(2013/04) April 2013

Hui Leng, welcome and congrats! Happy that you could hear the heartbeat at your first visit
Morning MTB,

I think clarins oil good enuff. Actually whether kenna stretchmarks or not depend on individual. Check with your mom whether she has it. If no, most probably you wouldnt have. I never kenna any from all my pregnancies, maybe my stomach not that big? :p
Huiling, oops! Sorry! Thought it was first from the way you said it. heehee.

Sam, how much does Clarins oil cost? Where can I get it?
U r so lucky Sam .. I Kena on the last few week go 3rd trimester ugly stretch marks sob sob think I will try Clarins ...
Ocean blue,

I bot it 5yrs ago at $70+, went to chinatown tolietries shop to buy lor. As Im too lazy to apply, I still have alittle bit left after 2 bbs :p

Maybe your bb too big? Hehe ... I think apply from 2nd trimester onwards, 1st trimester still too early.

Poor you. Since last Dec, our train system abit haywire already and its not moving as fast as before. So sad.

where is Dr Cheng's clinic?


Thank you for your effort too!!

Birth Order: #2
Hospital: Raffles Hospital
Gynae: Dr Watt Wing Fong
Sam, wow! your 1 tube can last u for more than 2 pregnancies. lol!

MH, sorry to hear abt that. I can imagine how tired u r. These days when I take the train and it's too crowded, I do get a little dizzy.
But when I was preg last round I always get seat at NE line ..

Sam ya my stomach was really big ..
Actually I am quite worried how it it can get this time cos everything seem to be earlier ... My growing waistline
Morning all MTBs..

Hi Hui Leng, Welcome..
When u went for your scan when u are in 5 wks, u see a bright white spot, or a black dot? That time i went to scan, it's only a bright white spot.. The doc told me, it could be cos I have not much urine, and im still very early in my 5 wks..

Hi Sam, thanks for the link! I have frens also using this clarins.. and feedbacks are gd too.. hehe but i think it's nt cheap ya..
ocean_blue..oops..i tink i didnt write it clearly..hehe..

piggy: i saw a very small black sac..dr chan then asked me to see her 10 days later..which was yesterday..then yesterday can see yolk sac and heartbeat..
Morning MTB!

Hi Zenn Zenn, I will check with my friend before my next visit. I would prefer to deliver at Mount A as it's nearer and more convenient for me.

Hi TrinityMummie, I love metro sale. Clarins have 2 products for stretch marks? Clarins Body Treatment Oil-Tonic & Clarins Stretch Mark Control? Which is the one that have the popular reviews? or both?
Mrs Lui,

Dr Cheng clinic is at bishan.

Welcome hui leng

Anyway, hi all mummies, just to check, I've been chewing medicine that I got from gynae as I hv difficulty swallowing them. Will it affect anything? Sometimes after I took the pills I vomit them out. I'm quite worried if my baby gets the nutrient.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies,
Busy eating breakfast while catching up on the thread here.

Hi Hui Leng, welcome! Good that your scan went so well! Looking forward to mine!</font>
Welcome &amp; congrats Huiling.

Trinity, yes my left is bigger than right. And it is always like that and now more obvious.

I have a dull ache on my right side last night ( don't know if is uterus, is on the bikini line). I am going for scan this afternoon. Hope my little bean is growing well.
Zenn zenn, my left is also bigger than the right but it has always been the case like you
I'm just amazed how much rounder, bigger and fuller they have become. Looks nice too! haha.

Mummypooh, yeah! U must be elated to see the heartbeat
Did doc say how many weeks u r now?

Vanilla, thank you!
Allison, if it's a tablet, maybe u can half or quarter it then take it w ur fav beverage again. Chewing it seems awful. Isn't it?
Wow mummy pooh. So happy for you. Yeah how many weeks are you?

Ocean blue: yeah. I have nv felt so busty in my life. Haha but mine is tender &amp; sore too.
Trinity: I have both clarins products! But I was thinking mayb for now just apply the stretch mark cream first and when my 2nd trimester starts, will start using the oil together with the cream. What do you think?
Zenn, yes, neither have I! haha. I'm also having sore and sensitive boobs. Sometimes, I will forget and lie on my stomach and the 2 best friends hurt!
Morning everyone!

Welcome huiling and grats!

