(2013/05) May 2013

novsnow : no other discomfort..or at least not so bad till it is bothering me. Bloated + slight pull below but it is still okie.

only thing i think for this 2 day been holding my bladder..but i am drinking alot of water.

going to monitor today...hopefully it's okie.

Porridge: hahaha im eating porridge with just mince meat and my favourite BOVRIL! yum yum. but later going to buffet dinner.. ZZzz duno how am i going to survive with all the foods when im trying hard not to puke.. arghzz

I love porridge... i ate that with fermentated tofu... i keep telling my hubby that this baby is quite "cheap" to maintain... Porridge and bee hoon and it's happy...

Worried79, gaviscon is for heartburn issit? Do consult ur gynae if can take or not. I remember myself almost taking it for #1, but forgot why I didn't take. You should check with gynae
Ariel, are you the same person using different account to post ur website in every thread from Jan to June thread and it seems to be around the same timing and this has been second time I found out.
eli, keep us posted on your scan today, m sure everything wld be fine. :0

gaining 1-2kg during first trim, i wld think it is alright.

for a normal weight people, when preggy, can gain up to 18kg.

for overweight, ard 8-12

for under, even more...

bbkk: Omg! After your post I went to check the other threads... there is a different "person" in each thread posting about the same online shop!
hi mummies...your porrridge and chicken soup idea is really good. going to make either one tomorrow.

Ange: what do u add in your chicken soup? as in any herbs?

mndy: you can also try honey with lemon water...its very comforting
) I am like you, always looking for sour stuff. ..i even drank on a few occasion passion fruit green tea with pearls :p

totally shack out today...but am soo glad tom is sat...
Ange and iko, i think she is fake. Totally same person but act like same month edd and join in conversation then promote her website. Actually she can jolly well just post her website no need do so extra. Haha. Wierd person

I do have shortless of breath. Esp at night.
Morninggggg alllll mummiesss
its sat!!!

I gained 25kg (47.5-72.5kg) for my #1 pregnancy but my Gynae nvr said I overwt leh

Same here really breathless even not walking

Better don't drink green tea for 1st trimester safer.

Same here!! Haha

Feeling naeseous lying down:
Help me anyone same as me ? Only today I feel naeseous lying down n up ahhhhh but nothing vomit out
Any one of u on anti-naeseous med?
Morn Mummies,

Wld like to find out how often are ur gyn apps in 1st trim? How spaced apart are they? If the first appt at 6w only saw a sac and plan's to take Oscar when at 12weeks but if no appt's scheduled in between, do u think tis okie? Thanks!
Bad night for me!!! Had headache yet cannot sleep.. so I got upaat 4 plus thinking of having some warm milk n biscuits then eat panadol.. aiyo! Who knows after drinking the milk I feltllike vomiting.. n true enuff I vomited all out.. din really sleep well n now my ger woke me up .. haiz!
haha bewildered u are here.
if i not wrong during my son time, 1st tri is every 2 weeks. den 2nd tri is every 3 week. if i am not wrong.... even this 1 oso every 2 weeks
Just back from second visit.
Saw the head and body and bb cord. Heartbeat 181bpm.
So happy bb is growing now at 2.23cm.

Bewildered, congrats, nice to see you here. Wave!!
My gynae 1st tri visit are once every 3 weeks.
2nd tri is every 4 weeks
3rd tri is every 2 weeks.
If u worried, go another visit on your 9 week then another one in 12 week for Oscar.
Mine is also first appt at my week 6, then today week 9, then have scheduled 3 week later for Oscar at 12weeks. Everything just in schedule.
Hi bewildered: good to see you here.. For my case, first appt and second at two weeks apart, third appt at 4 weeks apart cos Will be doing Oscar scan. If you're worried, can schedule another scan at your week 8/9. Usually 9 weeks can see baby's limbs. More distinguish.

Babykk: so happy for you that baby is growing well.
did you see baby's moving? I think fabbie saw hers waving at her thru the scan. Bet you can wait for Oscar.
Shirley, oh bb moving ah. I think mine sleeping never moved haha. Ya I can't wait for my next visit. Do you know how long is the result for Oscar? Within a day or have to wait?
welcome. Mine not sure coz later 1st appt . Based on #1, 1st trim is fortnightly .

Congrat!!! U at how many wks le? I'm counting down to mine at 1215pm now waiting to pick Hb fr work
ya shirley/bbk my doc scan and told me is moving when i see the screen i tout like bluff me is it. as my #1 is always sleeping only see her movin heartbeat. then i look carefully can see bb hands movin up n down n little legs are kicking.. when i saw that im like WOW... AMAZING! lol

nlimm ya.. i lie down also breathless.. i usually wake up i will vomit. but i try after food not to vomit. cus the food of smell u puke out is even making me more worst lo. lol
Nlimm, today scan show I am 8w6d. But I always base on my LMP, if LMP is 9w3d. Cos lmp faster and closer to end my first tri. Haha. Denial.... My edd bring forward one day earlier.
Update us ok. Excited to hear ur result too.

