(2013/04) April 2013

Pinky sorry to hear that. Is this your first scan? Do you think u need an 2nd opinion before doing d&c on Friday?

Take care and rest well.

mummypooh, regarding bb jaundice level, I won't know. you can try asking the tcm. the tcm i recommend is walk in, no appt.

trinitymummie, ya, go n c tcm. else u can buy sheng hua tang from eu ren sheng, suppose to help to cleanse the womb.

happymum, how's the scan?

khimmyksc, now discharge stop alr? bedrest & positive mindset will helps!

pinky, oh dear... how many weeks are you? seek a 2nd opinion first? sometimes is juz late developers.

juz had lunch and cant finish n the nauseous feeling is back..
Thanks Sam and zenn..

Zenn, this is my second scan after 2 weeks from the first.. Still no change.. Don't think necessary for a second opinion.. Think it's nature's way of telling me that baby is not healthy..
Trinity, by lmp I am suppose to be about 12 weeks now.. But irregular menses.. 2 weeks ago measure preg sac is 6 weeks size with no sign of fetus and baby.. Today, still 6 weeks size with no fetus.. Even lost weight even though I not puking.. No spotting, no bleeding.. Just no sign of fetus and even the faintest heartbeat..

No worries! I am alright!
still can try again.. Meanwhile still can spend more time with #1..

Just wondering if you have informed your employers about your good news yet? I intend to inform only after my 1st trimester...

Also, has anyone heard of cysts in the ovary? Is it a matter of concern? Would the cysts affect the developing baby? I heard that some cysts would shrink and disappear by its own...
pinky, sorry to hear about that..take care and jia you!

tayfamily, i have just informed my boss but i told him is still in the 1st trimester so do not wish to let others know about it...actually my purpose of informing him early..is tat in case i am not feeling well and want to take sick leave..he can understand..cos now is the peak period for me..
Pinky, take care babe.

Tayfamily, I told my department about my pregnancy. Think it's important to let them know so that they can plan in advance if there's a need to hire part timer.
Actually you girls can call me Rachel instead of Tayfamily..but not sure how to change my display name hehe...

Yeah informing the boss early so ppl might be more understanding in case we need to take MCs or for manpower planning...but I am kinda pantang le, so i think i shall wait awhile longer..jiayou jiayou!!
<font color="119911">Pinky, hugs

Discharge seems stop I guess. But when I clean after pee, will still have some. But panty liner was clean. Working now

Precisely, waiting is the KNS feeling. Knowing the answer is a big relief...Been trying to call KKH, wanted to find out my HCG level yesterday. NO ONE pick up the phone..Gave up with KKH.

I informed my boss already, like hui Ling, hope they can understand if I come late, go home on time, on MC etc etc...My boss was happy for me, but he ask me to keep it to myself till past 1st trimester..cute rite...hahha

Blood test tmr!!</font>
Kudos to all MTB who still work despite of the terrible MS and managed their #1, some even 1&amp;2. I m very amazed.

Currently, I m not working so being coping at home day &amp; night. Quite bored sometimes.
Haha Sam Yeah I understand. I am very amazed how a woman can multi-task and take up so many roles in her life. But to be frank, nowadays in Singapore, majority husband &amp; wife need to work to keep up the expenses.

Thou I stayed at home, I do trade forex previously. But now I can't touched coz wrong judgement will cause me to lose big $$$ and the fluctuation is too stressful for a preggy woman now. Haha.
actually sahm life v sian de..part time life is the best..bt maybe sahm life in spore nt so sian compared to here..nw i wan to send my 14 mths ger to childcare also v difficult..no car and it costs usd 2k plus..haha..
sigh i duno wan to come back spore to deliver bb ornot..cuz i duno which gynae to trust over here..everything is so different here..me so worried aldy still need wait so long to scan..called 3 of them, all told me visit them when im 10 weeks preggy

btw any mummies here got facebook ??
Joyce, don't worry too much ya. Different countries have different culture. I'm usingfb

Sam, I think I'm more tolerant since pregnant. Co's used up all my energy on coping with ms.

Any mummies having terribad ms? Just went to see my gynae today and he gave me another med to take with the one I have for anti-puke. Hoping it'll do the trick, else need to be warded for drips
somehow baby's catch up, this scan shows I'm in week 8+!
Hi mummies to be, wifey is due on 3 Apr 2013 after 2nd appointment with gyna &amp; BB will be 9 weeks old.

