(2013/05) May 2013

chiro: Yeah, no more perpetual nausea. And I find I'm able to get more things done. I woke up yesterday and I had this energy that had been missing for awhile. Hahaha I hope it's here to stay. :p

Bbkk: I heard Tao Hua cannot eat, cos there is something added in used to harden the soya bean, (I forgot what) which is bad for bb. But you can drink soya bean drink. Not so sweet type. I love soya bean drink.
Rant: Just receive one big arrow from boss. Bleh. felt stressed, and can feel a bit of cramp at the womb. It is really true that when the mummy is stressed, the bb can definitely feel it!! lets jia you and heck the evil bosses!!

Ange: thanks! could be I still wake up at nite cos of my boy..sometimes he will toss and turn and whine abit in his sleep. haha!
morning ladies.. it's a busy week for me....

My boss should be considered "understanding" ba... i doubt i will be promoted this year so i will just do my best and not stress myself out by taking on new tasks actively....

It's really not easy dealing with backstabbing colleagues...
Yeah I also heard soya beancurd cannot eat, the thing to harden the soya bean like what charliebrown mentioned, not sure if it's gelatin or something?

If you can make yourself, black beans mixed with soya beans make a very nutritious milk Good source of folate, iron and fibre =D

Charliebrown: Jiayou and de-stress!
i think it is not possible for working mother to be totally not stress over work, but think we juz ve to learn to take it at a slower pace and try to keep our mood light n happy n try not to be too stress..

Take care mummies...
Oh no, really cannot eat tao hua? I have been craving and eating alot of tao hua as dessert after dinner. *worried* shall stop now and dun let kiddo though i have cravings.

Charliebrown, i have the same experience. I was so stress forvthe two days, i kept feeling cramps n apparently, my face turned white. So better dont stress urself.

Hope all of us can tide over these tough period. My only motivation is to look forward to ML.
tao hua have the 'cement powder'.they say eat le, the bb will hunch inside the womb. So better to avoid.
chiro: My mom makes them herself using the Joyoung Soy Milk Maker. I won't do it myself... cleaning up is a hassle! :p

Positive thoughts ladies. Hope work goes smoothly for you ladies.
ikudo: think best not to eat tao hua, I heard this from my TCM dr and my MIL also. But don't worry about those you have taken, just stop for now bah. =)

Ange: Lucky you hehe. I don't like cleaning up too keke.
thanks ladies: i shall BAN that rojak sauce.. =( its so additive T____T

nlimm: i can sleep but i wake up about 3 or 4am for pee i cant sleep. so i will play abit of game on my phone think maybe about 1-2hrs later i slept again lol

Ange: same leh! but im having slight nausea still. but i can eat alot recently hahaha
hello ladies,

I am new here, so just to say hi to you. I am now 14w+, this will be my first baby, so quite excited and nervous...

Monday is always tough, especially when I had a dream last night that I lost my unborned baby! It made me no appetite for the breakfast, untill I checked <周公解梦> and it said a pregnent lady's dream of losing baby actually means the baby is in good condition and nothing should be worried. Huh, what a relife...

Wish you all have a good day!
Welcome Kristina~
wah this kind of dreams quite stressful, don't think too much. At your current stage should be quite stable.
Dear All,
Just to let you all know that there is parenthood fair at singapore expo from the 09th Nov.

There is very good promo for merries and pampers.

For merries, buy 4 packs of Tapers or 6 packs of pants, free 1 pack.

Price: S$21.95. (M64/L54/XL44)

Price: S$13.95 (M33/L27/XL24)

For first time mum, you might really think it is really too early to buy things or stock up. but always look out for such fair, usually every half a year, they have such fair and usually the promo is VERY good, normally the price cant find it outside one.
Learnt sth tdy.. cannot take tao hua.. How abt the drink? Shd be OK right.. I quite like e drink..

Ya! I really salute to all working mummies.. need to endure e stressful workload n boss..

Re: Ms
Seems better.. only at night feel nauseous.. way to go man.. Hope it can completely go away!!
Hi, mummies...
I experiencing pregnancy pelvic pain since I woke up this morning, any mommies experiencing the same pain?
I feel painful even walk for few steps only....standing or sit down oso make me uncomfortable.

I am currently 13w, it it normal having this pelvic pain ?
charliebrown: my ths preg no crave for food at all. Sometimes think of food I also feel like puking.

Tau hua: oops cannot eat?? I have been eating Lao ban at least once a week. Gotta stop and ban.

Bbkk: I'm in the same condition as you. Nvr eat fel so hungry and giddy, eat already feel like vomiting wat I ate. After eating do you keep burping?

ikuko: god tat ur Oscar result is good.

