(2013/04) April 2013

Shirelle's method of counting EDD seems to suggest similar EDD to what Divein said. =)

Can I ask u ladies, what should I expect for my first gynea visit? Will there be an ultrasound? Blood test/ urine test?
khimmy, my gynae will only scan me after checking my hcg exceeds 5000. else, scan also can't see much so is pointless and will just make you feel worried for nothing.

ideally, best to only scan at wk 8 onwards coz by then will see sac, yolk and fetal pole. scan anytime earlier, will cause unnecessary worry only.

bbburger, think your spotting is due to the intercourse. takes lots of bedrest and don't worry.

trinitymummie, big big hugs. stay calm and dun cry. maybe it is not ectopic and can scan n see sac this time round! good luck!

mocca mama, most pte gynaes do not accept cc payment.
<font color="119911">Trinity, hugz...see what dr say first. Understand the sian part..jia you..

bb burger...dun blame urself...is the intercourse, not the shopping..

Mareikebb, now I checked back my #1, first scan can see heartbeat, at 6w6d...

haven receive call from KKH for my 2nd result, wondering if they will call me today...what I can do now is WAIT only..</font>
Trinity: hope everything will go well for u. Hugs!!

I also suspect was due to the intercourse, doc advised not to hv intercourse for the time being. Doc did said it could be due to too much walking during my trip. So better to rest at home. Couldn't slp well last night. Hope can slp better tonight. First pregnancy n I think my hubby is more anxious than me. He managed to get approval from his boss to work from home these 2 afternoons.

So if mtbs planning to go for trip soon, pls take care n not walk too much even if you don't feel tired. And of intercourse depends on individual.
Trinity,jiayou don't scare yourself. Rem to ask them everything clearly if u n hb dun understand.

Rach, I went to gynae 2 days after testing positive Co's v nervous. He did vaginal scan n was able to detect hb at 5 wk +
didn't take blood test.

Bb burger, try refraining from intercourse if got spotting...

Kimmy, jia you. Try not to think of it, will make waiting seem v long.

V sad Co's my new med doesn't seem to be v effective with nauseousness and vomiting. Sigh. Feel so sad.
khimmy, every pregnancy is different. some bb are early developers and some are late developers. i detect my #1 heartbeat at 5+ wks but for current pregnancy, only detect heartbeat at 6+ wks. My sil only detect her bb's heartbeat at wk 8 and my gf only detect her bb's at wk 9. if scan early and see heartbeat of course is good. but if scan early and dun detect dun mean something is wrong. but as mothers, we will start to worry and keep thinking which is not good since we need to relax and not be stressed up so that bb can grow well. you don't over analyse and just relax. be positive!
Oh very good info from Mareikebb! if my scan in 2 wks later still no hb, i wont panic that much =)

Hi MH, hahaa are u staying in the new area? mine 600+ block. oh I didnt know level 4 got another gynac. my sis go to the mrt level one.
Yeah, our LMP very near!! how your checkup so far, saw anything?
Mocca, I stay near Meridian station.

Yes, there is a raffles women clinic inside the raffles clinic. There are 2 gynaes. My first check up will be next Monday but since you said that you only see a sac, so I am thinking to change my appointment.. haha
oh mine is damai station hahaaa, im not sure is it just me, cos my menses usually very long and probably ovulate later. so maybe my sac smaller than urs, i duno.

but if u wana save $$, can wait 1-2 weeks more before seeing =) that if u can tahan la, for me i cannot hahaa
mummies i stayed punggol too..wahaha..
for my #1, my fren recommended me sk adrain woodsworth..i dun like lo..his pkg is cheap bt he chop chop v fast..he nv tell me anything when he did scanning for me lo..then v serious looking.. then i gt 4 frens recommended adrain tan from tmc to me..and also my sis bb was delivered by adrain tan cuz her actual gynae went for holidays..he was very caring towards my sis even thou he wasnt my sis actual gynae..in the end he was my gynae for #1..my sis #2 gynae was adrain tan too..infact i like him alot..sigh..too bad im in usa, if nt i will continue to have him as my gyane..always put on a smiling face..haha..i like tis type of smiling face person
MH: ya, i just got married n moved into punggol last year. Punggol brings me luck hahaa
I guess all MTB r ganchiong, rem to share ur checkup wad u see ok!

joyce: oh that Woodsworth is famous for chop chop dun talk much one. wait for v.long go in less than 2 mins kind. But i read forum review his stitching very skilful! all say very good.

