(2013/01) Jan 2013

Averie for no 1 I already did sums, totally around $10 k too, this time round got experience liao, for items which he may not use for more than 3 mths, I try to get pass down items.. Eg bb cot, cos my son slept abt 3 mths, once he flip he dun like cot.. Thus I bought a foam bed with high corner for kids instead.. The bar fridge only cost $79 from courts
more hygiene not to mix BM with other food items

Ya gynae checks are costly! At times $400 per trip if there is scan or tests involved

Was wondering if I wana go for parentcraft class in tmc, who will u recommend? I remembered there is someone that we did mentioned before, but he name slipped off my mind
<font color="119911">sunny, are you due in Jan?
If yes, I think a bit quite late to enrol for the parentcraft classes le...
As for the recommended name in TMC mentioned before, I think should be Mrs Wong B.B?</font>
Mummies who will deliver at TMC:

I have 8 pieces of $3/entry parking coupons to let go. Usual parking charge is $3/hr and with these coupons yr parking fee will be capped at only $3. They are supposed to be valid till 6Jan or some later which I can't confirm since no date stamped. It only mentions valid 6mths from issue.

I'm letting go at $10 for 8pcs or $5 for 4pcs include postage.
PM me if keen.

If u deliver at tmc, they will only give u 1 ticket per day's stay. So if I have family coming to visit who will be staying for longer hours, these coupons can help u save a bit. Or when u still have yr gynea checks at tmc u can use too.
Hi Sunny, I attended Wong boi boi class in Oct. Her classes are very full. You need to ask ur fren to book early a few mth earlier.
Siewz, my friend recently delivered her 4kg baby naturally. At week 39+. Can be done but Also depends on whether ur big size anot. My fren is tall, ard 1.70+. So naturally proportion wise is bigger, hips bigger. Heh. Just go w the flow. Ur gynae will advise accordingly nearer ur edd. Meanwhile u may wanna cut down on carbo n sugar.

LDG, I wonder if ur colleague's wife is the same person as my friend that i mention above. Haha.. My friend just had the full month party last week.

BP, I've taken long haul flights. Try to pump before gg on board, during transit n when u land. On plane, I tried asking for a private area, but dun have. So I pump in the toilet. Usually long haul, I try to pump when everyone is sleeping, so less pple use the toilet. And let the air stewardess know. So they can redirect the passengers to other toilets. So far my experience pumping in SQ planes r quite pleasant. Btw I throw away my breast milk thru my work trips. Coz my transit flight is w another airline which doesn't have clear directives on transporting breast milk.  Dun wan to be caught in awkward situation.

As long as u pump n maintain supply, u can continue to breast feed when ur united with ur baby. Dun worry too much. If u have the will, u will naturally find a way.

wah!!! 4kg naturally &amp; mum is height 1.70+. Ok!! then I wont hv to worry that #2 is huge! LOL!!

But aiyo... so big and the tear will be ...........

shice: hehe, i'm only 1.55.. :p. yeah, will see what doc says at the next visit. actually not taking much sweet stuff.. so probably will have to cut more on carbo.
Finally satisfied my durian cravings!!! Yummy!! May help bb grow bigger too rite? Since i ate quite little for past 2wks.. Shd pump up some stuff for bb.. Hehe!!
<font color="119911">I just ate durian too!
slurp... :D
But at the same time worried that ger-ger might end up too big and have to be delivered earlier...
Aiyo... Contradicting!</font>
Dear all, I got diff even walking at home from bedroom to living room, my legs like can't support my heavy tummy liao. Anyone experience that?
Sylvia, ur baby is above avg now? Ya.. The tear/cut can be quite big too. So best is try to eat moderately, to lessen ur "suffering" later! Haha..

LDG, then it's diff person le. Haha.. But less than 1.6m giving birth to 4kg baby naturally is really a feat!

Siewz, dun worry too much. Hope u can go natural.
less carbo but maybe more on protein like chicken, beef, etc.

Wah.. Durian!! I dun seems to see any nice durians ard. I like Mao Shan Wang. Heh..

