(2013/05) May 2013

I'm a rooster too =)

There are many beliefs and pantang stuffs, sometimes the least you hear the less worried you will be. Most important is the mummy's emotional well-being.

Red beans soup is good for replenishing blood and iron, maybe mummies can try that to regain energy. Quite easy to cook also. =)

Jc ya birthday on nov 9? Ya scorpion ?

Iko: is better to wear panty liner cus we have a lot of discharge.
Is there a belief of cannot change bedsheets? I only heard of cannot shift bed.

Tai shen I heard of but yet to go temple to pray . Chuan mu Niang Niang is after birth we do it for baby bed not now.
Diabetic specialist n Gynae r diff ma , y the diff of hospitals comes into pic here? Or unless u wsn both at same venue for convenience?

Oh is it pimple there then u scratch till like pus? Ya use partyliner better
Tsm: I haven drink any red date or red bean soup, I et and drink very little now. I can basically count what I haven eaten the whole day with one finger
can we drink now? I know tonic should come at second trimester?
Nlimm: I dunno got pus anot.. but e head is white so looks like a pimple to me.. n Yes.. I keep rubbing it.. unknowingly esp at night..
it's so uncomfy..

fabbie: OK will wear panty liners..
Think can change bedsheet else v dusty wor.. I changed bedsheet then also shifted sofa etc to make more space for walking etc..

For #1,din know tt cannot attend bb shower or weddings coz my feel's happy events will be even happier coz mi mood's b v high too.. Some thg tt i observed's not to sew on bed (if need to sew,i sew while sitting on the flr or out at the living rm etc),avoid if having reno,dun attend wake (but will still give condolence monies) etc..

Hw many rooster r there here? ;p

Btw, when doing oscar,can we ask the sonographer to scan for gender? Will they accede or ignore?
Min,correct,tonic such as birdnest only can eat aft first tri.
red date drinks can drink as plain water,usually i will drink twice a week. But remember must buy red date without seeds, coz with seeds one is quite heaty to body.
Wow really many young mummies here!
I'm 30 this year and this is my #2. Delivered my #1 mid last year. I got married when I was 26 though and kinda regretted I didn't plan for a baby until I was 28 haha! Cos realise they really sap up a lot of our energy!!
Talking abt BF, I am also a very strong supporter. The irony is I had no time to read up more b4 my delivery so made some mistakes in BF in e early days. My supply was bad but I was very determined to increase my supply and thank God someone shared with me this BF website: kellymom.com. It answers all my qns and I merely followed its guidance n I managed to fully BF my son till 7 months, and partially till 1 yo. I still feel bad for not being able to fully BF for longer cos of the inconvenience to pump at work. I work in the front line in a bank and our work is v hectic, there's also no pumping room and sad to say I had to do it in a one cubicle toilet upstairs. Thank God my son didn't get diarrheoa. I pumped at home b4 work, bought extra set of spare parts to bring to office, pump during lunch n just after work and last pump ard 12-1am. My supply dropped but still sufficient to fully BF him. It was only when I dropped the office pump at 7+mths that my supply was no longer sufficient. I hope that I can tahan the pumping in office for #2. That will really determine how long I can last. It's really all about determination. Jiayou Mummies!!
wow mummies, you gals are so young! I think i am the oldest here lol! I am already mid 30s

iko: I had a bump on my V area before my pregnancy and after that i changed my pantyliner frequently. For me, i can only wear unscented panty liner..dont worry as it should go away.

JC: never heard abt the bedsheets belief...but just be careful not to overstain yourself when changing bedsheets i guess.

Tsm: I heard abt the red dates drink too...i shall make it for myself
iko: hehehe just less than 9 months ren ren abit hee dont buy scent one. really make u headache. buy those thick panty liner so can absorb more. i hate thin one. thin one no use. i felt. =)
babbiee : yup on 9th !

Memphissbelle : will get hubby to change. I thought i saw it somewhere that must use broom to sweep or something to ask the 'god' to move away first before changing..haha

nlimm : currently both gynae and specialist are from NUH..but my hubby don't really like this gynae....

today is gynae appt...can see bb! Than this weekend i will tell both side parents of the pregnancy and next week annouce to my boss.
Hi all, seems that most mommies has a lot of discharge. Hmm.. I do not have that much, just very slight. Normal?

