(2013/05) May 2013

Guys I would like to seek some advice. I'm a sg pr but I only 2nd year in sg. Currently I working in a small company which is unstable. My boss told me he duno when the company will go bankrupt not sure he lie or Wat. Earlier I wanted to change job but now I'm pregnant. Company here will hire pregnant woman? Aww I duno Wat to do.

Lol!! Share ur names! Im LourdesLum!

Emilee, can try chia seeds too. I got it for my girl but haven't got her started..

Alice, company is still liable for ur ML if it's still around.
So many 2011 mummies. Then the age gap only 2 years.

Alice, I think is better to keep it from your company first. If not they find reason again.
oops!! yes.. i'm from the june 2011 FB group.. our secret group.. hahaha!!
wait until junebunny announce her name then i announce mine.. lolz
Hi lourdes!! I'm lynoei!

Ya lo bKk.... Only 2 yrs age gap... Dunno whether to be happy or not lei... Dunno how gonna cope with one nb and one toddler..... Energy, time all gotta split... Havent even finish pampering our #1s.. Hahahahha haiz....
Hi Lyn!!

Iko0508, ur turn!!

Yes agree! Really hard to cope with a toddler and nb. I think my girl is starting her 'terrible 2' early! She seems to just whine and whine if we refuses to go her way etc. and she's really active, can't sit still kind. Haha.. Usually I'll just lie on sofa while she runs about.

Alice, are u in accounting? If yes, probably u can take a peel on the P&L.. Else, ask around to see if the co is really in bad state.. Anyway, it's not so easy to declare bankruptcy. And before going to that state, need to analyze on current creditors debts etc.. So long ur co is paying salary promptly, things will be fine!
Hi Lyn and Lourdes.. Zhiying here la.. haha!
My ger worst.. still dun wanna walk lo.. faint! whole day must hold her hands n walk ard the house to practise.. =X

BBkk: my appetite is good too! just that i felt that sth is stuck in my gut.. keep wanting to burp.. =)
Haha Zhiying! Real surprised! HK has any support group? Haha

Does push walker helps for ur girl? Don't worry, I'm sure she'll walk v soon! She'll surprise u one fine day! Hahaha

My MS is so so bad today. Vomited hard this morning. Everything turns me off. Gotta take anti nauseous medicine before lunch and dinner.. Sigh... Y can't women have a smooth and enjoyable pregnancy!!
Hi zhiying!

I think gotta teach them to be independent.. Immediately tested positive.. That very day i let go of my hands and let him walk on his own.. Wobbly but getting there... Just bought some childproof strips too... I dont want him to think i'm abandoning him because of the nb so gotta start early... When nearing then will tell him... So now is for him to be independent and let him know not everything is mama... I'm gonna start him on lessons with his papa soon an keep him occupied...

Are there any other suggestions, mummies? ;)
oops now everyone knows our names le..
let's stick to using nick..

reddish: HK forums r not as active as ours.. i tot ur edd will be in April..

junebunny: how many weeks r u now?
*hugs* starburst sorry to hear that. do take care of ya body and wish u have a successful pregnancy in the next round =) jia you!
Iko0508, hahas.. I think my edd is early may.. :p

I've already started delegating my responsibilities to my hb. Normally I'll just lie on sofa or bed to rest where he chases after my girl.. I'm already dead beat after reaching home from work. Once my girl zz at 9pm+, I'll follow her to zz as well. Can't even bother to wash her milk bottle! Hahaha
Your first child only 1years 3 months. And now you all pregnant. So nice. Can I ask it it you all try for second one or accident one? Hehe
I also think mine is early may now probably 6 wks.. But yet to see gynae, see bb heartbeat so not really confirmed ba... Trying to schedule the appt earlier so that the wait wouldnt kill me...

Bkkk... For me is accident ba.... :-/
Bbkk, haha for me is 'try for second one'.. But it took me months. My menses went hay wire during breastfeeding. And after stopping for 1-2months, things are starting to get back on track and I conceived! My hb still thought 'I got no more eggs'! Lol..

But with all the MS and pregnancy symptoms, I'm so so sad that I can't enjoy my life anymore. After giving birth, I'll be stuck with breastfeeding routines, mid night feeds etc etc... Arghhh! And I could only get a normal life 1-2yrs later after giving birth... Boooo!
Bbkk: alot of the mummies from our forum r having dragon bbs lo.. some already given birth!! Haha!!

My next appt is on 5 Oct.. hopefully can see sth.. n not so worried..
So fast dragon bb Liao. Omg. Then you all very young I think.
My girl already 3 years old. Wanted to try when she is 1 yr plus then due to job change then delay then last yr try and conceived but mc. Took me a yr to conceive now.
My next appt is next Monday. I can't wait too.
Yesterday had a bad dream, chase away the bad dream.
My friends told me to try early.. cuz she said if wait too long difficult to conceive 2nd bb.. no lo.. I'm not young anymore.. so wanna quickly chop chop close factory.. if not no energy to take care of bb..
Hello ladies...

