with big tummy so must 速战速决le.
Btw, i still confusing which bus stop to alight, coz if i alight opposite SCGS then I dunno is there a bridge to cross over the road?
tsm: oop SCGS is the Raffles Town Club? If so, yes there is an overhead bridge at the bus stop. But hor, be careful when climbing up the stairs ok?
Xuan: the seller just replied me! she said she went into delivery thats why so late then reply me. haha. I will be transfering the $ to her then she will update the thread. Hopefully she can place order soon!
sleepyskies: Yup tks, wil b careful. opp is steven courts. Ready to go now,haha boss not in can eat snake .
C u gals there!
tsm.. i didnt buy any mattress cover where got stains this n that.. u just buy pads that is 40cm-42cm long can liao. its very very long n safe also ^^ tats what i did for my no.1 so no need to buy mattress cover. just buy period pads can liao lor. ^^
Danggui: just to share that after birth , if want to bf, dun eat too much dang gui will affect milk flow .Maybe 5-6 pieces per wk is enough . Got this info from dr Wong where she is special guest on the morning show.
Good morning mummies! Can i check if i wanna get Manduca, i somewhere in Jalan Peminpin sells around $249? Is there any other better deals around?
i went to EYS and Fu Hua yesterday to ask about the confinement package. EYS like not very helpful. They have this package which start from 200+, 300+ and 1000+. Than the lady tell me, 200+ is per day serving.

i was like 'huh'. I ask like this i must buy 30 sets ah..which is $6K leh! She say 'of course, how can the 'yang shen tang or yang hua tang' drink only once. Of course must everyday drink lah. i saw the breakdown is like 1 pkt of soup, 18 packet of something, etc etc..is for 1 month supply loh..kaoz

Fu Hua have those ready to pack for soup which is around $10 per box. So i think add up also around $400-500 including the dates, longan and etc. He tell me depending on my budget lah...got cheap do, got expensive do.

any place in the west i can get affordable one?
Xuan - yah, i think so! she just said 'went into delivery' hahaa. i am so amazed she can do this spree so near her delivery date and reply promptly after giving birth! I am getting the same design as you - silver lily with the matching fumbee.
will transfer her nw!

Bbkk, Xuan - i think the fumbee design for limited design only left with silver lily lehs. better confirm with the seller again.
May I know is any of you experience morning sickness return @31 weeks? I had very severe ms during my first trimester. Now at 31 weeks, start not feeling well again, nausea, giddiness.
sleepyskies: ya!!! amazing leh!! I ask her she gave birth ah!? she said yah!! OMG! LOL!! you transfer her already?? I will do so in awhile..yay!! same same! What's ur name on FB uh? LOL!!!

Mommies: next time we shld organize a gathering eh! hahaha! saw on FB u all talking about meet up but on weekday =( Envy u all SAHM~~

Bbkk: she told me don have stock for paradise honey leh =(

Debbie: no good PD around our area??? Or shld ask Dr Poon recommend? Anyway, ur bb gender cfm already?? Did he take photo of the gender part? he didn't take for me tt time...but next appt i will ask him take if baby allows me to. haha!

SUFFERING from heatburn now!! KEEP BURP!!!wanna vomit sia.
Xuan - I just transferred $ to the seller and said sorry for spamming her mailbox over the wkend. hahaha! I am 'Khaiying Tan' on FB!

Yes, we shld have a gathering when the May babies are out and bigger. Will be sooo cute to take a group pic of them. haha

This is my 29th wk and already feeling super tired, cant sleep at night, ache near the V area, lack of appetite....nw I truly appreciate the 2nd trimester...
sleepyskies: ahh! okokay! haha. I'm michelle, I think u know uh :p okay!! will transfer her in awhile. ya she suddenly reply email very fast liao. she told me she doing confinement now. If wan self-collection only at woodlands or bukit panjang... I'm at week 28 now. yah I also a bit lost appetite. cannot eat too full. will feel super uncomfortable =(
Morning Mummies!

Oooh think it would be fun having a gathering with our May babies. =D

The days are getting nearer and nearer. Sometimes I find it unbelievable a life is forming inside. It's so amazing.

Fabbie: LOL!!! True uh~ LOL!!! But after confinement sian liao. hahaha! if boss not giving me increment. I plan to zao liao. see no future here.

Chiro: totally agreed with u!!! your first baby too?

oh. I think my baby having hip cups now! My tummy keep jumpin...mmm..