Maybe my bb still small? I can't see hand and leg yet Leh or gynae nv tell me. Maybe my next visit can see loh.
Yes you must be damn amazing to witness it.

Today I have sweet potato porridge for lunch. With sunny side up egg and Tao ki fishcake and vege. Just simple dish make my lunch so much appetite. Forget about pork floss. With it even better.

Can anyone tell me how to solve bloatness on upper stomach again? Ginger with water? Someone say before but sorry never take note earlier..
Suppose to take the glucose and throid test but the nurse cannot find my vein. Fast whole nite still nevermind but she poke n twist so long n so painful!

Haiz..have to go bac again next week. ..coz she need to take at least 5 bottles..even if manage to find a vein..later she need to find another one..really suffer for nothing
Babykk: the whole procedures will take roughly abt half an hour. For my side, don't think I can get the result on the same day cos need to draw blood.. But maybe the scan, gyne will roughly let you know? Did you go for Oscar for your #1?

Fabbie: so excited for you. For my week 9, manage to see baby moving his/her leg. Gt legs and arms also. Now looking forward to my Oscar this coming Fri.

Babykk: forgotten to tell you, r u still very prone to vomitting? Cos if you do right, avoid taking ginger soup.. The vomitting part is enough to make you feel disgusted. I actually tried taking the ginger soup Ytd, but in the end vomitted the soup out. The ginger taste and smell is super yucky.

Nlimm: excited for you.. Do update us later ok?
Anyone like me not doing Oscar? I did it for my #1 but not doing this time round. Can't wait for my second appt on Tue...my last appt was abt a mth ago could only see a beanie and the flashing heartbeat. Hope to see more on Tue since bb should be 11+ wks then.
My nausea, breathlessness and weak appetite are still around. I wished I could vomit out but just couldn't...it felt really uncomfortable on some days. Anyone like me haven't informed your boss about the pregnancy? I am waiting for the next checkup first to be safe. Some of my friends asked me not to say as it is my appraisal period now. But I don't feel good hiding the news from my boss. Hope my honesty won't be penalized!
I did not do Oscar test for my first cos during that time not popular and my ex gynae nv introduce too. So this will be my first time doing.
So far touch wood, I nv vomit out. Only feel like vomit. The feeling of wanting to vomit but yet nothing is horrible. Cos I ask my gynae today about my bloatness, he ask me take giner water.
Good luck for ur Oscar this fri.
Last time the urine test they say got sugar ..so
Have to do the test..plus also need to test for thyroid.

Actually i did the test before at kkh previously le but i tjink this gynae wan to be sure again.

Captain piglet i have not inform my boss yet also. I tjink she cannot take it with already 2 preggy in the team liao
Thanks for the warm welcome!

Cheryl: heh heh, have been reading couple thread but like what I mentioned, din post coz only saw sac at wk 6 when most mummies had alr seen either the fetal pole, yolk and/or heartbeat.. But now dunno whether to re-schedule or can't appt so pop in to get some advice..
Very nice to see ya here!

Baby_kk: Great news on ur bb's devt, hb seems strong and gd!

Shirley: my first appt at wk 6 only saw the sac and nothing else... Then gyn scheduled another appt 1 mth lte, so supposed to be wk 10.. Then doing Oscar on wk 12.. But turned out we'll be doing a short trip to m'sia for holiday so am thinking of either re-scheduling the appt at wk 10 or totally skip it and just wait for wk 12.. Nt sure if tis a risk to take etc.. But if visit gyn at wk 11 then Oscar at wk 12 seems pretty close.. If doing wk 9 scan, gotta take leave to visit gyn.. So in a dilemma here..

Nlimm: my gyn spaced the first and second appt at a mth apart tis time round.. -_- not sure why.. Wrt Oscar, how long aft Oscar will need to visit the gyn to review?
Babykk: if no vomtting, maybe you can try..
or 100+ also not bad for bloating. I have been taking spirte a lot.. Craving for it.. So unhealthy! But did manage to burp too.. I didn't really ask abt the Oscar.. I will update you when I do the Oscar this coming Fri ok? But it takes abt half an hour to scan.. I not sure if I should take some juice before the Oscar so baby will be more active .. Any idea?

Mummies here who did Oscar before.. Any comment if we should take some juices before Oscar scan?

