(2013/05) May 2013

Grandparents sure pamper and dote on the grandchildren one. Some parents are anything lah..got people take care don't have to worry.

but if want discipline and order, i think must start from young. Imagine good life from young than when bb older and bring home to take care, bb sure will not be happy.
Xuan - she's checking to see if the colour i want still have stock anot. i will email the seller.

JC - Agree. Unless the parent super chin chye, shld bring home & teach the kids yourselves. Coz grandparents' values and parents' value can be quite different...I heard before cases where the kid stay with grandparents until much older and when parents finally bring the kid home, parents ask the kid to wash their own dishes etc, the kid give black face & complain coz nv do all these chores at grandparents' hse before. Faint...
haha..my colleague tell me..put the kids in hell everyday..occasionally give them heaven than they will appreciate you
Haha! JC: your colleague is so funny...

I'm pretty worried about my in law taking care of my baby too. Judging by how she "wows" over anything and everything that her other grandchildren does when they come for visits made me cringe... i believe in encouragement but not excessive encouragement and praising as am afraid that the child may grow up conceited.

Also, not sure whether in-law can adapt to all the new "gadgets" that has been invented so far... like sterilizer, playmat, etc... She's still using those foldable mattress when the other grand kids come over...

She did comment causally that i have a lot of things (mostly hand-me-down) for just one baby...
Xuan: is it true your gynae says birds nest will cause skin allergy?? oh dear

2Ks: any difference between the thai and malaysian coconuts? i like the thai one leh... flesh very yummy hahahah Need to stop birdsnest too.... die still got the bottles at home... can drink during confinement?

Is there a major difference between 2nd and 3rd trimester?

Jill: hi five hahahah lets control our diet a bit bah... eat well and cut down on quantity bah

Irene: thanks... think i better buy some more clothes. dont think i have enough

I am also putting mine in IFC. no choice. Parents and in laws not available. go for PCF one, $577 after subsidy. cheapest liao
Fool4love, xuan,
I just went to see her website, the photographer is one of the models in the 2 photos (alone and with her hubby) lying down on the side in the main page. Not necessary need to take until to sexy la…. I oso taken with couple T-shirts on. It depends on your comfort level. She will be the photographer around if you take the maternity shoot.

My BN shoot oso taken at my home. Using natural light from our home plus with no air con on. BB fussed for milk halfway during the shoot. She and her hubby were very patient. Took us abt 3 hours to complete. That time she told me she was 6 weeks pregnant. I am happy for her too.

I prefer to bring my baby home, even though its more tiring. I believe, at grandparents place will have lesser disciple. Out parents or in law oso not young liao, they won’t have so much energy like they used to have us. I think they would want to enjoy with grandchildren more. There will be also less tendency of bringing back bad habits from the relatives/ parents/ in laws home. I treasure bonding with my child. At least, she won’t feel so stranger towards me.

I only used Egro so far….. No comments on Bjorn.

Wai wai,
I dun mind using 2nd hand carrier if it is still in gd condition.
wai wai: yup. He said he went to attend a seminar recently. And it's proven that too much bird nest for baby might cause skin allergy to some baby. Not all la. so we just moderate eat lo. Don too kaisu.

griny: what's the package like when u sign with her??
Wai wai, normally the baby carriers can be washed. I also use second hand but it's from my SIL. Just wash regulary, it's as good as new. I don't think will affect the support.

Xuan, i'm also feeling tired from the an tai yao! without the medicine already tired at work. Now worse. haha. what hospital did you book? I haven't book yet as tomorrow i'm going to see Parkway east shore hospital.

2ks, totally agree about the immunity benefits about BM. I felt that way too for my #1. He seldom fell sick during the first year where he was fully breastfed. Most likely following your advice of 1 BM and 1 FM for #1 if there's excess
Debbie: I booked Mount Alvernia - single bedded loh. Yah. I still got assignments to rush I keep feel sleepy. I thinking to stop taking first since lately don have hardening already.
yes i also saw the website & was shocked to see how sexy it was. quickly closed, lol. in office, my senior colleague would get a shock if she saw.

To me bjorn synergy is good. If you carry baby facing inwards, there is good support for his/her thighs lah. not dangling to much. and it has good back support for parents. i like Bjorn but so tempted to get manduca now.

the risk of allergy also depends on us parents. If you or your hubby has an allergy, it will heighten baby's risk of getting allergy. If both have allergy, it will increase the risk even more. Actually i had sensitive skin when i was younger but thankfully no more as an adult. My kids have no allergy to anything so far. I'm quite thankful for this.

