(2013/04) April 2013

btw mtbs, i heard that durain will increase the baby size. however, for the first trimester does it work as well?

i hope my baby will grow faster and bigger so that i dont have to see my gynae EVERY WEEK

Trinity, very sorry to hear the news. Hope you are ok. Please do a mini confinement and nurse your health back!

KKH pte suite really depends on the gynae you are seeing. I used to see DR loh at pte suite for my #1 for the 1st tri and treatment was good which I believe is due to Dr Loh is the head.

I'm so sleepy due to the side effects of utrogestan. n i eat nonstop. if i dun snack or munch, will feel nausea. sure grow very very fat this time.
Yah I know kkh all these nonscense but if I need hospitalized for complications I still need go to them as its subsidize .. Just be more alert ur self ...

Better dun go la if u Hv doubts .. I'm sure ur BFF understands..

I am feeling dizzy non stop accompany with headaches any gd solutions for this? Simply fatigue 100% ... And slightly depress
re: carrying bb

used to practice it for my #1 and #2, but #3 abit bochap. carried my niece and nephew also, nothing happen. i never believe we can attend anything be it white or red events, but we should warn the other party first, in case they pantang

if you wanna bu with durians, wait till last trimester, its too early still. instead, you will be bu_ing yourself :p
Utrogestan can insert heard u won't get this side effects.
I used to eat orally bt I dun get it too
Now I am on duphaston I am very dizzy, is this the cause?
By the way can we drink chicken Essenes with dangui now? I feel very weak hope it can help .. That's the only one I Hv t one nw
divein, my gynae ask me to take as oral leh, never ask me to insert.. i took it for #1 but the side effects never hit me this hard like this one. fatigue also, really feels like any moment will doze off n zzzz... forever feeling tired..

can take chicken essence but without danggui. danggui can cause mc so please avoid!

best to only take durian in last tri coz too bu for 1st tri.

ling, wah! beef steak, very good appetite!!!
Trinity - glad to see u taking it well..try again. Good thing is u can have sex with yr hubby again!
I am eating almond nuts but I read some review say almond not suitable for pregnant women wor .. But some reviews say is good. Haiz confusing.. Should I continue to take ar
Hihi MTBs,

This is my first time here...Hope to make some friends here!

Some brief info. I'm now 6 weeks with my #2 (first boy born in 2008) and I have been feeling soooooooo tired...also been feeling damn nauseous but could not vomit anything out..worse still, I have been having bad diarrhoe everytime i eat those oily/friend/spicy stuff...have cravings for Dim Sum all the time (haha)..

I went to The Private Suite @ KKH for my first boy. Will be having my first appt with Dr. June Tan this coming 28th Aug....anyone with this gynae before?

Thanks mommies...
About carrying #1.. I am still carrying my boy as he requests me to carry him.. 13kg still have to carry.. No choice la.. He still a bit too young to understand.. Going for review tmr.. Hopefully can see hb alr! If not gotta..


pinky j,
tell me about it, my #1 is 14kg also wanna carry. kids are the funniest little devils, when toddlers, wanna walk and we chase them around. become kids, wanna carry, sit strollers :p

Glad to hear you are feeling ok. There's always a time and place for everything, hope the next one stays with you. Dont get too stressed with trying, as it lowers the possibility of getting preggie. I was overly stressed when trying for #2, in the end, tried for 6months.
Divein, oops! Dun drink it anymore!

My #1 still can't walk so I gotta to carry him esp in the mornings when I fetch him to mil pl for the day.
Trinity you are a strong woman. Meanwhile take care and baby dust to you.

TCM - Zou Yu Min
Blk 505, Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8 #01-2670
(next to Anderson Sec; Opp NYP)
Tel:6456 0833
Charges: $25 for accupuncture only; mine is $56 for 7 days of "an tai Yao" (no accupuncture), medicine price depend on individual.
Got. I mean she prescribe medi base on what your body need. She is more popular with ladies ttc which she will do accupuncture and medi to tiao yang your body.

Previously, I did one accupuncture and tiao yang medi is $76 for 7 days medi. I did accupuncture twice a week.
Haa.. Trinity, my hubby read frm somewhere cannot make love for the 1st trim n last trim so he don dare touch me so far.. Keke..
Anyway I also don hv the mood leh.. Breast swollen n si so sensitive I jump even if he accidentally brush me.. ☺
U gals still make love regularly mah ar?
Trinity call to make appointment. I m going next week to take my medi. closed on wed, Sunday half day I think.

Marlene, no I m untouchable still. No mood & sore breast. I scare half way I puke how. Any smell will trigger me to puke. Haha.
Wah mummies we are moving really fast! I didn't log in to chat cos I have been so unwell vomiting every day.

