(2013/04) April 2013

He recommend Mt A or Mt E. I did my lap in Mt A last Jan. everything ok but is under Reno. Quite noisy & messy. So I will think about it. Still early for me. Lol
Considering whether to go back my #2 gynae Adrian Tan fm TMC or find new gynae, Kenneth E Lee in Mt A. Hesitant to use Adrian cos his clinic forever long queue despite appt. But good thing is he's very jovial and experienced.
sam, ya lor, some gynae has long q. I once visited the sembawang lawrence ang, wanted to go for some checkup, was so shocked to see all mummies standing all the way till outside. if i m not mistaken, the clinic is shared by GP, dentist and gynae..

yes, agreed with you. somemore my gynae arent the most popular gynae but his queue is v long. and the problem is he doesnt take long time to see each patient, v chop chop.

think most probably going back to him cos his stiching quite good, painless within first week after delivery. my #2 was quite big at 3.5kg, but he didnt sitched me up alot lor.
eve, heard she is an very experienced old gynae.. who doesn't use scanning machine.. is it true?

sam, most impt u muz feel comfortable w the gynae. Yr #2 is csect?
yes, my gynae q is super long. always minimum 2 hr wait during weekdays. and she's the chop chop kind too..

she uses the scanning machine. but towards the end of pregnancy, she tends to use her hands to feel first before using the machine to show me the stats.

yes, she's very experienced. my colleague's girl was the 3rd generation that wk tan delivered. my colleague's aunt, aunt's daughter and my colleague's girl all delivered by her.
sam, that's good. i wld love to try natural this time if gynae permits. I had csect for #1, argh, gynae said mine was a big bb, went to induce and end up e-csect with a 2.9kg bb. So regret that i didn't insist not to induce.

eve, oh okie, so it's the end of preg. thought it's the entire process.
twinklestarworld - actually induce has its risks and complications too. i think most imptly u need to have a gynae who is pro-natural. is your current one pro-natural, given that your #1 was csect? and natural w/o epi is SUPER painful la!! *shudder*

no offence but i think some gynae likes to do c-section cos higher fees. actually 2.9kg is not big bb but depends on your size. im at 1.64m so my bb size still ok to me :p
sam/eve, in my entire bb development, bb growth was quite fast, gynae detect the bb is at (can't rem) like above 75% growth. She kept emphasizing the growth of bb is big, can be around 4kg, dunno i can deliver naturally or not. till the end of preg, i was telling her, why not i go straight to c-sect if she thinks my bb is big. i don't want unplanned csect but she asked me to try natural. i was at a loss, first time mah, so end up went to induce at wk 38 instead of waiting .. wrong move, dilation was slow , toward the 10th hr, i was having pain despite i was on epi, the bb's head pressing on me .. end up fetal distress and headed to ops.

sam yup no offence, i heard of this b4, some gynae didn't really want to wait too long for cervix to open up to 10cm and juz suggest c-sect. only after that, i read somewhere that induction has a higher rate of ended up in csect, coz bb not ready to come out.

csect is real fast! the first thing i asked, how big is the bb? end up 2.9kg ! i am shocked how come so much difference as what the gynae quoted me in last visit at 3.5kg.. argh.

So this time round, i heard paul tseng is quite pro-natural, so decided to see him and hopefully deliver naturally. csect is painful and i can't do massage too fast.. which make my tummy harder to slim down.
Congrats Shirelle.

Wow I have a lot to learn from the experienced mummies. I have some light pulling and aching at the pelvic bones. Is that what they said uterus is expanding? Or it is too early for this expansion?
Wow we are discussing modes of delivery already? We are a very "advanced" bunch hor?
I delivered both my kids without epidurals and had water births. That's just the way I like to do things and was lucky in having births without complications. But I think every woman has to decide for herself what is right for her circumstances.

Zenn - totally normal, you will feel these sensations quite often; just the uterus expanding and stretching. If you feel acute pain then do consult your gynae.
Twinkle- you will be in gd hands with Paul Tseng. He says he will do a vbac for you? I'm sorry you had a bad experience the last time. Hopefully this time much better!

Shirelle - congratulations n welcome!
Woah our thread is fast!

Sam! Tinkle star! Me bb aug 11 too heeeeee 14th ;)

Any way back to my weird dreams also dunno how to say... Haaa btw does anyone of u feel coldness in the feet n crampiness in the tummy area? This pregnancy is so different fr the last! I m 20x weaker and more uncomfortable and guess it willl be daunting for the next 2 weeks until we hear the heartbeat....

Sigh woke up cos no 1woke up now m wide awake! Ai yo....

You changing gynae rite cos your previous one so unprofessional either cannot gauge bb's weight or deliberately want you c-section.

My gynae also gave me false hopes, went for checkup on thur, he said prepared for delivery by that night. In te end, sat still haven't delivered. So malu cos told boss I delivering already. In the end, went induce partially due to Braxton hicks & partially juz wanna get the bb out.
I tot it's standard that cerix has to open till 10cm b4 we can start push? Anyway for both deliveries, it's the nurses that told me when to push. Gynae juz pop in for final snip & deliver.
Hi ladies,
Yesterday I had abit of spotting, and also yesterday I started taking utrogestran. Could that be the cause of it?. From what I read it seems that if pregnant utrogestran helps in supporting the placenta. Gynae told me to not be worried and continue taking but I feel so paranoid.
Any ladies experienced this before?

Sticky beans to all MTB!

