(2013/04) April 2013

<font color="aa00aa">Divein: Okie, more comforted to hear this. Cos mine he say can't hear yet, and went on to say by right should be able to liao. Scared me lah! So he gave me pills and say will see me again. My first one I heard exactly at 7wk (based on lmp)... but 6wk+ based on size.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Divein: You type \ and the color you wan to change... eg. orange... you type \orange then put '{'... then close whole para with '</font>'...}
<font color="aa00aa">Trinity: I first detected my #1 pregnancy cos I KO too early at night. Always a night owl... then suddenly every night I feel very very tired by 11pm, can't endure past midnight, then it prompted me to go test for my pregnancy! Haha!</font>
vanilla, i'm also facing the same prob - discrepency in the date (but partly also because i couldn't remember my LMP). Hence visiting gynae next week to check the growth of the fetus.
<font color="aa00aa">Shirelle: My prob is I rmb the date clearly! Hahaha. But I think differ a few days is 'normal'.. mine has been always a few days so far.

Trinity: This one the weird symptoms seem to creep in earlier. And more uncomfy for me! So I couldn't wait till 4 days late... like a day late, I gan cheong already. :p</font>
Trinity so early must book arrrr
Last time I tried a week 2 hrs each okay but heard gt 3hrs each ard same price .. I think I paid $50 per time 3 yrs ago ...
I guess twins must be smaller in size so can accommodate? :D

Do u all Hv diff symptoms from previous preg? My seem to be better than last one ... Wondering s is diff gender!!
I don't seem to be very fatigue and sleep a lot.

Yesterday woke up around 4am to wee then slept back, had a series of strange / supernatural dreams. Today first day hor. Maybe is psychological coz I was watching a horror movie before I sleep. Lol.
<font color="aa00aa">Zenn: Bizarre dreams quite normal during pregnancy. I had a bad one only once... but so freaky that I woke up and scream... my hubby got shocked and woke up as well. I dreamt I was kena chased by a butcher, and he wanna chop me up, it was a dark alley kind of setting... ewwwwww.

Trinity: Rest, rest, rest! Lie down...

Divein: You know him hor? Not sure he wont confirm 100%... so on my scan, he typed 'yolk sac 2???'. :p</font>
zenn, i had weird dreams too, x-men settings and etc urgh!

Trinity, maybe you're bit overstretched? Best to lay down and rest. Right now, every time i'm at home, i'm like a pig - eat sleep eat sleep haha.

i took pregnancy test cause i had a strong haunch! lol...

divein, i'm also having different symptoms. and the food i'm craving for is v different.
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="verdana">Divein/Shirelle: My symptoms also very different! ^5!

Shirelle: So exciting, X-men somemore!!!</font></font>
Trinity, my boobs one big one small don't worry, today was having a bad dizzy spell like wanna faint like that end up I took half day to rest.. I also have exciting dreams, dreamt I Was a invisible preggie fairy etc etc.. Lol shall not drag on I'm gg to sleep awhile..
Can add me in the list?
LMP : 05 jul
EDD: should be 11 apr
Gynae: dr Henry cheng
1st child!
I'm 28 years old..
bb burger, think every individuals have difference bah.. fret nt.. i have tender boobs and now still wearing my own cup size.. Haha..

yup im also happy to hear that mummies that have went for the scan, and see their precious darling heartbeat.. Im looking forward to mine next week .. hopefully i can also share some gd news..

oh ya.. remember to have ur lunch MTBs..
Lee, welcome and congrats! How many weeks are you?
For now, just make sure u take 5mg of folic acid daily
And book appt to see OBGYN.
Hi all mummies!! I'm supposed to be in the Mar thread base on LMP... but went to checkup on 3 aug..doc did scan and sac measured 4 weeks plus...I thought I was at 6 weeks plus liao.. doc said probably my cycle not accurate and ovulation also not zhun that's y...am currently 6 weeks 6 day as at today..looking forward to my next checkup next week to hear bbs

Lmp 13 june
Edd 6 apr
2Nd child
Gynae Dr Caroline Khi
Thomson medical
Trinity I just had the same prob as you.Painful Stomache then soft stools. But it was quite a relieve after that. Don't feel so bloated as least.