2Ks, Debbie
I feel that Breastmilk doesn't provide immunity 100%. BF kids do get sick too, it's just that they recover faster. U can see the impact later on too when they are in school. They get sick less often. Thankful for this. That said, I think even the most unnutritious breast milk is still better than FM. So what if there are added nutrients in FM? At the end of the day, only so much can be absorbed by the body. The rest also excreted out.
pinktulip: high 5! i'm 72.5 kg. haha!

Check something with you all: my gynae always seem to give me a gauge of how heavy baby is. When i asked him during my last checkup, he just said "1kg plus". However, i heard of people telling me the exact weight of the gynae.

A colleague just told me that her baby weighs 600g at month 4/5. My gynae just brushed my question off as "aiya, still small la!" when i questioned about the size of the baby...

is that normal?
Xuan, I think not true. It is still safe for utrogestan. It worked the same. I believed people said that cos they encounter problem then they blame for everything. Miscarriage just happened cos of mother body of rejecting.
waiwai: thai coconuts are known to be cooling, liang. if u take too much hor...u might notice u have alot of white discharge hor.

3rd trim got la - walk more like a penguin lor!
sit down on floor already hard to get up...
and some mummies legs will start to swell. and then toilet trips more frequent.
haha, ^5! But i'm short! Only 1.54m leh. Haiyo!
I was about 64 kg during early pregnancy. Destined to be fat, hehe.

I think the gynae's scanning machine can indicate weight of baby. That was how the gynae could announce the weight.

Actually I think at 4-5mths, it doesn't really matter how much baby weighs. They wiill keep growing. In 3rd trimester the baby's weight will really go up. That's when we feel like a true blue whale. hehe.

Yesterday at clinic I saw women who looked 35+ weeks pregnant. I was like OMG, I became a bit scared thinking about the discomfort that's about to come as we progress. The sufferings of a mother!
pinktulip: of cos BM is not 100% immunity la...
u think is "xian dan" ah...kekeke
bf babies tend to have better immunity and also recover faster.
its proven for my 2 boys la.
my boys also will fall sick leh...they go ifc and cc mah...so many virus around.
just catch already recover faster i am very happy already.

ya la...just like how FM companies promoted the DHA la...what added la..
to me bullshit la.
there is a certain amount of dha that one can absorb...the extra will come out as poo lor...
Bbkk: I'm not taking utrogestan. Doctor gave me DUPHASTON. I think shld be safe la if not doctor won't prescribe also.

pinltulip: every time appointment I see the weighing machine I will like "OMG!" Then the nurse like:"uh? why u react so big!? Then I said increase again!" Then they all laugh. so depressing..LOL! wardrobe all the dress in front become so short..sian 1/2
pinktulip: i am not any further from u lor...i am 68kg already and then 1cm taller than u nia...LOL
also a whale..
now also walk like a penguin...dunno why i can walk until like that...waddling around.

i took DUPHASTON before during #1 time when i had slight bleeding. cant remember on the side effects.

but took ventolin and something else during later part...that one really got side effect...
Duphaston and utrogestan are both progesterone pills, think they are different brands. I took both before. The common side effects are drowsiness and nausea. I vomited quite badly when I was taking them.
xuan: if u dont feel pain dont eat...
feel pain then eat..
that time when i had contractions during 32nd week, i am on 2 kinds of pills lor..
regularly 3 hours take kind, side effects until siao...

then slowly i reduce, no pain no eat..
Xuan, 2Ks - I also took Duphaston in 1st trimester when I had slight bleeding. Its supposed to stabilise the pregnancy...took 2/3 per day until 12th weeks. No side effects then for me.
Oh xuan, the manduca seller nv reply my email lehs. haha. Anyway, I am not in urgent need of the carrier so I guess I can still wait for the next batch.

Very scared to weigh myself tmr at the gynae's!!!! hahaha my hb say pregnant should gain weight but I think men have no idea how scary it is to see the nos./scale keep going up and up...and at an increasingly faster rate. :S
sleepy skies: Ya lo!! I totally agree with you... then i will do a mental calculation of how much of that weight is baby's, how much is the water bag and how much of it is actually me!!

So scary..
fabbie: i used bjorn synergy before for #1. Sold it off when #1 was about 6 months old cos by then bjorn is back breaking already when my son about 8kg. bjorn look stylish and is easy to use but it's support is really not as good as beco/ergo/manduca etc. and for bb boys ppl say it's not too good cos the weight more on their groin and not thigh when they face forward.
My package was 2 years back. If I did not forget, its ard $200 plus with 15 edited soft copies returned and 1 hr shoot for maternity. Outfit she has was quite limited that time. My NB was their model for their sponsor outfits, so was done FOC with 5 edited photos.
I took duphaston during my 1st tri, bcos I having bleeding. I usually reduce the dosage when my bleeding stop for at least 2 days.

