(2013/05) May 2013

If i stay near to KKH, i prob will deliver there.

I should be delivering at NUH. Too lazy to change and find gynae le. Already Book the antenatal class in Jan which include the hospital tour.

Ask you all ah...do you feel 'not pregnant'? I always thought pregnant will feel something heavy in the stomach area but till now, i don't have this kind of feeling yet. I mean beside the tiredness, it's like everything is 'normal'.

sometmes i will worry whether BB is okie a not, coz like no feeling. I comfort myself by thinking as long no blood, no spotting is okie 1. I don't even know whether my tummy is showing anot because i already have a tummy before pregnant!!!
Iko, dun need pump in hospital. Just massage. Hand squeeze if have colostrum. Let bb suckle. Go home then pump. Otherwise how to sterilise n wash etc. me two time csec. Stay hospital dunno 3-4 nights. Go home n pump. Ample supply. Share with u all closer to D day abt wat to do in hospital. Now say already sure forget one. Ha!

No me not on fb grp yet.
BabyMaine, ya.. heard from my col is quite ok cause his wife is in the private suite oso... bt not sure abt the 'normal' one.
Wai wai, selection of hospital alot of times is gynae dependent and also budget dependent. Dont feel bad that u are not goin for private etc. frankly its just a few days - deliver and stay in hosPital.
I dun feel pregnant too.. I can still wear my old clothes and shorts...also worried that the BB is not growing as my tummy is not growing... Only thing now is to wait for the Gynae appt next week... Sometimes wondering, if something bad happened to the bb inside, will we know or not?

I'm also having bad running nose and starting to cough... At night will also pee for 2-3times... But luckily I can still go back to sleep easily with kicks and elbows from my gals.
Mami b
Do u hv problem bf yr child after the operation? I didn't dare to carry them as I'm afraid my wound will hurt. Still remembered I hv coughing and was damm painful when I let out a few cough.. Only start to bf them during 2nd/3rd day...

Re: vbac
Any mummies trying Vbac (Virgina birth after c-sect) for this time round? Feel like trying but a lot of doubts and questions..
Worried 79
Dun worried abt those things... U will be tired from all those visits, bf, calls and etc.
Bb08, no problems for me. My gynae stitching is top notch so both csec wounds were well stitched and secured. Painless. I breastfed from day one!
three hourly. For both kids.
Me definitely no vbac. I feel no point cos i just want the baby out. Heehee... I dont care how. No need exciting birth story. I just want a quick birth and i can hold her in my arms.
Mami: regarding breastfeeding I'm still considered novice man.. so wait until 4th day them start pumping? Lol.. blur.. now that e hospital r not giving fm.. abit worried tt bb can't get enuff food.. but I know that bb dun really need much milk e first few days..

Worried: Did u take any medicine? My hubby keep asking me to take pi pa gao to sooth throat cux gynae say can take.. Maybe I'll try tonight..
iko0508: i personally think u should start pumping upon discharge, set a routine timing to pump after latch.

not hospitals not giving FM, they still do provide just that its chargable. last time was free.
baby have reserves in their body for 3 days. so they can tahan...but when u go home. they wants MILK means MILK.
just standby a small tin of FM 1st if u are worried. then u build up your supply on the other hand.

i also dont think need pump at hospital during stay. cos latching will be better for the 1st 2 days, to ask the milk to come faster and also not to waste the precious colostrum.
Mami b
Cos I was on GA the previous time... Didn't managed to see the babies when they are still slimy.. Seriously, I really want to try to go thru the pain of labour pain...very foolish of me hor... Will see how, cos my wound now has become a centipede, maybe after another c-sect will be better...

You are so right... In hospital they are like angels, when we discharged suddenly they are so demanding...lolx
I requested for cup feed for night feed in hospital cos I wanted to sleep and rest as much... In the daytime then latch... At hm I also stand by 1 tin of fm, cup feed, but still pump every 2-3 hours to stimulate... Within 3-4 days she was on total bm so end up I gave away the tin of fm... Suffered crack nipples and engorgement until had to call sister kang to help clear blocked ducts... But I'm looking forward to Bf #2 again... The mother child bond outweighs the pain and sleepless nights....
just went for checkup at gynae's earlier...still cldnt tell the gender. and my next visit is on 3 jan..so sad, cant do xmas shopping for baby liaos. haha. usually if its boy, can tell earlier right? oh no, I hope this dont mean that my baby boy dust is all flying away...

@Debbie - thanks! how much you spent at Mt A will help me do my budgeting too. I am also more inclined towards single bedder for all the reasons the mommies here have said. Just hope we can manage it when the time comes.

@JC - I dont feel pregnant as well. Before getting pregnant, I also have tummy..but I realise that tummy is different from the baby bump. The 'old' tummy is soft soft kind, can squeeze into tight clothes if we want...will become smaller if hungry but slightly bigger just after a full meal. But baby bump, the tummy becomes hard...you want to try and suck in the tummy also cannot. At least, thats for me. Besides the harder tummy, I dont feel anymore pregnant than my normal self. Just more tired and poorer appetite. Think if baby is not growing well etc, the gynae will let us know. So we dont need to worry so much.
Bb08, opt for epi csec!!
perfect solution!! Mine all epi csec. Can see bb come out blue!!! Also hubby next to me. V nice.
Why ur csec wound become centipede???? Maybe change gynae?? Mine is a thin flat white line really low at bikini area.
Thanks.... think i stick to KKH bah... since no need to change gynae, maybe ask for single bedder or private suite.

