(2013/01) Jan 2013

moonchip: ooh, 4.3 kg also can natural. good good..

gynae said bb is growing well and absorbing well. but will see me next week then see how again.

btw, when will bb be engaged?
moonchip: ooh, 4.3 kg also can natural. good good..

gynae said bb is growing well and absorbing well. but will see me next week then see how again.

btw, when will bb be engaged?
siewz > this is quite subjective, i think. some bbs are engaged as early as 28 weeks, some bbs in 34 weeks.. best is that u check with ur gynae.
<font color="119911">siewz, my col's wife delivered naturally her 4kg girl!

Wow... It has been quite some time since this thread is buzzing with posts on a Friday morning!
Morning all!!

So many posts early in the morning!!

Aspialle: tough tough.. Lucky my parents both still working, don expect much.. I don gve my dad, juz give my mum. Gives her more during festive season like cny, her bdae.. As for in laws.. Hubby gives MiL allowance coz she cooks dinner for us.. Bt onli mon-thurs.. Nowadays onli 3days a wk.. Coz wed she oso no cook liao.. Bt cook oso boring 1 la.. Like vegetarian.. Although they nt vegetarian..

Siewz: wow 3.3kg is big!! My appt next wk will be wk36 too.. Last appt at 33wk was onli 2.3kg. Doubt bb put on much weight, coz had diarrhoea for bout a wk.. no appetite.. As for baby engaged.. Wk36 shd b engaged liao bah i tink.. Coz my last appt i asked gynae.. He said 50% engaged liao.. I oso ard the same size as u.. I'm 1.53m if i nt wrong.. Hehe!!

Cant wait to c bb next wk!! Still on 3weekly visit.. Wonder after next wk's visit will change 2weekly or weekly.. Cannot be 3weekly liao bah..
Re : allowance
Aspialle : I used to give both my parent, but since my dad passed on last yr, i only give my mom now, but has given his share to her. I think 1/3 of the salary is too steep. My mom will always push the $$ back to me when i give her, but she will eventually take. But always use the $$ to buy stuffs eg, birdnest, ginseng or food which me &amp; hubby like to eat and cook for me.
As for my MIL, my hubby gives her but she doesn't take, in fact, she will always bank in $$ into our son's account monthly, she says is for her grandson's education fee. She says she super low maintance cos she doesn't spend much, and FIL has passed away a few yrs ago. And she will buy a lot of gd food for our house as well. We are blessed to have both mummies to be so nice to us. Couldn't ask for more.
moonchip: okie, will check with gynae next week.

littledragongirl: glad to read all the positive notes on bigger bbs been delivered naturally.

julie: hehe, yeah.. but i have been eating that much too. but glad to know that bb is absorbing well.
yours is a gal or boy?
moonchip : ya, totally agreed. We are hoping that MIL can stay with us, tho she stays very closed to us, about less than 10mins drive. We hope to look for a bigger place, so that she can stay will us since she is alone, but she always rejects our offer. Hopefully with #2 coming along and with her staying during my confinement &amp; a few more months till #2 is older, she will be used to it and continue staying on. We have been looking for suitable place near our current vincity as most of her friends &amp; relatives are there, and also our sons' future primary school is there as well. But the price is a bit too high, so still looking
julie and canopy
u all are the lucky ones!

now that i resigned and be SAHM, my dad not happy liao....he hopes that i can return back to workforce soon. Anyway, my parents are "zhong nan qing nu type..."

my grievances....need to steam off

my brother was in credit card debts because he couldn't curb his spending, my dad just dumped his $$ to help him settle part of his debts...my mum hid this from me and wanted me to pay for his part time degree school fees. (that time i stopped work to look after my mum after her operation some more...i paid for all her medical and living expenses plus fetch her to my own home...bathe her, feed her myself daily)

one fine day...my mum actually rebuke me saying that I torture myself <zhi(4)> by following her around when she already has the companion of my brother...which i didn't know that they arranged to meet in the first place...got my brother forgotten abt me and my efforts in taking care of her....