Am really abit scare cos Tom I am going to my gyne. This has been one of my longest mth ;) found myself preggy, then spotting then feisty, then insomnia, then craving, then spotting again then a&e then cannot find sac, then flu then cannot find heart beat and all these have only been 3 weeks!

I am glad it's over I pray hard I will see heart beat Tom and I can be a happy mum again! Been happy just secretly stressed ;) isn't it amazing to be a mother!

I so regret not marrying earlier, playing too much, wasted time studying and not giving birth earlier thank God I didn't chase after career too much Hehehehhe
Wah Divein sounds like my first pregnancy I would put my fingers in to dig ... Ya sounds bad but I feel better later ;)
Trinity! You are a horny mummy ;) hahah good that u are taking the news well ;)
Pu abit then regain the massive sex life June or July mummies also can then u can join both mummies gathering ;)
welcome tayfamily!

trinity, Jia you with your spicy sex life :D how's the shopping revenge lol.

divein, ^5. I'm feeling so terrible 24/7. perhaps the only time I'm sane is when I'm asleep. Kept throwing up until I can shiver from the vomiting
Worse is constipation kicks in as well.

I'm a floating balloon; but the moment I stopped floating, I am a merlion. URGH. Brought forward gynae visit to tomorrow. Hoping he can help to alleviate a little.

Wish I could rest at home, but can't afford to take mc and leave too
Have already used up more than half of it for the year.

maxlene, zenn, my hb said, he can't even smile looking at how xing ku I am now. *sobs* My toilet sink is my best friend now.
Trinitymummie, I have a Tcm contact to share with you which you can also consider. She is called Wu Liping and has 2 clinics. She is at Blk 252 #01-123 Jurong East St 24 on Tue, Thu and Sats and at Blk 408, #01-789 AMK Ave 10 on Wed & Sun. Her fees are pretty affordable. 1 week's medicine plus consultation is less than $50. She was recommended by my friend. My friend had a few friends who miscarriaged 2-3 times and after seeing her, all got pregnant less than 6 months and have stable pregnancies. I had a mc previously and seen her when I was preggie with #1 to an tai. Many ttc couples and preggie ladies see her. Try to do mini confinement n drink lots of red dates tea and also raspberry tea. Raspberry tea strengthens womb n improve womb general health which is important for a healthy next pregnancy!

I feel the worst after dinner even thou I took v light food.. But so far nv merlion, only nauseous.

Preggy ladies also c her? Any way to cure MS?? If can, i wana to c her. If an tai, when can we see her? After 1st trimester?
Now that we are preggy can we still drink rassberry tea? Btw mummies i find peppermint tea, honey, lemon warm drinks help with my MS. Not too much of peppermint and honey though.
How many of us has put on weight and how many of us lost weight? I am in a bad package vomiting yet not losing weight hahahaa ... I preggy scared not shedding off my pregnancy weight which I was still left with 2 kg after my first one..
How many of us are with nuh btw?
<font color="119911">good morning...
@trinity, kkh diden call me yesterday..so i dunno my hcg level...going for another blood test tmr. According to the doctor, he will call me after my 2nd blood test result out. I pay abt 180 yesterday. They r really blur.for scan and payment, ask me to wait for my number to be called, they skip my number for abt 5, so i went to ask, blame me say i miss it, so i told them i am waiting outside and they diden call my number at all. So the recep call and then immediately my turn. Payment also the same, ask me to wait..i waited till the scream going empty soon, also didrn see my number. Went to ask, immediately process it. Piss right! The doctor im seeing is dr han, he is the only gynae take walk in yesterday, so no choice. Nurse there not very helpful, point me to room15 for blood test, waiting quite a while, then ask me to go AMC. Walao...waste time..

Okok....vent to destress...hahaha</font>
Hi Mummies , currently 5 weeks . Extremely tired and nauseous . Getting out of bed in the morning seems to be the toughest thing to do ! >.< this is my 3rd pregnancy
mummypooh, an tai is now til end of 1st tri, some even an tai til wk 32 then stop. she will give medicine to improve nausea but will not fully stop it. i went to see her since i was wk 6. for my #1, i also see her til wk 20 then i stop. my mil strongly believes the tcm helps coz my #1 very chubby n good appetite unlike her other grandkids.

happymom, better not to take too much honey coz read that honey can cause allergy or phlegm for bb when they are born. raspberry drink can only be taken after wk 32 i think. now cannot drink.

khimmyksc, why you didn't go to pte gynae? it might be faster and better service!

trinitymummie, i think can start seeing tcm now coz they will give you med to make sure everything is purged out and womb is clean.