Hi Kristina, welcome. Erm wat I dream, think I'll jump up fom my slp. Haha. But heard that real life is opposite of dream.

rejoy28: thanks for ur update. Gonna stock up on merries. Very expensive if w/o this kind of good deals leh.

tsm: u feeling better? Or u can call ur gynae and check?
they say lau ban is pudding, not the traditional tau hua. Also good to eat lesser coz of the sugar.

pregnant already have a lot of weird dreams. Almost every night, my dreams very vivid and strange.

feeling nausea and abit of heartburn today...jia lat...i was telling hubby...mine should be Trim 1 okie but Trim 2 bad type. lie on the sofa can sleep immediately
Dreams: I also have weird dreams at nite. Very vivid too.

Working mums: actually I feel that being a SAHM is not easy either. I was previously a SAHM to my boy for 1 year plus. Now become FTWM. Both are tired and different type of stress. working at least got some time to surt net. When I was a SAHM, hardly any time! Got to do so much housework too. SAHM could be boring too. But the most precious thing being a SAHM is I could bond with my boy. I did not miss his milestone during his first year of growing up
Esther, I seldom burp so I know the air wanted to come out from my mouth but yet can't so end up vomit. Tat the sad part.
Today the whole day i m giddy n nausea.
Throbbing head. Not headache. Just throbbing in the brain. Feeling super uneasy. This existence is really unbearable
Just curled up in the sofa unable to do anything. Feel weak thruout. Heart palpitations in addition to throbbbing head. Whats happening to me.... Any of u have it this bad?? Stomach extremely wierd n queasy. Lunch already came up just now. Yet i didnt feel better. I really wish all these symptoms can improve n lessen. Really really hoping. 9 mths like this is no joke
Oh dear mami, it must be hard on you. I really admire ur braveness during ur previous pregnancy that u gone thru out 9 months.
Is anyone at home to look after u? Or u watch tv or other stuff to keep u occupied to forget about the illness?
Hope u get better soon
Mami: I also admire u.. if I'be ms for 9mths I think I will stop at 1.. take panadol!!! I dunno pop How many already..
Mami: *pat pat* If it's very bad better to visit the clinic and see if they can give you medication or something. Feel better soon!
Tsm: is ur pain intermittent or continuously? I also feel short sharp pain at the pelvis , legs and abdomen . I read it is ligament tear at the muscle support the uterus . If u feel very pain like period pain, then u got to c the gynea
Ange, my edd on 11th May. Have you decided where to deliver? Maybe we can be neighbours. Haha.

Tsm, better see ur gynae n do a detailed check. Must take care of yourself.

Mami, kudos to ur endurance. For me, if i've to endure this for nine months, i will freak out. Hang in there n hope u r feeling better by now.

Charliebrown, how do you manage both work, kid n ur pregnancy? I always admire women who can do.this like effortlessly.
I took 4 mths ml 1 shot then n returned hoping her attitude will change but nvr so after abt2 wks I tendered n serve 1 mth notice but by the time I minus my annual leave I just need serve another 1 wk!!! Haha

So nice u can still claim Mcys 2 mths!! Mine Parttime basis I don't think can claim hor?
I had trobbling headache for a day b4 w the what vomit can't vomit type of feeling but I endure thru din take panadol I just try zz more. I only take panadol unless can't endure anymore. If ur condition very bad, y not u call in ur Gynae n ask if any medicine to ease ur symptoms ?

Wahh envy, looking forward to my 13 wks too! My today ms terrible ESP fr 330pm till now .

Sama here , don't know what to eat so I wontnpuke. But laksa which initially I won't puke also made me sick.

Duo hua:
Ya shd not eat. The drink can.

Sama here . I zz ard 10-2 am then awake till ard4+ then zz till 5+ up n zz again till 7am

Kristina :
Welcome! Oh tt dream thingy true ?

Mine is at the butt bone area, urs front or back?
Oops!! Tdy I'm so guilty.. I had coke for lunch.. cold yuzu tea for dinner n I'm having mango pomelo dessert now.. bb must be feeling v cold e whole day.. :p
Icic, i doubt the situation will change for the better after im back to work. Guess i will quit after one month after returning.
Hi Mummies, today is my doctor visit!! Seen baby today!! 4cm today. I am 11 weeks. Doctor say baby looks good!!! So happy to hear that.. I was giggling and my baby move legs n hands like giving me us a wave.

It's so small but everything is forming. The head, hands n legs clearly seen. I read even nails is starting to form!! Wonders of nature.

I have started to go out to work, energy level came back but now I work half day n try not to stress myself out. Quite hard to balance stress like how some mummies spoke about!

Going for Oscars next Monday!! My clinic told me result can get on the same day!! I see early am for Oscar and evening time, schedule to see doctor. I prefer this way. No need to wait for result..