my elder sis is also preggie now hahaa she seeing dr woodsworth. he didnt say much to my sis, jus ask her rest come back again.
hello mummies..i am staying in punggol too..mine is the kadaloor station

i have friend who used to go for adrian woodsworth bcos he has night clinic..but my friend said that he is very chop..so for her second one, she changed to another gyane..
MH: of cuz i prefer spore to gif birth..at least i noe hw tmc works during delivery..trusted adrain tan too..me v scare of pain de..my #1, i jab 4 tubes epi leh..still pain and cry like bb..me afraid epi in usa v ex cuz me sure need to jab mani tubes too..haha
mocca my sis also stitched by adrain tan 2 times..my sis say no pain le..my sis also v scare of pain..tts y she chose c section..she said v fast she can start walking le..sis just gave birth #2 tis june..
Wow so many punggol. I'll be at punggol too in future! Havent collected keys.. WOrried that reno will clash with 3rd trim.

Shirelle, vaginal scan? Ouch.. Nv done that..ahhhh im so inexperienced

Cuz my cycle is 33 days so i guess im prob 4 weeks only.. Do you all think I should delay my apptmt with gynae until 6 weeks? Im abit gan jiong haha
rach: i did vagina scan for #1 too..adrain tan did it for me..i told him im afraid of pain..ask him be gentle..wahaha..then he keep talking to me to divert my attn..then everything ok..no pain..so no worries..
my cycle was 47 days after i stop breast feeding since dec 11 then suddenly july menses come 37 days at 11 july..then officially try bb on 27 july..i tink me also ard 4 weeks preggy
Sam: i went Dr woodworth clinic for normal GP, saw many preggies waiting. not enough seating also, alot standing outside.

rach: i did vagina scan too, was not comfy n cold but i just hold on to my hub hands. after he ask u look at tv, u will be so busy looking for ur bb that u wont notice the thing inside u anymore hahaa
joyce: 4 tubes epi? can jab 4 tubes so many??

Hui Leng: your side becomes a very 'happening' place in punggol.

Rach: I think better to wait until 6 weeks, nth can be seen if u go too early
MH: yes can..v high dosage thats y v fast finished..i aldy told the midwives i wan epi the min i lie down on the delivery bed..bt she told me still early..pain nt so strong yet..then i kept reminding midwives abt my epi..i tink they pek chek cuz i kept chasing for it..in the end i jab 2 hrs ltr..i endure the pain for 2 hrs..labour was 13 hrs
Hi joyce, did u get any side effects from epi?

when are they suppose to give u jab one. im considering natural with epi cos my threshold of pain is very very low.
Hi mummies, I'm going next week for another scan, I will be 7W6D at that time, will vaginal scan be able to pick up the image more clearly? Cos I went this week, did a tummy scan but couldnt see the heartbeat, forgot to ask the doc if there are any difference between the 2 methods of scanning. The doc like die die wants to see the heartbeat next week.
hi mocca
hmm i was shivering thru out bt i nv vomit..my frens vomitted..then slight fever when pushed to ward..bt also v hungry..haha.. nw i gt backache bt i dun tink its due to the epi..its cuz i carried my bb too much..i dun like to push stroller when i brought her out..i loves and can carry her for 5 hrs while shopping..btw she is ard 11 kg plus rite nw..my hb also had backache..so i dun tink its due to epi..bt when my hb pressed on my backbone (the area where i jab epi, cuz can be seen) will have abit "sour sour" feeling..
if low threshold pain, jab epi asap if can..cuz i gt mani frens all say wan try natural w/o epi, all cannot tahan..they endure the pain for so long, in the end also jab epi..if no epi, the pain is reali terrible..haa i heard few mummies screaming non stop cuz they nv jab epi..me still can relax abit, surf facebook..tummy no pain cuz of epi..bt our below will be pain
bt its quite painful when midwives test our below for dilation..0cm damn damn pain..bt when our below open slightly bigger then nt so pain..u dun worry too much abt pain..ur mindset will be u wan to see bb asap..u will forget abt the pain..u see me super afraid of pain..i still dare to have #2..haha..
Mocca Mama, sorry if i missed it, how many weeks were you when you scanned and saw the sac?

MH, Yaa im also thinking waste money and waste time if cannot scan anything. But im eager at the same time..haha

Joyce, your doc gentle? Heard that male gynaes are more gentle than lady gynae.. No idea how true that is
Hi joyce, ur shivering lasted how long. sounds not easy for u too. my friend told me must take care very well during confinment, v.impt if u take epi. she told me dun stand up often, always sit or lie on bed during confinmt.

rach: i scan when i was 5w3d. LMP is 14 July, scan on 21 aug.

