(2013/05) May 2013

Rice wine: I jz post the procedure to niang rice wine on Facebook.
jz for sharing coz i think most of mummies dun niang rice wine ourself, including me myself, hehe.

Fools4love, yah i think ur gf is right!! Hahaha!!!
You know, i see how my hubby react to his children and i feel that having kids really complete the family. Hubby says his work doesnt make any sense until the kids came along and the money earned is used to provide for them. So touching...
mummies what does it mean by bumper for baby cot?

Wooden cot is better or those 'plastic/cloth' type? i see those plastic type of cot come with those changing bed.
captain_piglet - Congrats on having a bb boy! It's assuring to hear that the placenta will move up =)

fool4love - Congrats on having a bb girl!

How long it takes for the detailed scan huh? Seems to take longer than the Oscar Test.

mami B - lol your gal and your hubby v cute and sweet. Yea I agree girls are wonderful additions to the family. ^.^
Congrats to mummies whom have confirmed the gender thru detailed scans.

2ks: are u referring to Dr brown for the anti colic bottle?

Milk bottle: initially bought the Avent bpa free bottle but somehow the batch that was manufactured in 2009 will cause leaking. My CL was feeding my boy and suddenly shouted the milk is leaking and the leaking is faster than the bb's sucking. In the end hubby rushed out to buy pigeon bottles. I bought 6 Avent bottles and all 6 leaks. So brought back to philip and changed. But dun dare to use anymore.

tsm: thanks shall go check out at least know abit of the procedure also good. Hahaha.
Fool4love: congrats on having a baby girl. Looks like many of our mummies here took quite a while to do detailed scan. How long you take to have the whole procedure done?

Re: baby cot
I am considering palmax baby cot. Anyone knows where is the showroom for palmax?

Re: playpen
Still don't know where to get one good and cheap one. The common brand that I know is graco.

Jc: I think wooden one is more lasting as compared to those plastic ones? I think those plastic /clothes material is more of playpen?? But there are some parents let their baby sleep on playpen too..
detailed scan: i think it really depends on your bb mood on that day. for my #1, my detailed scan was quite fast, but my oscar took 3-4 hours coz bb refuses to cooperate. but this time round, my OSCAR was just ten minutes! so i m also praying hard that bb will cooperate for the detailed scan and it wont take long.
JC: bumper is the cushion surrounding the wooden cot. I i got both wooden and cloth but i prefer wooden cot coz got few heights to adjust. For those playpen type only 2 heights which is very high (more for nb) or very low when bb knows how to turn and can support ththemselves. As fIraq the changing table my CL dun like as it's too high so we dismantle it. To me is no use.

Chiro: detail scsn will take longer compare to oscar coz ygey need to take pic on all features do if bb not cooperative gotta go walk walk hoping bb can turn so the sonographer can have good angle to take pic..
my hubby also say wooden 1 is better but got like $100-200+ difference.

I am thinking of getting a cot for bb to sleep and a rocker to put in the living room. Should be okie right?
esther: ya ya..just cant remember the name. i think that one so called anti colic. but i dont bother about all these la..
to me, colic doesnt have a solution and a cause. baby will eventually outgrown it.

shirley: tot i told u earlier? u can go kiddy palace take a look. this latido brand should be cheaper. graco is very exp. u intend to put at mum there or nanny there one rite.
i think palmax warehouse is in japan pemimpin or something.
i am using palmax cot.
i also think a wooden cot is better.
i did that too. i dun know whether mine was called the rocker, its Combi brand one. nb can lie down, when bb is bigger, can use as a chair. i did not invest in a playpen, but i realised its good to have one, can safely place bb inside to play while you do your stuff.
worried79: are u referring to the rashule? i also have a korean brand one. i think they called it a swinging bed.
i used to have a playpen but i sold it.
ya, i think so, cant remember the model. but thereafter, went to buy another high chair for my boy. actually, as time goes by, tend to know more, and will buy more stuff for my boy.
playpen not useful? alot of ppl were asking why i never get a playpen for my bb the last time. actually, i used my cot as a playpen, coz the height can be adjusted one, so can just leave him inside and play safely
worried79: cos i got a monkey at hm... he can do alot of ways to get himself out..thus no use lor...plus he get irritated inside...space too small la..
Congrats on those who know the gender thru detailed scans!!