My brother on the other hand, he has a stable job but refused to contribute a single cent when my mum is in hospital. At that time he wasnt in debts yet, i ask him if he wants to contribute to the medical expenses since he told me its his pay day and he is eager to spend his $$$. He took out two gold coin and place on the table...treating me like a begger....despite of that I still paid for his part time degree school fees twice which is abt $3k each time..
I find that i am really stupid lor...(if i dun help him, my parents will pressure me to help too)
canopy > in a way, good that she rejects ur kind offer.. maybe she has her own reason for not doing so? some elders feel more 'secure' to have their own home... so just let her be.
It is very nice of u to invite her to live with u.

aspialle > seems like his unhappiness boils down to $$ issue.. sigh.. is always $$ issues..
sometimes elders have a weird mind. they dont appreciate those who are nice to them, yet cling onto those who treat them like dirt.. sigh..

ops.. canopy, am not referring to ur side.. this is just what i experienced/seen..

argh.. dislike it when ppl zhong nan qing nu..
aspialle : understand your frustration. I am in such situation as well. I pay for all expenses in my mom's place and also all my dad's medical expenses including 2 major ops and staying in icu for more than 1mths. her place is fully paid, both my sis &amp; brother (they are both older than me, my sis is not married but my brother is married but without kid) are working. I am ok with it as after all they are still my family, and i am fortunately to earn more than them. I even give my sis sub card and pay for her spending cos i remembered when i was younger she always buy things for me. I have lost one of my brothers when i was 18. He collapsed &amp; died while running, he was 21yr old when he passed on. So to me, family is very important. I will pay for them if i can afford it.
I dun mind to bear expenses for parents but at times they dun appreciate. At times felt frustrated that my own parents dun spare a tot for me, I have to face them , face my in laws and my brother. Luckily my hubby is my gd support if not i felt I'm facing the battle alone
moonchip : actually, seriously speaking i dont mind staying with my MIL. In fact, we were staying with her &amp; FIL when we 1st got married 4yrs ago. At that time, our house wasn't completed so stayed with them for more than 1yrs. I guess she still have sentiment values towards her house, afterall it is bought by FIL.
going to shop @ Diaso during lunch later on to buy gift wrappers &amp; small greeting cards for xmas. Feel so tired; but have a craving to eat KFC for lunch.
hihi, my gal weighs 2.3kg at wk 35. Doc said good and dun expect a large baby cos of my size. anyone having mood swing? this is my first and i start to feel abit worried. my bb is already engaged and i kinda scare of delivery. hahaha.. anyone feeling tt way?
Full house, think own parents will dote more. My dad always meet his kids when he's in sg, we also make efforts to call n meet up etc. so luckily I still hv my dad ard. He only tell me not to go face to face tough on mil issues.

Mil only will say n wrong action. Faints.......

Allowance... I used to give till stop working. But will still buy things for my dad nw.

Went gynae ytd.... I'm starting weekly vist from nw. next mon scanning to see bb to see size n well being. Gynae worried too big n said might deliver earlier. #2 might be bigger than #1, so I expecting 3.6kg...... As long as in jan, I' m ok.

Need to find my ticker to chk bb movement .... Dunno where is it. Lol

i shared the same tots as u. my next appt is next sat. anxious yet worried abt the delivery but yet cannot wait to see this new member of our family. mood swings.. yes i do have a lot. esp, gotta vent it out to my hubby.

how shld i say.. good and glad to have him ard.. to be always there for me
Was doing some online shopping earlier.. Come back to sooo many posts!! Haha!! Juz realised spent $300 on online shopping in less than 2wks!! Am going to spend another $200+ on pressie fm bb to my ger n i gotta chop my hands after tat. Stop stop stop!! Haha!!

Siewz: was eating well early on, bt recently nt much.. Expecting a ger.. Compared weight of bb and #1 according to weeks and #2 is slightly bigger than #1.. Bt as long as healthy n wait till jan than come out can liao.. Hee!!

Canopy: wah, ur MIL so nice.. Tats y thou alot of monsters in law stories, there are gd ones too.. Been staying at in law place for more than 3yrs already.. This is the time taken for my new place to be built.. Am still waiting.. Haiz... I oso wan KFC!! I now seldom eat fast food already.. Coz my #1 tends to get sick easily after fast food.. Tested n proven.. So i muz secretly eat.. Haha!!

Courgeous81: dont be too stressed out.. Relax and enjoy the holidays for now!! As for delivery, juz take it when it comes.. Haha!! Coz for my 1st, wasnt reli prepared either coz gynae induced bb during a gynae visit a wk b4 edd. So was quite sudden, bt i feel tat as long as u don stress urself u'll be fine! Coz i rem at the waiting area while waiting to be dilated, b4 push to delivery suite when all dilated, i could hear a woman kept moaning n moaning.. Haha!! Somemore i rem nurse say cannot eat anything, tink in case need csec, bt i didnt eat the whole day so was super hungry, end up hubby smuggled a delifrance sandwich up n i secretly gobbled it up.. Haha!! And delivery was smooth.. So don worry too much!!
julie: i see.. ya lor.. as long as bb healthy, that'smost impt..
gynae was also saying boy boy may be bigger. so now will have to wait till next week for any update.
Hi all
Many many posts. Just returned from gynae. At 34 weeks, bb is 1.9kg. Still at 10th percentile

My children were with me and the gynae kept asking why my son is so small. Told him, iya they are all the same.

