(2013/05) May 2013

morning ladies...

nlimm: ya lo! i told hubbs "cos they are mummies and you are not. =p"

Bras and sagging boobs... have changed to marks and spencer non-wired with padding (cos nipples) nursing bra since start of 2nd trimester... Can see that the boobies are going further away from each other but bo bian...

i tried wearing my underwired strapless bra out once and it was soooo uncomfy tat i had to buy extensions immediately and buy the bra straps to go with it... then at night, the bra became extremely sore... and all hubbs had to say was "serve you right la! who ask you to be so hiao..."

fool4love: i wear those tube bras from imprezzions if i need to wear strapless. quite comfy.

i think 1st time mummies will feel the difference more on breasts.
2nd time mummy the breast difference not much. or maybe cos i bf very long, so my breasts just went back to normal lately...

i also have bravado bras....its really comfy i dont deny. but the shape is not nice when u wear tight fitting clothes. cos of the cup shape.
but otherwise its really comfy. but i bought some other no brands from fairs previously, also quite comfy. got one i only spent $10.
nowadays nursing bras very easy to find lor. last time #1 time, nursing bras very limited.
i also have triumph ones that i bought in msia. also very comfy. think local stores have it too.
underwired one...i simply hate it, i find it clog ducts. just hiao to buy but definitely regretted
griny: i heard that the govt going to impose new rules on maids next year. last time was one off day per month and now 2 off days per month.
basic pay is $450 minimum and if dont want give off day (both sides agree), need to top up $20 per day so it works out to $490 per month. plus levy $170. and insurance i heard less than $200.
upfront got to pay their loan, roughly add up to $3000plus first u got to pay for her.
that is excluding her daily food, doctor,hair cut etc.
I also nvr stopped wearing my preggy bras after i delivered.. In fact i find it more comfy.. Maybe my ribs expanded after #1? Haha...

Maids issue..., ya with all the new regulations in place i feel quite sian to change maid also but no choice... Need to change earlier before #2 comes along as my maid contract will be up during my confinement and i definitely do not want to bother abt such stuff then... So have to send her back earlier..
Kathy: I think 2 days a month off day. Thats what I heard.
My mil asked me to get a maid and she will pay for it. But I m so hesitating. I dont wanna headache over another thing.
But she worried that I cant cope with 3 kids

i have to bcos my mum too tired to look after baby liao. but very worry sway sway the maid nt good. At least got maid can help me do housework too..
nlimm; lol as usual la.. my hub also disappointed also when the doc say its a girl.. but sian to see hub disappointed. cus he say will treasure this one more as after things had happen lo. then duno why he disappoint. kao! but so far he okai now la. keep asking hows baby and when he touch my tummy my girl actually kick him he was ilke quite happy LOL

junebunny by right 5 months should know gender le hor? u didnt ask ya gynea est is which gender? wah.. your detail scan so long!! 5 months liao still need to wait so long -____- maybe ya gyena kana scold before on wrong gender? thats why he didnt dare to say? lol

Maids: U can see the DIFFERENCE of Every sunday going out maids and those every day stay at home maid. Those that once go out the attitude will change totally one. so they learn very easily bad from outside. unless u damn heng u found a nice one. haiz.. but its hard la
attitude still okie..scare is get pregnant. Big headache! I cannot accept if a stranger stay with me. Especially, my hubby don't wear top at home. If got a maid, he has to be properly dressed all the time.

mummies, there are 2 details scan right?

My doc push mine to week 18 from week 21 because of my diabetic. My hubby said he can't make it for week 18.

Is it too pack if i go for 1 at week 18 than another 1 at week 21?

i think mine maternity package come with 2 details scan. If i skip the week 21 one, than i wasted 1 scan. Week 18 is i have to pay myself one.
woohoo!!!! i'm on leave till next year!!!! YEAH!!!!
going to the taime warehouse sale now then go spring maternity... lalalala... happy holidays mummies!!!!
JC, detailed scan only once. Do u want to double check is that detailed scan or normal gynae scan?

2ks, update us gender k, why half hearted?
Bbkk: cos i cant sleep last night lol...
But anyway dr said cant c anything between the legs and 70 to 80% is girl..
But I prefer to wait for detailed scan to confirm. Scully the bird appear leh!
Hi ladies,

Went for my gynae visit last night, he gave me mc for today. Next week clearing my leave, so won't be coming to work till 2013! Still having blocked nose, so hard to breathe... Feel so drowsy. No1 was cranky last night, kept waking up in the middle of the night. Slept till 12nn after sending her to CC.