Aspialle, I did feel a sudden drop of strength in my legs to support my body. But not so bad that I can't walk properly from living to kitchen. I just experience ard 60% - 70% drop in my walking speed n movement. Now like everything in slow motion. Even my 20months toddler can walk faster than me. Haha..
Still got another 10 more days to go for me. Just finish packing hospital "luggage", except meimei's present to Kor Kor. Which I can't fit inside the luggage. I'm not bringing pump. Want to force myself to latch all the way despite the sore or crack nips. *cross fingers* hopefully lesser this time round. Maybe should repack my trolley into a hand carry bag n bring present separately.

my gynae never tell me how heavy,only when I asked, he will say avg weight. LOL!!

but #1 is above 3+kg, and #2 increase 2kg every 3 wks &amp; a boy, so reckon will be heavier &amp; bigger. tmr gng detail scan, then will know.

Yes, imagine the tear. :p eating moderately N cut down on carbo but still 2kg every 3 weeks.... Sweet stuff only fruits n maybe the leftover cake from #1.
Sylvia, dun worry. I think baby ger or boy should be abt the same weight. that's what my gynae said. further more, my ger (this baby) has been heavier than my boy when compare at same GA. luckily i'm gg c-sec. heh.. 2kg every 3 weeks. hopefully most of it goes to u. it's a happy problem. hahaha..

hahaha!! was hoping all weight go to #2 leh. all give to me, I really hit 8 mark after delivery loh.

Yes, I increase 2kg every 3wks, no matter how I cut carbo &amp; sweet stuff, still the same. chk for diabetic also dun hv. &amp; this round no weekly durian treat too....

Last time #1 800g every 3wks already niam non stop, now worse! LOL!!
The grass is always greener the other side. My bb is small (not that I mind)


I can't eat much! I get indigestion and diarrhoea if I even finish one portion of food

I just did the pre adm booking, and was told I could get some $400-$500 discount with a receipt from the clinic? Have you guys heard of such a thing?

Bb weight,
Hmmm we just hope the little girl will reach 2.5kg at birth. Gynae says if she's full term at 40 weeks, should be around 2.8kg... But our kids have never reached full term! I'll be happy with a 2.5kg petite girl.
Gd morning!
Aspialle, me too, can really feel the tummy weight when I walk even when I've my belly support belt. Nowadays I walk like penguin.

Shice, wow 10 more days! Did u pack any lanolin to moisturise?

Fullhouse, the $450 'discount', might be the part that we can pay using medisave instead of cash.

My apologies for interrupting your disscussions!

I am looking to sell my Medela Freestyle Local Set. It was purchased in May 2012 and still has a good 6 months of local warranty left. I had latched my baby on directly most of the time and therefore the set is hardly used and in an excellent condition. I am willing to let go of the Medela Freestyle at $550. If you are interested, do PM me or contact me on my mobile at 9431-5642. Thanks!

- what's in the box
- warranty card and purchase receipt
Hi give Fullhouse (chipsnchops)! Mine wont hit 3kg even full term one. 2.8kg also dont know have a not.. a lot of ppl worry too big cannot deliver natural.. for me is... at least hit 2kg I very happy liao cos mine begin small and always been small..

Today mark my 36weeks 1day...
Good morning ladies!

Hey cheese, am 1wk behind you, today is my 35wks +1day. Feeling more &amp; more tired, counting down to my annual leave, 8 morw working days after today.

Still have not pack my bag!!!! Arghh.
Our kids can keep each other company! Heybut your boy doesn't look very tiny. So meimei is tinier?

Still can meet up? Heee...

I haven't packed my bag either. Everything in th bb room is still in boxes and bags!
khor khor was 2.56 week 37.
Janelle was coming 2.5kg when she is approaching week 36. So its about the same...
Khor khor now catching up with his peers liao.. small it a bit flimsy when carry.. and I rem his mitten n botties cannot fit him... too loose..

me just shifted the cot up and set up liao. no music already cos khor khor make spoil liao... plain cot...
i haven set up too. my dad refused to let me do or prepare anything until the bb arrives (setting up the baby cot, cupboard etc) ... so ... @fullhouse, you are not the only one with a bb room all in boxes and bags... heehee

i was still telling my hubby that we gotta start packing the hospital bag. just took out our steriliser and pump to check .. and play wif it. anyone of u bringing the pump to the hospital?? i was tinking if the lactation nurse could guide us how to use it.
Woah, many posts these past couple of weeks. Been really busy with work and meetings so catching up on reading...

Think the ECP indoor playground is Polliwogs (near Burger King)?

My colleague delivered naturally her baby ger (4.1kg) after a very long labour! She is tall, but ger is bigger also partly due to her having GD as well.

My boy likes to roll about the cot/bed during his sleep, but he does not seem to hv any breathing prob - is that still considered 'dancing' and having allergies?