Back to office and feeling so sucky
but on the bright side, almost half the day passed. I'm trying to "source" for a location to rest and take a nap during lunch
Trinity: I think I need to moisture my whole body from head to toe! My fingers and toes suddenly become so dry till the skin tear. My back suddenly become very itchy. Omg, so many problems. Sob sob

Ocean blue: when they are growing, do you feel suffocated and swollen? I feel so suffocated.. Furthermore, been puking for days. Am having heartburn now too
TrinityMummie: there's so many things to take care and I scare I forget. Me quite absent minded.

Is it normal to have sore and sensitive boobs? Mine is only like normal pre menses kind of sore, but not as much any worse. How? Is it normal?

Congrats to the mummies who seen the baby heartbeat! So envy!! I have to wait for 3 weeks for my next scan, so long from now. Hope I will be able to share good news by then with you gals.
trinity, lol! They will be baby's best friends too when they arrive into this world. lol

ggchua, I don't feel suffocated but I do feel breathless after eating. Could be due to bloatedness so stomach fills tight.

Anyone tried using aloe vera as natural moisturiser? I may do that. Cut from aloe pot, cool in fridge and use. Shld be nice
<font color="aa00aa">Shirelle: Talk about napping, I also feel like... Not that I'm tired, just having very dizzy spells. The weather's making me miss my bed.

bb burger: I'm looking forward to my scan too, wanna hear the heartbeats!

Sam: I think what you say about stretchmarks very true! Runs in my family. Some of my friends nothing at all, and they also say their mums don't have! Sobs.</font>
ocean blue: me too! i will start feeling breathless after a few mouth of food. then i will rest for at least half an hour and eat again.

trinity: thanks so much babe!
mtbs: how often is your gynae visit? mine once every week, and after this sat, it will be once every two weeks. does it consider too often? so far i've spent more than $500 on gynae visit man
<font color="aa00aa">ggchua: Yours is really frequent. However if your pregnancy calls for it, then why not. I have a friend who took a long time to be preggie, so after that, she is super cautious and the gynae sees her every fortnight. Mine is like Trinity, once every 4 weeks... then from 36weeks onwards, weekly... something like dat...</font>
Ggchua mine is also once a week for now coz I have thyroid problem. My gynae wanna to check on the growth of the baby weekly to ensure everything is well.
trinity: initially was due to some complication, but this sat my gynae said if the baby is growing well (up to standard size etc), he will see me once every 2 weeks. however,i was thinkin if baby is growing well, i dont find it a must to see him once every 2 weeks leh. cause my friends all see their gynae once a month only. do you think i should request to my gynae to see us once a month if my baby is growin well? cause really very expensive. less than a month, more than $500
Must be very excited while seeing the heartbeat. So looking forward to that moment!

Actually my hubby didn't want to have a kid, but age is catching up for me, so he bo bian. But I salute for his activeness for trying a kid and it was me whom became too stressed after knowing that I can finally start on our baby planning. Now that I am pregnant, my hubby is excited too, guess it's the paternal instincts that starts to kick in. So happy!

I doesn't seem to have symptoms like what most of you have. I just feel normal as what I usually experienced before menses. Only that my tummy is showing a little and waistline expanding (jeans are tighter). I heard the more symptoms (example mummy getting tired) means bb is growing well inside. Made me wonder if my bb is growing well or not. Maybe it's still early for me to have these symptoms?
Ocean blue&amp; zenn zenn,

D gynae said im juz hit 6wks,im also suprised can c d heart beat liao. Bt of coz im v happy!! D gynae gave me some hormone pills coz he saw some blood clots &amp; he asked me gota any cramp or spotting. Which i dun have so take for prevention.
Trinity, I use aloe for everything. lol Even on my dogs. Ive 2 pots of aloe so it's very convenient
I will remember your advice
mummypooh, u r one of the lucky ones to not have to wait too long to detect the heartbeat. Less anxious because no need to wait
When would your next check up be?
<font color="aa00aa">Divein: When you first go, only see sac or can hear heartbeat? Checking cos we go to same gynae. :p

He told me got a lil discrepancy in date... but I thought it's normal cos based on LMP, I'm 6wk2d, but based on size of gestational sac, only 5w+. I went to refer to my 1st pregnancy record, also like dat leh.</font>
Ggchua, I spent about 200 for gynae visit last week and going again next thursday. To check on the growth of the fetus. After that shd be once a month...

Any mtbs working near vivo?
I went ard 6 wks, first to kk luckily dr say can detect heartbeat I Burst out crying lol :p didn't expect I tot will wait till 8 wks ...
Dr fong let me hear the heartbeat
I went to him cos my spotting increase 2 days after kkh .. My size of sac also 6 wks

I think it's diff each preg I rem my first can only see ard near 8 wks