Going to be 11th week on Mon! Seeing gynae & I can't wait! One more week to 2nd trimester!!!!! How?? Mummies in 2nd trimester, do you feel better already?

Going to start to get some maternity clothes. Any online shop u all can recommend? When you mummies start to wear?

I m a first time mummy. Read all your sharing on bf. Sounds tough work. Cannot imagine. I pick up some good tips. I should be getting Pisa.

Have a good day! Keep posting coming
Maybe it's pimple. I did get a pimple there b4 & real itchy & coz the skin there very fragile thus torn n bleed easily too. U try endure 1-2 days & don't stretch & clean regularly shd be ok le. Not too sure if urs is like mine then la.

Pantang/ Myths:
Bewildered: That's what I heard la & was scolded the last round when I mc.
1) my Neighbour came my plc without telling me she's preggy , then im in my 1st trim & she's abt few wks more so still can't see. Then she hugsss my boy like no ppl business ( which she usually don't do tt) then keep mumbling she hope to have a bit like mine( coz her #1 2008girl normal,#2 2009 autistic ) I just find it so weird tt day usually shes not like tt. Then when I really mc in June 2012, u know what happened? She told me that ' I don't want hide fr u anymore, I'm preggy & you just mc, I cannot go out with u' plus ' my mum can't cook vinegar pig trotter for you coz it's not gd for my baby to be'. Wahh piang she can say that to me!!!
If really she so pantang ( everyone have diff deg of it) then you shd know you preggy shdnt even be closed to my boy like what she did( that night not sure if coincident, my boy fall sick then for days n high fever till 40.5!!) . I told myself scientifically it's my previous baby whose weak & can't survive thru, on 2nd hand I blamed myself for not following those pantang thingys.

2) Another Sept 2009 mummy frd of mine, we are so closed that our kids met so often n we SMS everyday!! So she told me then during tt pregnancy I shdnt be so pantang,1st trim can tell ppls de y need hide & she broadcasted to our common Frds.. This n tt r just myths. So when I mc in june2012, again she told me off that I shd not blame my Neighbour , it's just my own body which can carry that baby( we very direct to each other all the while so well as modern mummy & now aldy 21st century I shdnt believe in those pantang thingys). So What Happened afterwhich ? Last mth she told me she preggy !!!3mths+ gog 4th mths! On 1 hand tell me don't be pantang, on another hand if she herself not pantang she will hide till after 1st trimester then tell me?

Conclusion: I just feel no harm believing since only in 1st trimester.Thats personally for my belief at least for now,any way just few more wks to endure thru. Looking forward to 2'd trimester .

Oh there's red date without seed? & confirm ok for us?I been avoiding it coz im told it's heaty.

SMH forum posts:
Just to check , do u all encounter after u read n posted then suddenly the next visit here u see new posts among the older one which u din see prior ur last reply ? I'm thinking is it my side network problem.
Morning ladies...

TGIF... Bumped into my big boss this morning and he asked whether it's a boy or gal. I told him i dont know yet. Sometimes i just feel that he's just making conversation...

I was told that i was not supposed to let people know the pregnancy in the first 3 months... However, my Sil has two and both she announced within the first three months and both of them are adorable...

I was told to take care of what i eat during pregnancy and avoid cooling stuff. But i always seem to get "heaty" very easily... Then i will counter it with stuff like watermelon and pears...

Issit really that bad?
nlimm: yes, u can go ZTP (正中平)to buy, jz tell the sales person red dates without seeds and they will show u.
there are two types of packaging, 150gm and 300gm (if I remember correctly).
Good morning Mummies =)

nlimm: Your neighbour and the mummy fren... cannot make it leh. >.<

fool4love: Maybe don't take too much watermelon and pears as they are very cooling, taking a little to counter the heaty-ness is probably okay. If unsure can consult TCM for advice.

