(2013/04) April 2013

Tis morning I puke a bit coz empty stomach, tint it's coz by d minty toothpaste. Later I'm going to buy those kiddy toothpaste which I used for my previous pregnancy. Keke

I hate mornings, feeling v miserable. Stomach feel empty, dunno wana to eat. If eat, v bloated! V dilemma rite.? Kaka

Ggchua, I shld be 5wks plus. Dunno wats my EDD, going to c gynae tmr. Maybe I'm used to go massaging once a month. So nw body start making noise!

<font color="aa00aa">Trinity: Good to hear that! And yes, go grab some food!

Allison: Hi! Same EDD! But I should be giving birth earlier... Meaning we may end up being March mummies...

Dizzy spells real bad today. *sulks~</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Kimmy: Haha, I had zero outbreak though my #1 was a boy! In fact, my pregnancy was a bliss! So I think, it's really different for every individual.</font>

We can drink green bean soup? Isn't consider Liang aka cooling for our body? My boy's hair v fine le, if can I also wana to ' pu Yi pu'. Hw abt black beans soup? Gd for hair also?

Tis morning I also have a pimple on my chin!! But my 1st pregnancy I dun have much outbreaks &amp; consider quite radiance.
mummypooh: me too! i used to go malaysia massage once a week.. i can feel my shoulder very stiff and whole back aching. but shall endure till 2nd tri!

kimmy: thanks for the info!!! you seems so pro! lol!

Alison: this is my #1 too
Hi all, I am also new here. I am surprised to see such a long thread!!
I just had my first scan on Tuesday and gynae confirmed that I am 5-6 weeks pregnant. My last period was 30th June and EDD is mid April (am puzzled how come my estimated EDD is later than the rest).
Doc didn't prescribed any med for me, only asked me to increase my dosage of folic acid to 5mg. Is it normal for doc not to prescribe med?
I am going to BKK this weekend and doc gave green light for massage, except that cannot massage stomach. Have some doubts on my doc's advice on massage after reading this thread.
<font color="aa00aa">Welcome bb burger!

Actually most gynaes only give folic acid for the 1st tri if I'm not wrong.

As for massage, my gynae told me to avoid for now too, even jacuzzi...

Take care and enjoy your trip!</font>
BB burger: welcome!!
my last period was on 30th June too. but my EDD is in 1st week april.. which gynae did you went?
Im currently eating prenavit and folic acid med everyday. Heard from mum that the meds must b consume daily diligently as it contains protein n vitamins for baby's growth.

Welcome bb burger!
i'm currently having folic acid duphaston and multico tab. my gynae is those extremely careful kind. he advised me eat light meals etc... cannot even take ginger tea. but i didnt listen la.
welcome all newcomers and congrats! Thread got too long for me to keep track so don't mind me using mass welcome :p

I'm currently taking folic acid 5mg once in the morning once in the night even though my GP said once is good. But because i've hormonal issues, I'm paranoid that 5mg is not enough. Anyway, folic acid is water soluble so it's fine. I'm also taking twice weekly progesterone jab.
<font color="aa00aa">ocean_blue: Jab twice a week... is it very painful? I took a jab for my 1st pregnancy... and my bum feels so sore... got the sng sng feeling. My gynae still say antbite!

ggchua: I'm on the same hormone pill as you too, fow now!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">ggchua: my jab was because I had a case of spotting. Though after scanning, baby is fine and no blood clot whatsoever... but because I carried very heavy things the day before and walked too much...so my gynae gave me a jab to be very safe.</font>

Im also seeing Dr Adrain bt from CCk branch, he was d gynae for my #1 . May i noe wats their operating hrs at compass pt branch? Coz i tint he change his consultation hrs at CCK; different from last time.
good afternoon ladies!
i am lucky not to have any symptoms. however my biggest peeve is that my feet have started to swell already! i expected this because it happened during my first, but didn't expect it to happen so fast! oh, my poor shoes!
that, and my expanding, disappearing waistline....

i luurve massages and have 2 unused vouchers, very tempted to just utilise ... just avoid tummy and front massage, and ask the masseuse to use light strokes. punishing massages are out!
Welcome piggy.

I m feeling uncomfortable, like my legs pulling ( i have the urge stretch and move my legs to ease the uncomfort) cannot relax. And a dull ache at my pelvic and feeling acidic in my stomach. Anyone can advise if there is a cause to worry?

Actually do u realized for #2 pregnancy, d sympthoms tends to show up much earlier &amp; I heard also tat our tummy will also expand v fast in size!

I loves those traditional Tuina, v shiok le!! Keke
Frosted_vanilla, yes, i get sore and sometimes muscle cramps at and around that area for a few days. My hubby administer the jab on me as it is too troublesome and costly to do it at the doc's office.

ggchua, I've hormonal imbalance so doc wants to make sure my progesterone level is kept at an optimum as I suffer fr low progesterone level even before conceiving.
Hi all mummies to be, it's my 1st.. and thanks for the welcome msg from Zenn.. ;) Im at my 5 wks, and I feel my back ache already.. It's like still early, and Im having back aches already..