Just finished cooking some chrysanthemum tea for my family, all falling sick one by one.

I only did one detailed scan too.

My no1 has been sticky since birth lo.... I hav to be ard, if not will start crying super hard. Her CC teacher oso say she super sticky to her. Followed her wherever she goes, even the teacher to toilet, she will wait outside.

Thanks for sharing. I can call the maid agencies jut to ask only? Do they charge us when we ask them for a list of maid's bio data? I heard of the new regulations abt employing one in 2013 but still very blur abt it. Definitely will be affected by it if I am to get one. Still very undecided, feel like getting one to help me, but worried abt problem that maid will give if I am suay to get a problematic one and not really used to an outsider staying with us. Still thinking thinking and thinking...
i quote this from the NUH website

Antenatal Package
We are pleased to offer you an antenatal package that covers all pregnancy-related consultations after your 20th week pregnancy.

This package includes:

All clinic consultations with your obstetricians from the 20th week of your pregnancy till the birth of your baby.
2 ultrasound / obstetric scans (at 22 and 32 weeks) to monitor the growth of your baby.
Up to 2 CTG sessions to monitor your baby's heartbeat and movements.
1 postnatal consultation.

like this mean got 2 details scan right?
Mummies.....i am facing a prob nw, seek for yr advice pls...

I hv been stduy CPA for 2 yrs++ and thinking to take my last paper which the exam date wil be 29 Apr 2013 and my EDD is 11 May 2013.

I am in the dilemma nw coz i wish to take tis last exam (coz thinking shld be no time study aft give birth),and then wil get the CPA status (if heng heng pass the exam).
On the same time, I worry if my give birth b4 the due date then will waste my enrollment fee and oso not sure whether i can tahan study late late during tat period (Tri 3).

so mummies especially those having No.2 or No.3 now, could u pls advise wld we be more "xin ku" during our Trimester 3?
And, shld i take tis paper??
2Ks, congrat.. so now u ve 2 boys and 1 girl... :0

tsm: during the 3tri would be like when u are 1st tri, quite tired, esp with a huge tummy, some would even start the vomiting again, depending on each individual. If m you, i would skip and wait for the next one. But in the end, u still ve to be the one to decide.
back from taime sale... nothing fancy to buy... maybe for 1st time mummies... or if using lucky baby products... end up I didn't get anything... went spring maternity and bought $200 worth of clothes... 1 dress for cny... 2 tops... 1 denim shorts and 1 denim Capri pants...
rejoy28, omg 3rd tri wil be similiar with 1st tri?!
In fact i had forfeited my exam fee sgd1100+ during my 1st tri which was paid for tis last paper.
My exam was end of Oct but I really cant study tat period coz felt giddy and tired all the time, no vomit but jz wan to nuo, so forced to skip the exam...
If same situation happens in 3rd tri, i think i oso cant cope it le...
TSM - im in the same situation. Im in my last year in UOL.. exam is usually may - june.. and my EDD is 23/05/12.. hubby told me to defer.. but i feel like taking.. cuz ppl say first timer usually have give birth later that the EDD.
ManiB, I think shd be.
I am 19 weeks tomorrow. My detailed is next sat just 3 days after u.
Most likely is wed cos if not u got to wait 4 weeks later..
Went hospital tour at tmc on monday. was treated to the famous papaya fish soup. Its quite disappointing that the soup is not as tasty now. looks like my plan to use their confinement catering is dashed.
juz realized that I've water retentions on my legs after one of my colleague pointed out to me ;P anyone know how to reduce this? ;)
Bbkk: detailed scan on 14 jan. By then shd b 20 going to 21 weeks. Very far away lor...
But I wont prepare anything till detailed scan

Need some advice here... Would yall go for flu jab during the pregnancy? Or any mummy took the jab and have any feedback? Thx!
Bewildered: its best not to go for any vaccine when you're preggy. Cos baby is still small and immune system is not here yet. Vaccine is made up of weak bacteria, if you own body system is weak(without yourself knowing) and you head for vaccine, likely the bacteria will make you fall sick. And if you fall sick, its not good for baby too. So best to avoid. Try to take more oranges and lemon honey to prevent flu.
Shirley: Thx..
was really undecided coz gyn's kinda supportive tho am apprehensive.. Pored thru d net and seems tt the flu jab may contain mercury which can be passed thru the placenta to bb n tt may b a cause for austism, so got more worried.. Sigh.. Think most prob wont take coz cant get thru d fears tt i've abt the jab.. Phew, a relief nw tt a decision had been made, nw i just gotta get my hands on a dr'smemo to hlp me escape fr the jab..
Oh tt trade in promo only for pigeon? My #1 like nuk thinking #2 will stick to nuk too .
Rice wine: oh tts for 1 mth? Then mine I getting my CL for 2 mths so I need wa 12 bottles @-@ u rem roughly how big a bottle ? Those big 1liter beer bottle size ?