Looking forward to it!
Kiringal, it's always amazing to see the little one isnt it? My bb doesnt kick n wave that much... think he/she is like me.. nua nua one. All the best to ur scan next week.

P.S: seems like my energy slowly recovering. Hope it will continue.
ikuko: I'm delivering @ Raffles. Gynae only delivers there.

nlimm: Getting there soon!

mami: Better inform your gynae of your condition and see what can be done.
nice kiringal! good to hear that! ^___^

wah suddenly feel like eating drunken prawns hahahaha so hungry arghz.. i better go n sleep now. NITES! lol
How many of u are still taking utrogeston?
Is it necessary to keep taking it til tri 2 or 3?
Am thinking of stopping after this month.
Morning ladies! Today I woke up lying face upwards. And as usual I will start to touch my little tumtum then some how today I touch something quite hard that pop out! Is like a ball hump like that I touch abit it's quite hard. Do u think its my baby? I took a photo show my hub he say quite obvious! I'm thinking whether is bb stuck of what so I move side ways and back to face up again still the same. Zzz anyway I have to pee so I went and lay down the ball hump gone. I'm thinking is it I'm too thin? That I can feel the ball hump? I'm very scare bb no space inside lol. This week I'm 14 weeks le.
Fabbie: we can eat drunken prawns meh? My mum said it's OK to take cooked alcohol.. but I'm not sure if the alcohol in drunken prawns is fully cooked..

Ya! Tummy getting obvious.. time to make announcement liao.. lol! Going for Oscar ltr.. nervous!!
Good morning!

nlimm, mine is back side.How long u have experiencing tis pelvic pain ?

Ikuko/Esther/Dian tang, thanks! I feel much better today.
I think most probably is my sleeping position caused me suffered the pain yesterday.
Wil try to avoid sleeping on my back...
Hi everybody, done Oscar yesterday, bb 6cm, HR 172bpm, neck thickness 1.6cm. We took super long for the scan, more than 30 min, sonographer said bb very very active, hai yo, another active baby. Spent $468 in total, i think it's so ex for SGH.
Everything looks ok, results next visit. The thing that really made me happy was that i haven gained any weight yet!! Hooray! Same weight first visit at wk 7, now wk 12. Yes! Hope i can stay the same weight next visit at 16 wks. Only bb grow, mummy stay the same size, that will b perfect.Cos i haven told my parents yet, only plan to tell them in Jan when my #1 goes to childcare.
Becos i dun think my mum will b happy with another bb to look after...
fabbie: Midnight cravings! Hahaha

iko: Have fun seeing baby later!

fruitloops: No weight gain is great news! I was pretty happy with my 0.5kg weight gain between weeks 7 and 12 too. Hahaha
iko; that time i got buffet dinner i got eat hehee very YUMMY but not alot... im excited for u on ya oscar!! update us!! ^^

tsm: usually if i have those pain i will rub rub abit and breathe then slowly pain will gone le. =)

Fruitiloops: wah for only osar 468 is quite ex. but good that baby everything is okai! hahaa yah i havent gain weight too.. Zzzz i cant wait to gain weight actually LOL

Ange: ya crazy right.. but after the post i knock out. hahahaha
Ikuko..that time when u did your oscar at NUH, did they give you MC for that day?

my leave super limited.
Mami, my gynae wanted me to take that until week 16. But I nego with her n she agreed to stop at wk12. But i haf to see her immediately if i spot.
I m at wk10, n running out of med
Hehee... My hub told me to stop coz it makess me feel terrible. N as long as no spotting, it is ok.

Ladies, anyone recover fr ms, only to find it back again?
hi mummies,
Have been MIA for quite awhile.
I have just done my oscars test and the results are good. so happy! My babies are so cute; you can actually see them moving already, like exercising.
Bbkk : I love soya bean drink too, even tot some ppl said cannot drink too much coz got that hardening ingredient, like what charlie brown said. But some ppl said drink soya drink is good, baby skin will be fair. Take in moderation should be fine. But no duo hua, my gynea also asked me dun take that.

I also at times get so emotionally tired and i cried for nothing also. Guess is just some hormones change. I keep myself happy by talking to friz, share experience. You will realise that you are not alone and you won’t feel that unhappy anymore..
fruitloops: wow, so good u hv no weight gain!! And, glad to hear yr gd results in the OSCAR test.

Ange/fabbie, I really envy u all! I gained weight 3 kg between my week 6 and 12 !

JC, I request MC from gynae when i did my Oscar last week.

im in my 13wks but im still experiencing ms.
Certain things really very pang tan. when i visited my gynea two weeks back, he asked me if i still have ms, i told him seem better now. Then my hubby added i tot you still have ms. but i ignore his comments lah
The next thing when i went home, i keep vomiting the whole day...so certain things better dun say..