Oh ya, Ling &amp; Mummypooh, now can do massage?

Welcome welcome!!

Hmm, i dun tint can so massage nw maybe later; i.e 2nd or 3 rd trimester? Im nt v sure also. Better be kuai kuai &amp; dun d risk.
Hi all mummies to be, it's my 1st.. and thanks for the welcome msg from Zenn.. ;) Im at my 5 wks, and I feel my back ache already.. It's like still early, and Im having back aches already..

Oh ya, Ling &amp; Mummypooh, now can do massage?
<font color="aa00aa">Piggy: Thanks, that was my #1 pregnancy. This one I won't need, hopefully! But I've got a 10+kg boy. =P Sometimes inevitable to carry at times.

Ocean blue: You are so brave! But anything for baby's sake ya? Jia you!

Zenn: As long as the ache is not crampy feeling or at uterus area, it should be fine. I get a trigger of gastric-related issues wheneven I'm preg. Better to rest / lie down if you can!

Re: Expanding Waistline
Haha, I tried wearing clothes that can camouflage my bulge/bloat/or whatever you call it.</font>
Vanilla, thanks! I'll do anything to keep this pregnancy. These few days I will suddenly get overwhelmed by fear that baby's not growing inside and all those nasty thoughts. I just can't wait to see the obgyn next sat. A few times this week, I've already thought of bringing the appt nearer but I know it may not be good coz' I'm only 5 weeks and may not be able to detect heartbeat also. Waste money lor.
Thanks All! And welcome Piggy!

ggchua: I went to Dr Woo Bit Hwa @ Thomson Medical -Tiong Bahru coz this is the nearest place to my home.

Any reviews of this doc?

The doc used to deliver at Mount A too, but not for the these 2 yrs as Mount A is under renovation. And he said he missed 2 deliveries coz Mount A carpark is too full. Prefer Mount A than Thomson, but now I don't have a choice.
I think I better don't go for massage in BKK. Better to be safe.
I also didn't have much cravings now and also can feel my jeans and dresses getting tighter.
Frosted.. wow u have got a 10+kg boy ya..how old is he now?

Ocean blue, great that we are both in the same week, so we can share some of our stuffs here.. You gotta jiayou ya! Which gynae you are seeing? In fact , I have seen 2 GP.. One is when i test kit and found im preggie, I went to this GP to verify.. Done the urine test. and Ya im pregnant.. Given folic acid and ferrous glucnate(some mummies say no need to take so early).. After which, I went to another GP just the past monday, to do the ultrasound scan.. OOps think im too kan cheong.. But I just wanna see if I can see a little spot.. Oh ya, i didn't know I need to keep my bladder full for the scan, so the scan can only see a small bright spot.. but cannot see the black dot..(GP says is ok.. cos im only at my early 5wks).. Im going to my 1st appt to my gynae next week.. at TMC with Dr Caroline Khi..
<font color="aa00aa">ocean blue: yup, it may be too early. I think the safest is between 7-8 weeks. take care in the meantime!

piggy: he's turning 2..
yah and maybe with OBGYN's name and hospital to deliver? I don't know what else to put in. Oh, maybe current pregnancy is which order e.g. 1st child, 1nd child, etc.?
Piggy, I'll be seeing my gynae Dr Peter Chew at Glen E next sat (wish time could fly faster as I'm so anxious!) then I will be transferring to NUH to be under the care of Prof Mary Rauff as company benefits only cover RHs.
Hi Bb burger, I stayed around tb area too. I went to dr fong yang at blk 18. Just another option for u. But he at tb on mon &amp; fri, 9am to 5pm with long q sometimes. Tue &amp; thur at paragon. So if u see him at tb first and u want to see him at paragon the next time, they charged a $5 admin fee to bring your medi records over. So best is to stick to one place.
Allison Goh

Great to know u. Dr Watt is under Raffles Women Clinic. As I know there are 2 gynae at raffles' compasspoint branch, Dr Watt is a very patient and nice lady gynae, very long Q too.
<table border=1><tr><td>No.</TD><TD>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Birth Order</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gynae </TD></TR><TR><TD> </td></tr></table>

<font color="aa00aa">This template heading fine? Any other things to include?</font>

hello mummies/mtbs~

wow! this thread is moving so fast! and the topics ar...change like our sg weather. :p

re: morning sickness - haiz..this time mine is worse than #1. 24hr non-stop. i can wake up at 3am to vomit. very sian..

re: pregnancy pillow - during my last tri, i put 3 pillows parallel beneath my back. due to the stretching and opening up of chest area, it was much easier to sleep. thus, i think no need one specially for pregnancy.

re: bf pillow - i think it worked really well for me. mine was babysafe. it was firm enough and i didn't have to rely on my arm strength to support the baby while using another bottle to "hop" the bm from the other side. i bf using football hold. i tried another brand too - mybrestfriend. it didn't work well for me. so maybe u girls can try it out before buying?