Hi to bbkoh =)
rach: gynae also came in when we abt to push bb out..yeah he was gentle..i tried to push nearly 2 hrs bt cannot..so i cry lo..then ask adrain tan for help..haa..then he laugh at me then forcep my bb out..i heard before male gynae more gentle..tts y i took male gynae..
mocca: i shivered throuout..labour 13 hrs..hmm actually u shd walk more le..cuz if keep lying down will have blood clot..i walked down by myself the next day i delivered..its v hard and painful bt reali have to try..then when i went to toilet, one v big piece soft soft jelly dropped off..me v scare lo..in the end doc came and told me its gd cuz my blood clot dropped off..cuz i lie down on the delivery bed, nv move too long..actually we can move our body abit when we lie down on the delivery bed..i thot cannot move at all leh..me thru out 13 hrs nv move my body at all..haha..onli move my hands to surf fb..after tt my whole body v v numb..abit paralyzed feeling..v scary lo
wa shiver for 13hrs is very long le!

hmm my hub ask me go for c-sec with GA cos my threshold of pain is really bad, i already faint few times in public due to stomachache!
Hello April 2013 mummies,

Just to wave and say hi! My due date is supposed to be April 6 next year. After a miscarriage at the beginning of this year, I'm hoping that the baby will be well and full-term this time.

I stay in sengkang, too! Hello to those of you staying in SK/Punggol

Had slight spotting last week, and doctor prescribed Duphaston (a proestrogen pill to support uterine lining) and my gosh, my vomitting and dizzy spells went turbo two-fold! Now that I'm off Duphaston it isn't so bad.

I have bad MS - nauseous for entire day. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to eat two dry biscuits or crackers. For me, Jacobs Weetameal does the trick. And like pigletbao says, small meals throughout the day. In the afternoon, I try to make my snacks fruits and non-oily stuff.

At night after dinner, I usually have indigestion and heartburn/reflux (very common in pregnant women because of relaxing of stomach and intestinal muscles). Ginger tea with a bit of honey usually soothes the heartburn, while peppermint tea helps digestion. So I decided that dinner must be early! Cos the bloatedness/indigestion/heartburn make me unable to sleep at night. I bought pure dried ginger tea bags from Cedele - they work well.

Going for second scan next Mon. Hoping to see little paddle-like limbs at 8 weeks, after we saw a good strong heartbeat at 6 weeks for the first scan. Wish me luck!
I totally forgotten the pain in delivery! Haha and I forgot my first trimester almost died experience so I Hv #2 now :p
Hearing from Joyce seems scary :p

I had a epidural and shiver last 2 days I think I also gt fever after delivery ... I gt no contraction pain though ... Or I can't rem .. Dunno how to push correctly so bb cannot come out .. Midwife help to push my tummy till more easy to come out haha so I really dunno how I did it .. Bt if no epi I think my gynae will need to tie my legs :p
Hi trinity
At least discovered early .. Hv a gd rest after that and think u need to follow confinement rules after everything settled so ur body will be healthy.
Hi Joyce,

Same here - i visited Adrian Woodsworth before and he's too chopchop for me.

Now I'm also with Dr Adrian Tan for TMC. He guided me through my miscarriage in March, and he's an assuring and caring doctor who tells you the truth you need to hear without scaring you. I'm pregnant again for the second time, and am still with him.

He delivered my friend's 4 kids

The queue is usually not too bad. I've never waited long!
MOcca mama, if ya LMP is 14 July means u conceived around 20 smth July, means ya bb only 4 weeks when u scan? Im really bad at dates!! Pls enlighten me!
dont worry, medical is very advance now. Im sure u can try for bb again once u recover. since u cant ttc for 3mths, take this period of time to recover your body. that time i eat 'Bai Feng Wang' to nourish my body.

JIAYOU!! who knows, we will hear from u good news in the next few mth time =)
Hi Trinity,

Sorry to hear that - though it's good that you it detected early before it caused you problems. What side effects will the jab have?
Hi Rach, eh no.. is not count that way. my LMP is 14 july, i should conceived ard 31 July. the gynac dont count from the day u conceived, dont ask me why hahaa

i did the clearblue digital test, exp one. it says 2-3 wks conceived on sun, fewdays ago only. but when i scan on tue, to doc im 5wks.
Divein: I'm indeed from the Oct 12 thread. But I had a miscarriage in March this year. Got preggers again! Now 7 weeks+.
