(2013/05) May 2013

fool4love: guardian have it...
i saw that day...idiot...guardian always increase price. now is $20something. i remember in 2011 i bought like $15 or so nia..

Can I check if nursing bras are usually available without padding? I feel v self-conscious wearing unpadded bras and have been putting off switching to nursing bras becoz of this reason.
2ks: yes.. Super itchy ttm.. I really wanna scratch like nobody business but I dare not cos scare kenna stretch Mark.. I think I will check with ny gyne this coming Mon during my scan.. I was using palmers coco den switch to bio oil.. I am not sure Iits ddu to bio oil or what le.. Seems like getting more..
and the itch is almost unbearable but I will apply those medicated oil to cool it so I won't feel so bad.

Giny: yup. I will check with my gyne. Thanks for your advise. Btw, the lotion that your gyne prescribe to you is good?

Babykk: when does the rash stop? After you delivery your daughter?
Shirley, usually PUPPP only developed last few weeks of pregnancy and only stop after delivery. If u go google PUPPP, u go see if ur rash looks similar? It will spread all the body including ur hands and legs. My rash start ard week 32 onwards till I gave birth lor.
On my last visit to gynae he advised not to use stretch mark cream with cocoa butter, as quite a few got rashes or allergy to that.

I am using bio oil also currently.
Shirley: try applying calamine lotion or snake powder while waiting for next week c gynae. Stop using the p cream already...
Poor thing. ..I understand lor.
Tsm/ rejoy/rice wine:
Hehe yalor coz they said need right tactic then can make sweet one. Rejoy, how many u usually ordered fr ur frd's mum. She told me usually ppl order ard 10bottles I'm like wahhhh coz for #1 I din even finish 1 bottle . Yet to order she said 2 mths in advance can le

Taime is company name? Any idea what brands of product they selling ?

Taka sale allow tradein of bottle? If so I will go dig out my #1's & go top up n buy new one for #2. Is it for all brands? I'm looking at Nuk to be safe as my #1 rejected all avent bottles partly is the teats coz harder n also pacifier also reject avent.
2Ks, I totally agreed abt the latex teats need keep changing , price up again.

nipples/ breast:
Bbkk, I'm same as u . My nipples super big every day n it's oily , Gynae said its colostrum which is gd . But my breast doesn't seems to get much bigger, & im worried abt my milk supply this round . Gynae said breast size not proportional to milk supply quantity , is tt so? I rem when I had my #1, my breast jumped by 2 sizes by ard 2nd trim.

Griny/ milk bOttle/ Esther:
Instead mine rejected avent! Haiz imagine then all I bot avent cox Frds recommend gd end up my boy don't like n also it leak easily then with colic arises ard 3rd mth I change to nuk & he's on nuk till now .
Esther, my avent leaked badly then too. All changed still leak really flared up then.

Fool4love/ Babymaine:
Bengay is gd I bot for my daddy n mummy. I don't use usually I just endure thru partly coz I can't stand the smell. U can get fr polyclinic pharmacy shop Bengay it's cheaper.

Nursing bra:
So fast buy ?! I just dig out my old one not sure If to buy more only have 3. By the way whats the padding call aldy? I Rem putting a disposable padding in btw nipple n bra to absorb the leaking milk so Dont need change bra so Often.

Not too sure abt ur type of rash , maybe u can ask ur Gynae if u can use glanctyl anti stretch cream. I been using their anti stretch cream for #1 totally no stretch mark. This round I even use it on my lower leg( calf area) coz of my eczama & yet to consult Gynae regarding use of physiogel since my appt is only tomm so this 2 wks I use it for my lower leg too n itch stop. But quite wasteful to use there la coz 1 tube(150 ml)$47+, their economic bottle(400 ml)@$60 but this bottle type always no stock maybe coz I always wait for 20% promotion then buy & im not fast enough to get it.
Hi nilimm

Thanks... i bought it from guardian last night and made hubbs put it on for me... he went "how come you refuse to believe me when i told you too much yoko yoko is bad for you and when your forum mummies just say that it's not good, you stop immediately..."

I replied "cos they provided an alternative..."

I did ask my gynae about yoko yoko though... he says it's okay one...
hi nlimm, this is the website... http://www.babystudio.com.sg/

i taking half day to go tomorrow cos hubby working on Saturday... sobs...

Nursing Bra: i've been wearing them since i got preggy till now cos i hate the underwire tightness... i get bloated very easily during this pregnancy... so nursing bra is the best... i'm wearing bravado and la leche bra...



Both bras were from #1 time... intend to buy some more in 3rd trimester... cos my boobs sagged alot since stopping bf... last time neh neh at 18 floor... now neh neh at basement... haiz....
Bbkk: I went to search abt puppp and the images all showed super bad puppp, looks scary too.. My not as cluster as those image but its definitely red in colour and its spreading to my back.. Think I will check with gyne this coming Mon.. I thinkmmostly first time mummies or mummies carrying twins will get it. As this is what they stated on it.