Pretty worried after 1st scan about 6 weeks, confirmed preggy but BB like a dot. Gyna said that BB is late developer, like a small durian. LOL!

2nd scan, managed to see heartbeat and wifey is happy and relieved. Appetite is not that good. After eating fish oil, she feels even worse. No choice, to stop taking fish oil and taking folic acid. She is getting some TCM medicine to nourish her health and BB.
Hi Everyone!! I just found out that im preggy.. Not sure what to do and what not to do. Feel so lost! =(
Anyone had same feeling as me at the start?
<font color="119911">rach....ask any question u have in mind...mummies here can advice you...embrace it..dun feel lost...jia you

Trinity....me at kkh too..just done my 2nd blood test..waiting for hubby to pick me up...i have checked with nurse for my 1st blood test result, it's 1953.8...according to sam's chart, abt 6 weeks...but first scan cant see anything...dunno mean wat now...getting more worried and more anyhow thinking is appearing. Partly also bcos my uncle pass away yesterday..cant attebd his wake...sob</font>
Hi Kimmy and Trinity! I think im only 3-4 weeks?
Not sure how to count EDD..shortlisted a few gynea already!

kimmy, so sorry to hear that. preggy cannot attend wake?

i find preggie is like normal person, just like our first trimester sucks. whether you attend wake anot depends on your pantang-ness. for me, i bochap. attended my bff grandma wake 1wk b4 my actual day while preggie. nothing went wrong with my #1 at all :p
Hi kimmy
If ur first scan ur hcg is under 1200 most prob can't see anything hcg doubles every 2-3 days ..
Did u Hv a scan on the day of irst blood test?

Hi rach
When is ur first day of last menses?
U can wait till 8 weeks to see gynae if u don't Hv any problems like cramps or spotting. By 8 weeks shd be able to see heartbeat too ... Save money ... In the meanwhile just go buy folic acid to eat daily will be sufficient ...
Hi Shirelle
If it didn't improve, go for drip and u feel much healthier after that ... How I wish I can go now to stop my giddiness and get all nutrients ... I am nt eating well ....
Hi trinity
U are sahm right ? Ur hubby wanted u to stay home?
I really wish I can be sahm .. With nbr 1 still can cope but both side not doing well .. Everyday must rush to fetch her bk from child care and no time to teach her ... Work Hv to leave on dot everyday
not very nice
Hi all,
Im new here and this is my first pregnancy and I hope to get some advices here.

The dr scan and only see a small dot. Few days ago, experience some small tummy discomfort but no bleeding. I told gynac but he didnt say much, just take my blood and go back see him in 2 weeks time.

Im getting worried as i read up, tummy pain is not a good sign. the pain is gone but Im still worried.

Does anyone here has the same black dot as mine?
my last menses is 14 July, so meaning 5weeks right?
Hi Divein, thx for the advice. my last mense was 12Jul, probably wont be able to scan anything even if i visit the gynea now right?
So far no symptoms yet..
Mocca Mama,

Welcome. As long as there's no bleeding, I think tummy pain should be ok. For 5wk pregnancy, its still a sac, nothing much. Bb heart will start beating around 6wks. Rest assured.
Hi mommies!

I've been MIA as I feel very tired.

Big welcome and congrats to all newcomers

I went for a scan on Tues and saw the sac. Going back to scan next Sat. Hopefully can see yolk and heartbeat.

Rach, my LMP was also on 12 July
I only feel very hungry the last few weeks but now, my hunger has subsided and morning sickness kicking in more often but still bearable if I catch it in time, eat something or suck on sour plums. Starting to feel sleepy easily now too.
Hi Sam,
oh okok, now I just hope I can see something in 2 weeks time. Now even tummy pain for poo i also scare, i guess im just paranoid

Rach, your last menses is very near mine so I guess your case will be similar to mine. The only symptoms I have is very sensitive breast.
<font color="119911">Elderly say dun go..My mom kept telling me dun go, she scared I stubborn, boh chap...

Divein, I did my first blood test on the same day of my first scan. So now my HCG is >1500, so I dunno. Unless my HCG increased within 1-2 hours? haha</font>
Hi mocca
Yup u are going 6 weeks soon.
For me I feel crampy when I stress up so just relax and see how. Ur stomach shd nt feel tight at this stage. If ur dr didn't say anything it's really fine don't worry .. My dr normally gives me sabutomol which I really hate .. I dun eat anyway ....

