(2013/04) April 2013

morning everyone!

just had breakfast and feeling like a merlion lol.

macam, that sounds traumatizing
hope the MS period can pass soon.

Maxlene, I feel ya
suddenly feel v short cause can't wear heels. and i'm not tall to start with.

Maxlene: I'm only 1.54! Sure will look like a ball.

Mtbs: anyone has any idea to let baby grow faster? I just went to see my gynae and my doc said baby too small and found a blood clot
Good morning MTBs. I think I am the winner. Coz I m only 152.5cm and I have hit 50kg today. Omg. Round and short. hahaha
Good morning, mummies!

Wow! This thread moves so fast!

Vanilla, thanks for the updated table. Could you please add in my LMP? 12 July. Thanks!
I'm at west coast park and just found out that they've removed the children's playground structure -_-"". Why do they have to take away something the kids enjoy?
Trinity, KKH call centre personnel once told me that the satellite clinic will still refer patients back to KKH for things such as ultrasound scans. Not sure how accurate this is but I got this info last mth. U may want to call their appt line to check.
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="verdana">pinky_j,
Quickly have the number of kids you want while he is still not retired! Heh. Same situation, I suspected mine a bit early. How far along in your pregnancy are you?

Any reason why you ask for duphaston? I'm on this now... thinking should I ask for it if I'm going overseas.

How small is the 'too small'? From what I understand, this stage the size all very small... Did your gynae advise you on anything regarding the blood clot?</font></font>
zenn, have you put on weight so far? I put on 1 kg and gynae said it might be too early to gain weight due to baby urghhh! haha

ggchua, think need to relax and try to eat regularly. did gynae give u any med for the blood clot?
Shirelle, I put on about 6kg after quitting smoking last dec. And then another 3 kg during fertility treatment. Then 1kg after bfp. Hahaha. More to come for me. Next time I roll on the floor is faster that walking. Lol

Ggchua, what did your gynae said about the blood clot and what should u do now? My gynae told me last week that baby is too small to measured heartbeat at 2.1mm. Then yesterday scan it grew to be 8.1mm. So the sizes are still small. So I am wondering what does small meant by your gynae.
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="verdana">Ocean Blue,
Thanks for highlighting! Hmm, I think it may be fine. Saw all my friends who are preggie wore them during like their last tri, etc. I bought it after I gave birth previously. But will take note. Thanks!

Maybe you can ask your gynae about it.
I didn't weigh myself to avoid prenatal depression haha but I have definitely expanded around my waist and hips. In fact I'm wearing my shirts now, zipped but unbuttoned! Hope I rem to check when I stand up later :p
Zenn Zenn: I'm only week 6 and it's bout 4.9mm. Gynae said too small

Shrille &amp; frosted vanilla: gynae didn't give me any med to clear the clot. Only one week mc
he said need to rest if not will bleed again

My gynae also said i have blood clots &amp; he gave me d hormone pills for it.

Tis morning my MS v chiam, felt v bloated &amp; uncomfy in d end merlion.
mummypooh, ^5
try to eat plain/bland stuffs? now i'm v careful with what I eat, especially those with terrible puke taste.

Ling, haha u're so cute. we have a machine at home to weigh my girl (she's quite skinny despite eating alot), so i can't help but weigh myself at times. try wearing dresses, may feel more comfortable...

zenn, thumbs up for quiting smoking
don't worry , think for your height, the weight is acceptable, not over!

ggchua, rest well and don't overstretch yourself ok

I juz had some pi dan porridge, hope i can stomach it.
later going to catch some sleep. My #1 pregnacy nt as xin ku le. Juz hope our MS will go away fast fast!! "crossed finger".
hi all mummies! wow...this thread moves so fast...
my whole working week is terrible lor...still trying to cope with my ms....cope wif my appetite....
till now still waiting for gynae appt at kkh....
Frosted vanilla.. Last Friday was 6 weeks 5 days according to measurement of preg sac since my lmp was on 4th June and my menses are irregular.. So by right next week when i go back for checkup will be 8 weeks and he should be able to find fetus and heartbeat.. If not have to.. So cross fingers!!! My previous one also at 6 weeks plus he couldn't find heartbeat.. Think LO very naughty! Hiding from dr!

Ggchua.. You can try having durians to increase weight of bb.. It works for me at least.. Hehe.. Ended up #1 is heavyweight champion.. =.=
Just realized typo - SHORTS unbuttoned not shirt haha

I just dug out some of my ex-Preggers clothes, need elastic!!!

