(2013/05) May 2013

Hi Vi - thank you for the info. Sounds like it isn't as troublesome as I imagined it would be... Hope to save some moonies

I love babies - I am also using Avent warmer. No complains so far!

Mow n cs, i m using Shears, which i m quite happy with as i can adjust temperature, 40,70 n 100. When i was in hosp,the nurse told me that i should se arm water to heat up ebm, N so i set it at 40c. That's why it takes longer to warm up. How about u?
Any mummies using the avent electric breast pump? I m currently using the medela one but motor seems abit haywire. Or any good one to recommend? Anyway BM supply seems low already..pump so long also like not getting more..
I love babies- I am sure the avent warmer is mucher hotter than 40 deg. If your baby can wait, then you can take a longer time to warm up the milk at a lower temperature. However, in times of urgent need, I guess this would take too long.
I love babies - Avent warmer works ok for me...

fatfat_junior - I am using Avent Comfort Electric. Works well for me
Perhaps you could try to take supplements to increase milk supply (I am taking Motherlove's more milk plus capsules), or you can try to get your bb to latch and help stimulate...
Mummies, anyone sending your LO to infantcare?

I am contemplating between infantcare and bbsitter (difficult to find though)...

fatfat_junior and Wendy - I initially bought 2 bottles (60 capsules in each bottle) from ParentCraft @GlenE. I've just ordered a new bottle from allemom.sg. I believe the US online websites such as Amazon also sell this.

I reckon it works for me cos my milk supply came in on the 3rd day of giving birth, which coincides after having taken the capsules... now I pump 180-200ml/3.5 hours. I previously bought some "milkmaid tea" from Earth Mama but have yet to try since the Motherlove's More Milk Plus capsules work for me. Personally I wouldn't recommend to try various methods at one go...

Hope Motherlove's capsules work for you and do rem' to follow the dosage instruction...

Azel yea am still continue my pumping of milk as PD told me not to wean as baby is gaining good weight. She told me to prone baby to sleep and I tried yesterday.. He slept long when on probe position.. Also my baby is the kind that need pacifier to suck for comfort to sleep. He was so well behaved when brought him to PD for his jab but not at home :p
I'm contemplating whether to let baby latch direct on me back again not... Sigh.. The thing is after he latch on I still have to express out the remaining milk as my baby can take an hour or more to latch and yet doesn't drain off my breast.. And I have to give him bottle feed after a short while as he don't drink enough from latching

I love babies - I used Avent warmer too to warm my BM and took approx 5 mins. I leave the milk in the Warmer or room temperature for approximate an hour or so (start timing from the time u started to warm) and discard if baby didn't consume finish.

Hmm seem all went polyclinic for 5 in 1 jab.. I can't change now as starts first jab at PD already

Btw there is a takashimaya baby fair starts this wed!
Did u check with polyclinic or PD? Y can't change to polyclinic?
My gal also light sleeper, very difficult to fall into deep sleep in daytime and can't live without pacifier too.

I bought the avent comfort electric liao. Better than medela. hopefully can still pump for at least 1-2 months if not waste e $$$. Are the capsules avaliable at those pharmacy like watsons? Guardian?
fatfat_junior - I've not seen it selling at Watsons. Not too sure about Guardian. Yup I just ordered through allemom.sg at $35 since I'm not heading to GlenE anytime soon..

Good to know that Avent Comfort Electric works ok for you

Mummies - any recommendation of reliable agency contact for bbsitters? Need to look for one in my area..

That's the website but I placed order for the special blend instead. Just try out and see how. They have the loyalty dollar too but dunno can accumulate anot.
I love babies: my BM supply aso not enough, esp 2 mouths.. Initially I did thou of stopping, but my husband told me to give them abit is better than nothing. Why dun u giv urself till 6months? How often do u express ur milk? One of my fern aso can't express in office, so she only express at home (twice a day)..

EBM: I aso need to wait for 10min to warm up, cos i set the temp at 40.. my bb will cry at the top of their lungs.. Now I tried to warm earlier. I usually discard the milk after 1 hr if nt consume. Wat temp are u using?

ML: haiz time really flies!! I took all 16wk..
Fatfat_junior: I'm using medela freestyle.. It seems to work for me.. How long do u pump?

