(2013/05) May 2013

pls dun think that way
look on the other side, they r jealous of u.
they cant afford to be sahm n therefore they think badly of sahm.
if i haf a choice, i will also wan to b sahm
it is a joy to see ur bb grow up
once u miss it, it will never return.
u sacrifice ur career but the rewards r tremendous. these r int
angible that cannoy b measured.

Nlimm: no need to think abt what yr friends think. Most impt u are doing is impt for yr children. Once u miss the growing up period, can never find bac.

I think we are going to get a CL. My mum ask me to ask my mil whether she okie to help. I dun think i wan to mafan her to come down everyday. she dont really stay very near to me.

Sorry ah..i think its abit stupid but Do we need to prepare a bed for the CL?
Hello mummies.

nlimm: me too sahm mah. To me matters most are my kids growing up period esp when they are young, they growr really fast w/o you knowing. And since I'm with them 24/7, I understand them well enough and knows what they need and wants. So dun bother what other pple say or thinks ya. But I salute those part time mummies, need to work, look after kids and take care of the hse at the some time. For metthink I faint.

ks: me too dun trust maid thou I have one but mainly is to do housework coz moved back time in law's place so pai seh got a maid to help in housework. I dun let her carry my boy at most I place them in the play yard ask her to see while I visit the toilet. I've seen cases on kids being bullied by the maid, listen until I scared.
Hello mummies!

Happy merry Xmas eve (eve)!! Greetings from Korea! Weather is very cold and quite shiok cause we have higher body temp.. Haha.. Be back soon and back to sunny sg
my last trip I guess for a while..

My appetite has grown and my tummy has grown so much in the past 2 weeks! I don't look so much like someone who ate too much anymore! Lol..

Starting to feel baby kicks already! Quite interesting! Hehe... When hub touch my tummy, baby stops! Haha...

Gotta sleep now.. Good night and merry Christmas!!
Mummies, thx for responsing to my grumbles haiz just an emo n down day for me
plus my cramp is back & suddenly varicose veins popped out on my left legs too. Really missed my skirts n dress, every pregnancy my eczema will worsen n I will scratch which scars can still recover after a yr or so but will varicose veins ever disappear totally after pregnancy ?

Ya u need at least give the CL a mattress coz she's gog to zz every night at ur Plc wo.
nlimm: i feel u...very complicated rite. one hand, u wanna be with your kid to see their growing period. on the other hand, u wanna have your own life, own spending power.
that is my main reason for working too. i need sanity. ask me to see my kids for 24 hours i can go crazy. furthermore, the men will expect u to take care of their everything, cos simplied not working mah, sahm.

although working, i find that i treasure the time more when i on leave or weekends or PH with them. more patience too..

regards to yr eczema, have u check with gynae what cream u can use? physiogel AI cream?
in the mean time, those itchy places, try to use hot water compress?
i also have eczema, so i understand the scratching..omg

JC: u need to provide mattress for the CL.
Mummies with toddlers, when you bring your kids out, u let them walk or their own or still use strollers? I really hope i can let my boy walk on his own, but once he sees something that interests him, he will just run off on his own, and refuses to let us hold his hand. Is there any solution?
worried79: there is no solution. most toddlers are like that. that is why i am still using strollers for my 4 years old. i need to strap him on, otherwise i cant shop or see things AT ALL. i am hoping by next year he be better, and listens more.
for my 21 months lagi cannot...
have to strap him on stroller.
Oppss...i thot there's a way we can train them. He always give the very pathetic look when he see kids running abt, then he have to sit in stroller. And once put him in, i scare to let him out, coz he wont want to sit at the stroller thereafter. Mine is 2yr plus, but really lor....dun want to shout at him in public, but he always say dun want dun want, and sometimes will just throw tantrum and sit at the floor, refuses to move!!
Iko0508.. My detailed scan i schedule on 11 jan.. By then will be 23 wks.. A bit late la.. But bo bian...

