(2013/04) April 2013

Zenn it's normal to Hv higher temperature when u r preg

Shirelle, why dont u ask them to pay ur mid per errand basis. They may stop using her as it becomes nt o convenient anymore.

Zenn, blur vision and floaters in the eyes are common and normal during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. However, if it persists and/orthere is double vision for a couple of hours, it's best she consults her doctor. Sometimes, it could be due to gestational diabetes or high blood pressure. Best to get it checked out.
Hi ladies, i'm currently 6 weeks pregnant. I felt my stomach is seriously bloated and there's nothing i can do bout it. My gynae prescribe me some medicine but i'll puke once i take medicine. Heard that ginger tea is good. any advise on how to get rid bloated stoamch? =(
zenn, i feel "hot" as well but no fever (temperature hovering around 37.3 -37.6).

Hb doesn't like it either and we spoke to our in-laws about it. But it kept happening like a sorrow. initially, FIL even asked us to help hb's aunt by "borrowing" our maid to her over weekends.

Divein, hb's relatives quite chao. last time they said wanna give her extra $$ to run errands, end up didn't happen. just don't want to keep thinking that our maid is free for all.

Now i'm quite worried about the newborn. imagine when my baby is born, they still ask my maid to help them *faints* my own place won't be ready in the next 2 years =(

ggchua, some medicine might have adverse effects on us, maybe can ask your gynae for alternatives.

i dont think there's any way to get rid of bloated stomach, you can try ginger tea, but i doubt it will help much. compared bloated stomach to ms, i think we should count our blessings

it's the sacrifices you have to make to give birth lor :p
thanks shirelle for the advise.

I find that my morning sickness is pretty bad. it usually last for one whole day. my stomach is so bloated till it looks like 4 months preg=( not only that, ive no appetite, feeling cold all the time, hair fall, flu, cant poo poo cant burp (guess all the gas stuck in my stomach), even woke up in the mid of my sleep to vomit.

Izzit necessary to have a maid? If not, you can get rid of maid and the relatives problems once and for all
hey sam, ya lo. gotta endure no matter what. well everything is okay when we see our baby is growing well=) guess there's really not much cure for bloated stomach. went to google and no result.
Divien, I'd suggest u go get it check out since it's increasing. Let's not take matters into our own hands. best to get professional advice. Are u walking a lot too?

ggchua, welcome and congrats! I've no remedy for what u are going thru too
Maybe ginger tea will help since it expels wind.
hi Divein, you may go to KK for check up. I just went on monday due to spotting as well. The doctor told me that its very common but if your spotting seems to increase, better go and see. I'd hormones injection and mc for 3 days. need to rest.
I think you best go gynae or A&E asap. Spotting wont go away unless there's medication to control it

there's no cure for our kinda of bloatness cos its hormonal changes, not indigestion. thats why i said its small case lor
Divein the mummies are right. Go for a check. Rather be safe than sorry. Don't give ourselves a chance to risk, ok!

Thanks oceanblue & Shirelle.

Ggchua welcome & congrats. I am bloated as well. I seeing tcm before I conceived so yesterday I told her about bloating & no appetite. She said prescribe some medi for me to "Kai Wei". I felt less bloated today. But must notify the medi doesn't taste good. is power form mixed with water. I always feel pukey when I drink it but just forced myself to swallow it.
omg. thanks zenn zenn! I think i will consider bout it first
btw, is prenatal milk powder a must to drink for the first trimester?
Did a scan on Monday, can't see the sac. And had blood test on Monday, level at 60. But today I m bleeding like normal, I am supposed to go back clinic for another blood test on wed to do comparison against Monday result to determine I'd the level go up. Does it mean that I no need to go already?

Mommies who have bed rest just do it and don't attempt to go back to work like me. My #1 I bed rest from the day I tested positive on the day I missed my menses all the way till end of first trim, I looked back is all worth it for a healthy, chubby ad cheeky baby, no regrets.
ggchua, is your gynae dr ong?

divein, i think it might be safer to check with gynae...

sam, we're all working hence need the help of a maid
also to help out with housework...

Just wanna rant alittle, my kitchen ceiling is leaking, ytd I called HDB and the PIC checked ytd. today called again, the PIC asked if the contractor contacted me, I said no. Then PIC said its town council issue, ok, went to contact town council, they said plumber is off duty at 4pm. So asked me to call emergency hotline. Then this plumber from emergency hotline literally went down took a look and said its HDB problem. WTF, who should i contact? My kitchen ceiling leaking for 2 consecutive days, so unhygiene.
Who are you, husband and your child staying with now? Do you give any money to the owner of the house ? Maybe the owner feels that since your maid is staying there for free plus the expenses she incurs (electricity, food), she should contribute more to the family as a whole. Could that be the underlying cause?
Hi Sam, I think the same thing happened to my mum flat last time too. Also got kick around but If I am not wrong is HDB issue. I think i calld the HDB customer service and they send someone to repair it.
Sam - I can feel that I lost it already at week 5. So far, 3 gynae visits had cost me $450. I m wonder if I should go for blood test tml..
Baby milo. You bleeding today just like having menses? Have u called your gynae about it? Yes I think is good to go to see doc when u have bleeding or repeated the blood test again to confirm any result. Wishing you all the best. I told myself to be positive too.
Poor us why must we Hv bleeding and spotting

Sam, just call hdb and make a big fuss then they will action quick.
Oh dear baby milo ;(

Go A&E for a check or something! Pls dun just think and feel you have lost it! That's a horrible feeling!