Tiny123: my babies aso use the pacifier for comfort.. I understand the troublesome of latching n hav to pump the the remaining milk. ur breast is not totally drain. Is it bcis ur supply is more than his feed? I only latch them twice, the remaining feed r EBM or FM, so that they are able to slp more..
Warmer: thank u all for sharing. I was told warming up with very hot water will spoil the nutrients. Same as Azel, i try to heat it up earlier.

Azel, yes i think i will try my best for breastfeeeding coz my boy prefers bm, he refuses fm (takes 5-10ml only). I m quite worried about his total intake.
Will take jab this friday, see what doctor advises then.
Fat fat : think I saw VI(meowmeow) said in here once you start the jab at Pd can't go poly clinic already

Azel : yea my supply is more than baby intake. Right now I have pump out a lot that I have to throw some away as more than 48 hours in fridge. Then i have stored some in the freezer but I got limited freezer space.. Now thinking I may have to throw away those frozen when the time comes..my friend was telling me to ask who wants frozen BM and give them.. I have not done yet.

I love babies - I gave my baby nestle nan pro 1 before, my pd suggested nan ha to me.

Anyone need EBM?
fat fat, coz pd n polyclinic schedule different. ..so u cant go to polyclinic if u took the first jab wif pd. I haf also called polyclimic to chk...this only applies to 5 in 1.
CS - I'm also looking for a babysitter. Its really hard to find one. Wanna consider infant care but the waiting list is forever long. Last option i have is to find a maid which i really dont look forward to. Sigh. The recent news on the childcare abuse and babysitter abuse really makes me shiver. Makes me have separation anxiety more when my leaves ends.

I love babies - im using similac intelli pro and neosure for my girl.
Peileng - The recent cases of abuses are indeed worrying! I am thinking of getting my hubby to speak to my in-laws to help care for bb and perhaps we move to their place during weekdays. Hope it will work out. Getting a maid is not an ideal option too.

At the same time, I've pre-register my son at the infantcare near my place but I'm thinking can a staff takes care of 5 babies (ratio of infantcare is 1 educarer: 5 babies!!!)

Any mummies sending their child to infantcare here?
I am also still troubled about it.... SAHM? Infant care? or nanny.... And I have twins! Double the $$$

What are the plans of the twins mummies here?
Hi mummies,

I am also a may mummies,would like to ask whether you all still let your baby wear mittens? An how much you all give ur baby now? I m giving 100ml fm every 3hrs.

Is it not enough?
CS- i thought infant care ratio is 1 staff to 3 babies.

Ital23- my girl is feeding betw 90-120ml every 3-3.5 hrs. I was also very worried its not enough for her initially but according to the pediatrician we should feed base on demand. I thought it was a must to take rotavirus? My pediatrician gave it to her without asking if i wanted it. So i thought it was mandatory just like the rest of the jabs.
CS- when u register did they tell you how far behind you are in yr queue? I checked mine for several locations and im in the 50-100++ queue. Sigh. Doubt i will ever get any call from them.
I read the coment plus description so decided to try the special blend.it will also help to increase BM. Should be receiving it today

I change cos of the motor problem. Think I drop it twice and it starts giving problem. I used to spend about 1/2 hr, now around 15mins or so cos dun see much supply.

Me too. Pump till sian as not much supply so not motivated.
I don't use warmer too cos too time consuming. Baby cant wait

I love babies
I m using enfalac. Seems ok but baby like always gassy. So not too sure if milk powder plays a part?

Oh I see.

I only wear the mittens for her at nite when she zzzz and after cuting her nails cos it can be quite sharp.
Will be taking rotavirus jab but not too sure when. Will wait for the nurses at poly to cue me
I took the rotavirus oral vaccination on mon... it is optional. .can be taken week 6 onwards....if u take at polyclinic, can choose to take when u go for the 5 in 1 jab during the 3rd mth.. I took it earlier coz ny hub worried that he might catch the virus wan the bb to haf the vaccination asap. we will take the second dose next mth during the 3rd mth 5in1.
do note that if u take earlier, it has to b one mth after the previous jab but 1 mth before the next jab....do call and made appt if u wish to take the vaccination at polyclinic. jus remember that once u start 5in1 there, u haf to finish at polyclinoc. or u can go gp to take the jab..cheaper than pd too
Hi ladies

I just wish to share my experience with the nanny with my no.1 . I put my baby the nanny a week before I went to work and brought all the necessities to her home. After 5 days, she called it quits , saying that my baby is too difficult to manage. Thus, we need to look for urgent help as I was already due for work the following week. We had to send my baby to my sis in law place which was very far away from our home to and fro. Similar thing happened with my no.2. Our relatively new maid told us that she wants to go back home the Friday before I return to work the following Monday .