Julie, LDG,
I am a fan of durians too, somehow during pregnancy will crave for them. But now I can only eat 1-2 seeds very occasionally due to GD!

hi5^ today marks my 35 weeks + 1 day for me too! I will start leave from 18 Dec, so 6 more working days to go! haha hv not packed my hospital bag too! Also need to set up the cot as well etc.

Suddenly on Sunday, I had very bad water retention, ankles and feet bloated! Also feel tummy suddenly heavier and also harder to walk. Signs of counting down to EDD! So am glad will be starting to be on leave to rest at home!
Fullhouse : can meet up after 21Dec cos that will be my last working day.

Kinda nervous now that bb is coming soon.

MIL so nice, asked my sil's maid to pack my breast pump after hubby told her that SIL has yet to return my freestyle after reminding her 3 times. But in the end, her maid packed the wrong pump! So vexed! Can't get my pump back as i need!!!!! @#$#%$^$%^#

Can't wait for my next checkup next monday.
Think I will get ready the pump and parts etc, but may not bring to hospital. I will try my best to latch on as much as possible. Otherwise, in hospital, they should be able to loan you the hospital grade pump (e.g. medela Lactina). Noted that most hospitals may not sterilise the pump parts for you, so if you bring your own pump, will need to bring sterilizer too.
Hi ladies,

i am in my 36th week... any of you have started to experience bad constipation problem?

any way to soften the bowels? =)
Hi mummies,
Long time since my last post too.
Today marks my 35th weeks too. Will be going for gynae appt tomorrow, last check at 32 weeks BB's was 2.26kg n still haven turn. Hopefully tomorrow check he will be in correct position le else may got to go C sect Liao.

Haven pack anything yet too, think most prob will get BB's wardrobe n hospital bag ready next week. Cot n furniture will need hubby to assemble after that too.

Looking forward to BB's arrival. Excited.
2 weeks have been disappear from this thread, was really busy on house moving. Finally unpacked most of the stuffs, updated my house reno pics in my blog http://pocketpigdiary.wordpress.com/

Last Saturday went to hospital tour in Mount Alvernia, our group was quite lucky and happened to see most of the wards. Some of the family suites really big, but we opt for double-bed room : ) So far all the wards in Mount Alvernia have the personal tv, seems quite ok. Mount Alvernia also provided membership which can have some discount .. quite keen to sign-up for their membership, anyone tried?
Was in 9 months pregnancy now, today just passed my 36 weeks ... saw most of the visitors and their tummy still quite small, wonder I was the biggest one among them :p . There was a lady wearing spaghetti and short mini skirt with long long fake eyelashes, she was so slim and cannot see her tummy .. cannot imagine that she was pregnant. My husband cannot stand with her ..
Wow.. May Fan... u manage to latch bb on directly for most times..

how u manage to do it? i heard from many of my friends that it is diffcult to latch bb on directly etc...

any tips to share? =)
bd: high^5 too! So your EDD is 14Jan as well? Where r u going to be delivered? I am @ TMC, if you're there as well, we might be able to meet.

i will try to latch on as well, but i am worried that i do not know how to use the pump when im back home.

Sighz.. i was sharing with my hubby last nite that i am worried that i might give up breast feeding.

gosh. suddenly overwhelmed with loads of responsibilities in a few weeks time.
This morn maid really make me flare up....first time attempt to let her bring my son for class and its horrible

My son going to holiday class at cc, ask her to bring him there as I got diff walking. Gave her $2 to buy vegetables at ntuc and hand over her hp in case she needs to call me. Told her venue, class, if any problem call me if not go to cc counter and ask.

She went out early and reach before class starts at 9.30am. Came home at 10 am telling me teacher says no such participant, a bag of vege. Asked her why never call me to check, tell me Hp no $... Ask her why never check with cc staff, she says shy.... Ask her she got coin, why never call me, she kept quiet....

In the end I have to go down personally, even when I can't walk properly, reached there only by 10.30 am, where my son is late for one hour for class... If I'm not home I think she will just keep quiet n let him skip class when we had paid for the class...
Bliss: i saw something similar, bt dono issit the same? The 1 i saw was on fb, someone posted the pic of a nanny whom they accused of torturing their toddler. Very very bad bruise on backside n thigh. C liao so poor thing! They reported police already, bt haven charge the nanny yet. Somemore say the nanny ownself gt 4 kids n looking after 5other kids. Horrible!! Cant imagine y they can do this to innocent small kids.