In terms of revealing the news, I only let my close friends, close colleagues, boss and parents know in the early pregnancy, they are the same people I would confide in for support if things do not turn out well.
JC: hahaa u got the same birthday as me! ^^ ^5!!

kiringal: my MS gets better.. slightly better only =) but still everytime eat very little.

nlimm; ya neighbour quite bad leh as in the way she say... but for me i dont really pantang on people who hug my #1 this and that. infact this is the first time i heard.. as long they dont step on me can liao. they want luck u take lor i give u but u dont hai me lor. but u mean pregnant woman cannot go to pregnant house meh?

faints and ya sep 09 mummy also very weird, tell u this and she herself do abit selfish lo when she say tell everyone when she dont tell... -_____- for me now i still didnt tell anyone im pregnant only some people that ask.. i duno how to say also those for some. maybe i have no confidence ba. hhehe i just let baby tell people her/him self. lol
Nlimm: wah,ur neighbour's really 不自动 n jialat loh.. Those remarks tt she made were totally uncalled for and insensitive.. But ur fren oso v funny, doesnt preach what she said..

Erm, then is there anythg pantang abt carrying or visting anyone's bb's full mth party? Coz am really hoping tt i can attend cousie's bb's full mth party.. But scared if she'll be pantang abt mi attending? Any ideas?

Chiro: sama sama.. Oso told only close frens for support..
nlimm : maybe can remove the seed yourself if you happen to buy those with seeds?

Re: superstition
I'm a first time mum and personally i try not to think too much abt superstition. I guess the reason behind not telling others in first 3 mths is because first 3 mths is v unstable. Imagine the emotional stress the mummy gotta brave through if she told everyone and *touchwood* something happened and everyone start to console her or look at her in a pitiful way, etc. I think it will only add on to the sadness the mummy is feeling.

For me, I'll talk to bb more often. Like when attending wedding, I will tell bb that we're going to wedding of who and who and lets be happy for them. I find talking to bb helps in my ms. sometimes I'll tell bb that im going to bring him to eat this and that, must be good not to make me puke. and yes, i only feel a lil nausea after eating and didn't puke at all. Normally i'll puke at least half of what I ate after meals. So maybe talking to bb really helps in a way. haha.

Ya I'm so sad then.. Imagine tt Neighbour frd who stay just upstairs of me &amp; our kids been playing for so long. When shes unwell, I still cook n tabao for her lor. She really made me tears then but it's ok over aldy. It made me stronger, then I cooked my own mini confinement food n go to a chi restaurant to eat their vinegar pig trotter. And jan 2013 mummies very nice, they pm me to tell me where to get or easiest way to cook lor. Then another frd of mine instead just a acquaintance frd of mine told me her mum cooks nice vinegar pig trotter &amp; cooked a wk supply for me.

Ya like shit right this type of ppl it's ok gd I know early.
As for the preg woman visiting part, it's more of 1st trim coz it's unstable n some r very weak type so best not to let other preg woman come to ur Plc when u preg( This fr my Aunty). She nvr mentioned 2nd n 3rd trimesters. Meet outside is ok for 2nd n 3rd trim guessed coz baby aldy stable . I googled then but din find this info in chi custom but yes in Indian custom.
For tt sept 09 mum she's now mar13 mum. When she told me she's preggy, I just say congrat I also nvr ask if since she don't believe I'm those pantang thingy till almost 4 mths then tell me. No pt also right. My Hb also say forget it just don't talk to her so much.
Sama now I also don't tell but my colleagues all can see xox my tummy showing fast. When they asked, I just smile and say ya 1st trim sshh then they know I pantang aldy coz they knew abt my previous mc too.
Let's not talk abt her. I tears even when typing now when I recall.
Cousin's bb full mth: u need ask her leh if u not pantang n she's not it's ok . Then when my #1 full mth, 1 of my frd preggy she told me her mil told her cannot attend my #1 full mth coz she preggy I'm ok with it.

No leh coz I think it's grew at diff period of time n diff breed that's y diff effect ba, not just remove can le ( I assume la). I googled n gotten a list of heaty n cooling food somewhere b4. Let me go find the link
nlimm : really ah? haha. I'm not sure too. but i think i heard abt removing the seed so not heaty so i thought it's the seed itself.
nlimm &amp; vicvic:
actually is same breed, the only difference is the without seeds one has been go thru the process of seeds removal.Is more convenient~~~
I was pantang when I got married
Got scolded by my fren
But when she got married, even more pantang than me

Take it easy
If u believe, go ahead
If not, ignore the rest

That is what I learn


I jus attend bb shower
Got one more
Dunno whether to go or not
nlimm: a friend of mine told me not to carry other babies just in case the baby inside me "xiao qi". Haha! but that was after i carried my youngest nephew numerous times...

