(2013/05) May 2013

dian tang: the waking up to check temp & blood pressure is so freaking irritating lor! ppl wanna sleep leh...i feel u..

rach: hub can stay longer in tmc, i remembered that. visitors 8+ still ok de. but then i tell u, u will want to rest early or just have some peace. cos after u discharge, your life will be total change de. somemore when u are bf, the baby will always be with you

dian tang: yes..i bf my #1 for 14 months and #2 for 19 months
bf is a tough journey...i will share my experience with you all de..
Morning ladies

I was also not added in FB yet. Maybe coz my nick on FB is not familiar. Hehe.

Oh dear, why were you hospitalised?
Hope you're better now.
Read that William & Kate (Prince, Princess of UK) are pregnant & Kate was also hospitalised for bad morning sickness. Wonder how bad it is.

If you put your mind to it, you should be able to breastfeed. Don't worry

For me it's the opposite. My hb insists on staying over!! For both deliveries leh. Both he insisted on single bedder, he didn't mind sleeping on the sofa that they provided for lodgers. strange guy. hehe.
2Ks, paiseh jump back to the ques jz nw.
from yr past experience, baby items need separate with mummy 's items or not?
I means 1 bag for bb 1 bag for mummy? or all put tgth?
Dian Tang - thanks for the link, very good information.

2ks - Oh I mean their centre can only have 8 infants maximum, at the time I was at their open house, we put our names there but haven't registered, but I saw quite a few infant care forms filled up already. So we probably the last couple to sign up or something.

JC - Think you can put bb in infant care from 3 months onwards.

Rach - Same sentiments as to choosing the 1 bedded/2 bedded. Costs factors + hoping to have hubby to accompany us.

vicvic - I'm also having interrupted sleep due to urge to go washroom in the middle of the night. Or uncomfortable pressure in the tummy.

2nd trimester is supposed to be the most easy period, but with all the symptoms I want to say tolong already.
pinktulip: what is your name in fb...i remember u leh...cos also #3
u have ppl to help u look after your kids huh so hub can stay over.

tsm: eh...up to u la...but bb dont need to bring much things leh. cos they be clothed in hospital.
i only brought along a pants and a booties for the baby. they will be discharged in a receiving blanket de
JC: ifc accept babies from 2 months onwards. but usually mummies will put babies around 3-3.5 months, mummy also need some time to prepare herself for work again
2Ks: oic.... haha i tot i need bring a lot of things for bb .yesterday stil argued with hubby said many things need to bring de...
Oklah, i think better dun buy bag again, dun waste money ...

Chiro: at least u have the opportunity to register, i only can leave my details udr waitting list...
dun need bring bag for bb. for my #1, hospital wil give bb a bag. if i rem correctly, i had only brought along clothes, mittens and booties for #1 then. Its ok if didnt bring too. hosspital provides a set. if bring the clothes, try bring those that wrap around the body, instead of those rompers that need to put the bb's neck through. reason being the bb is still very wobbly.
Oic is it that we need to be persistent on the breast feed? I heard the first flow of breast milk contain the best nutrients and the colour is yellowish , rite?

Oh I was hospitalized cos I have sudden bleeding . Stay there for 3 days and was completely bed rest. Currently still resting at home til 20 dec .
tsm: dont hv to. hospital has disposable teats to fix on those ready to drink FM. but then its chargable now. latching is recommended mostly..
2ks, u mean no longer gives out free samples for the babies? those in glass bottles. I remembered i was given different brands of samples for bb to try.. but thats 5 years ago.....
buba: i read from newspaper dunno beginning of this year the hospital dont give out FM bottles. its chargable...i deleted the newspaper print already.
when i gave birth in 2011 march, already limited bottles given. the nurse gave me 1 bottle only upon discharge, and i requested for more cos i was having flu, so she gave another 3 bottles only. but that time still free
i tht hospital give those 'sugar' water or something, coz they want to encourage bf.

aiyo..my neighbour at work is so sick. KEep blowing her nose and clearing her phelgm
2KS: emm....icic, at leat have the idea now. tks!!
so boring, only me alone in office since morning, no boss no colleague....aiyo...
2Ks, thanks for the info. will try find out more. i didnt have a lot of breast milk during #1 time. bb was taking both fm and bm. was on total bm only like 2nd month. and stopped bm shortly after i returned to work. my work environement is not conducive and not easy to find time express at work. really pei fu and envy mummies who can bf for more than a year.
in Hospital:
I ask for breast pump in hop during the first night, they provide me with those hospital type, those that must be pushed over n i set my alarm every 3 hrs to wake up to pump for at least 15 mins each side. I sleep while pumping, after that i would pass the bottle to the nurse and i would feed the baby when it is time for feed.