Sahm - honestly, i salute sahm... Ppl always think sahm are very free and have all the time on their hands.. But sadly, ppl's perception are all wrong.. Sahm are v bz.. In fact, they work 24/7.. I'm not a sahm.. Though i wish i am.. Our kids grow so fast and learn so fast.. Brains are like sponges! Sahms!! Jia you! Dun bother abt what ppl think.. I think u mummies are really great.. The sacrifice i believe will be worth it

Nlimm.. I also having eczema... Super duper itchy and irritating.. So pissed off... Haiz... I gave up on ai cream.. Trying to refrain from steriods though skin specialist said its ok... Like u, i scar easily too.. So i forsee my scars will be with me for a year over... I told hb to buy me some body scrub after i deliver... So that i can scrub the scars off faster.. Haha... Eother that or he buy me a spa package.. Lol.. I think he rather buy me the product and ask me scrub myself hehehe
Morning, just sent my girl to CC... These past few nights has been bad. She kept waking up at night since last Wed and cry for milk. Rejected water when given water. Worse still dun want to sleep in her room. She has been sleeping there since she was born. Thinking she might be afraid of being alone, Slep with her the night before and tried moving her to sleep with us blast night but she still wakes up. Dunno what's wrong. So tired for us....

Worried, my girls likes us to carry most of the time, she seldom wants stroller these days until I bought the new seebaby stroller last month. At least she sits in the stroller now, which is gd, esp it's more tiring for me to carry her these days. Those day that we din bring stroller, she likes to run off, hav to really keep an eye on her. She also throw tantrum, lying on the floor and kicking het leg, I will stand beside her not bothering abt her until she give up.I hav thick skin one, I not scared of embarrassing myself in the public, but my hubby will give in if he is ard.
As for my toddler of 18 mths,. I will make sure he has the habit of holding my hand or helper or someone's hand. However when he see kids running ard, he succumbs to peer pressure and wanna walk on his own.. I usually allow him to roam with one of us to follow. In shops he roams too but i usually do not tolerate tantrums. Once he throws a tantrum, out he goes or we go home. No negotiation. So now he knows. He will be contented just browsing his toys section usually.. So its rather hard for us to shop. I understand kids have not much patience.. So when we shop we gotta be fast. Otherwise when grocery shopping, we put him on the trolley and let him hold something.. Once bored, we change the item,.. Eiether that or someone follows him and the rest goes abt doing the shopping. Its tough really on mummies that go out with their tods alone. My sis does that and she instills v rigid discipline. Got its pros and cons i suppose
2Ks, worried79,

i dun use a stroller for my #1. he wun run off. When he was younger, he did. once or twice. i remembered, once he sat on floor and kick legs etc, i pulled him to a corner and scolded him. once he ran off, my hubby n i hid ourselves. he cried like a lost kid, then we showed ourselves. i try to teach him a lesson on consequence. i explained to him that if he runs off, and mummy loses him, he wun have mummy anymore, mummy will be sad etc.. sometimes, when we go out to places that arent so friendly and he may be really distracted like, legoland, toys r us, i will remind him to stay close before reaching the place. so far so good. he remembered the consequences. when we are out now, he is the one looking out for straying mummy, not i looking out for him. =)
Thanks mummies for your feedback.
But i notice a few toddlers really very obedient, let their parents hold their hands. and i was wondering if my boy is the only special one! sometimes i really pity him coz he can run abt with the other kids. but come to think of it, when he starts to throw tantrum, my hb will scold him and i feel very bad, then i cant carry him for too long...
hope to find a good solution b4 the younger one comes along
the hiding and letting him cry doesnt work for kyler at all...he can jolly well continue his walking until we become more scared.
i rather strap him on stroller...at least i can walk peacefully.
its very sickening when i go out and must look out for him instead of me shopping and seeing things.
nowadays i rather shop myself without them lor. faster and can get things done.

throwing tantrums...my #2 is super good in it...and he can go on and on and on...he got the NEVER GIVE UP attitude...so leaving him alone doesnt work at all.
but then he is one that wont wander too far off...he can hold hand and walk...but then he walk sooooo slow la...i carry him walk better...LOL

kids really many many patterns lor
2K / Nlimm : haha..actually i wanted to ask whether we must buy a bed specially for her we can just provide those mattress and sleep on the flor

ecezma : i put alot of moisturiser on it. Mine is those very itchy when dry. Now the feet have red patches. Want to go for pedi also abit paiseh.
Nlimm: I feel u.. I so feel ppl look down on me.. alwiz ask me What I Do at home.. being a sahm.. No income.. like yellow faced wife.. cuz dun need to put on makeup at home.. I really feel like working again.. but I think my brain rusty already..

