(2013/05) May 2013

Punk tulip, yes mans. It's so tramatizing and luckily my little beanie is doing fine...

Iko0508 - yea that old hag has my MD as support.. MD trust her well as one of the pioneer staff still there. But she's forever Stucked at accountant. After 20yrs there, she's still an accountant.

Thanks to all the mummies here for ur consolations. Haha..

Fabbie, Even if they asked me back, I'll also leave after my ML ends... It's already a bad experienced there and I don't wish to stay any longer after my ML... Sigh I don't think my new FC is able to do much as this termination is done before she's here.. So shrewd of them! Even if I go back, I doubt they'll confirm
me and pay me year end bonuses. It'll probably be my monthly salary only.. And I needs it mans! Haha

Re: pregnancy photoshoot
Back then during motherhood expo, I've signed up a package with the famous Sean Lau photography.. But it only comes with 5photographs. Got to pay 300 for all the shoots taken within that 2hrs if I wants it back. No expiry date so I'll most likely be doing it next yr when I'm in my third trimester... Would be doing a family shoot together with #1... For mummies who're keen, can probably wait for the next big event expo fair cos there're bounced to have photo shoots for all these.
Wt81, Erm I just had that over the weekend. Turkey ham add tuna with all the Lettues etc... And I had subway for at least 3-4x just for last week,., sudden liking for it and I'm able to stomach it well. I do have another 6-inch at hm waiting for me...

I hope ur fine though... Could it be ur bowels movement??
Fabbie: ya.. I also don't know why so ex.. I think my never include detail scans.. They call it Oscar scan.. Think Friday I will ask again.. I hope I won't kenna cut throat..
thanks reddish. feels much relieved aft seeing your comments. coz am coming to 12th wk liao... praying that bb will be ok coz gg for oscar scan nx wk
wt81: dun worry.. if u eat sth wrong it will not affect ur bb one.. envy!! u r approaching the end of ur 1st trimester!!

Reddish: some pple r lidat.. no contribution to the company but company still keep them.. dunno what r the strings attached.. hmm..

re: photoshoot
if i have money i dun mind doing both.. cuz i'm stopping at 2 too.. but i tink its better to save up.. =(
bbkk, tks for the info! Wil check accordingly.
Btw, can't wait for my next appointment, miss my bb so much!

Do we need to drink a lot of water before doing the OSCAR Test?
Oic… I didn’t drink a lot of water on my past ultrasound scan, then my gynae pressed very hard on my tummy to scan…

Mummies, I dun know my bb heartbeat and gynae never tell me oso…
And on that time I heard the heartbeat but is not very loud, is it caused by the bladder is not full enough?
Is it normal if heartbeat is not very loud during 8 weeks pregnancy?

Now too free, have time to “think east think west” (想东想西)。。。
Thanks tsm... i thought fish oil = cod liver oil. =p

I'm okay with subway... Had that when i was 4 weeks and i was okay...

I have sudden craving for orange juice.
Cheryl, haha I think 2-3 servings a week is fine.. For #1, I also enjoys tuna esp tuna breads... Haha not much food appetites me now and I'm left with limited choices... ;p

Oh mans, I'm so bored! When I'm hm with #1, I'm so dead tired! Without her around, I'm so bored and unable to nap as my mind is full about work and $$$!! How do sahm survives at hm???
yvonne: u made me feel like having old chang kee!! sobs sobs!! there is no old chang kee in HK!!

not enough shoes: wow! my next appt is this coming thurs.. n i'll be ard 9.5 weeks too.. so i can expect to see the same thing? how exciting!! hee!!
Tsm: oooh icic. maybe detail scan is different? for mine infact he didnt told me detail scan is included also. till i ask my SIL. thats for my gynea side. not sure about yours =)

wt81: eat too much is it? veg can eat ah.. cannot eat meh? i love to eat salad! That time i eat n eat the buffet dinner till tummy so big till my two side of the tummy cramp wah... super uncomfortable and i ate 3 raw salmon its super damn nice! =X from what i felt can eat raw but not TOO much. =)

Reddish: some of the company will noted that after u come back to MLeave than u can leave if not u need to pay or whatever so. must see the appt letter wor.. just be careful.. so now ya still in the company or what? btw where u stay? *whisper* infact im also very BOred! and my #1 also go school full day so i always nua all the way at home. somemore my mum didnt work is to take care of my #1 -____- and ya now we cannot anyhow spend lor! need to watch out for ya money spending. but if ya hub can help u abit why not? is just that now our #1 no sub le for school haiz.. abit tough.