Hi rach
U are 6 weeks .. If ur cycle is 28 dayss. Ur edd shd be 18 apr
. It depends u may or may nt .. Maybe like wat mocca say see a dot, a sac .. I am able to see heartbeat at 6 weeks this preg .. So really depends ..
Do you all mind to share which gynac you go? I dont dare ask friend cos first 3 mths cannot share, so end up i go forum find one nearer to me - Dr Phua Soo Mear at kovan.

He doesnt have any package till 16 weeks onwards. $550 after 16 weeks. for now, gota pay the consultation $42 every time. Scan is $32.

Good thing i like is waiting time short, and he always open the door himself to call u in. But no CC payment, cannot earn rebates =(
Welcome each and moca mama! I read that we can calculate Edd by taking LMP - 3 mths + 7days if period is regular.

Divein, were u on drips previous? Did it help? Need to be warded? I'm trying out new medicine for anti puke and monitoring today. Already taken 4 days off since this pregnancy sigh. Scared of puking now.
Mocca mama, where are you staying? Think most gynae dun offer package till 2nd trimester when pregnancy is more stable. Your current gynae charges sounds reasonable. Normally for my bill it's about 200+ - scan 80 consultation 85 and medicine. Pocket burn big hole but feel safer going to this gynae as my #1 was delivered by him.
Mocca Mama,

This Dr Phua is lady or guy? Logn queue @ his clinic? His charges are cheap lor :p

My gynae is Adrian Tan @TMC, consultation is 58, scan is 68. Package from 20wk onwards, think its 800?
Hi Shirelle,

Im staying at Punggol Drive, was tempted to go SK mrt this Dr Adrian Wood smth. but read from forum he more into C-sec so I choose this one few more stations away.

oh if u have #1 delivered by him i guess he knows your condition better too.

thanks for sharing, at least i feel more at ease now knowing my baby is developing normal =)

is tough to go through this alone cos my hub n I duno single shit and that 3mths myth forbid us to share with anyone.. Forum is my only channel to relief stress now hahaa
Yeah Shirelle I was hospitalized for drips as I think I dehydrated and malnutrition from ms .. Bt they can do for u without hospitalized for 2 hrs I think but I think depend on ur condition ...

By the time I out .. I was so happy :D no more ms ... Bt I was hospitalized twice ..
Hi mtbs, I'm about 5 weeks pregnant and am hoping to join this thread to make new friends. This is my 2nd pregnancy so hopefully everything runs smoothly. =)
Hi Sam,
Dr Phua is a guy. Long Q at his clinic, so best to book appointment. My first visit i dont know. It opens at 9am, lucky i arrive 8.45am. No appt so the nurse just slot me in between ppl cos they are late. by 9.10am, full with no seats left. I cant share how long u have to wait with appt cos only 1 visit so far.

They have night clinic which is what I like, but night is strictly by appt only. I noticed he open the door for each patient, even when i go in 2nd time after test pee, he still open 2nd time. He doesnt talk much type. I ask him abt my tummy pain n concern, he see i scare do viginal scan &amp; take blood test. Ask me come back 2 wks time.

Only bad thing i feel is cash and nets payment only cost I wana earn rebates lol the package oso cannot claim from medisave.
He deliver at Mt A and TMC.
Any mtbs seeing Dr KK Ho at Mt Elizabeth?

I'm going for my first scan this saturday so hoping that I will be able to see my baby's heartbeat.
Hi mtb, I am back from my BKK trip!

Our thread moved too fast and I couldn't catch up.

Trinity &amp; pinky: stay strong and take Gd care! Jia you!

A big welcome to all new members!

Was alright thru out the Bkk trip, until yesterday while resting at home, started to have spotting after intercourse with hubby.
doc gave 2 days mc and duphaston. Need to rest in bed for the next few days. Last night managed to detect BB heart beat, but the spotting part made me nervous till I can't feel the excitement. Felt emotionally sad when hubby scolded me for shopping too much at Bkk. Sobs. Feel sad that I can't go back to work today and have to ask colleague to do my work. Not very nice to ask pp to do my part of work.
bb burger: don't worry too much about the spotting. just take a good rest and you will be fine. I also had very bad spotting when I was pregnant with my No. 1 coz I was stressed up with moving house. After that everything stabilized. Cheer up ok?

It's not the shopping! It's the love making haha
Some just Hv to stop love making in first trimester ... Listen to ur dr advice ..