worried: my ger opposite lo.. she's afraid of strangers still.. sometimes she refused to walk if she sees alot of ppl.. haha.. so end up gotta carry her.. so I dare not bring her out on my own..
i really salute SAHM, it is really not easy....
those who can says that SAHM do nothing at hm, ask them to try to be at home fully taking care of the children for just 1 or 2 weeks, see if they can tahan anot.... dun bother abt such ppl... they ve no ideal the things that SAHM gives up...their achievement is lifetime... seeing the children growing, something that no amount of money can brought back.

i wanted to be one if financial allows but i ve to work to contribute....

i dun bring my 14 mths daughter out alone eversince i know m preggy... i use to bring her out alone putting her in a carrier... bt after preggy, cant carry a carrier so didn bring her out alone, always wif hubby or MIL or someone.
my sis just bought the swaddle wrap from TMC hor...its $13.50 2 pc...
its quite affordable. i like it cos its big pc, very good to swaddle baby.
i think my boy is too sociable! haha. esp if he sees other kids around, he will approach them. i used to bring him out with my carrier before preggy, but now cant liao. so i also scare to bring him out on my own.....really hope can train him, at least hold our hands in public and dun run abt...but i think its difficult
2Ks/JC/ junebunny/eczema:
2ks, ya I asked le she said can use but I haven't start using . I'm still using my baby johnson moisturizer, diligently applying everyday so it won't dry n itch. But once I have scar even just mosquito bites will take mths to recover so I expect a yr for these to fade off if I don't aggravate it further.
Jc, urs sound serious . R those red patches itch? Mine no red patches just itch .
Junebunny, u mean ai cream don't work on u too? Tts the most ex n concentrate series of physiogel moisturizer I'm told.

Worried79/Carry kid when out:
I din carry my boy since I know I'm preggy in oct then hes 2+, till now he knows tt I can't carry him n no more pram out too. When tired we will just sit somewhere , everything slow pace now. Have to slowly train.

Yalor now in a dilemma coz partly I will go crazy facing a nb by myself at home. #1 be in cc .

talk abt cc also sian get him a better cc( alot ppls claimed) , then last wk go buy uniforms then I'm told his class Cher is a fresh grad!!!
I can't convince paying premium price for a fresh grad teacher lor even though how gd the curriculum is , a fresh grad compared to an exp teacher definitely won't be able to impart it as well right. Trying to convince tt she might be passionate but passionate is 1 thing, exp n able to handle kids r another issues. Now in dilemma too if to just withdraw my #1 fr this new cc ( starting 2nd jan) or try tt 2 wks trial .No idea y so many things just come together .
Dear all, blessed christmas to all of u ladies. Hope you will have a wonderful time with your big and small loved ones
May I ask if anyone if having daily headaches? Just back from a short trip which was totally ruin by bad headaches day after day. Today woke up with it too even though tried to sleep in... Feeling sianz
Nlimm: ai cream is very cheap in hk. Less than $20 sgd. But buy in sg think is 40plus.

Eh...even fresh grad I think they got to go thru training and attachment. Eg. Mfs works like that, the teachers will b attached to different classes for at least 6 months I think. So they get to learn different characters and handling method.
U can try for 2 weeks then talk to the teacher and c what she has observed on your kid. U know experienced but no passion is also not good in some ways. Positive is more important. Never give up any kid.

Come on dear cheer up. Dont worry too much first ok. Walk one step c one step. U still hv time
Merry Xmas everyone !!! Counting down

In Sg, Ai only sold in clinic not selling in Watson guardian etc.
I'm told she's a fresh grad with internship only. If I'm paying like $500/ mth type I don't mind a fresh fr oven type but I'm paying $1K+/ mth after govt subsidy . Plus my impression of her handling kids not tt fantastic during the orientation . Now waiting for them to reply me regarding transferring of class
Merry Christmas mummies! Its been a busy 2 weeks but glad am slowing down now


I always respect sAHM and how i wish i can be one
guess some people talk cos they r just plain jealous or simply dont understand.
Nlimm: ya I know in sg need prescription for ai cream. Thats y I bought in hk.

Ooh...1k plus is alot. Better give u good ones...
Merry Christmas Mummies!!!!

Nlimm n iko, those who look down on u are NOT ur friends n u dont need to be bothered with what they think cos it doesnt matter. Sg is way too practical. If u carry a Hermes, drive a porsche, always post high class restaurant food on FB, then people think u are doing well. I personally think that a person's success n happiness lies in how well his children are growing and if they ultimately grow up to be level minded, self-sustaining adults. No point papa n mama very very well to do n kids turn out to be brats. We will never be happy. So salute to those who gave up their careers to focus on children. No income but investing in a lifetime of happiness.