I opt to stay in a 2 bedded cause i dun need my hubby to stay over and it is cheaper to stay in a 2 bedded.

Sleeping Position:
i always try to sleep on my left side as per advice by the doctor. But my side would get ache after a while. so i would try to lie on my back.

I wld usually wake up in the middle of the night to go toilet n i always have alot of urine at night but not so much in the day, everybody having the same problem?
Hi mommies,

so fast already talking about hospital stays and the bag to bring along. haha. Can I ask the usual length of stay if we do natural and c-sect? I hope I can stay in a single bedded then my hb can accompany me...since this is my 1st and I will probably be v.lost after delivery. But trying to cut cost too coz baby stuff are really exp...

Infant Care
Am also thinking of putting baby in ifc after my 4mths maternity is up. But baby like still v.small and vulnerable..dont know if he/she will catch germs/illness from the toddlers anot. Also considering finding a nanny nearby..but must be clean and safe environment. My mom told me to consider getting a maid since the cost is almost the same as ifc/nanny. This is only my #1...dont know if we really need a maid who will be here permanently. Any thoughts on this?

Sleeping position
Heard its good to sleep on left coz baby gets more oxygen. but my hb is on my left..so abit hard. Still try to sleep on my left but sometimes will flip to the right...when I wake up, I am lying on my back liaos. haha.

Rejoy - me! Dont know why night time more urine than day time. All I need is to drink 1 cup of water (for my calcuim and DHA pills) before sleeping and I can wake up 1/2x during the night to pee. Quite irritating coz it disrupts my sleep. Sometimes I try to control..by the time I wake up, super urgent! haha.
i got more pee from noon onwards too.
Usually i try to finish 1 litre before lunch and 1 litre after lunch till end of work.

Morning only go toilet 1 time but after lunch, can go every hr. During sleep, usually is wake up 1 time only.

I drink a lot at home. I think is because of the Gest. diabetics too, it make me really thirsty. Some people say after 8pm cannot drink to avoid water retention...i think i will die if don't give me water to drink
my nick in FB is Na Ni.

yeah I guess the kids will be with my mom. You know when I delivered my #2, then my #1 came the next morning to visit, I cried and cried, I missed him so much. So emo. Haha.

I also wanna stay 2-bedder. It's cheaper. I don't mind 4-bedder also actually. But my hb always say I have 2 noisy kids, don't want to disturb other occupants of ward. And sometimes if not very lucky, you also get occupants with non stop & noisy visitors. Hard to rest also. Sigh.
which hospital is that? can lend u pump? TMC?

pinktulip: if ya TMC u choose 4 bedded can already.. usually u will upgrade to 2 bedded and pay 4 bedded bedroom cus their 4 bedded room always full. my frd that time very lucky.. 4 bedded full 2bedded also full so upgrade to premium! and pay 4 bedded price!
sleepyskies, for Natural, usually is 3 days 2 night and c sec is 4 days 3 nights unless you have complication.

infant care, the difference btw the maid and the infant care cost is that you can use CDA at infant care, so is like the govt pay half for you while maid is fully paid by cash bt then the maid can do housework etc for you. bt you have to ask urself this qns, do you trust your maid to take care of your baby at home alone.

babbiee: gleneagles. they push the pump to mi upon request, no charge also.
pinktulip: oh na ni is u...noted.
TMC only got 1 room that is 4 bedded lor...so unless really so suay la...otherwise will usually be 2 bedded.
but then i very suay one..#1 time, i kana a snoring mummy...very loud one.
#2 time i kana a china mummy, then is sooo loud and refused to silent her hp, hp keep ringing china music.
i'm delivering mine at mt A. First baby too... Any idea what's is like?

I have yet to sign up for the hospital tour.. .feel so lazy... also for my CL...
fool4love, if you intend to book for CL, think you have to start looking and book already. usually those good one are already taken up.
fool4love, is true that those gd CL already fully booked, have to spend a bit time to look for now.

I requested a copy of my CL passport & IC, then she gave me on the day we met up.
She oso gave me her W/P no., so tat I can apply W/P for her b4 my EDD...
Hi Rejoy

Was delibrating whether to have one then finally decided to have one... will definitely try to call and book soon...

Ask you mummies something:

Am trying to let baby listen to baby mozart and stuff... should i be the one listening or should i put the earphones near the tummy?
Hi Rejoy

Was delibrating whether to have one then finally decided to have one... will definitely try to call and book soon...

Ask you mummies something:

Am trying to let baby listen to baby mozart and stuff... should i be the one listening or should i put the earphones near the tummy?
fool4love: that time I sign up for hospital tour when I was prompted by the gynae's nurse to do so. It is third trimester I think.