oh yes, talk about not feeling pregnant, yesterday i "ran" after a bus hahahahaha cos it was coming and i dont wanna wait another 20mins for it....some days i really forget
i like hongkong drama!!
haha..but i haven't got time recently to watch these news shows on youtude.

end up now is my mum addicted
mami B: me love HK drama serials too. Is 大太监 on SCV? I keep seeing all the advertisements on the latest HK drama serials but like nv show on SCV lehs...I just watch whatever they show. hahahaa
feeling pregnant: JC, me too.. sometimes i will like suddenly touch my tummy and make sure it feels a little hard cause it's not very big.. esp when i wake up in the morning.. haha.. other than the nausea, headache and cramp, everything else seems the same as before.. i'm wearing my current tee shirts, just some shorts/pants can't wear..

mami B: Me! i'm watching 大太监 now too! big fan of hk drama.. been downloading on my ipad and watch..
@babymaine - i am with Dr Tan Heng Hao. He is a nice and approachable doc, smiley all the time. (looks good too :p)
re: feeling pregnant
i will only feel preggy at night.. cuz that's when tummy is the biggest.. plus now i still dun feel any mvmt.. so i cant feel if there's ath inside me.. lol

2K: u r so right.. bb wants MILK means MILK.. expect u to do magic n cannot wait.. haiz! dunno if i can endure the first week of bf to reach the immune stage (as mentioned by mami)..
iko0508: the pain part huh...use nipple cream or the bm to apply on the nipple...recovery very fast de...
we mummies poor life hor...
bb08: I dun rem eggs for breakfast in GlenE, but I rem their red dates tea and papaya fish soup is very nice!

iko/2Ks: I also fearful of bfing cos my experience was not good that time. But really hope to be more successful this time round. But I feel it might be harder cos got #1 who will be lingering around and wanting attention..hmm.

I feel pregnant!!! and my normal clothes are getting tighter. But I think to many, I look fat in the tummy instead of real pregnant.
Feeling pregnant, i think pp ard me feel that i m pregnant. Other than looking bloated, i still run around and carry my stuff. Have been reminded time and again not to do this and that. I feel very lazy though. Always coming home from work early n nua in bed. CanT sleep. Just laze n read.

Kkh. Heard good things abt kkh private suite. Not to worry. Wanted kkh for number one, but gynae left kkh n moved to tmc. So no choice.
My sil gave birth at tmc few months back. She complained non stop. from quality of food to carpark to condition of riom. Even encouraged me to switch hospital. There is mix up of medical records too. Do check before discharge. Now very troublesome n she diesnt want to blow things up, yet worry.
charliebrown: your #1 not going to school? what i did is during daytime when he is in school, i latch baby mostly. but when he is back, in order not to let him feel alone, i will let hub/CL to handle the baby (using expressed milk) then i spend time with him. #1 get used to the presence of didi very quickly so i doesnt have any problem.

but heard some elder really jealous when they see the mummy latching baby...
buba: i guess dragon years really too much for the hospital to handle.
i delivered both at tmc, so far i dont have complains there leh besides the stupid car park.
but i dont have much visitors anyway so not a problem.
2Ks: #1 in full-day cc already. So daytime can concentrate on #2. But weekends and evening time I am also wondering how he feels if Im latching bb..haha. And worse if I still don't know how to latch properly or bb drinking slowly. Think also must start to intro the idea of a bb to him soon, but now he still say "don't want". My frd said must buy gift for #1 and said is from bb!
charliebrown: i got buy a gift to say its from didi for my elder. but maybe my elder is very chin chye. he no problem leh...i was worrying so much previously on whether he can accept or not.
i keep disturbing him i said didi is drinking milk, i ask him he wants or not...then he will shake his head...

well...dont think too much for now...u cannot expect what will happen yet...maybe he ok leh.

latching also must see baby de...like my elder cannot suck well too. but #2 sucks really well.
if dont know how to latch, just pump out still the same. but get the lactation nurse to guide u 1st when u still in hospital
2Ks: yeah loh, maybe should not think so much first! cos sometimes really emo and start to think about this and that..haha. scared neglect #1 la, scared cannot bf well again la, etc.
same here. when i told my #1 abt the bb, he dun understand at all. at least now he knows there is a bb in my tummy. when i asked him want didi or meimei, he just said NO NO NO. oh dear....
i heard abt the buying gift for #1 too. i think i will do it too, to prevent any jealousy and to make #1 happy
Yesterday brought my girl out for Xmas shopping. And bought one toy for her. I said next time meimei will buy you a present u know, she said: meimei still young lah, I buy for meimei lah... Damn funny...

Then that day, I was helping her in the toilet, I carried her out from the toilet bowl, she said: mummy, u cannot carry me u know, u are pregnant u know... Lol
This 3 yo girl talk damn funny..
Hi buba, tt's nt gd leh the service at TMC. My first 2 child delivered at TMC i think i go bk to same hosp. my 2nd one delivered there 2 yrs ago still ok, food, nurses but only the car park nt convenient always v pack.
There is even free glass FM for me to feed baby as i worried my bb hungry as my bm nt supply yet.
bbkk!! your gal is such a darling...

I finally called my CL... they are charging S$2050 + S$200 for booking + levy... okay right?
tsm: from my understanding, not advisable to bring own FM cos for the risk of contamination. they usually open per glass bottles (they have all brands in hospital) and fix with their disposable teats and feed.

fool4love: so total $2250 ok leh...cheaper than mine $50.
2Ks: tks! i a bit paiseh coz always asking those funny questions....

fool4love: yr CL rate is quite cheap compared to mine...,
my CL charged me 2.5k + levy + taxi fare to my hse (1st day) + taxi & bus fare to her hometown (last day) (@_@)