Bewildered: I think waiting for a month without seeing can be stressful for you.. You can try to schedule at week 9 weekends appt? By den you sure will see something.. do you have any symptoms?? Like ms? Sore boobs?
Dear mummies
Anyone have light brown spotting during their 5w+ . Today I suddenly got abit of light brown spotting. Only wipe den got kind. I was ask by Gynae to bed rest and increase my duphaston dosage. If nth much spot, shall see the Gynae on mon
Cheryl: did you carry anything heavy or over exert yourself? I did get brown discharge on my previous pregnancy. That's cos I over exert myself.. Try to do more bed rest and sleep on your left side for better circulation. Don't worry.. Read that spotting can be due to old blood.. Can be normal for first tri..
No leh. I dun rem carrying anything heavy. Can fall down causes this? I had a fall on the escalator, but didn't hit tummy. Hurt my knee n foot.. Maybe it due to this?
Cheryl: was your fall a huge impact one? Did you injure yourself? If you fall and didn't hurt your tummy.. It should be fine.. Be more careful ok? Cos heavy stuffs let your dh carry.. You're the queen now.
Haha.. Listen to your ggyne's advise. Go back nd see him on Mon if you're worried.. All will go well for you.. Don't worry ok?
Hiiiiii alllll I'm back !!! I see my little baby heartbeat!!!! It's beating at 114, I almost tears so happy
But today scan shown my bb might be June bb edd 6june.
Gynae said to be safe, she wants me to take utrogestron( spelling might be wrong) coz of my previous mc. I very skeptical now coz for #1 she nvr give, for my previous mc case she gave as she said boost hormones n end up I mc then. I'm abit scared of taking it leh now, thinking of just let baby naturally grow. Any of ur Gynae prescribe this though she tells u everything is fine and gd?

mine also ' younger' then based on LMP, I think coz some of our ovulation is 3 wks fr LMP n not the default 2 wks.

Cheryl :
Try bed rest as much as possible
nlimm: what u taking to boost hormones? i only eat folic acid, fish oil and the dup thats all

BBK: oh ya im sure u can see nxt scan ^^

shirley: wahhh do update us! i stil got 2 more weeks.. wait long long long.. LOL

captainpiglet: i personally felt u wait till ya appraisal finish le then tell them. thats my personal thinking.. maybe u ask ya hub or parents for advice?

cheryl: im spotting on 6week - 7 week.. is best u bed rest and take good care and yeah increase ya dup.. wah.. is ya fall very bad?? take care ya!
Hi Nlimm

I m also taking that.
Think my Gina's is being is. Coz I got a day of spotting, n she put me on that med.

Captain piglet, I haf not told my boss either. Plan to tell him in jan

Pls be careful. Cannot afford to fall.

Baby kk, can we opt out of Oscar?
My gynae has not mention anything to me. But might b coz that was the first visit. Will see what she say on tue when I see her again
Ya she said I'm only in wk6+ better to take with my previous history just to provide more progesterone to the baby no harm taking. I just feel so weird she said perfectly fine why prescribe me this

Fabbiee, she nvr prescribe these. Fr what I rem what my #1 she gave this after wk9/10 or after 1st trimester. U taking since when ?

Oicc that's logical coz most Gynae will prescribe that if spotting but mine nvr( touchwood hopefully nvr )& she prescribe tts y I very puzzle.
good morning mummies..

Nlimm: will take less of green tea now ... need to find other substitute..started making my own smoothie.

As for vitamins, my gynae gave me since my first appt, but for fishoil and calcium, i m only to start taking those nearing to 11/12 weeks. Guess every gynae is different
My gynae also gave me ultrogestan to support bb growth cos of my mc history. It is totally fine. I believe your previous mc is not due to the med, cos any unhealthy fetus how u prevent it will still flush out as mc. This will be a healthy bb for you so please eat ok, is good for u.
For my case, I ate it from after ovulation for almost my TTC months if menses came I stop, once test pregnant increase to twice a day.
This med is to give more progesterone support to bb before placenta takes over so that why week 12 or 16 we can stop le. It will cause drowsy cos ur flood flow gave oxygen to ur bb and cause ur bb to grow.
I have 2 gynae both also told me the same, so please eat it to prevent it ok.
Can I add into this group? My edd is 28 April.
Dr. Chen Lin Han. Baby #2, Mount A. Woodlands.

Thank you.

Do you have any secret facebook?
Nlimm: I start when I know I'm pregnant ah. I been eating that till now
ya bbk is right I think ya previous mc is not cus of the pills u took is bb unhealthy le. My hub told me also if last bb if we took jab maybe bb will be fine but I told him I think will be the same outcome. Cus this one infact the same spotting n bleeding but in the end bb manage to pull thru. Thank god.
nlimm: gynae nvr prescribe me any prenatal vitamins or fish oils too.. now only taking folic acid.. sometimes i wonder if i shd take some supplements myself..
Oic my Gynae nvr give me vitamin too only folic acid, i continue w my own vitamin c tablet though.

Thankyou this am I took 1 to replace yest night n zz whole am. Now I just take for tonight 2tabs , shall GUai GUai take 2 a night then
My bb scan printout lost , I rem bringin home but don't know y can't find
Gynae shd have record to give me 1 more copy during my next visit hor?
Nlimm: aiyo but its outside lost huh? for mine is usually 1 for himself to record another is for me. Don't think they have a copy or record for pass one leh. Unless its like computer save for u before they print?

Pills from gynea
Ok I just check mine is folic acid. Dup(1day 2 times) and prenavit stated muti-vitamins. These 3 pills always eat from the beginning of my pregnancy

Morning mummies!

Monday starts with me vomitting
finally in the morning, usually it's only at nights... But gonna see gynae later
can't wait, wanna see bb soon... Abt 9.5 wks now..