2Ks: your neighbour that you get for the ward also heng suay thing..just like CL. Haiz. Unless you are in one bedder. that time mine was 2 bedder, then the next day, my neighbour was discharged. So I was alone for the second night.
Hi while meeting up with confinement nanny, beside giving her the deposit , do we need to ask her other things like work permit if she is freelance nanny?
charliebrown: thats why i said i suay lor...
but i can ren la...its just a 2 nights thing...just bite thru it rather than i waste money.
my SIL stayed one bedded that time, she said she feel very eerie...
Just went for my scan ,cant see gender at 15weeks baby keep crossing legs !..now gotta countdown to 5/1/2013 to have the detailed scan done..kancheong leh !! can i join the fb group too??
dian tang, ya mine is freelance CL but she required W/P when we talked over the phone, the rest of CL I called dun need w/p.

I asked her many things b4 meet up to pay her deposit.
2Ks: my first one I got suggest one bedder to my hubby, but he dun want to stay in the hosp with me. So I chose 2 bedders. One bedder is scary. Now dun even need to think about it, cos my hubby got to stay at home to take care of #1.

Sleeping at nite: Think for us, we no need to sleep throughout the night till we deliver, and many months after we deliver! Cos I think I will start sleep training and reducing milk intake for my #2 when she is about 4mths plus, just like my #1 bah..
charliebrown: eh...not to frighten u and the mummies here hor...my fil sometimes can see those things one...when he visited my sil he said he saw one in her room (hers was right at the end of the corridor one), i dunno how true or not la..my sil told me she felt eerie at first until my fil does the chanting...
dunno how true la...thats what they told me.

u not engaging CL ah? if got CL, at least 28 days can have good night rest bah? after CL left, my hub is on permanent night duty de. he will go warm up my bm and feed the baby himself while i sleep..

your #1 which month slept thru?
2Ks: I have not engaged a CL..keep forgetting. Jialat. The one thing I have done for myself is engaged a Malay Massage lady. But even with CL at night, you have to wake up to pump or latch for the first few months?

My #1 starts sleeping thru by 5th month, which is a blessing to us.
dian tang, I prefer to ask them 1st whether need wp or not.
then i oso asked wat she will cook for my breakfast/lunch/dinner, wat she will do whether included some light hsework such as mopping aft cook, how she wash my bb clothes ( I request by hand), wld she cook dinner for my hubby too (most of them said they wil cook, but if too many family members then they wil charge more),and many quest..etc.

then i oso ask her any requirement or needs so tat i can prepare b4 EDD...

I tried to ask more things b4 she come in order to avoid any unhappy occurrence later , and bcoz tis is my 1st time so oso curious to know more.
Thought of asking my gynae abt the bump on next visit. I felt the bump last night too, guessed will always feel it now once i hv full bladder.

A suggestion to you, maybe you can buy a diaper bag. You can use it for your hospital stay and can use it in the further when you bring your baby out. Hospital does cup feeding too. I was quite amazed that baby able to drink from cup at such young age.

Baby movement
I felt it on 14weeks, 2nd pregnancy everything advance. Tummy shows earlier n can notice the movement earlier. Haha..but i dn like the hippcups feeling, my #1 hippcup alot inside.

Me too more urine at night, always awaken by full bladder.

i just on n listen, i assume baby can hear. Lazy to use headphone n place on my tummy.
charliebrown: i havent engage both yet too...
eh...i never wake up in the middle of the night to latch/pump...starting about 1-2 weeks, its the engorgement that made me wake up...subsequent i dont. cos my supply is sufficient, skip that midnight pump also doesnt matter lor. sleep more important...lol
i dont latch in the night cos i think the baby takes her/his own sweet time..so i give bottle usually. very tired leh...my temper gets very bad when i lack of sleep.
May i ask 3rd-time mummies, does ur stretch marks increased after 2nd birth? I dont have much stretch marks after #1, am still pondering should I get stretch mark gel this time round.
2Ks: OOoooooo which hospital your sil went to! That's what i fear too.. that's why torn between 2 bedder or 1 bedder.. but then the 2 bedder i saw in tmc yesterday looks pretty erm old and un-friendly.. don't know.. just a brief feeling i got when i looked in..
Hi Ladies,

Mothersenvouge is having once-a-year clearance sale from now - 31 Dec. Although most of their clothes are more pricey but they do have cheaper ones during their sale. They have nice maternity-nursing tops too. Go see their website

tsm: that link is my previous thread daddy blog which everyone outcast him cos he guai guai de...LOL

rach: TMC...single bedder cos her company pay for her hospital bill de.
the 2 bedder in tmc just got upgraded leh think 1/2 years ago...should be still ok de.
now latest renovated one should be mt a.