I see all aging women sama sama. I hope I approach my forties gracefully. Praying really hard. You know it scares me when I see my friends/siblings who are approaching forties turning really bitchy and gossipy. I just pray I can keep my mouth shut when my time comes.

Hormones bah. Im getting headaches every single morning.

That sucks. But take courage that the person who'll walk with you to the end is standing by u...the elderlies will pass on in time, and even the siblings... The laying of coins on table was unwise and uncalled for. Walk away from it. Else we'll all grow old and bitter.
Siewz: u're expecting boy? Mayb tats y.. Norm i c boys all come out bigger.. Bt my fren's boy came out smaller than my ger.. Mayb she ate little during preggy?

Fullhouse: small or big as long as healthy can liao la.. Still rem tat day MiL tell my ger muz eat more than will become fat like her cousin (SIL daughter).. Who is abit plump la.. Bt i find my ger ok leh.. Ger slim slim than gd mah.. Bt mayb like me when young la.. I c all my kiddo pics, the onli fat period is when baby lor.. Toddler years oso no meat 1.. Haha!! Even thou eat alot oso still skinny.. Pple still joke say when i reach 30s all the fats eaten in younger years will all burst out!! Hopefully nt.. Haha!! U c reaching 40s bitchy n gossipy? Me n my pals in our late 20s bt when we have gathering oso like market leh.. Haven 30 like tat liao.. Reach 40 even worse? Haha!!
Full house , my karma. I accepted my parents are like that but can't walk out from my brother cos he keep turning to me to borrow $ every now n then even though he is working and I'm not now... I try to refrain lending him anymore but there are times he needed it for his work, for his company events to run... There are times with a big tummy, I have to rush down after receiving his call just to help him make payment. At times I think I did enough and don't want to bother abt him anymore... Arghh now that my bb and family is more impt, he is older than me shld know how to think , right ? If not I'm not helping him
I shld be 33wks ( end Jan). Just had 3 weeks visit change to 1 week visit now. I very blur coz cant rem. :p


hahahaha! I tot woman no matter young or old gossip. last night saw tv, the lady commented nowadays the characteristic of both F &amp; M are narrow as u see more wishy washy , gossipy , cant make big decision man and more steady women nw.

canopy > not nail biting period for u.. ur mom and MIL are good examples.. they arent bitchy or gossipy, i believe..

so not all ladies are like that. no worries, ok?
women or men, all will gossip. is only the extent to which they do it.
moonchip : my mom is the typical tradition mom, simply loving and do her own stuffs. She will not meddle our stuffs. My mil is pretty educated and liberal, and she always stands up for me rather than her son :p
Aye, it could be just nature I guess. Humans and tongues.

Hugs for you. Maybe if you stood him up for once he'll learn his lessons? Love is not condoning irresponsible behavior.
Meet ups
Anyone gamed? Anyone know of any indoor or outdoor playground with attached cafe and comfortable sofas?? I lost touch with the playground scene (think my children are a little old for that, but they can play independently)"!) so suggestions?

A show of interest?
Fullhouse (with or wo kids), weekdays/afternoons
Fullhouse: the indoor playground at ecp gt cafe 1.. 1 free drink somemore... Bt didnt get to drink tat time when i went coz my ger was still young tat time.. Need to follow her everywhere she go..
Meet ups

Fullhouse (with or wo kids), weekdays/afternoons
Sylvia ( with kid)

the other suggestion will be they go play in indoor playground and we sit in the cafe nearby?
My hubby bought a bar fridge from courts, funny thing is the manual never indicate temperature. There is a knob stating from 1 to 6 ( which 6 is coldest and normal condition to set as 4). Intend to store BM inside but don't know temperature how leh? Use within 24 hrs ? Got freezer compartment separately

Wow aspialle, u specially buy a separate fridge to store breast milk?
Just now, I also went shopping with hubby and we bought Ardo Calpyso breast pump, baby laundry detergent, washing bottle detergents, diaper wipe etc. In less than 2 hour our damages is about $500. I kept an excel spreadsheet on how much we spent on this first baby.
So far gynae checks + baby things already hit $5K. My confinement lady $3.5K + Jamu massage $500+. I think easily can hit $10K before hospital bill.
Hubby said he didn't realized having a baby so many things to buy and so much expenditure... Then I tell him: 'now then you know. U still want three kids!'