I was also spotting quite a bit but just kept praying and asking for morning sickness. Now my morning sickness is really bad I just feel horrible, can't go to work, can't eat, can't drink but for the sake of this little one I kept telling myself it's ok to even puke out the stomach.

Mummies I am thinking of attending this forum. I am keen in some of the topic. For first time mum pls attend Mrs Wong's talk she is one of the best breast feeding speaker I have ever met ;)


Shall we sign up together?
Babymilo, I suppose to be last month mummy but after finding out I was pregnant for 3 days I start spotting. Immediately I went to gynae and do the blood test , was then suppose to go back after 3 days for the 2nd blood test but 2nd day, spotting get heavier. So I went back to gynae and was told my hcg is too low and she told me that it may just lost as chemical pregnancy. Once I walk out of the clinic I went to toilet, my mense come full blast. So I walk back to the clinic and tell my gynae. So I do not need to go back for the blood test. But doctor told me if there is any unusual of my mense, I will have to go back to her. She told me that it will be heavier than unusual mense.

I hope to join u mummies this month but mense started. I wish all mummies here a healthy and sticky 9 months!
I'm also firm believer that it's better to be safe when it comes to our babies. Go to the gyn, rest n take mc if necessary , nothing else is more impt than baby! When I went back to work on Monday I could feel a pulling at the tummy when I exerted myself, have been taking it slow since. Hope everything goes smoothly for all the mtbs!
Not every pregnancy is smooth, somemore not all foetus are healthy. Having a difficult pregnancy makes us cherish the bb more. But I find the challenge is in bringing up the bb, not giving birth

Mdm Wong fm tmc supposed to be good but I rather go mt a lor. Tmc is very commercial while mt a sisters are caring
Don't be sad ok? Some pregnancy are just not viable, just like we can never get the dream job? Cheer up. I'm sure there's another one along the way
Ggchua, i also went thru terrible nausea during number 1's time. It felt like it was whole day sickness and not just morning sickness. I realized that if i keep on eating small meals, it helps. The moment i get too hungry, i vomit..even at night or ealy morning. Hope yours will get better. Second trimester is usually the best time for pregnancy where nausea is gone, your appeite is back and you can move around coz you're not yet too big
I also had a fibroid after #1. It was 4cm I think but luckily it didnt affect my fertility. Think it grew at non impt place. By #2 detailed scan, it had calcified hence no more issue :p But I do know of single ppl having huge fibroids, so it probably depends on ppl
Hi ladies I've seen the gynae thank you for the concern and advice, went for a scan and saw the sac plus egg yolk, he also can see some bleeding but just tell me to continue taking utrogestran and as long I have all the pregnancy symptoms I should be good. Im 5+ weeks..
Sticky beans to all mtb stay strong and let's pull thru this together
Macam, that's really gd to hear. Hopefully the bleeding will go away soon.

Zc and ggchua, I thought that this pregnancy was bit better than previous Co's despite feeling shitty and nauseous, I'm still able to eat and go to work. But it feels really terrible when the strong urge to puke kicks in.

Ling, we're staying with in laws, paying for maid and contributing. Hb 's relatives are used to maid sharing and ordering our maid to do stuffs for them mainly. To avoid straining the relationship with them, in laws said that can help, then help, dun be so selfish. But what's not acceptable are incidents whereby my maid has to pick up my girl from school, hb's aunt scolded maid for not doing what she wanted. Told maid that my girl wait abit cant?

Babymilo, pls dun think negatively OK? Best is to check with gynae and understand the situation better.
Macam, that's wonderful! No heartbeat detected yet? When is your next appt?

Babymilo, so sorry abt what u r going thru'. Stay strong!

Divein, you can also go to NUH A&E or SGH A&E. Alternatively, Mt A has a 24 hrs wwalk in clinic. I'd rather go to A&E clinic of hospitals that have maternity wards / svcs.
Hi Shirelle,

Nope, my gynae is doctor lim

Hi ZC,

Hopefully mine will disappear once second trimester starts.. cause im going hong kong in Sep! i hope i dont vomit from sg to hong kong. haha.. and my sis in law told me, some preggies might have morning sickness throughout the whole pregnancy
Trinity, congrats!! So excited for u!

Gotta make appt to see gynae in abt 2 weeks. Maybe next week? U are abt the same period as me
When was your LMP? Mine was 12 july. Another way is to go to GP to do a HCG Beta blood test (and maybe progesterone test?) to confirm as well as to check the level. remember to ask for qualitative HCG Beta.
Does anyone know if taking probiotics at this stage is fine? I was taking probiotics before as im susceptible to fungal infection so am wondering if I can continue. I've stopped ever since I found out Im preggie.
Ling, I m a patient of LC Foong.His charges is ard $200+ per visit. And he just stopped offering package, thus, the charges is by per visit even for second trim onwards. He is nice and assuring.

end sep shd be fine, im going bkk in end aug and was so looking fwd to the massage and street food. now, cannot do anything except shopping

If Im not mistaken, LC Foong is head of fertility for TMC? If you arent IVF cases, no need go to him mah, can save some $$$

ggchua and sam, i'm going to batam early sept too. dunno whether the morning sickness will affect the trip

I've been taking snacks and small bites every hourly. It seems to help with the nauseousness better.
