(2013/04) April 2013

Guess it depends on several factors, I was able to tell at 16w, a gf even earlier, at 20w most wld be able to see alry.

Ocean blue,

Gender will b confirmed at detailed scan, around 20wk. Before that, your gynae may say also. For boys, very obvious can tell.
Ling, no. We are just happy that I am expecting :) We tried for 4years. This is the best anniversary gift :) As long as baby's healthy, we're fine with either gender. I'm asking because of excitement. lol
Ocean blue: Awesome! Can feel ur elation & v happy for u too.

I just tested +ve lol duno whether to believe or not maybe tomorrow morning will test again since the box got 2 sticks might as well right hehe
I tried logging in but it's been too long that I forgot acct details lol last was in the 2008 mummies group
Congrats, Ling! You must be really excited too even thoughthis is not ur 1st :)

Is anyone taking prenatal vit? I wanna start on one but don't know which type / brand to get. Any recommendation? I'm currently taking folic acid only. Was taking 500mcg (50g) but up it up to 1000mcg today.
Ocean blue,

I think folic is good enuff at present moment. When you visit your gynae, he/she will prescribe you with the necessary vitamins
ocean blue, can feel yr excitement. yup yup, as what sam said, folic acid is sufficient as of now. I am also taking that presently only. i rem that i need to switch to fish oil ard 2nd trim.

some pple can tell the gender during the oscar test but not for me.. to be very sure, normally during the detailed scan at 20th week, you shld be able to tell provided the bb positioning is good to show u that.
twinklestarworld, yes, I'm very excited though I am worried too. Worried that the pregnancy is not viable. Going to do another HCG beta blood test tmr at GP to track the level.

Ling, I'm up too! Every night, after waking to go to the loo, I simply just can't go back to sleep even though I'm tired. The mind is thinking of so many things. Think I'm anxious.
I got mine from hospital pharmacy. Very cheap too.

Sam, I've not gone to the gynae yet as it's still too early. I've only cfm'd my preg thru' a HCG blood test done at GP. As I've hormonal imbalance, my HCG and progesterone levels have to be monitored.

Is anyone pooping more than usual?
Hi all!
I'm new here!!
Hey ocean blue, I poo poo ard 3 times a day....
Mostly at late night n early morning, after my stomach get hungry and making weird noise... Then stomach ache.. Then need to go toilet le!
Zenn I am same gynae as you le! Dr fong yang! But I have not get to see him yet. I have my beta blood test positive on last Friday. Nurse say need to do blood test again in Monday...
I spend a nite at kkh till now. Bhp spike causing my dizziness and almost black out... They monitor my blood pressure. They oso took my blood to check the hcg lvl which is at 415. When they try to v scan, nth was found... Tml they will take blood to check again
Stay positive and take care, did the docs recommend you medication to control your BP? Are you home or still warded?
Just read that you have a 4yo, I do too, it's the cutest and best age IMO :]
fat chicken, welcome!

I've been waking up in the middle of the night due to hunger too and then stomachache as well. So weird! I just went to do my 2nd beta at the GP clinic today. Will be getting the result tmr. Hopefully, the number will double at least. When will you know your 2nd result?

Cheryl, how are you feeling now? When will they discharge you? GP took my blood pressure today and it was 130/80 and he said can't exceed 130 so he wants us to monitor on our own at home as we have the machine. SO many things to worry about!
Ya I am in hosp. They are collecting my 24 urine to check. Blood test wIse is ok. Ya they did give me med too. Higher dOsage.

Ocean blue
Ya. Need to monitor it.. I guess either Tml or tue, oso need see my bp gt stable anot. Up n down zz
Cheryl, try drinking more celery juice. It helps to lower BP. Also, think u shld know it too, to avoid taking too much salt.

I really hope you will be better soon and that everything will be fine. Keep us posted, ya? Take care!
Ocean blue,
Generally preggie woman tend to feel more tired, esp since you arent sleeping well. I get dizzy spells and headaches cos this is my peak period at work.