Ya… its true that quite inconvenient to open the website at work. This maternity photography was one of the most daring thing I ever done.

Even the gynae give an exact figure is oso estimated weight one. He take the measurements thru the ultrasound machine and the machine will help to calculate a weight based on the measurements.
hahaha fool4love, yes!! I also try to breakdown the weight gain..but hors, got some weight is 'unaccounted' for de....and that belongs to me! muahahah! My hb always say aiyah, gain 5kg, 1kg is baby, 2kg is water, 1kg is blood blah blah...so you're still ok mahs. Then i tell him, that 5kg is as at last gynae's visit! Nw dont know how many kg liaos! Make me agitated only. hahaha

JC - i hope can lose the weight!!! i know ppl say if breastfeed, the mommy can lose weight v.quickly de. But hors, i see my fren breastfeed till nw her son abt 9/10mths old..she still ba ba(fleshy).
sleepyskies: i am those ba ba type lor...i bf my boy for 19 months also never lost weight leh...
but i see some really very fast.

and hor...bf hungry easily leh...
i need tea break after i pump and then i need to eat RICE...otherwise cannot fill my tummy lor.
Xuan, read the link already. I think Dr Poon got his reasons for prescribing different type of hormone pills. But i took duphaston before in first trimester. it's my first time taking utrogestan. Your duphaston definitely is safe de.
1 cm taller? still taller, mah hehe.
Yes i agree, i was hungry all the time during first few months of breastfeeding. First few weeks I can easily eat lots of biscuits dipped into milo.

omg u had contractions at 32 weeks? Scary. Hopefully none this round.

if you enjoyed the shoot, why not? Hehe. Do you frame up the photos at home too?

Now i'm tempted to try out a manduka!
sleepyskies : the midwife say hoh...the weight lost from BM is only if you pump 6 months and above. Not pump and immediate lost weight.

if pump BM will feel hungry more easily right. If don't control, than i think harder to lose weight.
pinktulip: yes! during 32 weeks time. i was strapped on ctg and noticed that i got contractions...
my gynae still asking how come i can ren all those contractions and didnt come and see him earlier.
thus admitted hospital 2 days and on a month HL...
and the stupid lungs jab and the medicine...
sleepyskies (sleepyskies) - i totally agree with u on that scary part of seeing your weight keep going up. Hubby also always tell me its okay for baby.... -__-
oh that must've been a nightmare

But 1 month HL is quite shiok also uh.
My gynae so morbid. Yesterday he said i was 27 weeks, so if deliver now baby can survive. But if deliver 34 weeks even better. But the best is after 37 weeks. Doh.
pinktulip: and i tell u...best is i drove myself to hospital and admitted myself. cos hubby was having his reservist...LOL
so seeing the chart alone myself in hospital is pretty scary for a 1st timer.
your gynae very funny. So course want full term better ma....
I din frame up... Not so self admire la. More for keepsake and memento. I just put in a photobook with my #1's 1st year photos.

U must be very worried that time ba..... May this time round is smooth for you.

BF burns a lot of calories, I never been so hungry all the time and ate much more lo.
griny: pretty scared cos that time gynae said if need to deliver i should go KKH.
but i managed to keep bb inside till 37 weeks.
thus 2nd one i more kiasu lor, have to try to prepare everything by 2nd trimester. so that 3rd trim dont walk too much.

but then bit tough la. cos now got to manage both boys myself plus housework...i am so tired everyday
May I knOw what symptoms render it valid for us to eat the An Tai Yao? Think even if my belly tighten i also dunno leh cos i may think it is normal... I have taken both during first trimester to stable the pregnancy. I think they say take at night before sleeping so won't feel nausea.
Utrogestan is msking me slerp whole day!! Oh gosh, I cant imagine what happen when I go back to work tomorrow, I think I will doze off.
Just nw i was standing in the room discussion with a few colleagues, maybe stand too long i start to feel like i cannot hear on my right ear like abt to blackout.. lukily pulled a chair to sit down.. now better le.
jill, pls be careful! i also experienced fainting spells recently..just need to sit down for awhile. maybe your sugar level low? keep some sweets with you just in case.

pinktulip: have u try before manduca?? i quite like bjorn also is my first carrier is quite easy to use also ^^

Irene: now u are using what carrier after born?? i need more feedbacks hehe