Wow.. all talking abt prams, cots, bottles, pumps etc already..
I'm still slacking n watching my kdrama.. Hee!
Hi chiro...

my oscar scan was wayyyy faster than my detailed scan cos baby wasnt cooperative...

i was sent 'walking' twice for 20 mins each time cos the baby refused to turn to face the sonagrapher... so had difficulty detecting all the stuff that was necessary to detect...

not only that, even that IMPT position was kinda blocked... but judging by the symptons and stuff, they concluded that it's a gal... so crossing my fingers that it wont give me a surprise on the arrival date... haha!!
the bb must face the sonographer 1 ah?

jia lat lah..everytime i go and scan, the bb is always facing side way 1. I think my detail scan will be a long one lah...
iko : today no govt. So going to spend some time and do up the list. There are some things i think can start buying even though we don't know the gender yet.
2ks: will be heading down to cheong choonto look see look see.. Graco really ex. So don't intend to buy unless Gt pple gif or what.. where you Gt your palmax cot? thru fair? I went online to see bt apparently only Gt their online webby. Going to ask them for their showroom. The playpen will be at my mum's place.. Cos she will be helping me take care in the morning till evening. After which I will take over. This is my plan unless she suddenly say cannot take care cos her back kept giving her problem. Should such thing happen den probably will send to infant care alr..
and oh ya.. Ytd, I went to bugis junction and see the milk bottles, I think pigeon milk bottles have discount for christmas. If you're planning to get new bottles, can go check it out.
o saw nuk bottles too.. The teats looks hard though I didn'tmanage to feel it..
Shirley, during Taka fair, normally if you have old bottles to trade in, it is like 50% discount or something.

esther, the MAM bottles claim to be anti-colic... my fren says ya quite effective, maybe you can go n take a look at their website.
shirley: u better go now lor...dont go chinatown when nearer to CNY. but there hor, if i am not wrong, dont have much display sets. mostly cataloges or something. u call and ask.
playpen might be too low for your mum, she will need to bend alot to change diapers...so might not be too good for her back also.

i am not urgent buying pigeon bottles la...i will wait for the discount from robinsons. there is a voucher for members de. up to 25% discount even for fixed price items.
nuk bottles are very pretty leh...but i think their most popular is their latex teats. but latex teats not lasting
I just went for my detailed scan and it's a girl! Spent quite long scanning as baby is always in a yoga position. Was also asked to go toilet and see if the baby will change position as it's hard to check on the spine. In the end need to take 3 different measurements separately and combine.

Time for shopping! Girls have lotas things to buy.
Rejoy28: I am having my #1, so o don't have any old bottles to trade in. The next taka fair is sometime next year Feb / March right?? Think some of the mummies were saying.

2ks: I thought maybe will go down this week or next week. Hopefully no crowds.. Where Gt more variety? Baby hypermart or cheong choon? My mum very short only. Think she only 150cm only. Super petite. So I think playpen should be fine. Can use the bassinate to change also if still short for her. I like their glass bottles. Very pretty too.. But ex.. I am looking for bottles with teat that looks like nip so baby won't reject me when I latch on. Moreover, I don't know if I Gt sufficient supply not. If really not enough, must add in abit of formula also. Need your expertise and other mummies here for tips to increase supply.
Mummies, there's another warehouse sale this weekend... Taime @ Chai Chee... Lucky baby products, strollers, capella etc... up to 80% discount...
shirley: if u are looking for ang moh brands strollers, go mothercare harbourfront/baby hypermart but if u are looking for jap strollers, go baby hypermart there furtherdown another babystore.

playpens more or less the same, just see budget and design. kiddy palace should have some. go those bigger ones. graco is taka when bb fair will have display.

if u want aprica, nuna, the shop is at tagore lane. but they will definitely have booth at taka bb fair de.

eh...personally, i dont think any teats resemble the most like mummy nipples. feeling also different. as long as u do both ways (both bottle and latch), its ok de, no confusion.
but if u latch totally for few months then u intro bottles, the baby most likely will go on milk strike. i seen too many cases.

for supply, dont stress yourself. now explain or tell too much also no use. just standby a small tin of fm when discharge. then u wont stressed yrself too okay.
Talking abt nipples..i realise mine like pop out become fuller. Is normal rite?

Haha my friend just wadaspp me my ROM wedding fav. I see the date is 2 weeks before my EDD. I so happy..if really must induce 2 weeks early i going to choose my ROM date!
Hi Ladies!

Been really busy this year end.

Quite a number have confirmed genders! Congrats babes! I can't wait to confirm mine on 27th. I already bought a drawerful of baby girl's stuff. I have an incontrollable urge to just buy girl clothes. Hahaha

Was thinking of getting a moses basket. But they'll outgrow really fast. the other day I was eyeing a Baeba pink bathtub with stand. Hubby told me it's really ugly. Hahaha

These days tummy gets super tight come evenings and I can't eat much for dinners. It's like everything is pushing upwards instead of out. And ribs starting to hurt at night too. Anyone with similar issues?
My nipples are 24hrs popping out every hours every mins. It is as big as big bubble pearl. Anyone same as me? Ever since my first pregnancy, it has been like tat.
errr...i duno how to describe ..last time if 'hard' only the nipple mah. Now the side also like puff up like this
am getting severe shoulder ache due to the increased size...

have been applying yoko yoko every day...