Hope things goes well for you.
Sam, I don't feel tired at all. Seems to have new round energy even though I've not been sleeping well due to night visits to the loo.
ocean blue
maybe it's the adrenaline from your excitement that's keeping you going :D it's good to feel energetic! but do rem to get sufficient rest if you're working tomorrow!
ocean blue, i feel tired most of the time. Feel like sleeping. But i heard it's normal to feel tired for the 1st trim because that is when the body is going thru a lot of changes. 2nd trim has sort of stablised.. then come the 3rd trim which again make me tired coz bb growth will be much faster and heavier. If u aren't feeling tired, that's good, u get more energy doing yr thing. But it could be that your symptoms have yet to kick in.
Cheryl wishing you all the best.

I don't feel fatigue too maybe coz I have resting & resting. Today my stomach is better, I can eat and don't feel nausea at all. Just wondering if my symptoms is fading away as my thyroid affecting the baby. I am worried. Another scan this Friday.. Hopefully baby is still growing well.
do drink LD Venus during ur confinement..
need not drink other herbs already as its good
LD~VENUS helps to impart regulatory and invigorating benefits for women after childbirth. Effective in enhancing skin texture and elasticity, subdues menopausal disorders and relieves menstrual pain.
EMail me at [email protected] if u are keen in trying ya tq
Ling, like what you said, I think I'm both excited and anxious (waiting for 1nd HCG beta result to be out today). At work now and feel like sleeping :p

Zenn Zenn, how far a long are you now? I pray that your baby's growing well.

I woke up this morning to find that my boobs are not as sore as they were yesterday and before. Is this normal too? I'm worried.
Thank you oceanblue, i am 6w2d.

I goggled it seemed many people has on/off symptoms too. I myself have on/off nausea . I hope is normal but I m worried too.
Morning all!

Cheryl, stay positive! you'll be ok

twinkle, i put on 0.5 - 1kg too. I've been eating many small meals. Praying that this period would pass quickly. Eat/no eat = feel miserable.

zenn zenn, it's alright to feel ok! dont worry ya.

I'm feeling tired all the time. Over the weekends, i alternate between eating and sleeping. only when i'm sleeping i don't feel terrible
Ocean blue,

First week after my missed my period, I feel terribly energised and alert. Woke up at 5+ each morning even when I slept 12+ each nite. By 2nd week, after learning about pregnancy, I think Im back to my normal routinue, do feel tired or even more tired than usual cos my brain cannot concentrate
hi all

Joining you girls... Currently 6wk4d, seeing my gyne this sat.

Cant wait to hear the baby heart beats.

Twinkle/Shirelle - I kept eating in the day time& feeling energetic... But when it comes evening, i start feeling miserable - Tired & Nausea and then dont feel like eating. Just feel like i am eating in the day to stock up for the night.

Oceanblue - My boobs was also on/off sore, alittle bloated, like when i used to bf. I think that it should be fine...
Welcome, Tiara, and CONGRATS!

My MS has just kicked in and my sense of smell is on hyper mode. I can detect others' breaths from 2 tables away. More so when they are talking to me. I've to take 1-2 steps back as the smell is really strong. Weird thing is I know they don't have bad breath as I didn't detect it in the past. All these smells are making me feel sick in the stomach.

Which gynae will you be visiting?
shirelle, do u hv morning sickness that affect yr appetite? i juz feel tired and less energetic.

tiara, welcome
some pple feel nausea at certain of the day/night, some totally just can't eat whole day.

ocean blue, some preg woman are sensitive to smell. u r one of them
tiara, congrats and welcome! :D

twinkle and tiara, i think my morning sickness for this pregnancy is better than when i was preg with #1. I feel very restless when i'm at work and can't focus properly unless i force myself really hard to. after anything i eat/drink, i'll feel really nauseous and miserable, but didn't puke yet.

Ocean, i bring vicks along with me everywhere i go now. helps a little. Can't stand the smell of unpleasant stuffs, perfume, even fried food/fast food like mcdonalds makes me nauseous.
Oh twinklestarworld, do u have any cramps or pain? yes ocean_blue is right. Go and see the doc asap. Better be safe than sorry right?

Take care ok.
going down to see gynae now. ask the nurse to give me today's slot. thanks goodness, they can squeeze me in coz my actual appt is next mth. keep my finger crossed , hopefully it's minor.

Stay calm and visit your gynae asap, think the spotting will go away with some duphston. Dont worry.
Hi ladies, joining you all...
I'm having chills all the time, feeling cold. is it normal?
Also i was eating lots of junk food the last month