I'm perpetually in a state of nausea since Sunday. And I'm so sick of eating... tummy growls every 2 hours or less. Very different from my first which was easy breezy. Culture shock for me.
Iko, I think alot of woman actually try very hard for #2 . If after #1, better to start trying #2 Liao cos still very fertile. That's what I got the experience from my friend.

Ange, hope ur nausea better by then.

Junebunny, gd lah at least u can close shop already.
hi mummies! I am back finally.. I miss my homeland!! first time first when I touch down.. quickly came back to put my stuff and head to gyne.. did a scan, doc didn't say much abt my ms which I think he feels that its normal.. just that my vomitting became better after the injection..
baby was measuring at 12.9mm from previously 2.7mm at 6 weeks.. so baby grew abt a cm during one week.. I didn't really manage to eat but i guess I drank lots of fruit juice cos that the only thing I can stomach.. nd also tonic drinks like h20, cos need to replenish the loss ion in the body..

I guess mummies who are experiencing bad ms and couldn't stomach anything.. can try the juices nd tonic drink..
Bbkk: Ya lo.. I dunno y too.. izzit e age or health? I'm also reaching 35 in a few years too.. lol

As for ms, can try plain crackers.. my fav is e Meiji brand.. haha!
thanks babykk! I am also excited for your scan this coming Mon.. my next scan will be one month later.. mid Oct for Oscar scan.. praying for good news!
hihi im bk
i already book my CL lo.. hehehheh
so kiasu. she charges me $2.3k lo.. goshhh so exp!
i still havnt get any ms yet.. hmmm
anyone uses Palmer coco butter lotion for stretchmarks? i ve little red dots after using? does it meaan im sensitive to it?
Shirley, wow so fast can go Oscar scan. I pray for your good result too.

Nicolieaa, I also booked my CL at $2300.
I also no ms yet. When is your LMP?
Please dun use Palmer coco butter. I used that for my first pregnancy and developed rashes called pupps. Is a very itchy rash for pregnant woman. I read alot of forum review also got that after using Palmer. Some people dun get it after using might be because different body reaction. But best to avoid.
Shirley: Welcome back! and happy for your good news. I'm seeing gynae next tues. Can't wait to hear heartbeat.
BBK: That what my friends say too. In my office, so far 3 people all conceive where their #1 before 1 year old. So, i guess very fertile. As for me...tried for more than 2 years. Probably i'm the oldest here. I already 37.
Baby maine: I'm not coz i have done for #1. Guess can share? I have not start asking yet.
Welcome back, Shirley!

My next appt is also due for Oscar test.. Managed to detect gd hb on my first appt thus my gyne will sees me again in 1mth+ time.

Re: Cord blood
I think I'll be donating mine this time round..

And pls do not use Palmer products! I've been v hardworking in applying their butter and my stretch marks was terrible. So terrible that it's all full scaring now! It's also due to the sudden growth of bb but their products didn't helped me at all in reducing stretch marks!
Nicole n bbkk: u guys so efficient!! I've a problem.. What if I've got no room for Cl to sleep in? I'm staying in hk n will be doing confinement at mum place.. last year my bb sleeps in living room.. n we took turns to take care of her n we slept on the sofa bed.. How? But I need someone to look after my bb this time.. cuz mum will be busy with #1..

Nicole: I rem we can only apply stretchmarks cream in 2nd tri.. n I used Clarins.. v good.. I dun have any marks or rash..
Cord blood,
I think I am donating out this round too.

Reddish, which week u detected hb?
Dunno should do Oscar scan a not. I am very scared of the result.
Stretch mark cream
One of those I heard is good is clarins oil, olive oil, and emu oil.
I just bought my emu oil from SMH bulk purchase.

Iko,u mean u will be staying in hongkong? If really no choice got to let CL know that she will be sleeping at living room.
Hi hi.

I am currently 7wk+ preg. N this is my #2. I was from july 11 mummies group. Hee.

Been silent reader since week 6. So now pop by n say hello all!
My edd is 7th may
N i want to get a CL this time but having second thoughts cos with 2 baby, i am thinking if gettibg a maid is better as they r here for longer term than CL. N thn ask my mil to do confinement for me again.

But later on i am thinking if i can cope without extra hands to 2 babies. My mind has been flipping here n there, cannot make decision, any mummies who is having no 2 esp, can share ur views?
Morning mummies!!!

Wow shirley, ur bb is grwoing v well!! I seem to have forgotten abt pregnancy... When are we supposed to do the oscar scan huh.... Havent even gone for 1st appt yet :p

Anyway, i havent booked CL yet.. My CL for #1 has already een taken.... Looking for another one now... Haiz...