ON maternity does a nice yoga lounge shorts.
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="verdana">pinky_j,
Hope your scan next week goes well! I think norm for some to only hear heartbeat at 8 weeks! I keep thinking I heard my #1 at 6week, in the end go back check, yuan lai 7week was the checkup. My scan also due next week! Did he give you any med?

Then you guai guai just rest! It will be better! Find things you enjoy and do it. Read magazines, watch dvd, etc.

Yes leh, my #1 soooooo easy. This one everyday feel super bloated, appetite gone haywire, even hubby thinking why my tastebuds swing between extremes, everyday dizzy spells, can't eat a lot, go out can't even walk long cos of dizzy spells. Hoping this will be over soon!</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="verdana">Ladies,
Any of you here experts in organizing sprees or you often ship things in? After Ling talks about ON, I suddenly very gian online shopping. Hahaha.</font></font>
thanks frosted vanilla.. He only give me the usual an tai yao and folic acid.. Which day you going next week? I going on wed morning..

I thinking of buying from asos maternity after my checkup on wed.. Alr bought 2 pants and 1 dress from spring maternity last week at an arm and a leg price.. =.=
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="verdana">pinky,
Is the an tai yao oral medication or a jab? He even mentioned to me you take pill first, I won't gave you a jab this time round yet. I think he jabs more for spotting cases. Haha, I gotta go check, I forgot which day/time I fixed it at. Hee.

I'm surfing asos now too! Spring is expensive... or rather, buying maternity clothes in sg duper ex lah!</font></font>
Hi ladies
Bysi having 50% off, bought 2 shorts ( zip at side) very comfy to wear cos the material slightly stretchy its selling at 19.50 after discount. Maybe you ladies wanna check it out!
I like to see baby clothing online so tempted to buy but too early to do so!
<font color="ff6000">haiz even online shopping becomes so tiring for me... Any other good and cheap reco for maternity clothes online? I didn't buy before I just bought baby doll or bigger size tops the
Last round.. Bt it becomes very short ..</font>
Frosted vanilla.. He gave me oral med for just in case..

Divein, depending your your size, gmarket has a lot of maternity wear from taiwan and Korea.. Can try... Www.mummysecrets.com.sg also have cheap maternity clothes..

Last time round I borrow from my SIL.. But now all return as she is also preggy..
yah...last time i always go to the spree site to see...now doing anything is tiring...and lazy...

btw...anyone gg to the expo fair end aug?
Frosted Vanilla
I'd probably get a few simple basics from ON and GAP when I run out of things to wear :D Knowing that I'm "retiring" after this baby, I'd rather spend on essentials than on maternity clothes... I'd maybe wait for Halloween sale? But worry about the fit when it comes to online shopping! I usually just join SMH spree or FB spreeist.

Another option would be those shops that sell XXXXXXL size hehe!

Dupahston is like an tai yao, 5yr ago, I think my ex-gynae sold me @$35/box. My gynae said I've gotta some blood in the womb, but shouldnt affect bb, but for safety sake, gave me dupahston.
Ya I just realised it's very expensive dupahston my gynae gave me like a week or 2 supply already $30+ *____*€
*faints* we're progressing towards the 8-9 weeks!
have been puking every evening before dinner without fail this week

Hb went out for bbq with friends and I thought I could just relax and do my e-learning and assignments. but my poor girl kept sighing and asking when he will come home. within 1 hour she used my phone to msg him "B says I love you". *FAINTS*
Divein, I heard from another friend who is also seeing him that he is retiring.. I like him though he can be a bit kiasu..
Hi all MTB. My first posting in this thread.

My EDD is 10 apr 2012. Gynae is Dr Yvonne Chan at TMC.
Had a scan today and heard the heartbeat!
But like Ggchua and mummy pooh, I have a small blood clot near the sac. Dr gave me Duphstaon and 1wk bed rest. Hope the clot will heal by my next scan. So worried now.
frosted vanilla: ya, have to rest now cause having spotting now again. every weekend having spotting! haha..

pinky j: i think for me still not the right time yet to eat cause too heaty! have been biting my own tongue recently. my gynae advise me to drink chicken essence though but not too often

Thanks all mtbs for the advise!
Otylia: welcome! try to bed rest and avoid walking... this morning i went to see my gynae and saw the blood clot. went walk walk for less than 2 hours and now i'm having spotting. so better rest!