Shirley: but i felt usually MT E or MT A usually is more ex? KK is the most cheapest.
Hi mummies!

Bbk, your gynae provide 4D scan ah? My gynae don't have 3D or 4D scan. But I still went for a 3D scan during #1 as that time my #1 was suspected to have cleft lip so I went to check. Thank God don't have
but even with 2D scan, my #1 had a cord around neck and was detected during normal 2D scan. Thus I induce bb at 38 weeks when cord detected.

Finally secured my confinement lady! 2.3k
Re: Photoshoot

Not big on maternity shoots as i don't particulary like my pregnant form. But yes, likely close shop after this baby too.

I've booked a friend to come to the house to take new born shoot for #2. I just want very natural shots... not studio looks so she was ok with house call. If anyone is keen on seeing her portfolio just PM me and I'll send you the link to her page. Don't want to come across as soliciting here. Hahaha
yvonne: I've been craving for curry since sunday. Strange. Considering taking spicy foods will give me the runs. Oh well.
Bkkk: yeah done my scan. the size of the baby had grow but the heart beat had reduce
After hearing this, had been very sad & tired. I have to visit the gynae weekly now to take blood & scan. Feeling very tired & depress.

Dear mummies, Like to for CL. Did you apply permit or just on socal pass?

For those mummies, I have been eating salad daily. No problem, just ensure that you wash properly.
Reddish, I think it's too much for your coy to terminate u based on one-sided account. Is yours a small coy? Seems like there's no proper procedures in place on treatment of such matters. I really hope they will pay u your ML!
I am on leave tmr to bring my #1 for jab followed by my own gynae visit. So excited! Can't believe I'm exiting my 1st tri next week! And quite happy that I've not gained any weight. It wasn't deliberate though as my appetite was not gd since pregnant. In my last pregnancy, I gained a whopping 19kg and had leftover 2-3 kg. So hopefully I won't gained as much this time round.
Ange - hehe im like u i dont like my pregnant form lol.. infact im okai for my pregnant form wearing sweet dresses but i cannot take it to be like half naked with a big tummy hahaha about the come to house take newborn i did that for my #1 when she's 1 month old! but i guess #2 no chance liao.. cus bo money.. hur hur hur.. need to save n save

sunflower; cheer up.. dont sad if not will stress ya baby de.. but so far u weekly see ya gynae everything is it okai? think more on the positive side ya! but u saw ya bb screen the heartbeat still moving fast right? dont worry. =) *hugs* btw how many weeks are u in now? usually i felt 5-8weeks is the most most impt weeks so do have more rest dont think too much ya.
ange / fabbie: I m suppose to be on week 8 but based on current development, my gyane said the development seen to be a week plus late. yeah, still hv heartbeat but hard to get. now every Friday have to do scanning and blood test until it is more stable. during the last 2 weeks, i started to loss weight & eat less. Frankly, a lot of time I have forgotten I m pregnant hence keep forget to talk to the bb.

Don worry I will continue to stay strong with all the mummies here. Hope the baby rush back the speed at the later stage.
hi Ange,

same, i seem to be always craving for curry.. laksa etc.. hehe...

oh ya, can u pm me the link n contacts for the new born shoots. can they take e shots for my gal together w e bb?
Eil: Keep talking to baby! Gambattene!

Yvonne: My curry craving satisfied. Hubby kindly bought prata early morning before he went to work. Hehe Have PMed you link to website. Go check it out.
morning ladies!!

wow. lotsa post to catch up on! have been buzi the whole of laz week preparing for my boy's 1st bdae party. super tired out & glad tt i can finally rest abit if #3 allows. he getting more active whereas im so tired out. constantly on the move n 'disturbing' me. lol.

seen my dr laz wk. still nothing much in d sac but my hcg levels are veri good according to him so gonna scan again this thur. *fingers & toes crossed*

welcome! we'r under the same dr! =)

preg ps
i took for #1 & #2 coz doing as promo shots for mummy's workplace. hehe. #3 wanted to take but my assigned photographer laz min unable to make it n i popping in a couple of days. am tinking of taking for #4 with all kor kors surrouding my tummy! lol.

take care dear. my #3 was also delayed n i did lotsa scans plus hormones pills n jabs. now a heathly noti baby. lol. im sure everyting will be ok k. lotsa rest helps too! =)
hello mummies, any recommendations on cheap and gd local maternity wear online shop that we can buy especially maternity casual shorts?

hi mI83
how many weeks along are you?
I'm about 8 weeks. Yet to see a gynae. So busy at work

I think BP refers to Bulk purchase threads in this forum? There are online shops you could visit to make maternity clothing purchases.