Iko, i think u let the CL know beforehand? I think shd be ok ba.. But just in case u just let her know

Yaya: I think it will be good to have a helper.. I do not think many CLs will actually help to take care of ur #1. Their main job is the mother and nb... Unless ur CL super dun mind.. I have having #2 now and have a helper.. #1 i was v handson, mostly all done by me, helper only to do washing and assist.. But with #2 coming along, i will let helper take care of #1 while CL cares for nb while i rest..
Yaya, congrats. And welcome here.
I think if your mother knows how to cook for confinement food, then you dun think a CL but I think that having a maid is a good choice. Now u are having 2, it is seriously can't handle both ESP ur #1 still small. If ur hb won't mind, a helper will definitely be a better choice for long term.
hi all mothers and mtbs

What's a oscar scan? This is my first baby. I'm probably about 6 to 7 weeks. Have yet to see heartbeat as well even though i have been to the gynae.

My gynae says it's too early.
Morning mummies

I'm new to the forum. Expecting my #2, went for my 1st gynae scan this Monday. Thank God, good hb and good size, bb measured around 1.1cm

Having really bad MS
and feeling really miserable. I keep feeling hungry but the moment food is placed in front of me, I will lose my appetite in a flash. Am not sleeping well either so when I wake up in the morning, I really feel like a wreck. At work, I find it hard to concentrate and am usually so sleepy. It was nothing like this the first time round.

Hard to confide in my gal friends cause they have never been pregnant before, even the colleagues at work, all the gals have no kids, the older aunties have kids but pregnancy happened more than 10 years ago for them so hard for them to relate too....hubby lagi not understanding...always ask me to eat sour plums as if sour plums works 100%...sigh...
Fool4love, Oscar scan is to test for down syndrome. it is done around 12weeks. Your gynae will prob tell you in the next 1-2 visits.

Kikapo, welcome here. Congrats on hearing ur bb hb. When is your edd?
bbk: thanks a lot!

ivy: thank you! your appt is after bbk.. just a day apart. I am sure you can hear your bb heartbeat too! keep us posted yeah?

reddish: congratulations on the good heartbeat!! its really amazing right? which week you manage to hear your strong heartbeat? when is your Oscar? my is schedule on 19 Oct . exactly one month to go.. SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!

junebunny: oscar test is a test that check if baby is normal or not.. its usually done at 11 - 14 weeks.. blood test will be taken to check the hcg level and other factors. a more detail scan to check te thickness of the neck.. the scan can be optional bit you can ask your gyne for it..

yaya: welcome! have you schedule your appt?

re: I am also using the coco butter.. dh bought for me during my previous pregnancy.. I am also experiencing some itch on the tummy.. so I think it will cause some sensitivity on certain pple.. I thought bio oil is good.. but all these cream can only be use on second trimester right?
BBKK, I was around 5weeks+.. Even my gyne commented that i'm lucky to see hb and its quite a gd one.. so 90% success rate for this pregnancy... lol

Re: CL
i've also booked my CL at 2.2k and doesn't needs any deposit.. all thanks to my SIL cos she employed her for 2yrs to look after her #1..

YAYA, i cant cope alone when #2 comes in.. will definitely need a helper..

iko0508, will u be back to sgp for confinement?

luckily i have leftover Bio-oil and clarins oil(from another mummy).. so will probably use these two...
btw, most gyne also provides gd stretch marks cream..
Reddish n bbkk: will be gg back Sg for delivery n confinement.. it's way too expensive in hk.. Oh BTW my hubby is working in hk..

Reddish n Shirley: Congrats on ur checkups!! Really cannot be at ease without seeing the bb n hearing hb.. wait until neck long man..

Kikapo: noo.. tell ur hubby those TV shows r not real.. sour plum dun work all e time.. haha

Re: CL
So it's really OK if she sleeps in living room? I can't get a maid cuz I'll be bringing my bb back to hk after a few mths..
IKO0508, i think it should be fine if she could gets a cozy area in the living room. not all CLs needs a bed. some would rather sleeps on the floor as they're used to it.

Re: Sour plum
it doesn't works for me at all mans! i even feel like vomiting after taking a small bite sour plum.. happens for #1 and this pregnancy. haha...
Bbkk: Thanks. EDD is 3 May. Going for Oscar on 16 Oct. My birthday!

iko0508: My hubby is those clueless kind, dun even know how to comfort me when he see me throw up so only know how to offer sour plums. Haiz...

Pants are getting tighter, much faster than when I had #1. Guess cause skin is loose liaoz...haha
Those having number 2 now, does your tummy show already?

Re:Sour plum
I will get gastric after eating it.
This pregnancy is different from first one.

iko: thanks dear.. when is your coming appt?? I totally understand how you feel.. the heartbeat is the most comforting sound.

kikapo: good luck with your Oscar.. my is just 3 days after yours.
pretty excited but also at the same time also worry..

Alice: yup.. its more of drawing blood and doing a caan to check the neck thickness..

anyone has bump showing alr?