Welcome &amp; Congrats Lee
Thanks Piggy!I am still wearing the same cup size! Intend to buy bras during my BKK trip before the pregnant news came. Now, I am not sure if I should buy bigger cup size to stand by or not. Hahaha. So gan chiong. :p

Welcome Lee &amp; Shirley!

I agreed with Ocean_blue. My gynae adviced me to take the 5mg of folic acid (I bought from guardian, quite cheap. Only $3+ for 50 tablets).
Welcome lee &amp; Shirley~

Sam, pls tc and rest .. That's my dr say to me too yday I was clearing work to on leave so kan Cheong and experience pain too .. Today laze ard feeling gd .. Bt soft stool and LS

Actually how do we buy bra if it keeps on getting bigger and bigger .. :D
I only found out this week and already feeling very tired. I am experiencing spotting since yesterday. Now still have...it's just a bit but making me worried.
Mummypooh, yes, waiting for next sat to arrive

Sam, if your spotting is getting too much, please see a doc. Better be safe than sorry. Take it easy.
lee, u can use the online due date calculator for estimation. Please see a doc if you are still spotting. Get it checked out. S/he may prescribe u some hormone (progesterone) pills to stabilise it.
bb burger.. which wk u will be at when u fly to BKK? gotta take care ya.. I heard mummies that normally it will become one cup size bigger.. oops.. maybe u can get 2? as it's cheaper in BKK ..

Welcome lee &amp; Shirley..

Shirely im so glad that I have found someone with the same gynae that I have chose!! Dr Caroline Khi from TMC. But I have yet to see her.. my 1st appt with her is next week. Excited and looking forward. So you will be seeing her again next week?

Yup all MTBs, remember to take your folic acid every day ya..
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="verdana">Sam,
Please take care! Good to walk in to your gynae and check, esp if it's crampy pain. Meanwhile, try not to move around so much.

Welcome Shirley &amp; Lee!</font></font>
yup lee i think it will be better to go for a check.. to ease your worries.. yaya.. i think after delivery will be rather engorged with milk ya.. HOPE all mummies have plenty of milk flow after delivery...
Frosted Vanilla,

Im having cramps, but hor, Im not sure if its spotting or my piles lor :p Most likely my pile at work
Serangoon. Ok. Will go down tomorrow with my husband. You all making me more worried. Thought it's normal to have spoting for 1st trimester. Just used online calculator. 6 weeks now.
Sam &amp; Lee please take care ok. Go see doc asap is usually the best we could do for ourselves &amp; baby. Safe is better than sorry.

I am going to see my gynae. Appointment at 3pm. Wish me luck.
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="verdana">Lee,
Yup, I think should go for a scan too. Cos spotting may be due to many factors/reasons. Better to be given some medication or rest, for baby's sake.</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="verdana">Sam,
Piles will result in cramps? I dunno the kind of pain. Cramp is tummy or uterus area? Take lots of care ya?

Zenn, 7 mins to 3pm! Share with us more ok?
Hi Lee, I am also about the same period as you. Can't give you much advice on spotting as I am also a first time mummy. But I do think 2 weeks time to see the gynae is too long. Did you tell the nurse that you have spotting? Maybe they can try to squeeze you in an earlier slot.

Hi Piggy, I am going BKK tomorrow for 4 days!
Maybe I should buy 2 bras of 2 sizes bigger, but cannot image my cup go up by 2 sizes.
Frosted Vanilla,

Piles has nothing to do with cramps. All along, I get this on &amp; off feeling of cramps, but no spotting. So malu, but I think its my piles bleeding :p But hor, my stomach still crampy leh. Sian, take the chance to visit gynae lor, but hor, have to bring work home

How to tell whether the cramp pain is from tummy or uterus area? I also have cramp pain at times, but I thought it feels like pre-menses pain.

Good luck Zenn Zenn! Hope to hear good news from you later!