a friend says could be due to my shoes
Vi: u should...nursing bras only need one size and no need to keep changing. and more comfy. after i outgrown it going to wear my nursing bras already.
fool4love: can we apply yoko yoko? coz i like to apply ykyk for my shoulder pain b4 preg but then stop applying aft preg.
Coz i nt sure whether the medicine will adsorb into our skin and pass it to bb or not?
food4love - cannot apply yoko yoko during pregnancy... even counterpain also cannot... for my 1st pregnancy my gyne recommended Bengay... even till now i'm still using...
2ks: ya.. I will get s all tin when she is born. In case my supply is not here on time. I kinda remember you say that need to latch and pump to build up supply first den once supply is enough, can stop pumping diligently alr. Just pump as normal / latch.. Brain will alr have the signal / amt sufficient for baby.. Something like that..

Jc: mine also the same as yours. Turn darker also
i am using bengay also...

shirley: yup...the 1st month is vvvvv crucial to build up supply. once after that i find after 6 weeks, u wanna build up supply also abit difficult. it will be the most 20ml difference
2ks: thanks. I think as the time goes, will gain more insight .. Btw, do you have any rashes on your tum? I have been getting those rashes and its really itchy. I am applying siang pure oil to the itch.

Any mummies here experiencing itch on tummy?? Like rashes type..
shirley: yes...will share what i know when we goes along...now still early. buying things preparation more important now.

i tell u if u have rashes and its itchy and will spread. please see a doctor. the only cure is cream. if serious case might developed into PUPPP.
u ask bbkk...she got it during pregnancy. for me i got it after i gave birth.
freaking itchy...
Hello mummies,

Have sick these few days. Down with flu and now is block nose. Had hard time breathing, hopefully, my little girl get enough oxygen.

Fish oil/ worried,
I do take the fish oil. I hav a friend who is super pro natural, she din take any supplements. She depends on daily food intake to get her nutrients and all her 3 boys are strong and healthy.

I had itchy bump for my 1st pregnancy, applied different kinds of stretch mark cream still no use. In the end my gynae advised me not to apply any cream as I might be allergic to the creams and gave me calamine lotion to apply instead and my bump dun itch anymore. Maybe you can try consulting your gynae for advice.

I hav 2 stream sterilisers, both are gifts. One is a unknown brand called Shears which I like it very much. It can put both standard and wide size bottles of most brands. The other one is NUK which can only put standard size bottles only.

Milk bottles:
I had used Pigeon, Nuk and Playtex Ventair advanced milk bottles for my #1. During 1st 3 months, she has slight colic problem, pigeon and Nuk bottles made her very uncomfortable and was very fussy when drink her milk until we found Playtex bottle. The design of the bottles is different, unlike most bottle which the air vents through the teats, the air vent though the bottom of the bottle. Anyway she is now older, she can use any kind of bottles now.

These are the few kinds of pumps I tried.
Avent (Single electric): Don’t like it, its noisy and does not pump well for me. It can be converted to a manual pump which is I quite like it. But as my nipples tend to swell up after sometime, they tend to hit the other end of the pump which caused a bit of injury for me. If the manual part can accommodate my long nipple, this can become my favourite manual pump. Bcos it pumps well, is easy to set up and not many parts.
Medela PSIA (double electric): I was comtemplating between this and freestyle. I like it very much bcos of the powerful suction and pumps out well. .The benefits of a double pump is, once we got the letdown of milk the other side of the nipple won’t be left dripping. The downside of this pump is it is bulky and cannot move ard the house freely.
Medela Harmony (single manual): This manual pump is able to accommodate my longer nipple. It replaces the Avent manual pump. It pumps out well for me.

Had been depending on 2 bra extensions on each bra all these while. Went Robinsons last week and bought 2 bras with bigger band and 2 different cup sizes. Cannot decide between both.
One is just nice and the other one is 1 cup bigger, both wear liao looks ok and comfy.
during #1 hor...i keep changing bras lor...
then i get smart for 2nd pregnancy already. when i outgrow those bras that i have, i wear nursing bras...so much comfy and can tahan till the end lor. dont have to keep changing bras or extensions.

oh ya shirley, what brand of stretchmark cream are u using. there is one brand hor alot of ppl allergy one. P brand...
Yes I got PUPPP rashes, damn itchy. Apply everything also no use.
2ks, the brand are u talking about is palmers? It has really bad review.
bbkk: ya ya! i forget what is the name..memory sucks after having 2 kids lor!
when i got this itch hor..i got a cream from GP that helps soooo much..
red red one patch so ugly lor...
I oso bought my nursing bra but havent wear yet.
i bought 4 type and 2 different size each type.
Dunno when shld wear it...

Nursing bra: actually we also can wear maternity bra but I too lazy to buy both . So I just buy nursing bra. For me I just buy one size bigger. I already keep my pre pregnancy bra away .it is good to start wearing cos we need the thicker strap to support the breast .