Haha yalor mine also ok le after I told him best baby healthy can le gender not really impt . Moreover the fengshui master 3 yrs ago aldy told him he will have 2 boys lor haha

2Ks/ Kathy/ junebunny/ maid:
Gd u all have maid I no maid n Hb+ mil diedie no maid attitude . Plus be careful when sign new contract , just heard my Neighbour complained tt her 1 yr maid wan to go back n she need buy air tkt for her though a 2 yrs contract was signed but contract nvr state employer only pay for air tkt if she fulfil 2 yrs so now they ll need buy air tkt for her

Congrat , sama here boyboy

Take care. Plus today I read an article online with quite a nos of mummies commented that it's effective to leave cut onion in the room it can absorb the flu bacteria n prevent flu, useful only b4 flu

Err does it means ur normal appt no scanning ?

MamiB/ bbkk:
I think depends on ur Gynae leh like eg my last scan was yest by right 16wks, scan based on baby size state 17wks+ even so Gynae followed tt I'm 16wks plus then next appt is 3 wks later wk19+ then she said best detailed scan appt after which = wk22+


Mami B:
I had that b4 n lasted for 2days. U soak in warm water then raise ur legs up. Mine cured the 3rd day

I rem seeing 早安您好that they invited a doc to talk abt flu vaccine & that doc said not recommended for preggy women, it was just abt 2-3 wks ago

Buba/nlimm: my gyn saidto jab if gg to countries tt's prone to flu or has 'flu seasons', reckon TW is one?

Coz the worst case scenario for flu's pneumonia etc but flu jab doesnt cover all strains..
Morning mummies!
We've survived the end of the world!! Hooray!!

Re: bras
I bot new wireless bras.. given up on bra extension.. I'm wearing nursing bras to sleep.. v comfy.. cuz dun want sensitive nipples rub against clothes..
Actually I've stopped wearing wired bras for long time.. not used to it already.. Oops!

Junebunny: my bb gender not cfm yet.. cuz cord in between legs.. but gg detailed scan in Jan.. u shd have done urs right? How come still dunno?
tsm: 3rd trims will be like 2nd trims.. but u will have heart burn and feel like a humty dumty. while walking must be careful lor =)

nlimm: har.. then meaning no more no.3?
2ks, may i know when u wil send yr #3 to ifc? Wil tat be too early if send in ard 3mths?

Fabbie, ya my hubby said better to skip taking exam during tri 3, he said i wil carry a big tummy hv to bcareful ....
Tsm: 2 weeks before I go back to work. For me I work till I deliver. No take early. I assume I will give birth mid may. So bb will go ifc 1st sep lor
Err ahh I'm not sure also leh. But u definitely need go TW? I went at early stage coz din know I preggy only get to know when I'm there after naeseous start

I also don't know leh. I will find him again to get a date & name for #2 shall ask him again.

Oicc haiz I bu fang xin put nb in IFC leh .
I think i will go for ifc too. If i put bb at my in law place, my hubby have to drop me at work and than drop bb at his parent hs.

My mun dont look like she plan to retire. Best is i find one near my house. After work, go pick bb home

If we plan to breastfeed, can still put at ifc?
6 tablets left.
Hi MYBs sorry to interrupt:

WTS: Duphaston 10mg tablets Selling at $5 for all 6.

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Self collect at Tiong Bahru MRT.
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May your pregnancy be smoothsailing!

Sama here lor ahhhhhh I really hope I won't need to be sahm again, no income n yet Frds look down on me. Even now I'm doing Parttime they aldy sarcastically said I'm having damn gd life compared to them . Beside my Parttime job , 2nd Parttime job I still need teach my kid, cook n wash at home also lor . Unlike them go home , food aldy cook n household chores ppl wash for them, kids their parents take care if not maid take care.
Hb prefer me over nanny n IFC, but then I need sacrifice totally my career... With #1 I give up half, with #2 I also don't know... I prefer nanny over IFC, Hb prefer IFC over nanny if I'm really not gog to stay home . Mil nags tt with #2 it's time to stay home
I had given up half my ' luxury' by doing Parttime, if be sahm I need to give up all lor dilemmas..