2ks: I am currently applying my medicated siang pure oil to ease the itch. Where can we get the lotion? Can get it from Watson or guardian?

Nlimm: I am using bio oil for stretch mark.. But ever since I Gt the rash, I stop using, don't dare to apply anything yet, super scare I will get stretch mark cos never apply anything plus keep scratching..

Fool4love: your conversation with your hb is so funny.. Haha. So cute!!
Gd Morning Ladies..
Been busy lately..doing a lot of shopping for Xmas!! V tired after all those walking.

Nursing Bra
BabyMaine, thanks for sharing. R those nursing bra wireless? Looks comfy. I bought those cheap nursing bra from OG, it's like $9.90 for 1. My boobs also sagged aft I stopped bf my #1, cannot imagine aft bf my #2

The pads is called nursing pads.. I used pigeon's, a box of 60s. Nursing pads come in washable too bt I lazy just buy disposable ones.
Ya Shirley, it is indeed scary. Mine is exactly like that. So I think u are still in early stage so I think urs is not. Maybe just normal rash. Use aloe Vera maybe will help.
bbkk - yup hook kind... can wear to sleep.. they also have those slip on ones... but i find that the hook ones are comfy enough to wear at night... for #1 i wore these bras to sleep for 11 months... other than feeling weird initially, otherwise it's ok...

novsnow - yes wireless, with removable padding... but the padding is very light, cannot see shape de... even without wire, the support is still good... these bras are ex, but the quality is good... i've been wearing them since 3rd tri of last trimester... so more than a year... then now i've been wearing them for 5 months... still serving me well...
Varicose Veins
Having walked so much I saw slight popping veins on left leg..*worried!! Got to wear my leggings now if I need to do a lot of walking. Do you all know is there any medication to stop varicose veins?
BabyMaine: Thanks for sharing the links. I was looking at buying nursing bras too. I got really bloated one evening while out at dinner and bra was so tight... I felt just horrid. Was contemplating bra extensions... but I half suspect it's the wire issue.

Quick question on these bras: Do they support the breasts nicely? Some nursing bras make the boobs go all BLEAH spreading out in an ugly shape. Not sure if you get what I'm talking about here. Hehe
Novsnow: Don't think there's any medication to stop varicose veins. Really gota walk less and strain ur legs less I believe. My mom has lots! So she keeps nagging me to not shop too much. Hahaha
novsnow - i'm not sure when offer ends... maybe u wanna contact them...

ange - i tried bra extensions during #1 time, but it didn't work... and it's the underwire that kiap my tummy until i feel breathless too... these nursing bra shape when u wear it looks ok... anyway as tummy gets bigger, it doesn't matter cos ur breasts will be sitting on ur tummy... haha...
Ange! i totally know what you mean... some colleagues (closer ones) commented that my boobies are all 'spread out' now cos i'm wearing nursing bra already...

tried finding normal bra but dont have my size... Tried marks & spencer but they have seem to have bigger size wo wire...

any recommendation?
I am already using 2 bra extension . If the bra is too tight , you may feel breathless and if got wire , I feel worse .
Btw, do anyone know where to buy the soft thin padding ?

I agree with u that most nursing bras hav no padding which I dun like to wear when I’m a preggy. Now wearing normal one without underwire. Only wear after bb deliver and that time I will put disposable nursing pads.

Mine is just calamine lotion. Not for long term use. Use only when I itchy. Other than that, my gynae advised me not to apply anything at all.

I din tried Avent bottles, bcos I look at its teats, they dun look as soft as pigeon’s.

Thanks for sharing the nuring bra links.
Btw, ask u all if you hav domestic help at home? If hav, which agency do you approach and what are cost of having a domestic help. I brought this up to my hubby and got his agreement. But I still considering it.
With #1, I already find hard to cope with other household stuff and other things. She is like my personal bodyguard, likes to follow me wherever I go. With 2nd one coming, I can expect 2 kids needing my attention and I can’t do anything at all. Consider to get some help such as when I am pumping, someone can help to look after the kids and while I take care of my kids, someone can help out in housework.
i heard some rate can go up to $15.
Now very hard to find those 'pei du mama' to clean le. All don't know go where liao.

Yeah i got my leave approve. I can go on my final trip before my 3rd trim
chiro: ya that time i use for no.1 aiyo itchy like hell! so i stop

griny: i think when no.2 comes ya #1 will be accompany by no.2 le. now we pregnant they tends to be sticky.. like my #1 scream n cry when i go out to eat dinner with friends -____- but maybe u see after u give birth? see #1 will be sticky to u? but maybe i felt u need helper when #2 is very young =)
Eh I thought nursing bra only start wearing after delivery, din know so soon need to wear liao.