If your spotting is lil bit & brown I think ok. But shd only few days as you are taking meds to strengthen your pregnancy. If the spotting increases in volume, plse see gynae ASAP
HappyMum- I get the tingly feeling in my feet on and off, think it is quite normal, not sure what the cause is though. I also have a bit of cramping here and there. I think mild crampiness of also normal. Don't worry!

Macam - I don't think that drug is supposed to cause spotting. I think probably unrelated to the drug lah. Just monitor and try to rest a bit more over the next few days. As Sam said, if the bleeding increases, let gynae know again.
Sam - sigh, I get sad when I hear women have bad experiences with their gynaes. Trust is so important, otherwise it's very hard. So did you change your gynae as well? Who will you be with for this #3 pregnancy?
Sam - yes in theory the pushing phase comes after the dilation phase but some women progress very quickly from 8cm to 10cm and start feeling the bearing down sensation (which makes you feel you wanna push) a bit earlier. I think it's fine to do the natural bearing down (ie pushing) when you feel the urge around then and it's a bit unrealistic to expect a woman in that situation to artificially wait until 10cm.
Hi Morning girls..

Anybody already hv problems fitting in usual clothes?

Mine getting tighter
So fast its only 5 weeks+
My first preg it didnt show till after 5 months ..

After meal stomach will bloat big too
I wonder its indigestion or its normal symptoms
I dont get it the last time..
Divein: I think you usually show more quickly for your second pregnancy (as compared to the first one). All my clothes are tight already
picotin, i had induction fr epi from the start, also didn't help me to dilate faster.. always feel amazed by mummies gg thru wo epidural.. how was the water birth? hehe, i hope to experience vbac with Paul Tseng.. hvn't seen him yet, my appt is next month.

happymum, another aug bb mummies..

sam, I change gynae this time. didn't want to experience what i went thru. come to think abt it, i shld hv seek second opinion that time.

normally gynae juz popby when ready to deliver. good thing is gynae was stationed in tmc, so popby quite often then. This #2 also station in tmc. If i want to deliver in mtA, i wonder if i will get to see the gynae only during delivery time. mummies who gave birth at MtA, is it like this? Gynae will rush fr clinic to hosp?

Divein, yr clothes tighten? i feel my pants are tighter now.. coz tummy quite bloated. for my #1, my tummy shows from 6th mth.. i haven't shed off my tummy fat, i guess it will be very obvious very soon. hehehe..
Thanks for the advice ladies, today I have not seen any spotting so should be ok,
For me my jeans are already tighter, probably because of my increased appetite, been eating a lot before I even knew I was pregnant! Also feel bloated all the way.
Anyway this is my 1st

Do you ladies know how often we need to go for scanning? Because I'm out of leave already need to do some planning.
Twinkle, water birth is great. Less painful and less strain on your back because you are more buoyant in the water. I think Dr Tseng used to do water births but he may have stopped. I know he delivers at Mt A and TMC so yeah he will have to rush down when the Mt A midwife calls him. Heard sometimes gynaes can miss births.

Yeah I guess no ePidural Is challenging but I don't know any better cos I've always dOne it this way so far. I like the control you feel and I think there is less risk of c section and vacuum.
macam, gynae visit was monthly so I get to scan whenever I see the gynae. Towards the (i think) 32th weeks, it is fortnightly.. Only like oscar test need to be on weekday... If i am not wrong. How abt schedule it on sat? Maybe diff gynae work differently.. I did that as I wanted to save leave plus get my hb to go with me.

Picotin, yeah I heard abt water birth by Paul Tseng..as long as natural, I dun mind considering. Let me ask him during my visit.

shirelle, is it yr #1?

Oh gosh I am feeling so tired and less energetic. Can't handle much and carrying my girl too much.

Maybe I am bit kiasu, I start to plan my maternity leave and realize I will lugi 2 public holidays that fall in may 2013.
twinklestarworld - wa!! u super uber fast! start to plan maternity leave aly!! i wonder if we will get the chance to enjoy the recommended 6 mth maternity leave? *fingers crossed*
*high five* I also start planning for my maternity leave. Lol.

Oops. Forgot to intro myself. I'm a #2 MTB, should be 6 weeks now. My #1 born in KKH in Nov 11, gynae was John Tee, considering to go back to him.
hi mummy patricia.. * high 5 * my #1 is also '11 bb, but an aug bb.. i think i shld be ard 6 weeks too.

haha, because i just started on this new job.. i need to plan my leave. I know it's not too nice to get preg when i just started on this new job. But co knows of my plan althgh i didn't say that directly ..

I will take a min. of 2 mths to max 3 mths, but definitely not 4 mths. i think the 6 mths a bit tough in Sgp. don't think it will get approved. It's good actually but may be difficult for woman to find a job next time. I rather the benefits come in other form. like more bb bonus, more childcare incentives, schooling .. etc..

even i start my ML early also no use, sure lugi 2 days, coz end march also got one ph. zzz

I'm not sure if I wanna go back to my #2 gynae or find this new gynae Edward Lee at Mt A. Apart from the long q & off estimation on delivery, my gynae quite caring & the clinic assts all v nice
Ocean blue,

Clearblue should be the most accurate around. If you are already 5weeks pregnant, I would think you can use the urine sample anytime of the day. If only 4 weeks, try to use the first urine sample in the morning for most accurate test.
Unlikely to get false positive unless u read after the given timing or on medication that will affect results .
I don't know if it's accurate but I read that there is no such thing as a false positive. Only false negative. Correct me if I'm wrong ladies.. Ya with 6 months will be difficult for us ladies in the workforce.

normally i use digital Clearblue as the final stage of confirmation. it has been quite reliable and accurate. heard false neg when some pple r actually preg.