I wish I was at home! I dread going to work.
Actually how old are you kids? If it was me, I'd take them out of child care, but let them attend school (eg nursery, kindy) so they'll be away for a few hours for me to rest, then when they're back I won't feel so bored.

iko0508, fabbie
I'm also in the savings mode now. I try my best not to take cabs for personal use unless really bo pian or the kids are with me.
But yesterday I splurged on lunch with friends and also bought mcdonalds for the family at night. I reasoned that it was OK since I didn't cab the whole day. hehe.. but it's really hard to save $ hor. I intend to stay at home for a while after delivery. That's why need to save $.

How do you all survive financially? Your hubbies must be earning a lot such that you can stay at home!

Is the taste still there? Mine today not so bad. I really hope it'll go away soon.
ml83 / ange / tsm / Yvonne : I will thank. I was thinking I might want to take leave during this 2 weeks so that I work 2-3 days a week only.
bulk purchase. hav some sprees on maternity clothes. =)

i shud be 8wks this wk but edd cant confirm coz dr cant see anyting much from scan laz wk.

my hb is property agent so income based on his sales. depends abit on savings as well n cut down on spendings.
ml83 , is there any food we can eat to improve the heartbeat or any exercise ?? I been searching on net but could not find information on such case.
dr juz ask mi to rest more n eat small, frequent meals. but i tink tcm may have some tt can help bu but im not a fan of such tings.
I think I'm about there too. I remember for my #2 pregnancy I went to gynae when i was about 8 weeks. Could see baby. I always tear when i see baby's heartbeat during the first check up. But strangely I don't cry when i see baby for the first time after delivery.

Just gotta rest more ok. Don't worry so much and make lots of prayers.

Iko, Yvonne
I guess vitamin C Redoxon is fine. It's just a supplement right.
A bad day for me now down with sore throat, abit of cough and abit of running nose. Drinking lots of water the whole morning hoping to recover so at no need to take med.

Photo shoot: initially wanted to take maternity shots but looking at the marks on my tummy better dun. Hahaha.
Remembering saw one mummy mention abt Sean lau, will be signing that coz had it for #1&2. And yes I'm stopping at 3.

Maternity clothings: actually me nit very into getting maternity clothings coz super ex and only wear for awhile. But this time round will be different coz CNY so think gonna spend abit and get some nice clothings.

eil: take care and rest well. Have more positive thinking, bb can feel it.
it'll be good if you can take leave and rest at home until everything is more stable.

pinktulip: today nt much maybe becoz I keep drinking water. Me too have not gone to the gynae yet, will go this fri when bringing my boys for vaccination.

I saw a few mummies able to nua at home while the elder is attending sch, so envy. Me everyday have to rush, tiring.
esther: I swear by salt water gargles for sore throats. Just do it everytime it hurts... and yup drink lotsa water. Hope you get well soon!
Afternoon ladies, wah so tired.. wake up my #1 to school at 8plus then later fall asleep again till now then wake up.. -____- so hungry!

sunflower: try to eat more... relax... bed rest more.. its okai u forget to talk to bb. jus sayang ya tummy ya bb will know =) so fighting!!! did u take the dup pills or had jab?

Ange/Yvonne: curry me too leh! curry fish head! omg.. im drooling lol

ml83: haha finally ya back. hee must be damn tiring.. lol will finger cross with u!

pinktulip: for me since im not working i try not to go out. just stick at home.. dont move. LOL is quite tough when reach to weekends haiz..

fabbie: haha... I can't bed rest too much. I only bed rest when i m very sick. I have to do things or walk ard. If i rest at noon, night time my eyes will be as big as gold fish. I still on medicine but no jab yet.

Thanks pinktulip & esther. I will stay positive. haha.. I just enjoy my best Gong cha with pearls. I m sure the bb will like the pearls too.