So i guess it's really up to individual... But one thing for sure, try to avoid carrying heavy stuff
Nlimm: wah that's really hurting coming from ur close friend.. yupz now trying to refrain from rubbing.. n change panty liner more frequently.. Hope it's nth serious..

Re: pantang
If I know I will try to avoid.. better safe than sorry.. eg cannot use scissors on bed.. cannot carry other bb when preggy etc.. cuz if ath happen..the elders sure blame us from not listening to them..
Nowadays our bodies are not like our moms or grannies. We are weaker. Mc can happen anytime in all three trimesters. Just that we may not hear of it all the time.

Take mc as a process of ultimately getting a child. Prob difficult to do for first timer mc. But i m a serial mc so from experience ,third time onwards our minds become mentally strong n prepared. I finally reach 12 weeks today but i know it doesnt mean i m "safe". Still have to slow down in activities, eat well, eat carefully. Jia you mummies
Morning ladies.

Previous post some how went missing so can't really remember wat I typed.

Last nite was a bad nite for me, can't get to slp due to nose blockage (both side), use mouth to breath then have tat weird taste, went toilet 3times trying to vomit out wat I had but cannot come out.

fabbie: yeah me Scorpio, read a mummy bday on 9 Nov me 10 Nov. hehe. U Scorpio too?

nlimm: ur neighbour really CMI. Read already also blood boil.

Superstition: I quite believe on the first tri not to mention to anybody so for my preg including this I also did not tell anybody including our parents. So I juz act normal. As for attending wedding dinners or baby shower I still go. As for moving furniture, cutting or sewing on the bed, hanging photo frame, moving bed frame I will avoid.

Then bb things I dun buy so early maybe 1mth b4 EDD. Then will only wash like 1-2wks before EDD. During my first preg, MIL told me to only fix up bb bed when I'm in hospital. I'm the kind of person if someone mention 'eh better dun do this' I usually will follow. 宁可信其有.
Tsm :
Icc wahh then I try remove those in my fridge still have alot haha then put into my soup tonight 1st

Usually it's like tt de 1) maybe she still don't know then herself &amp; 2) coz don't happen on herself yet haha

Oh the version I heard is cannot carry other baby coz not gd for tt baby, it's gd for ours actually.

Yes actually so hurting!
U told ur Gynae abt it aldy , had she see it n see if it's pimple or others?

Haiz ya now I slow down on everything &amp; avoid carrying heavy things too
Sama here. There's a post I typed yest din appeared too I'm thinking maybe my Wkplc network prob. Today at home all ok. But I read a frd fb post yest SH cable for some area have prob.
Exactly she can't make it fortunately I only wasted 1.5 yrs of my frdship with her. Really hope to shift out of this Plc n forever don't see her fortunately todate I din bump onto her at all
Hello mummies!

I am abit pantang, even for #2. So things I know I will avoid, but I dun purposely go and listen or find out more. My friend recently will be having a ROM, so I told her I cant go..but I am not sure whether it is "not good" for me or for her. So in case she pantang, I better not go..
I guess having no #3 won't be a bed of roses lah but I'm looking forward to having another small one, and the fun the kids will have together.

In terms of housework, seriously, as long as the kids have clean clothes to wear, the rubbish is cleared, the kitchen is still visible, I guess I'm Ok with it. Got no helper but am considering engaging a part time helper. If not can go crazy leh esp with a demanding full time job.

You have 45 days of annual leave to clear?! How WONDERFUL!!! U working in police force ah? Hehe, it seems the police are the only people I know who have tonnnes of leave. Envious leh. I have 10 days of leave balance for this yr. Next yr will get another 21 days. I hope i can take full 4 months so I can spend some time with the kids.

Aiyoh, why your neighbour like that, happy2 go people's house, then so insensitive in her comments? Nevermind lah dont' bear grudges ok, importantly you have a safe pregnancy
Hi mummies!

Oscar: Saw earlier thread that most of you have went for the oscar screening and results are all positive. congrats! anyone when thomson to do oscar test? the sonography that did for me initially cant take some measurements hence another sonography came but dont tell me that the results are ok or not leh. hope everything is ok ;P

Gender: wow it is so great to know gender during oscar screening! that's really fast to know our baby gender!