I opted to do half half cos i m a workaholic. Dont work can die. So i am a SAHWM. Spend time with kids when they are back from CC or i keep them at home if i dont need to do work that day. But i do have a maid. Otherwise if i have to do housework, really hard to balance everything well. Not sure how my mom did it without maid. I cant. Lol!!

But one thing i realised abt myself working from home versus when i was in a bank. I spend alot less on myself. So the money i make now just goes into savings for the kids. I still go shopping once in a blue moon if i feel like rewarding myself but i stopped buying "rubbish". Maybe i grew up too. Hahaha!
My no 2 is finally going to "school" come jan. i m so excited for her. Am abit scared also lah.. Wonder how she cope.
Bot a cute owl bag for her. A water bottle. I feel like i turn into my own mother when she brought me to school for the first time. i was a very sociable kid who grew up with lotsa adults around me speaking hokkien, english, chinese nd i was a talkative babe even at 3 yr old. Mum told me i said bye bye to her and proceeded to play with classmates. My gal is turning 2 in jan. wonder if she will cry on the first day like her brother (now 5 yrs old) or she gonna be like me haha... We'll see!
Mummies tat tIme I remember someone mentioning abit buying the baby plus can I know where to buy again. Can't find my old one.
nlimm: u withdraw ur boy out from the sch same as my boyrite? Actually my boy during his N1 time his teacher also quite new, still undergoing dip then recently juz graduated. But I'm quite ok with her as maybe she's new so she'll tell me everything I ask her. Then she'll write on their communication book abt wat they do in sch.

Think u let urself boy try first then listen to his feedback. Ur boy shld be able to tell u whether he likes the teacher.

2ks: the swaddle like tat quite cheap leh. U know when promo ending? I'm going tmc only in mid Jan. Issit the shop near the cordlife counter ?
Merry Xmas!! hope everything is well!! ^___^

nlimm: mamiB is right leh.. if those people look down on u... they are not even your friends wor.. not worth for them to contact also. =)

Waiwai: for me no headaches.. =)

cus who have having no.2 does ya kid suddenly like go crazy? is like more overboard then usual self? cus my gal have been reacting quite werid.. loves to cry alot. and like want means want. today my gal crazy till my FIL at home 9th floor can hear my gal crying lor. damn super loud -_____- duno whats wrong with her. sighz.
fabbie: yes tat's normal. Coz they they are used having attention from both daddy and mummy but now becoz u preggy they will feel that the attention from daddy and mummy will be diverted to mei mei. Dun worry juz try to ensure them tat even if there's a sibling they will not be neglected.

For me and hubby we try to be as fair as possible, such as when playing we play with the 2boys together or one of us will accompany each of them.

During my delivery of #2, I bought present for #1 say given by the didi. Think this time round I'll also do the same.
good morning mummies! anybody on leave today??
sigh..back to working mode sian...

esther: its not on promo....its while stock last. but heard from my sis now got stock alot. sometimes they will go OOS.
yes, at the shop in the middle of tmc..1st level. otherwise think parentcraft should have also?
Morning mummies!!

Happy boxing day! Am back at work, unfortunately... Yawns..

Fortunately, today seems like a quiet day with no bosses! Woot!! so sleepy after staying up past 12 midnight on Christmas eve.... i have yet to recuperate...

I seem to have difficulty getting past the 11pm mark these days...
Back to work too but it's going to be a short week and my boss is on leave the whole week.

haha..but she left a whole list of things for us to follow up. Haiz

Can't wait for this week to pass....going to have my detail scan next Monday. Hopefully bb cooperate lah!!
Fabbie, its like that. My son MUST do everything with me now. Demands my attention for every single thing. I heard it will get worse when bb is born. As he is older, he knows and looks forward to having little sister. But, just duno why, he must stick very close and tendency to throw thantrum is higher. Even childcare teacher notices a change. When he sleeps, he must touch me.

Does anyone bump looks really big?
I think mine gone way too fast and really big. I look like a 6-7 mths preggy woman. I am only 20 weeks
i don't even know is my fat or bump leh. I already have a tummy before preggy liao.

my mil say is bump liao but i touch is soft soft 1 leh