Can tcm helps to prevent jandice in bb? Coz my #1 has v high jandice level &amp; need to be admitted, so i dun wish tis 2nd one undergo d same torture.

Btw r her med v bitter?? Its those powder form mix w water? Its walk in basis or need to fix appt ?
Thanks mareibb! Ya honey can't take too much like twice a week.

This is my longest morning cos I am going to the gyn to scan for that long awaited heart beat ;) the second hand of clock I like ticking by the hour...

The consolation is that I feel like puking the whole time... I did a very silly thing this morning, I went to repare roasted pork now I feel all the more sick!
Hi morning to all MTBs..

Im feeling nausea every morning when I woke up to go work.. Only the min I get to drink hot drinks and eat something.. I feel so much better..

Do you all feel bloated after ur meals? I feel bloated normally after my dinner..

@kimmyksc, the problem with KKH is always like that.. Making ppl wait and different dept do different test.. And got to wait and wait.. Y dun you try private?

@ Trinity, you seems to be able to take it well!! Great! Be positive ya.. And go pu and pu your body..

oops, till now I have yet to make love with my hubby too.. haha.. some say 1st trimester better nt to make love..
Good morning mommies!

Thanks Sam and Shirelle for the warm welcome!

Hihi Trinity,

Glad that you are taking it well...most importantly you must tiao yang your health back...and yes, have more sex! Hehe...

Hihi Kimmy KSC,

Don't worry too much..sometimes bb likes to play hide-and-seek but I do ustd how it feels and the pressure you are going through...did u try using those home test kits to test your HCG Level? I can mail some to you if you wan.

Hihi Juliet Nicole,

Welcome too! I'm also new to this thread...Hehe..

Hihi Happymum,

Really cannot take honey more than twice a week? Gosh...for some reasons hot honey lemon can somehow calm me down so I dun feel so nauseas for a short while...
hihi tayfamily, same here! that day i drank a cup of hot honey lemon, I felt so much better and nt so bloated.. But ya cos honey is sweet.. so better nt take so much..
<font color="119911">Welcome &amp; congrats Juliet!

Trinity, Mareikebb, piggy
Actually I have discharge since Saturday, due to holiday, no clinic.. So I tahan till Tuesday, can lie down then lie down. Feel guilty as my #1 been calling me outside my room. I have my gynae, just happen that she dun have clinic on Tuesday. and the nurse ask me to go KKH and have it check, so i went. Not a good experience after all lor. I will still go back to my usual gynae, hopefully lar..hahha

I did the home test twice, show me positive. Is there test kit to show hcg level? I dunno that..shame
I do hope baby is playing hide and seek...

Hmmm, IF the baby not growing anymore (like what the KKH doctor say), suppose to bleed? or not necessarily? The waiting feeling is the worst!!</font>
Hihi Kimmy...
Actually wad I have is the pregnancy test by testing the HCG level...Yes, rmb sticky beans? Stay positive!!! *Hugs*

Hihi Piggy,
Then how much honey can we drink ar? Hmm.....think better stick to 1 cup per week to be safe..

I agree with you. I'm having vv acidic stomach causing lack of appetite. Although I dun puke, but the feeling also sucks. I think this is by far, the hardest pregnancy I have

Hopefully this turns out to be a GUAI one cos I have 2 notti ones already
@kimmy, just rest as much as you can ya.. HUGs.. things will go fine!!

@tay, i dunno the exact amount.. but one cup a week should be ok la.. i guess we got the urge to drink it, when we are feeling nausea..
Morning all MTB...

glad to join in the group..

Just tested +ve ytd nite after i miss my mense for 3 days.

This will be my #2. #1 is 14mths old, a ger..

So far no symptoms yet. #1 time also no symptoms except bloated stomach. Hopefully no symptoms for #2 also..
hi mummies,
wads hcg ?? wad is it use to test ?? cuz my usa gynae onli allows me to see him when im 10 weeks preggy..kinda worried le..
piyo: i also gt a 14mths ger..haha..i also nt much symptoms le..except bloated and lose appetite..me quite worried..have u gone for scanning ??

HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone made by the pregnancy that can be detected in the mother's blood or urine even before the woman's missed period. This hormone is what we look for with a "pregnancy test".

HCG levels;
•3 weeks: 5 - 50 mIU/ml
•4 weeks: 5 - 426 mIU/ml
•5 weeks: 18 - 7,340 mIU/ml
•6 weeks: 1,080 - 56,500 mIU/ml
•7 - 8 weeks: 7, 650 - 229,000 mIU/ml
•9 - 12 weeks: 25,700 - 288,000 mIU/ml

I think the purpose of running blood test for HCG level is to test if the foetus is developing well