Pantang: i went wedding dinner in my first mth of pregnancy without knowing that i am preggie and going to attend children birthday this wkend but avoid shifting things in the house like sofa, bed, painting and sewing in master bedrm. my mum also asked my hb to set up baby playpen during my stay in hospital for my first 2 pregnancy.
hi mummies and mummies to be...

just came back from lunch... it's soooo hot outside...

Pantang: I did not go to wakes. Attended a bday celebration... So should My mil also doesnt allow me to set up the cot and stuff now. She says to wait for my last month before i can "shift" anything...
i have a wedding dinner in Dec. I think i will give it a miss because the food i all cannot eat. Usually is the couple who are more pantang..and not the preggy one in the sense.

unless is really very close friends...than i will go
pinktulip: nope, m in the private section, in the shipping industry. Is just that i bought forward 22 days last year and another 22 days this year... so i have to finish clearing all the leave, if not will get 'eaten'.. :0

nlimm: think there are just all sort of neighbours and even frens ard. Most important is that u dun get affected by them and stay positive.
rejoy28: wow you accumulated lots of leaves, so shiok keke

I'm taking leave to attend a ROM ceremony in Dec, by then might be just week 15-16 weeks. Actually I didn't know about the pantang of cannot attend weddings, is this more for the safety of bb or the couple's side? :0
chiro, yap... eversince i join the company, m always using the year before leaves. so i am always trying to clear leave....

think it is really up to u, for mi i attended a few weddings, baby shower, etc... of coz maybe u can check wif ur fren if they are ok...
JC: yeah!!

Esther wah.. ya 1 day after me! we have 3 scorpion mummies! ^^ me n JC 9th!

pinktulip: yeah thats what i want. wish to have more so that seeing the kids can play together very fun lo. very cute also ^^

nlimm; haiz.. weird people but i can understand.. the feeling.. meeting weird people who are weird. lol just duno what they are thinking. ha!

Turnip: anyone know can eat anot huh? i have been eating that im so addicted to it. those like rojak one. i just go n buy and cut n deep in those prawn sauce and eat just like that.

sleepy: so sleepy today.. suddenly fell asleep on my com 2 times liao. Zzzz
rejoy28: yeah =)

fabbie: it's friday already and knocking off time, can go home rest ^^

Enjoy your weekend Mummies~~ =D
chiro: im not working but im most of the time online.. today knock out on my bed when im online like 2 times wah... Zzzz very sleepy

JC: Turnip i duno popiah got anot. but those rojak one have. but im talk about raw one leh. just chop of the skin and munch like raw carrot hahah damn yummy lol
I not too sure wor

Saw bb..already can see the shape and hands moving. Doc schedule me for oscar testing on 23 nov.
Today went for Oscar scan, it took only 5 mins. Gynae says measurement looks good. But result only out in a week.
Bb hands and legs are pushing and kicking... So nice to see tat..

My next appt 1 dec
so long way to go...

Ladies, enjoy ur weekend
Baby kk
I understand... My neck is very long now...counting down to 15 nov for my Oscar test n consultation...... I finally decided to go ahead with the test coz I can see bb
wah.. im waiting for 26 nov for my next scan.. Zzz doing eat 5 durian so full! anyone can feel baby inside moving?

good to hear that BBK!
Babykk: good to hear your good results!
all will go well. I can't wait for mine too on 12 Nov.. Counting down.. Did Dr foong tells you when is your edd during the scan if it bought forward or remains?

Fabbie: nope! I can't feel surging yet.. What abt yourself? I love durians! I think my baby loves it too.. Cos that I kept having nausea and vomitted out my dinner.. When dh comes back with durians.. I took a few knowing that I will vomit but still go ahead and eat but surprisingly my nausea went off.. Haha..

Vi: our appt date is quite near.. Lets count down together..
Oscar scan is really fun. Able to see quite a lot of things as compared to the usual scan..
all will go well for you. Cheers!

fabbie: the turnip can eat in moderation but dun dip in those rojak sauce. My very own experience when I had my #1, crave so much for rojak do keep eating in the end when bb born very poor thing whole face covered with big patches of red rash. Heard from my mum is becoz I ate the rojak sauce (prawn sauce is toxic), but after a few days it'll disappear but I see already very poor thing so the subsequent pregs I ban rojak.

Woah 1 day apart. Hahaha. And it's coming next week. I'm always excited abt my bday so can receive present. Hehe.

Shirley: my appt on 15 Nov, can count down together. Hahaha.