I'm still wearing those cotton t-shirt bras, no underwire but got support, and very comfy.

Mummies what's your plan for Xmas? =D
Avent bottle really leak.. Hate it.. This time I going to try nuk.

Nursing bra:
I also cannot wear those wired ones now, I felt very bloated. So sometime I really not wearing any bra out.. Opps...
But very soon I m going to invest those good ones...can wear to sleep one.
I saw this maternity sleeping bra. Think ismeant for those with sore boobs preggy mummies to wear so when turning and tossing, won't be that painful and to prevent boobs from sagging etc.
Hiiii all I'm back . Shifted my Gynae appt to today & hehe mine is confirmed a BOY BOY , my 2 boys gog to fight with each other next timeeee

Keke u shd tell ur Hb, we preggy b4 so we know better:p That'd what I always tell my Hb , he always pass same comment last time


Ya check w Gynae 1st better, she/he would have seen more cases

Thankyou. I think I not pigeon too last time, go to see the box then can recall hehe

Variscoe vein:
Try soak in hot water n raise ur legs using cushions at night , would it help?

Ange/jc/ Dian tang :
Yaa won't have nice shape like normal bra but I'm told if don't wear our breasts will sag more next time . Now also din wear bra to zz thinking if to start coz very uncomfortable
nlimm wah! congrats!! did ya no.1 said he will have a didi? is it true that #1 say is always so jun?? can reuse ya #1 rompers liao lor. haha
nursing bra during sleep - now I still go bra-less at home and sleeping... will only wear after birth cos at night will leak milk... and must put breast pad so won't have the chao sng smell from all the leaking milk... support very important during breastfeeding... the bra u wear also affects on whether you get blocked ducts or not... of cos you have to clear your breasts often to avoid engorgement but bra also plays a part and how u sleep too...
Ya, now we might not wear to sleep but when breastfeeding we got to wear bra to sleep cos it will leak milk.. Tat why I wanna invest a good bra so tat when we sleep also comfortable.

I everyday keep looking at bra still dunno wat to get. Cos I wan no hook behind. But those sleep bra behind so thick.
Thankyou. Ya guessed its accurate after all haha. #1 been saying Di Di since starting till now nvr waver haha. Can see Hb abit disappointed:p
Nursing bras - i find the mothercare one super comfy but no padding so nipples may protrude. I wear them at home or under loose tees when i go out. These last a super long time n i m wearing my bras from my no 1 time! 5 yrs le. No 2 time i bot two more.
Griny, re maid you shld call varous agencies to check out. Salary is around $420-550 depending on experience. Then there is govt levy $170 per mth. N the agency fee itself which differ fr agt to agt.

Then you need to provide for her meals n 6 mthly medical checkup ($30). Also pay for insurance ($200? I cant remember)
Long time MIA le.. #1 sick, i also sick.. Haiz.. Now still sick :-/ sian1/2

I went to see skin specialist regarding my rashes that day.. Mine started immed when i got preggy (at the time i didnt even know i was preggy). Doc said very rare to have such rash so early into pregnancy coz mostly it starts at the later stages... But at this point in time he only told me hopefully it will go off after i deliver... -.-" sighzzzz i goggled pics of PUPP but it doesnt look like that... Some ppl say mine looks like chicken pox :-x

Anyone here still dont know gender of baby? Silly gynae dont even wanna scan and see, keep tell me to wait for detailed scan.. We suspect he doesnt know or is not trained to see... Hhehe :p notti me... I'm already 5 mths and fustrating lei.. Still dunno...
Junebunny, I see ur edd is early may by right should know gender. I think ur gynae doesn't want to commit. Aiyoh.. When is ur detailed scan?
Bbkk.. Yaya early may.. He nvr bother to scan lei.. Show me head, show me hands and legs nvr see in between.. Hb say, looks like boy, gynae says, issit? Where? Them hb point then gynae just say, maybe hoh.. -.-" faintz

Detailed scan is scheuled on 4 jan... Hehe
itching to know! :p not that will make much difference though :p
junebuddy : that time i go for scan. my gynae tell me must do scan below if i want to see the gender. Tummy scan a bit difficult.
Trade in bottles: You can bring any bottles as long as they ve teats n cover for the pigeon new bottles

Rice wine: i ask the confinement lady, how many she needs? she told mi ard 5-6 bottles enough, so i just told my mum to order 6.

Sagging Boobs: I have been wearing nursing bra since i give birth to No. 1 till now. Never managed to change to the normal bra... Bt found Boobs get smaller and more sag after BF.. No choice, what to do...

mine is early jun
n the gynae has already told me the gender
the first time was week13
but she doesnt wan to confirm
the last visit on tue, she managed to see the dicky n took a photo for us
that was in week 16.
so i guess ur gynae shld b able to tell
esp if u are earlier than mine