So, my point is whatever childcare arrangement you have decided, start in advance as much as you can to avoid such situations.
Now with my no.3 , my childcare arrangement is even more challenging and I fret over this issue the whole time during my maternity leave. Sigh....
@Ital - My girl is taking 130ml every 3 hours. PD recommend to increase 5ml every 2 weeks. She wear mittens everyday as she tend to scratch her face. My girl took 6 in 1 last week.

@I love babies - my girl is taking similac.

Just to check do all ur babies sleep during the day? As my girl dont really sleep during the day and she also sleep quite late in the night.
Thanks mummies for the replies.

Hi peileng,
Rotavirus oral jab is optional.my pd did ask us whether want to let bb take?.but pd also said there will be side effect for this jab which is loose stools.

Vi/ peileng,
Does your bb have loose stools after the jab? And how much is the jab ?

Does your bb sleep in yaolan?
You can try to put your bb in yaolan in day time.usually they will sleep well in yaolan then cot.
Btw,does your bb have many phlegm when taking similac?
My gal is taking similac too and I noticed she has many phlegm or rather mucus.
Nope she nv sleep in yaolan as my husband is against it. So i let her sleep in cot. But i m not sure is it bcos she also wake up late in the morning therefore she dont sleep during the day.
My girl is ok with similac. Only thing is her stool is quite watery.
ital23, the nurse told me that the side effect is the bb will feel warm but is not fever. he is drinking bm n fm...stool is usual. did not notice anything different. ... I paid 90 using the cda acc
hi mummies,

im giving my baby 130ml EBM on 3hrly interval (past 2weeks) when I am tired to latch her on. otherwise, i will feed her on demand - usually 2-3hrly.

I also pump before I latch her. my amt per session (both sides) is only 100-120ml. Is this supply enough? She is close to 13 weeks now. Im worry my supply is unable to meet her when i return work nxt mth.

thanks to advice
Wendy my baby also don't sleep long on day time, may have to let him sleep on Yao Lan but before this I am trying out to put him on prone position which he sleeps longer but I have to watch him every now n then making sure he does not suffocate as advised by my PD.
Yao Lan is ok as long u don't keep swinging them even after they slept. It gives them the feeling being carried.

Somehow babies likes to have the cuddling n carry feel which they have this feeling in our womb for 40weeks
Tiny123, have PMed you, thanks

Thanks mummies for sharing the FM info. My boy tried Enfamil, Mamil gold ha and Friso but none of them is of his interest. BM is still his favourite . His intake has dropped from 120ml to 90ml (or even lesser) per 3 hours while my supply is only 60-90ml per session. I feel that he is losing weight also...Sigh...
Will ask doctor any remedy this Friday when having jab.
Ya..my gal's stools sometime yellowsh and sometime greenish watery.

Vi,ok.i will ask the doctor before the jab.

My gal also likes to sleep in prone position and she can sleep longer.i only let her sleep in yaolan in daytime,nighttime I will put her in the cot after each feed .

According to my mil who is a professional nanny,she told me that baby must sleep and eat well in day time then they will grow faster.means after each feed,play with them or rest about 45min before let them to go zzzz again.Do not let them awake for too long.U all can try this method.
@Ital & Ting123

Thanks for the advice. I will try to let my girl sleep in prone position before getting her the yaolan.


Same as my girl's stools and i did checked with my PD, he say is normal.
Infant care - my #1 went to infant care and i will be sending my twins to infant care too. personally i prefer infant care to nanny as i feel there are more eyes at infant care (despite the recent MFS case) compared to a nanny as i will never know what the nanny does behind my back unless the nanny is someone close or personally know. also, i like the social aspect that my bbs can learn and that they will be trained to be on routine. what i would suggest is for mummies who intend to place their LO in IFC, to visit the IFC to check out the environment and talk to the teachers to find out more before deciding.

Azel: how are your twins doing?

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