Bdmummy: guess wat? I ate 2 and a half boxes of durians yest!! Haha!! Satisfied my cravings.. Bt doubt will buy anymore liao la.. Later too heaty.. Hehe!! Bt soooo shiok!! U recently than water retention? Tink mine started bout 1-2wks ago.. Feets so swollen, looks so fat!! The other day my fren saw n commented say gonna give birth soon!! Bt i tell bb nono.... Wait till jan..

Sunny: i nt bringing pump to hospital. Will latch on. If u get sore nipples or dono how to latch there will be lactating nurses in the hosp. Still rem for my #1, there was a lactating nurse who came by and asked if i'm ok. Had abit of sore nipple then and she corrected the position n taught me the right way to do it. Helped alot and i bf for 6half mths then (no more supply after tat.. Haha) if u scared dono how to use ur pump u can bring than ask the nurse bt juz latch when in hosp lor. Pump shd b quite idiot proof? if nt shd have manual? If no hav than search online lor..

Pocketpig: mayb the lady was accompanying someone else there?? If nt than she very kiasu.. So fast wanna book bed liao. Haha!!

Pfshi: actualli quite easy to latch bb. As long as u get it right, wont have any sore nipples and bb will b happy. Juz make sure bb mouth coverin the whole thing, dono how to explain leh.. Dono issit called the aveoli? Better if there is the lactatin nurse ard durin ur hosp stay than u ask her.

Today is 36wk 3days.. Looking forward to my gynae visit on wed!!! Like so fast!! I oso haven pack hospital bag!! Oh no!!!
Hi all!!!

Pfshi, can get medication from your gynae for constipation. They will give stool softener. Stop the multivitamins cos heaty.

Re: pump.
Not bringing pump to hospital too. Cos milk supply usually don't kick in till 3rd day? First two days just let baby latch on for stimulation. The nurses usually push baby in every 3 hours? Not a lot of time to pump too.

Using pump is definitely easier than latching on baby. The pump just put on, and pump manually or switch on power.

Latching on still need to make sure baby mouth open big enough.

Must stay positive abt breast feeding. One colleague told me everyone can bf your baby. She did it with just one breast, cos the other one was just leaking too much.

Must have positive thoughts. Milk supply will increase with more latching on by baby. Feed baby at night as well. That really boost supply.

Drink lots of fluid yourself - water, soup, all kinds of fluid.

I have the $400-$500 discount when present clinic receipt as Glen Eagle has this system to deduct gynae's fee which is this $400-500 if package already pay before.

Canopy, I was thinking somewhere where easy access . There is 1 in turf city, MBS, AMK hub ( explorerkidz), Greatworld city ( Amazonia), near UE square , next to DBS Arts Centre - Home of SRT ( Polliwogs), vivo &amp; airport T3 &amp; United square ( singkidz)

MBS one very small, so kids above 3 might be bored soon.

Latching....... for 1st time mum, just relax and prep urself soothing cream as u will be sore nipples. Then patiently work with bb as he/she also 1st time latching. But u will find that with eyes closed, they will still able to find ur nipples.
Dun worry about amt, the more stress will cause less bm.

Correct latching, the chin is stick to ur bottom of ur breast and mouth open 45 deg. Somehow after a while, bb will get it correctly too. practice makes perfect. LOL!!



when leaking still dun bf? coz that mean bm overload, shld be change to the one that leak as it might cause mastitis or block ducts if nt clear properly.
those who will be natural delivery, can ask to latch once u delivered in the delivery room.


I did that for #1 and was surprised when nurse asked me want to latch? I tot they will clean up and bring to room for me, but they said it was up to me. So with eyes still closed, u see a tiny mouth searching to latch.

Something I enjoy and when hub ask me to go c-sect, I told him this is something natural delivery gives. Heard the bonding will be stronger as bb recognise ur body's smell n warmth instantly.
Sylvia: wah, so fast they pass bb to u to latch? Mine they onli put on my chest once delivered to let me c, bt still dirty, so they cleaned her up 1st b4 wrapping her up n put beside me on the bed (still at delivery room). Bt never latch till pushed into ward.

ya... not clean up so latch when putting on my chest to see. then see the hungry tiny mouth latching.

Then when satisfied, then they carry her to clean up.

Still can rem someone slightly open one of her eyes while latching. :p


So sweet. So amazing to see the little one finally. But for my first two, by the time I deliver, I forgot to ask for baby. Already so drained and tired..... This time round, must try and remember....
